path: root/gcc/ada/treeprs.ads
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/treeprs.ads')
1 files changed, 795 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/treeprs.ads b/gcc/ada/treeprs.ads
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1afdb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/treeprs.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- T R E E P R S --
+-- --
+-- S p e c --
+-- --
+-- Generated by xtreeprs revision 1.31 using --
+-- sinfo.ads revision 1.430 --
+-- treeprs.adt revision 1.17 --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). --
+-- --
+-- This package contains the declaration of the string used by the Tree_Print
+-- package. It must be updated whenever the arrangements of the field names
+-- in package Sinfo is changed. The utility program XTREEPRS is used to
+-- do this update correctly using the template treeprs.adt as input.
+with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
+package Treeprs is
+ --------------------------------
+ -- String Data for Node Print --
+ --------------------------------
+ -- String data for print out. The Pchars array is a long string with the
+ -- the entry for each node type consisting of a single blank, followed by
+ -- a series of entries, one for each Op or Flag field used for the node.
+ -- Each entry has a single character which identifies the field, followed
+ -- by the synonym name. The starting location for a given node type is
+ -- found from the corresponding entry in the Pchars_Pos_Array.
+ -- The following characters identify the field. These are characters
+ -- which could never occur in a field name, so they also mark the
+ -- end of the previous name.
+ subtype Fchar is Character range '#' .. '9';
+ F_Field1 : constant Fchar := '#'; -- Character'Val (16#23#)
+ F_Field2 : constant Fchar := '$'; -- Character'Val (16#24#)
+ F_Field3 : constant Fchar := '%'; -- Character'Val (16#25#)
+ F_Field4 : constant Fchar := '&'; -- Character'Val (16#26#)
+ F_Field5 : constant Fchar := '''; -- Character'Val (16#27#)
+ F_Flag1 : constant Fchar := '('; -- Character'Val (16#28#)
+ F_Flag2 : constant Fchar := ')'; -- Character'Val (16#29#)
+ F_Flag3 : constant Fchar := '*'; -- Character'Val (16#2A#)
+ F_Flag4 : constant Fchar := '+'; -- Character'Val (16#2B#)
+ F_Flag5 : constant Fchar := ','; -- Character'Val (16#2C#)
+ F_Flag6 : constant Fchar := '-'; -- Character'Val (16#2D#)
+ F_Flag7 : constant Fchar := '.'; -- Character'Val (16#2E#)
+ F_Flag8 : constant Fchar := '/'; -- Character'Val (16#2F#)
+ F_Flag9 : constant Fchar := '0'; -- Character'Val (16#30#)
+ F_Flag10 : constant Fchar := '1'; -- Character'Val (16#31#)
+ F_Flag11 : constant Fchar := '2'; -- Character'Val (16#32#)
+ F_Flag12 : constant Fchar := '3'; -- Character'Val (16#33#)
+ F_Flag13 : constant Fchar := '4'; -- Character'Val (16#34#)
+ F_Flag14 : constant Fchar := '5'; -- Character'Val (16#35#)
+ F_Flag15 : constant Fchar := '6'; -- Character'Val (16#36#)
+ F_Flag16 : constant Fchar := '7'; -- Character'Val (16#37#)
+ F_Flag17 : constant Fchar := '8'; -- Character'Val (16#38#)
+ F_Flag18 : constant Fchar := '9'; -- Character'Val (16#39#)
+ -- Note this table does not include entity field and flags whose access
+ -- functions are in Einfo (these are handled by the Print_Entity_Info
+ -- procedure in Treepr, which uses the routines in Einfo to get the
+ -- proper symbolic information). In addition, the following fields are
+ -- handled by Treepr, and do not appear in the Pchars array:
+ -- Analyzed
+ -- Cannot_Be_Constant
+ -- Chars
+ -- Comes_From_Source
+ -- Error_Posted
+ -- Etype
+ -- Is_Controlling_Actual
+ -- Is_Overloaded
+ -- Is_Static_Expression
+ -- Left_Opnd
+ -- Must_Check_Expr
+ -- Must_Not_Freeze
+ -- No_Overflow_Expr
+ -- Paren_Count
+ -- Raises_Constraint_Error
+ -- Right_Opnd
+ Pchars : constant String :=
+ -- Unused_At_Start
+ "" &
+ -- At_Clause
+ "#Identifier%Expression" &
+ -- Component_Clause
+ "#Component_Name$Position%First_Bit&Last_Bit" &
+ -- Enumeration_Representation_Clause
+ "#Identifier%Array_Aggregate&Next_Rep_Item" &
+ -- Mod_Clause
+ "%Expression&Pragmas_Before" &
+ -- Record_Representation_Clause
+ "#Identifier$Mod_Clause%Component_Clauses&Next_Rep_Item" &
+ -- Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ "$Name%Expression&Next_Rep_Item+From_At_Mod" &
+ -- Empty
+ "" &
+ -- Error
+ "" &
+ -- Pragma
+ "$Pragma_Argument_Associations%Debug_Statement&Next_Rep_Item" &
+ -- Pragma_Argument_Association
+ "%Expression" &
+ -- Defining_Character_Literal
+ "$Next_Entity%Scope" &
+ -- Defining_Identifier
+ "$Next_Entity%Scope" &
+ -- Defining_Operator_Symbol
+ "$Next_Entity%Scope" &
+ -- Expanded_Name
+ "%Prefix$Selector_Name&Entity4Redundant_Use2Has_Private_View" &
+ -- Identifier
+ "&Entity$Original_Discriminant4Redundant_Use2Has_Private_View" &
+ -- Operator_Symbol
+ "%Strval&Entity2Has_Private_View" &
+ -- Character_Literal
+ "$Char_Literal_Value&Entity2Has_Private_View" &
+ -- Op_Add
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Concat
+ "4Is_Component_Left_Opnd5Is_Component_Right_Opnd" &
+ -- Op_Divide
+ "5Treat_Fixed_As_Integer4Do_Division_Check9Rounded_Result" &
+ -- Op_Expon
+ "4Is_Power_Of_2_For_Shift" &
+ -- Op_Mod
+ "5Treat_Fixed_As_Integer4Do_Division_Check" &
+ -- Op_Multiply
+ "5Treat_Fixed_As_Integer9Rounded_Result" &
+ -- Op_Rem
+ "5Treat_Fixed_As_Integer4Do_Division_Check" &
+ -- Op_Subtract
+ "" &
+ -- Op_And
+ "+Do_Length_Check" &
+ -- Op_Eq
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Ge
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Gt
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Le
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Lt
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Ne
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Or
+ "+Do_Length_Check" &
+ -- Op_Xor
+ "+Do_Length_Check" &
+ -- Op_Rotate_Left
+ "+Shift_Count_OK" &
+ -- Op_Rotate_Right
+ "+Shift_Count_OK" &
+ -- Op_Shift_Left
+ "+Shift_Count_OK" &
+ -- Op_Shift_Right
+ "+Shift_Count_OK" &
+ -- Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic
+ "+Shift_Count_OK" &
+ -- Op_Abs
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Minus
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Not
+ "" &
+ -- Op_Plus
+ "" &
+ -- Attribute_Reference
+ "%Prefix$Attribute_Name#Expressions&Entity2Do_Access_Check8Do_Overflow" &
+ "_Check4Redundant_Use+OK_For_Stream" &
+ -- And_Then
+ "#Actions" &
+ -- Conditional_Expression
+ "#Expressions$Then_Actions%Else_Actions" &
+ -- Explicit_Dereference
+ "%Prefix2Do_Access_Check" &
+ -- Function_Call
+ "$Name%Parameter_Associations&First_Named_Actual#Controlling_Argument4" &
+ "Do_Tag_Check8Parameter_List_Truncated9ABE_Is_Certain" &
+ -- In
+ "" &
+ -- Indexed_Component
+ "%Prefix#Expressions2Do_Access_Check" &
+ -- Integer_Literal
+ "%Intval4Print_In_Hex" &
+ -- Not_In
+ "" &
+ -- Null
+ "" &
+ -- Or_Else
+ "#Actions" &
+ -- Procedure_Call_Statement
+ "$Name%Parameter_Associations&First_Named_Actual#Controlling_Argument4" &
+ "Do_Tag_Check8Parameter_List_Truncated9ABE_Is_Certain" &
+ -- Qualified_Expression
+ "&Subtype_Mark%Expression" &
+ -- Raise_Constraint_Error
+ "#Condition" &
+ -- Raise_Program_Error
+ "#Condition" &
+ -- Raise_Storage_Error
+ "#Condition" &
+ -- Aggregate
+ "#Expressions$Component_Associations8Null_Record_Present%Aggregate_Bou" &
+ "nds+Static_Processing_OK9Compile_Time_Known_Aggregate2Expansion_De" &
+ "layed" &
+ -- Allocator
+ "%Expression#Storage_Pool&Procedure_To_Call4No_Initialization8Do_Stora" &
+ "ge_Check" &
+ -- Extension_Aggregate
+ "%Ancestor_Part#Expressions$Component_Associations8Null_Record_Present" &
+ "2Expansion_Delayed" &
+ -- Range
+ "#Low_Bound$High_Bound2Includes_Infinities" &
+ -- Real_Literal
+ "%Realval&Corresponding_Integer_Value2Is_Machine_Number" &
+ -- Reference
+ "%Prefix" &
+ -- Selected_Component
+ "%Prefix$Selector_Name2Do_Access_Check4Do_Discriminant_Check" &
+ -- Slice
+ "%Prefix&Discrete_Range2Do_Access_Check" &
+ -- String_Literal
+ "%Strval2Has_Wide_Character" &
+ -- Subprogram_Info
+ "#Identifier" &
+ -- Type_Conversion
+ "&Subtype_Mark%Expression8Do_Overflow_Check4Do_Tag_Check+Do_Length_Che" &
+ "ck2Float_Truncate9Rounded_Result5Conversion_OK" &
+ -- Unchecked_Expression
+ "%Expression" &
+ -- Unchecked_Type_Conversion
+ "&Subtype_Mark%Expression2Kill_Range_Check" &
+ -- Subtype_Indication
+ "&Subtype_Mark%Constraint/Must_Not_Freeze" &
+ -- Component_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier+Aliased_Present'Subtype_Indication%Expression,Mo" &
+ "re_Ids-Prev_Ids" &
+ -- Entry_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Discrete_Subtype_Definition%Parameter_Specificat" &
+ "ions" &
+ -- Formal_Object_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier6In_Present8Out_Present&Subtype_Mark%Expression,M" &
+ "ore_Ids-Prev_Ids" &
+ -- Formal_Type_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier%Formal_Type_Definition&Discriminant_Specificatio" &
+ "ns4Unknown_Discriminants_Present" &
+ -- Full_Type_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Discriminant_Specifications%Type_Definition2Disc" &
+ "r_Check_Funcs_Built" &
+ -- Incomplete_Type_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Discriminant_Specifications4Unknown_Discriminant" &
+ "s_Present" &
+ -- Loop_Parameter_Specification
+ "#Defining_Identifier6Reverse_Present&Discrete_Subtype_Definition" &
+ -- Object_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier+Aliased_Present8Constant_Present&Object_Definiti" &
+ "on%Expression$Handler_List_Entry'Corresponding_Generic_Association" &
+ ",More_Ids-Prev_Ids4No_Initialization6Assignment_OK2Exception_Junk5" &
+ "Delay_Finalize_Attach7Is_Subprogram_Descriptor" &
+ -- Protected_Type_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Discriminant_Specifications%Protected_Definition" &
+ "'Corresponding_Body" &
+ -- Private_Extension_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Discriminant_Specifications4Unknown_Discriminant" &
+ "s_Present+Abstract_Present'Subtype_Indication" &
+ -- Private_Type_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Discriminant_Specifications4Unknown_Discriminant" &
+ "s_Present+Abstract_Present6Tagged_Present8Limited_Present" &
+ -- Subtype_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier'Subtype_Indication&Generic_Parent_Type2Exception" &
+ "_Junk" &
+ -- Function_Specification
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Elaboration_Boolean%Parameter_Specifications&Subt" &
+ "ype_Mark'Generic_Parent" &
+ -- Procedure_Specification
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Elaboration_Boolean%Parameter_Specifications'Gene" &
+ "ric_Parent" &
+ -- Entry_Index_Specification
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Discrete_Subtype_Definition" &
+ -- Freeze_Entity
+ "&Entity$Access_Types_To_Process%TSS_Elist#Actions'First_Subtype_Link" &
+ -- Access_Function_Definition
+ "6Protected_Present%Parameter_Specifications&Subtype_Mark" &
+ -- Access_Procedure_Definition
+ "6Protected_Present%Parameter_Specifications" &
+ -- Task_Type_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier$Task_Body_Procedure&Discriminant_Specifications%" &
+ "Task_Definition'Corresponding_Body" &
+ -- Package_Body_Stub
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Library_Unit'Corresponding_Body" &
+ -- Protected_Body_Stub
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Library_Unit'Corresponding_Body" &
+ -- Subprogram_Body_Stub
+ "#Specification&Library_Unit'Corresponding_Body" &
+ -- Task_Body_Stub
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Library_Unit'Corresponding_Body" &
+ -- Function_Instantiation
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Name%Generic_Associations&Parent_Spec'Instance_Sp" &
+ "ec9ABE_Is_Certain" &
+ -- Package_Instantiation
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Name%Generic_Associations&Parent_Spec'Instance_Sp" &
+ "ec9ABE_Is_Certain" &
+ -- Procedure_Instantiation
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Name&Parent_Spec%Generic_Associations'Instance_Sp" &
+ "ec9ABE_Is_Certain" &
+ -- Package_Body
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Declarations&Handled_Statement_Sequence'Correspon" &
+ "ding_Spec4Was_Originally_Stub" &
+ -- Subprogram_Body
+ "#Specification$Declarations&Handled_Statement_Sequence%Activation_Cha" &
+ "in_Entity'Corresponding_Spec+Acts_As_Spec6Bad_Is_Detected8Do_Stora" &
+ "ge_Check-Has_Priority_Pragma.Is_Protected_Subprogram_Body,Is_Task_" &
+ "Master4Was_Originally_Stub" &
+ -- Protected_Body
+ "#Defining_Identifier$Declarations&End_Label'Corresponding_Spec4Was_Or" &
+ "iginally_Stub" &
+ -- Task_Body
+ "#Defining_Identifier$Declarations&Handled_Statement_Sequence,Is_Task_" &
+ "Master%Activation_Chain_Entity'Corresponding_Spec4Was_Originally_S" &
+ "tub" &
+ -- Implicit_Label_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier$Label_Construct" &
+ -- Package_Declaration
+ "#Specification'Corresponding_Body&Parent_Spec%Activation_Chain_Entity" &
+ -- Single_Task_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier%Task_Definition" &
+ -- Subprogram_Declaration
+ "#Specification%Body_To_Inline'Corresponding_Body&Parent_Spec" &
+ -- Use_Package_Clause
+ "$Names%Next_Use_Clause&Hidden_By_Use_Clause" &
+ -- Generic_Package_Declaration
+ "#Specification'Corresponding_Body$Generic_Formal_Declarations&Parent_" &
+ "Spec%Activation_Chain_Entity" &
+ -- Generic_Subprogram_Declaration
+ "#Specification'Corresponding_Body$Generic_Formal_Declarations&Parent_" &
+ "Spec" &
+ -- Constrained_Array_Definition
+ "$Discrete_Subtype_Definitions+Aliased_Present'Subtype_Indication" &
+ -- Unconstrained_Array_Definition
+ "$Subtype_Marks+Aliased_Present'Subtype_Indication" &
+ -- Exception_Renaming_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier$Name" &
+ -- Object_Renaming_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier&Subtype_Mark$Name'Corresponding_Generic_Associat" &
+ "ion" &
+ -- Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Name&Parent_Spec" &
+ -- Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+ "#Specification$Name&Parent_Spec'Corresponding_Spec" &
+ -- Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Name&Parent_Spec" &
+ -- Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Name&Parent_Spec" &
+ -- Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Name&Parent_Spec" &
+ -- Abort_Statement
+ "$Names" &
+ -- Accept_Statement
+ "#Entry_Direct_Name'Entry_Index%Parameter_Specifications&Handled_State" &
+ "ment_Sequence$Declarations" &
+ -- Assignment_Statement
+ "$Name%Expression4Do_Tag_Check+Do_Length_Check,Forwards_OK-Backwards_O" &
+ "K.No_Ctrl_Actions" &
+ -- Asynchronous_Select
+ "#Triggering_Alternative$Abortable_Part" &
+ -- Block_Statement
+ "#Identifier$Declarations&Handled_Statement_Sequence,Is_Task_Master%Ac" &
+ "tivation_Chain_Entity6Has_Created_Identifier-Is_Task_Allocation_Bl" &
+ "ock.Is_Asynchronous_Call_Block" &
+ -- Case_Statement
+ "%Expression&Alternatives'End_Span" &
+ -- Code_Statement
+ "%Expression" &
+ -- Conditional_Entry_Call
+ "#Entry_Call_Alternative&Else_Statements" &
+ -- Delay_Relative_Statement
+ "%Expression" &
+ -- Delay_Until_Statement
+ "%Expression" &
+ -- Entry_Call_Statement
+ "$Name%Parameter_Associations&First_Named_Actual" &
+ -- Free_Statement
+ "%Expression#Storage_Pool&Procedure_To_Call" &
+ -- Goto_Statement
+ "$Name2Exception_Junk" &
+ -- Loop_Statement
+ "#Identifier$Iteration_Scheme%Statements&End_Label6Has_Created_Identif" &
+ "ier" &
+ -- Null_Statement
+ "" &
+ -- Raise_Statement
+ "$Name" &
+ -- Requeue_Statement
+ "$Name6Abort_Present" &
+ -- Return_Statement
+ "%Expression#Storage_Pool&Procedure_To_Call4Do_Tag_Check$Return_Type,B" &
+ "y_Ref" &
+ -- Selective_Accept
+ "#Select_Alternatives&Else_Statements" &
+ -- Timed_Entry_Call
+ "#Entry_Call_Alternative&Delay_Alternative" &
+ -- Exit_Statement
+ "$Name#Condition" &
+ -- If_Statement
+ "#Condition$Then_Statements%Elsif_Parts&Else_Statements'End_Span" &
+ -- Accept_Alternative
+ "$Accept_Statement#Condition%Statements&Pragmas_Before'Accept_Handler_" &
+ "Records" &
+ -- Delay_Alternative
+ "$Delay_Statement#Condition%Statements&Pragmas_Before" &
+ -- Elsif_Part
+ "#Condition$Then_Statements%Condition_Actions" &
+ -- Entry_Body_Formal_Part
+ "&Entry_Index_Specification%Parameter_Specifications#Condition" &
+ -- Iteration_Scheme
+ "#Condition%Condition_Actions&Loop_Parameter_Specification" &
+ -- Terminate_Alternative
+ "#Condition&Pragmas_Before'Pragmas_After" &
+ -- Abortable_Part
+ "%Statements" &
+ -- Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration
+ "#Specification" &
+ -- Access_Definition
+ "&Subtype_Mark" &
+ -- Access_To_Object_Definition
+ "6All_Present'Subtype_Indication8Constant_Present" &
+ -- Case_Statement_Alternative
+ "&Discrete_Choices%Statements" &
+ -- Compilation_Unit
+ "&Library_Unit#Context_Items6Private_Present$Unit'Aux_Decls_Node8Has_N" &
+ "o_Elaboration_Code4Body_Required+Acts_As_Spec%First_Inlined_Subpro" &
+ "gram" &
+ -- Compilation_Unit_Aux
+ "$Declarations#Actions'Pragmas_After" &
+ -- Component_Association
+ "#Choices$Loop_Actions%Expression" &
+ -- Component_List
+ "%Component_Items&Variant_Part4Null_Present" &
+ -- Derived_Type_Definition
+ "+Abstract_Present'Subtype_Indication%Record_Extension_Part" &
+ -- Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ "%Delta_Expression$Digits_Expression&Real_Range_Specification" &
+ -- Defining_Program_Unit_Name
+ "$Name#Defining_Identifier" &
+ -- Delta_Constraint
+ "%Delta_Expression&Range_Constraint" &
+ -- Designator
+ "$Name#Identifier" &
+ -- Digits_Constraint
+ "$Digits_Expression&Range_Constraint" &
+ -- Discriminant_Association
+ "#Selector_Names%Expression" &
+ -- Discriminant_Specification
+ "#Defining_Identifier'Discriminant_Type%Expression,More_Ids-Prev_Ids" &
+ -- Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ "#Literals" &
+ -- Entry_Body
+ "#Defining_Identifier'Entry_Body_Formal_Part$Declarations&Handled_Stat" &
+ "ement_Sequence%Activation_Chain_Entity" &
+ -- Entry_Call_Alternative
+ "#Entry_Call_Statement%Statements&Pragmas_Before" &
+ -- Exception_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier%Expression,More_Ids-Prev_Ids" &
+ -- Exception_Handler
+ "$Choice_Parameter&Exception_Choices%Statements,Zero_Cost_Handling" &
+ -- Floating_Point_Definition
+ "$Digits_Expression&Real_Range_Specification" &
+ -- Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ "" &
+ -- Formal_Derived_Type_Definition
+ "&Subtype_Mark6Private_Present+Abstract_Present" &
+ -- Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition
+ "" &
+ -- Formal_Floating_Point_Definition
+ "" &
+ -- Formal_Modular_Type_Definition
+ "" &
+ -- Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ "" &
+ -- Formal_Package_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier$Name%Generic_Associations6Box_Present'Instance_S" &
+ "pec9ABE_Is_Certain" &
+ -- Formal_Private_Type_Definition
+ "+Abstract_Present6Tagged_Present8Limited_Present" &
+ -- Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition
+ "" &
+ -- Formal_Subprogram_Declaration
+ "#Specification$Default_Name6Box_Present" &
+ -- Generic_Association
+ "$Selector_Name#Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter" &
+ -- Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements
+ "%Statements&End_Label'Exception_Handlers#At_End_Proc$First_Real_State" &
+ "ment,Zero_Cost_Handling" &
+ -- Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint
+ "#Constraints" &
+ -- Itype_Reference
+ "#Itype" &
+ -- Label
+ "#Identifier2Exception_Junk" &
+ -- Modular_Type_Definition
+ "%Expression" &
+ -- Number_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier%Expression,More_Ids-Prev_Ids" &
+ -- Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition
+ "%Delta_Expression&Real_Range_Specification" &
+ -- Others_Choice
+ "#Others_Discrete_Choices2All_Others" &
+ -- Package_Specification
+ "#Defining_Unit_Name$Visible_Declarations%Private_Declarations&End_Lab" &
+ "el'Generic_Parent" &
+ -- Parameter_Association
+ "$Selector_Name%Explicit_Actual_Parameter&Next_Named_Actual" &
+ -- Parameter_Specification
+ "#Defining_Identifier6In_Present8Out_Present$Parameter_Type%Expression" &
+ "4Do_Accessibility_Check,More_Ids-Prev_Ids'Default_Expression" &
+ -- Protected_Definition
+ "$Visible_Declarations%Private_Declarations&End_Label-Has_Priority_Pra" &
+ "gma" &
+ -- Range_Constraint
+ "&Range_Expression" &
+ -- Real_Range_Specification
+ "#Low_Bound$High_Bound" &
+ -- Record_Definition
+ "&End_Label+Abstract_Present6Tagged_Present8Limited_Present#Component_" &
+ "List4Null_Present" &
+ -- Signed_Integer_Type_Definition
+ "#Low_Bound$High_Bound" &
+ -- Single_Protected_Declaration
+ "#Defining_Identifier%Protected_Definition" &
+ -- Subunit
+ "$Name#Proper_Body%Corresponding_Stub" &
+ -- Task_Definition
+ "$Visible_Declarations%Private_Declarations&End_Label-Has_Priority_Pra" &
+ "gma,Has_Storage_Size_Pragma.Has_Task_Info_Pragma/Has_Task_Name_Pra" &
+ "gma" &
+ -- Triggering_Alternative
+ "#Triggering_Statement%Statements&Pragmas_Before" &
+ -- Use_Type_Clause
+ "$Subtype_Marks%Next_Use_Clause&Hidden_By_Use_Clause" &
+ -- Validate_Unchecked_Conversion
+ "#Source_Type$Target_Type" &
+ -- Variant
+ "&Discrete_Choices#Component_List$Enclosing_Variant%Present_Expr'Dchec" &
+ "k_Function" &
+ -- Variant_Part
+ "$Name#Variants" &
+ -- With_Clause
+ "$Name&Library_Unit'Corresponding_Spec,First_Name-Last_Name4Context_In" &
+ "stalled+Elaborate_Present6Elaborate_All_Present8Implicit_With.Unre" &
+ "ferenced_In_Spec/No_Entities_Ref_In_Spec" &
+ -- With_Type_Clause
+ "$Name6Tagged_Present" &
+ -- Unused_At_End
+ "";
+ type Pchar_Pos_Array is array (Node_Kind) of Positive;
+ Pchar_Pos : constant Pchar_Pos_Array := Pchar_Pos_Array'(
+ N_Unused_At_Start => 1,
+ N_At_Clause => 1,
+ N_Component_Clause => 23,
+ N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause => 66,
+ N_Mod_Clause => 107,
+ N_Record_Representation_Clause => 133,
+ N_Attribute_Definition_Clause => 187,
+ N_Empty => 229,
+ N_Error => 229,
+ N_Pragma => 229,
+ N_Pragma_Argument_Association => 288,
+ N_Defining_Character_Literal => 299,
+ N_Defining_Identifier => 317,
+ N_Defining_Operator_Symbol => 335,
+ N_Expanded_Name => 353,
+ N_Identifier => 412,
+ N_Operator_Symbol => 472,
+ N_Character_Literal => 503,
+ N_Op_Add => 546,
+ N_Op_Concat => 546,
+ N_Op_Divide => 593,
+ N_Op_Expon => 649,
+ N_Op_Mod => 673,
+ N_Op_Multiply => 714,
+ N_Op_Rem => 752,
+ N_Op_Subtract => 793,
+ N_Op_And => 793,
+ N_Op_Eq => 809,
+ N_Op_Ge => 809,
+ N_Op_Gt => 809,
+ N_Op_Le => 809,
+ N_Op_Lt => 809,
+ N_Op_Ne => 809,
+ N_Op_Or => 809,
+ N_Op_Xor => 825,
+ N_Op_Rotate_Left => 841,
+ N_Op_Rotate_Right => 856,
+ N_Op_Shift_Left => 871,
+ N_Op_Shift_Right => 886,
+ N_Op_Shift_Right_Arithmetic => 901,
+ N_Op_Abs => 916,
+ N_Op_Minus => 916,
+ N_Op_Not => 916,
+ N_Op_Plus => 916,
+ N_Attribute_Reference => 916,
+ N_And_Then => 1019,
+ N_Conditional_Expression => 1027,
+ N_Explicit_Dereference => 1065,
+ N_Function_Call => 1088,
+ N_In => 1209,
+ N_Indexed_Component => 1209,
+ N_Integer_Literal => 1244,
+ N_Not_In => 1264,
+ N_Null => 1264,
+ N_Or_Else => 1264,
+ N_Procedure_Call_Statement => 1272,
+ N_Qualified_Expression => 1393,
+ N_Raise_Constraint_Error => 1417,
+ N_Raise_Program_Error => 1427,
+ N_Raise_Storage_Error => 1437,
+ N_Aggregate => 1447,
+ N_Allocator => 1587,
+ N_Extension_Aggregate => 1664,
+ N_Range => 1751,
+ N_Real_Literal => 1792,
+ N_Reference => 1846,
+ N_Selected_Component => 1853,
+ N_Slice => 1912,
+ N_String_Literal => 1950,
+ N_Subprogram_Info => 1976,
+ N_Type_Conversion => 1987,
+ N_Unchecked_Expression => 2102,
+ N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion => 2113,
+ N_Subtype_Indication => 2154,
+ N_Component_Declaration => 2194,
+ N_Entry_Declaration => 2278,
+ N_Formal_Object_Declaration => 2351,
+ N_Formal_Type_Declaration => 2436,
+ N_Full_Type_Declaration => 2537,
+ N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration => 2625,
+ N_Loop_Parameter_Specification => 2703,
+ N_Object_Declaration => 2767,
+ N_Protected_Type_Declaration => 3014,
+ N_Private_Extension_Declaration => 3102,
+ N_Private_Type_Declaration => 3216,
+ N_Subtype_Declaration => 3342,
+ N_Function_Specification => 3416,
+ N_Procedure_Specification => 3508,
+ N_Entry_Index_Specification => 3587,
+ N_Freeze_Entity => 3635,
+ N_Access_Function_Definition => 3703,
+ N_Access_Procedure_Definition => 3759,
+ N_Task_Type_Declaration => 3802,
+ N_Package_Body_Stub => 3905,
+ N_Protected_Body_Stub => 3957,
+ N_Subprogram_Body_Stub => 4009,
+ N_Task_Body_Stub => 4055,
+ N_Function_Instantiation => 4107,
+ N_Package_Instantiation => 4193,
+ N_Procedure_Instantiation => 4279,
+ N_Package_Body => 4365,
+ N_Subprogram_Body => 4463,
+ N_Protected_Body => 4690,
+ N_Task_Body => 4772,
+ N_Implicit_Label_Declaration => 4910,
+ N_Package_Declaration => 4946,
+ N_Single_Task_Declaration => 5015,
+ N_Subprogram_Declaration => 5051,
+ N_Use_Package_Clause => 5111,
+ N_Generic_Package_Declaration => 5154,
+ N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration => 5251,
+ N_Constrained_Array_Definition => 5324,
+ N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition => 5388,
+ N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration => 5437,
+ N_Object_Renaming_Declaration => 5462,
+ N_Package_Renaming_Declaration => 5534,
+ N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration => 5570,
+ N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration => 5620,
+ N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration => 5656,
+ N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration => 5692,
+ N_Abort_Statement => 5728,
+ N_Accept_Statement => 5734,
+ N_Assignment_Statement => 5829,
+ N_Asynchronous_Select => 5915,
+ N_Block_Statement => 5953,
+ N_Case_Statement => 6118,
+ N_Code_Statement => 6151,
+ N_Conditional_Entry_Call => 6162,
+ N_Delay_Relative_Statement => 6201,
+ N_Delay_Until_Statement => 6212,
+ N_Entry_Call_Statement => 6223,
+ N_Free_Statement => 6270,
+ N_Goto_Statement => 6312,
+ N_Loop_Statement => 6332,
+ N_Null_Statement => 6404,
+ N_Raise_Statement => 6404,
+ N_Requeue_Statement => 6409,
+ N_Return_Statement => 6428,
+ N_Selective_Accept => 6502,
+ N_Timed_Entry_Call => 6538,
+ N_Exit_Statement => 6579,
+ N_If_Statement => 6594,
+ N_Accept_Alternative => 6657,
+ N_Delay_Alternative => 6733,
+ N_Elsif_Part => 6785,
+ N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part => 6829,
+ N_Iteration_Scheme => 6890,
+ N_Terminate_Alternative => 6947,
+ N_Abortable_Part => 6986,
+ N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration => 6997,
+ N_Access_Definition => 7011,
+ N_Access_To_Object_Definition => 7024,
+ N_Case_Statement_Alternative => 7072,
+ N_Compilation_Unit => 7100,
+ N_Compilation_Unit_Aux => 7239,
+ N_Component_Association => 7274,
+ N_Component_List => 7306,
+ N_Derived_Type_Definition => 7348,
+ N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition => 7406,
+ N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name => 7466,
+ N_Delta_Constraint => 7491,
+ N_Designator => 7525,
+ N_Digits_Constraint => 7541,
+ N_Discriminant_Association => 7576,
+ N_Discriminant_Specification => 7602,
+ N_Enumeration_Type_Definition => 7669,
+ N_Entry_Body => 7678,
+ N_Entry_Call_Alternative => 7785,
+ N_Exception_Declaration => 7832,
+ N_Exception_Handler => 7881,
+ N_Floating_Point_Definition => 7946,
+ N_Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition => 7989,
+ N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition => 7989,
+ N_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition => 8035,
+ N_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition => 8035,
+ N_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition => 8035,
+ N_Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition => 8035,
+ N_Formal_Package_Declaration => 8035,
+ N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition => 8122,
+ N_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition => 8170,
+ N_Formal_Subprogram_Declaration => 8170,
+ N_Generic_Association => 8209,
+ N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements => 8257,
+ N_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint => 8349,
+ N_Itype_Reference => 8361,
+ N_Label => 8367,
+ N_Modular_Type_Definition => 8393,
+ N_Number_Declaration => 8404,
+ N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition => 8453,
+ N_Others_Choice => 8495,
+ N_Package_Specification => 8530,
+ N_Parameter_Association => 8616,
+ N_Parameter_Specification => 8674,
+ N_Protected_Definition => 8803,
+ N_Range_Constraint => 8875,
+ N_Real_Range_Specification => 8892,
+ N_Record_Definition => 8913,
+ N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition => 8999,
+ N_Single_Protected_Declaration => 9020,
+ N_Subunit => 9061,
+ N_Task_Definition => 9097,
+ N_Triggering_Alternative => 9235,
+ N_Use_Type_Clause => 9282,
+ N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion => 9333,
+ N_Variant => 9357,
+ N_Variant_Part => 9436,
+ N_With_Clause => 9450,
+ N_With_Type_Clause => 9625,
+ N_Unused_At_End => 9645);
+end Treeprs;