path: root/gcc/doc/extend.texi
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/doc/extend.texi')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/doc/extend.texi b/gcc/doc/extend.texi
index 0616074..14b232b 100644
--- a/gcc/doc/extend.texi
+++ b/gcc/doc/extend.texi
@@ -16848,6 +16848,7 @@ unsigned long __builtin_ppc_mftb ();
double __builtin_unpack_ibm128 (__ibm128, int);
__ibm128 __builtin_pack_ibm128 (double, double);
double __builtin_mffs (void);
+double __builtin_mtfsf (const int, double);
void __builtin_mtfsb0 (const int);
void __builtin_mtfsb1 (const int);
void __builtin_set_fpscr_rn (int);
@@ -16863,7 +16864,10 @@ the most significant word on 32-bit environments. The @code{__builtin_mffs}
return the value of the FPSCR register. Note, ISA 3.0 supports the
@code{__builtin_mffsl()} which permits software to read the control and
non-sticky status bits in the FSPCR without the higher latency associated with
-accessing the sticky status bits. The
+accessing the sticky status bits. The @code{__builtin_mtfsf} takes a constant
+8-bit integer field mask and a double precision floating point argument
+and generates the @code{mtfsf} (extended mnemonic) instruction to write new
+values to selected fields of the FPSCR. The
@code{__builtin_mtfsb0} and @code{__builtin_mtfsb1} take the bit to change
as an argument. The valid bit range is between 0 and 31. The builtins map to
the @code{mtfsb0} and @code{mtfsb1} instructions which take the argument and