path: root/gcc/ada/osint.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/osint.adb')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 694 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/osint.adb b/gcc/ada/osint.adb
index 27857d0..95ec2d6 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/osint.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/osint.adb
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ with Opt; use Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Sdefault; use Sdefault;
with Table;
-with Tree_IO; use Tree_IO;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
@@ -42,6 +41,9 @@ with GNAT.HTable;
package body Osint is
+ Running_Program : Program_Type := Unspecified;
+ Program_Set : Boolean := False;
-- Use of Name_Find and Name_Enter --
@@ -68,23 +70,12 @@ package body Osint is
function OS_Time_To_GNAT_Time (T : OS_Time) return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Convert OS format time to GNAT format time stamp
- procedure Create_File_And_Check
- (Fdesc : out File_Descriptor;
- Fmode : Mode);
- -- Create file whose name (NUL terminated) is in Name_Buffer (with the
- -- length in Name_Len), and place the resulting descriptor in Fdesc.
- -- Issue message and exit with fatal error if file cannot be created.
- -- The Fmode parameter is set to either Text or Binary (see description
- -- of GNAT.OS_Lib.Create_File).
- procedure Set_Library_Info_Name;
- -- Sets a default ali file name from the main compiler source name.
- -- This is used by Create_Output_Library_Info, and by the version of
- -- Read_Library_Info that takes a default file name.
- procedure Write_Info (Info : String);
- -- Implementation of Write_Binder_Info, Write_Debug_Info and
- -- Write_Library_Info (identical)
+ function Concat (String_One : String; String_Two : String) return String;
+ -- Concatenates 2 strings and returns the result of the concatenation
+ function Update_Path (Path : String_Ptr) return String_Ptr;
+ -- Update the specified path to replace the prefix with the location
+ -- where GNAT is installed. See the file prefix.c in GCC for details.
procedure Write_With_Check (A : Address; N : Integer);
-- Writes N bytes from buffer starting at address A to file whose FD is
@@ -93,12 +84,6 @@ package body Osint is
-- detected, the file being written is deleted, and a fatal error is
-- signalled.
- function More_Files return Boolean;
- -- Implements More_Source_Files and More_Lib_Files.
- function Next_Main_File return File_Name_Type;
- -- Implements Next_Main_Source and Next_Main_Lib_File.
function Locate_File
(N : File_Name_Type;
T : File_Type;
@@ -125,42 +110,13 @@ package body Osint is
-- Other Local Declarations --
- ALI_Suffix : constant String_Ptr := new String'("ali");
- -- The suffix used for the library files (also known as ALI files).
- Object_Suffix : constant String := Get_Object_Suffix.all;
- -- The suffix used for the object files.
EOL : constant Character := ASCII.LF;
-- End of line character
- Argument_Count : constant Integer := Arg_Count - 1;
- -- Number of arguments (excluding program name)
- type File_Name_Array is array (Int range <>) of String_Ptr;
- type File_Name_Array_Ptr is access File_Name_Array;
- File_Names : File_Name_Array_Ptr :=
- new File_Name_Array (1 .. Int (Argument_Count) + 2);
- -- As arguments are scanned in Initialize, file names are stored
- -- in this array. The string does not contain a terminating NUL.
- -- The array is "extensible" because when using project files,
- -- there may be more file names than argument on the command line.
Number_File_Names : Int := 0;
-- The total number of file names found on command line and placed in
-- File_Names.
- Current_File_Name_Index : Int := 0;
- -- The index in File_Names of the last file opened by Next_Main_Source
- -- or Next_Main_Lib_File. The value 0 indicates that no files have been
- -- opened yet.
- Current_Main : File_Name_Type := No_File;
- -- Used to save a simple file name between calls to Next_Main_Source and
- -- Read_Source_File. If the file name argument to Read_Source_File is
- -- No_File, that indicates that the file whose name was returned by the
- -- last call to Next_Main_Source (and stored here) is to be read.
Look_In_Primary_Directory_For_Current_Main : Boolean := False;
-- When this variable is True, Find_File will only look in
-- the Primary_Directory for the Current_Main file.
@@ -178,28 +134,6 @@ package body Osint is
-- the latest source, library and object files opened by Read_Source_File
-- and Read_Library_Info.
- Old_Binder_Output_Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
- New_Binder_Output_Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
- Recording_Time_From_Last_Bind : Boolean := False;
- Binder_Output_Time_Stamps_Set : Boolean := False;
- In_Binder : Boolean := False;
- In_Compiler : Boolean := False;
- In_Make : Boolean := False;
- -- Exactly one of these flags is set True to indicate which program
- -- is bound and executing with Osint, which is used by all these programs.
- Output_FD : File_Descriptor;
- -- The file descriptor for the current library info, tree or binder output
- Output_File_Name : File_Name_Type;
- -- File_Name_Type for name of open file whose FD is in Output_FD, the name
- -- stored does not include the trailing NUL character.
- Output_Object_File_Name : String_Ptr;
- -- Argument of -o compiler option, if given. This is needed to
- -- verify consistency with the ALI file name.
-- Search Paths --
@@ -301,7 +235,8 @@ package body Osint is
procedure Add_Search_Dir
(Search_Dir : String_Access;
Additional_Source_Dir : Boolean);
- -- Needs documentation ???
+ -- Add a source search dir or a library search dir, depending on the
+ -- value of Additional_Source_Dir.
function Get_Libraries_From_Registry return String_Ptr;
-- On Windows systems, get the list of installed standard libraries
@@ -310,11 +245,6 @@ package body Osint is
-- GNAT\Standard Libraries
-- Return an empty string on other systems
- function Update_Path (Path : String_Ptr) return String_Ptr;
- -- Update the specified path to replace the prefix with
- -- the location where GNAT is installed. See the file prefix.c
- -- in GCC for more details.
-- Add_Search_Dir --
@@ -356,40 +286,6 @@ package body Osint is
return Out_String;
end Get_Libraries_From_Registry;
- -----------------
- -- Update_Path --
- -----------------
- function Update_Path (Path : String_Ptr) return String_Ptr is
- function C_Update_Path (Path, Component : Address) return Address;
- pragma Import (C, C_Update_Path, "update_path");
- function Strlen (Str : Address) return Integer;
- pragma Import (C, Strlen, "strlen");
- procedure Strncpy (X : Address; Y : Address; Length : Integer);
- pragma Import (C, Strncpy, "strncpy");
- In_Length : constant Integer := Path'Length;
- In_String : String (1 .. In_Length + 1);
- Component_Name : aliased String := "GNAT" & ASCII.NUL;
- Result_Ptr : Address;
- Result_Length : Integer;
- Out_String : String_Ptr;
- begin
- In_String (1 .. In_Length) := Path.all;
- In_String (In_Length + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
- Result_Ptr := C_Update_Path (In_String'Address,
- Component_Name'Address);
- Result_Length := Strlen (Result_Ptr);
- Out_String := new String (1 .. Result_Length);
- Strncpy (Out_String.all'Address, Result_Ptr, Result_Length);
- return Out_String;
- end Update_Path;
-- Start of processing for Add_Default_Search_Dirs
@@ -461,7 +357,7 @@ package body Osint is
end loop;
end if;
- if not Opt.No_Stdlib then
+ if not Opt.No_Stdlib and not Opt.RTS_Switch then
Search_Path := Read_Default_Search_Dirs
(String_Access (Update_Path (Search_Dir_Prefix)),
@@ -511,6 +407,31 @@ package body Osint is
Normalize_Directory_Name (Dir);
end Add_Lib_Search_Dir;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Add_Search_Dirs --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Add_Search_Dirs
+ (Search_Path : String_Ptr;
+ Path_Type : Search_File_Type)
+ is
+ Current_Search_Path : String_Access;
+ begin
+ Get_Next_Dir_In_Path_Init (String_Access (Search_Path));
+ loop
+ Current_Search_Path :=
+ Get_Next_Dir_In_Path (String_Access (Search_Path));
+ exit when Current_Search_Path = null;
+ if Path_Type = Include then
+ Add_Src_Search_Dir (Current_Search_Path.all);
+ else
+ Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Current_Search_Path.all);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Add_Search_Dirs;
-- Add_Src_Search_Dir --
@@ -579,190 +500,18 @@ package body Osint is
end if;
end Canonical_Case_File_Name;
- -------------------------
- -- Close_Binder_Output --
- -------------------------
- procedure Close_Binder_Output is
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Binder);
- Close (Output_FD);
+ ------------
+ -- Concat --
+ ------------
- if Recording_Time_From_Last_Bind then
- New_Binder_Output_Time_Stamp := File_Stamp (Output_File_Name);
- Binder_Output_Time_Stamps_Set := True;
- end if;
- end Close_Binder_Output;
- ----------------------
- -- Close_Debug_File --
- ----------------------
+ function Concat (String_One : String; String_Two : String) return String is
+ Buffer : String (1 .. String_One'Length + String_Two'Length);
- procedure Close_Debug_File is
- pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
- Close (Output_FD);
- end Close_Debug_File;
- -------------------------------
- -- Close_Output_Library_Info --
- -------------------------------
- procedure Close_Output_Library_Info is
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
- Close (Output_FD);
- end Close_Output_Library_Info;
- --------------------------
- -- Create_Binder_Output --
- --------------------------
- procedure Create_Binder_Output
- (Output_File_Name : String;
- Typ : Character;
- Bfile : out Name_Id)
- is
- File_Name : String_Ptr;
- Findex1 : Natural;
- Findex2 : Natural;
- Flength : Natural;
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Binder);
- if Output_File_Name /= "" then
- Name_Buffer (Output_File_Name'Range) := Output_File_Name;
- Name_Buffer (Output_File_Name'Last + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
- if Typ = 's' then
- Name_Buffer (Output_File_Name'Last) := 's';
- end if;
- Name_Len := Output_File_Name'Last;
- else
- Name_Buffer (1) := 'b';
- File_Name := File_Names (Current_File_Name_Index);
- Findex1 := File_Name'First;
- -- The ali file might be specified by a full path name. However,
- -- the binder generated file should always be created in the
- -- current directory, so the path might need to be stripped away.
- -- In addition to the default directory_separator allow the '/' to
- -- act as separator since this is allowed in MS-DOS and OS2 ports.
- for J in reverse File_Name'Range loop
- if File_Name (J) = Directory_Separator
- or else File_Name (J) = '/'
- then
- Findex1 := J + 1;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Findex2 := File_Name'Last;
- while File_Name (Findex2) /= '.' loop
- Findex2 := Findex2 - 1;
- end loop;
- Flength := Findex2 - Findex1;
- if Maximum_File_Name_Length > 0 then
- -- Make room for the extra two characters in "b?"
- while Int (Flength) > Maximum_File_Name_Length - 2 loop
- Findex2 := Findex2 - 1;
- Flength := Findex2 - Findex1;
- end loop;
- end if;
- Name_Buffer (3 .. Flength + 2) := File_Name (Findex1 .. Findex2 - 1);
- Name_Buffer (Flength + 3) := '.';
- -- C bind file, name is b_xxx.c
- if Typ = 'c' then
- Name_Buffer (2) := '_';
- Name_Buffer (Flength + 4) := 'c';
- Name_Buffer (Flength + 5) := ASCII.NUL;
- Name_Len := Flength + 4;
- -- Ada bind file, name is b~xxx.adb or b~xxx.ads
- -- (with $ instead of ~ in VMS)
- else
- if Hostparm.OpenVMS then
- Name_Buffer (2) := '$';
- else
- Name_Buffer (2) := '~';
- end if;
- Name_Buffer (Flength + 4) := 'a';
- Name_Buffer (Flength + 5) := 'd';
- Name_Buffer (Flength + 6) := Typ;
- Name_Buffer (Flength + 7) := ASCII.NUL;
- Name_Len := Flength + 6;
- end if;
- end if;
- Bfile := Name_Find;
- if Recording_Time_From_Last_Bind then
- Old_Binder_Output_Time_Stamp := File_Stamp (Bfile);
- end if;
- Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
- end Create_Binder_Output;
- -----------------------
- -- Create_Debug_File --
- -----------------------
- function Create_Debug_File (Src : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type is
- Result : File_Name_Type;
- begin
- Get_Name_String (Src);
- if Hostparm.OpenVMS then
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 3) := "_dg";
- else
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 3) := ".dg";
- end if;
- Name_Len := Name_Len + 3;
- if Output_Object_File_Name /= null then
- for Index in reverse Output_Object_File_Name'Range loop
- if Output_Object_File_Name (Index) = Directory_Separator then
- declare
- File_Name : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- begin
- Name_Len := Index - Output_Object_File_Name'First + 1;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
- Output_Object_File_Name
- (Output_Object_File_Name'First .. Index);
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + File_Name'Length) :=
- File_Name;
- Name_Len := Name_Len + File_Name'Length;
- end;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- Result := Name_Find;
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
- Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
- return Result;
- end Create_Debug_File;
+ Buffer (1 .. String_One'Length) := String_One;
+ Buffer (String_One'Length + 1 .. Buffer'Last) := String_Two;
+ return Buffer;
+ end Concat;
-- Create_File_And_Check --
@@ -782,16 +531,6 @@ package body Osint is
end Create_File_And_Check;
- -- Create_Output_Library_Info --
- --------------------------------
- procedure Create_Output_Library_Info is
- begin
- Set_Library_Info_Name;
- Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
- end Create_Output_Library_Info;
- --------------------------------
-- Current_Library_File_Stamp --
@@ -818,21 +557,6 @@ package body Osint is
return Current_Full_Source_Stamp;
end Current_Source_File_Stamp;
- ---------------------------
- -- Debug_File_Eol_Length --
- ---------------------------
- function Debug_File_Eol_Length return Nat is
- begin
- -- There has to be a cleaner way to do this! ???
- if Directory_Separator = '/' then
- return 1;
- else
- return 2;
- end if;
- end Debug_File_Eol_Length;
-- Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path --
@@ -914,7 +638,11 @@ package body Osint is
procedure Fail (S1 : String; S2 : String := ""; S3 : String := "") is
+ -- We use Output in case there is a special output set up.
+ -- In this case Set_Standard_Error will have no immediate effect.
Write_Str (": ");
@@ -923,9 +651,6 @@ package body Osint is
Write_Str (S3);
- -- ??? Using Output is ugly, should do direct writes
- -- ??? shouldn't this go to standard error instead of stdout?
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end Fail;
@@ -1202,87 +927,175 @@ package body Osint is
return Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory);
end Get_Primary_Src_Search_Directory;
- ----------------
- -- Initialize --
- ----------------
+ -------------------------
+ -- Get_RTS_Search_Dir --
+ -------------------------
- procedure Initialize (P : Program_Type) is
- function Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set return Character;
- pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set,
- "__gnat_get_default_identifier_character_set");
- -- Function to determine the default identifier character set,
- -- which is system dependent. See Opt package spec for a list of
- -- the possible character codes and their interpretations.
+ function Get_RTS_Search_Dir
+ (Search_Dir : String;
+ File_Type : Search_File_Type)
+ return String_Ptr
+ is
+ procedure Get_Current_Dir
+ (Dir : System.Address;
+ Length : System.Address);
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Current_Dir, "__gnat_get_current_dir");
+ Max_Path : Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Max_Path, "max_path_len");
+ -- Maximum length of a path name
+ Current_Dir : String_Ptr;
+ Default_Search_Dir : String_Access;
+ Default_Suffix_Dir : String_Access;
+ Local_Search_Dir : String_Access;
+ Norm_Search_Dir : String_Access;
+ Result_Search_Dir : String_Access;
+ Search_File : String_Access;
+ Temp_String : String_Ptr;
+ begin
+ -- Add a directory separator at the end of the directory if necessary
+ -- so that we can directly append a file to the directory
+ if Search_Dir (Search_Dir'Last) /= Directory_Separator then
+ Local_Search_Dir := new String'
+ (Concat (Search_Dir, String' (1 => Directory_Separator)));
+ else
+ Local_Search_Dir := new String' (Search_Dir);
+ end if;
- function Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length return Int;
- pragma Import (C, Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length,
- "__gnat_get_maximum_file_name_length");
- -- Function to get maximum file name length for system
+ if File_Type = Include then
+ Search_File := Include_Search_File;
+ Default_Suffix_Dir := new String'("adainclude");
+ else
+ Search_File := Objects_Search_File;
+ Default_Suffix_Dir := new String' ("adalib");
+ end if;
- procedure Adjust_OS_Resource_Limits;
- pragma Import (C, Adjust_OS_Resource_Limits,
- "__gnat_adjust_os_resource_limits");
- -- Procedure to make system specific adjustments to make GNAT
- -- run better.
+ Norm_Search_Dir := To_Canonical_Path_Spec (Local_Search_Dir.all);
- -- Start of processing for Initialize
+ if Is_Absolute_Path (Norm_Search_Dir.all) then
- begin
- Program := P;
+ -- We first verify if there is a directory Include_Search_Dir
+ -- containing default search directories
- case Program is
- when Binder => In_Binder := True;
- when Compiler => In_Compiler := True;
- when Make => In_Make := True;
- end case;
+ Result_Search_Dir
+ := Read_Default_Search_Dirs (Norm_Search_Dir,
+ Search_File,
+ null);
+ Default_Search_Dir := new String'
+ (Concat (Norm_Search_Dir.all, Default_Suffix_Dir.all));
+ Free (Norm_Search_Dir);
- if In_Compiler then
- Adjust_OS_Resource_Limits;
- end if;
+ if Result_Search_Dir /= null then
+ return String_Ptr (Result_Search_Dir);
+ elsif Is_Directory (Default_Search_Dir.all) then
+ return String_Ptr (Default_Search_Dir);
+ else
+ return null;
+ end if;
- Src_Search_Directories.Init;
- Lib_Search_Directories.Init;
+ else
+ -- Search in the current directory
- Identifier_Character_Set := Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set;
- Maximum_File_Name_Length := Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length;
+ -- Get the current directory
- -- Following should be removed by having above function return
- -- Integer'Last as indication of no maximum instead of -1 ???
+ declare
+ Buffer : String (1 .. Max_Path + 2);
+ Path_Len : Natural := Max_Path;
- if Maximum_File_Name_Length = -1 then
- Maximum_File_Name_Length := Int'Last;
- end if;
+ begin
+ Get_Current_Dir (Buffer'Address, Path_Len'Address);
- -- Start off by setting all suppress options to False, these will
- -- be reset later (turning some on if -gnato is not specified, and
- -- turning all of them on if -gnatp is specified).
+ if Buffer (Path_Len) /= Directory_Separator then
+ Path_Len := Path_Len + 1;
+ Buffer (Path_Len) := Directory_Separator;
+ end if;
- Suppress_Options := (others => False);
+ Current_Dir := new String'(Buffer (1 .. Path_Len));
+ end;
- -- Set software overflow check flag. For now all targets require the
- -- use of software overflow checks. Later on, this will have to be
- -- specialized to the backend target. Also, if software overflow
- -- checking mode is set, then the default for suppressing overflow
- -- checks is True, since the software approach is expensive.
+ Norm_Search_Dir :=
+ new String'
+ (Concat (Current_Dir.all, Local_Search_Dir.all));
- Software_Overflow_Checking := True;
- Suppress_Options.Overflow_Checks := True;
+ Result_Search_Dir :=
+ Read_Default_Search_Dirs
+ (String_Access (Update_Path (String_Ptr (Norm_Search_Dir))),
+ Search_File,
+ null);
- -- Reserve the first slot in the search paths table. This is the
- -- directory of the main source file or main library file and is
- -- filled in by each call to Next_Main_Source/Next_Main_Lib_File with
- -- the directory specified for this main source or library file. This
- -- is the directory which is searched first by default. This default
- -- search is inhibited by the option -I- for both source and library
- -- files.
+ Default_Search_Dir :=
+ new String'
+ (Concat (Norm_Search_Dir.all, Default_Suffix_Dir.all));
- Src_Search_Directories.Set_Last (Primary_Directory);
- Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := new String'("");
+ Free (Norm_Search_Dir);
- Lib_Search_Directories.Set_Last (Primary_Directory);
- Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := new String'("");
+ if Result_Search_Dir /= null then
+ return String_Ptr (Result_Search_Dir);
+ elsif Is_Directory (Default_Search_Dir.all) then
+ return String_Ptr (Default_Search_Dir);
+ else
+ -- Search in Search_Dir_Prefix/Search_Dir
+ Norm_Search_Dir :=
+ new String'
+ (Concat (Search_Dir_Prefix.all, Local_Search_Dir.all));
+ Result_Search_Dir :=
+ Read_Default_Search_Dirs
+ (String_Access (Update_Path (String_Ptr (Norm_Search_Dir))),
+ Search_File,
+ null);
+ Default_Search_Dir :=
+ new String'
+ (Concat (Norm_Search_Dir.all, Default_Suffix_Dir.all));
+ Free (Norm_Search_Dir);
- end Initialize;
+ if Result_Search_Dir /= null then
+ return String_Ptr (Result_Search_Dir);
+ elsif Is_Directory (Default_Search_Dir.all) then
+ return String_Ptr (Default_Search_Dir);
+ else
+ -- We finally search in Search_Dir_Prefix/rts-Search_Dir
+ Temp_String :=
+ new String'(Concat (Search_Dir_Prefix.all, "rts-"));
+ Norm_Search_Dir :=
+ new String' (Concat (Temp_String.all, Local_Search_Dir.all));
+ Result_Search_Dir :=
+ Read_Default_Search_Dirs
+ (String_Access (Update_Path (String_Ptr (Norm_Search_Dir))),
+ Search_File,
+ null);
+ Default_Search_Dir :=
+ new String'
+ (Concat (Norm_Search_Dir.all, Default_Suffix_Dir.all));
+ Free (Norm_Search_Dir);
+ if Result_Search_Dir /= null then
+ return String_Ptr (Result_Search_Dir);
+ elsif Is_Directory (Default_Search_Dir.all) then
+ return String_Ptr (Default_Search_Dir);
+ else
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Get_RTS_Search_Dir;
-- Is_Directory_Separator --
@@ -1330,7 +1143,7 @@ package body Osint is
Get_Name_String (Source_File);
Fptr := Name_Len + 1;
- for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
+ for J in reverse 2 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
Fptr := J;
@@ -1447,26 +1260,6 @@ package body Osint is
return (Current_File_Name_Index < Number_File_Names);
end More_Files;
- --------------------
- -- More_Lib_Files --
- --------------------
- function More_Lib_Files return Boolean is
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Binder);
- return More_Files;
- end More_Lib_Files;
- -----------------------
- -- More_Source_Files --
- -----------------------
- function More_Source_Files return Boolean is
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Compiler or else In_Make);
- return More_Files;
- end More_Source_Files;
-- Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path --
@@ -1530,20 +1323,26 @@ package body Osint is
Dir_Name := new String'(File_Name (File_Name'First .. Fptr - 1));
- if In_Compiler then
- Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := Dir_Name;
- Look_In_Primary_Directory_For_Current_Main := True;
+ case Running_Program is
- elsif In_Make then
- Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := Dir_Name;
- if Fptr > File_Name'First then
+ when Compiler =>
+ Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := Dir_Name;
Look_In_Primary_Directory_For_Current_Main := True;
- end if;
- else pragma Assert (In_Binder);
- Dir_Name := Normalize_Directory_Name (Dir_Name.all);
- Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := Dir_Name;
- end if;
+ when Make =>
+ Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := Dir_Name;
+ if Fptr > File_Name'First then
+ Look_In_Primary_Directory_For_Current_Main := True;
+ end if;
+ when Binder | Gnatls =>
+ Dir_Name := Normalize_Directory_Name (Dir_Name.all);
+ Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := Dir_Name;
+ when Unspecified =>
+ null;
+ end case;
Name_Len := File_Name'Last - Fptr + 1;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := File_Name (Fptr .. File_Name'Last);
@@ -1553,7 +1352,7 @@ package body Osint is
-- In the gnatmake case, the main file may have not have the
-- extension. Try ".adb" first then ".ads"
- if In_Make then
+ if Running_Program = Make then
Orig_Main : File_Name_Type := Current_Main;
@@ -1576,28 +1375,6 @@ package body Osint is
return Current_Main;
end Next_Main_File;
- ------------------------
- -- Next_Main_Lib_File --
- ------------------------
- function Next_Main_Lib_File return File_Name_Type is
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Binder);
- return Next_Main_File;
- end Next_Main_Lib_File;
- ----------------------
- -- Next_Main_Source --
- ----------------------
- function Next_Main_Source return File_Name_Type is
- Main_File : File_Name_Type := Next_Main_File;
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Compiler or else In_Make);
- return Main_File;
- end Next_Main_Source;
-- Normalize_Directory_Name --
@@ -1962,18 +1739,6 @@ package body Osint is
end Read_Library_Info;
- -- Version with default file name
- procedure Read_Library_Info
- (Name : out File_Name_Type;
- Text : out Text_Buffer_Ptr)
- is
- begin
- Set_Library_Info_Name;
- Name := Name_Find;
- Text := Read_Library_Info (Name, Fatal_Err => False);
- end Read_Library_Info;
-- Read_Source_File --
@@ -2087,103 +1852,19 @@ package body Osint is
end Read_Source_File;
- --------------------------------
- -- Record_Time_From_Last_Bind --
- --------------------------------
- procedure Record_Time_From_Last_Bind is
- begin
- Recording_Time_From_Last_Bind := True;
- end Record_Time_From_Last_Bind;
- ---------------------------
- -- Set_Library_Info_Name --
- ---------------------------
- procedure Set_Library_Info_Name is
- Dot_Index : Natural;
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
- Get_Name_String (Current_Main);
- -- Find last dot since we replace the existing extension by .ali. The
- -- initialization to Name_Len + 1 provides for simply adding the .ali
- -- extension if the source file name has no extension.
- Dot_Index := Name_Len + 1;
- for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
- if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
- Dot_Index := J;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Make sure that the output file name matches the source file name.
- -- To compare them, remove file name directories and extensions.
- if Output_Object_File_Name /= null then
- declare
- Name : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Dot_Index);
- Len : constant Natural := Dot_Index;
- begin
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Output_Object_File_Name'Length)
- := Output_Object_File_Name.all;
- Dot_Index := 0;
- for J in reverse Output_Object_File_Name'Range loop
- if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
- Dot_Index := J;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- pragma Assert (Dot_Index /= 0);
- -- We check for the extension elsewhere
- if Name /= Name_Buffer (Dot_Index - Len + 1 .. Dot_Index) then
- Fail ("incorrect object file name");
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- Name_Buffer (Dot_Index) := '.';
- Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 1 .. Dot_Index + 3) := ALI_Suffix.all;
- Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 4) := ASCII.NUL;
- Name_Len := Dot_Index + 3;
- end Set_Library_Info_Name;
- ---------------------------------
- -- Set_Output_Object_File_Name --
- ---------------------------------
- procedure Set_Output_Object_File_Name (Name : String) is
- Ext : constant String := Object_Suffix;
- NL : constant Natural := Name'Length;
- EL : constant Natural := Ext'Length;
+ -----------------
+ -- Set_Program --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Set_Program (P : Program_Type) is
- -- Make sure that the object file has the expected extension.
- if NL <= EL
- or else Name (NL - EL + Name'First .. Name'Last) /= Ext
- then
- Fail ("incorrect object file extension");
+ if Program_Set then
+ Fail ("Set_Program called twice");
end if;
- Output_Object_File_Name := new String'(Name);
- end Set_Output_Object_File_Name;
- ------------------------
- -- Set_Main_File_Name --
- ------------------------
- procedure Set_Main_File_Name (Name : String) is
- begin
- Number_File_Names := Number_File_Names + 1;
- File_Names (Number_File_Names) := new String'(Name);
- end Set_Main_File_Name;
+ Program_Set := True;
+ Running_Program := P;
+ end Set_Program;
-- Smart_File_Stamp --
@@ -2263,26 +1944,22 @@ package body Osint is
Get_Name_String (Name);
- declare
- S : String (1 .. Name_Len) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- Fptr : Natural := S'First;
+ for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len - 1 loop
+ -- If we find the last directory separator
- begin
- for J in reverse S'Range loop
- if Is_Directory_Separator (S (J)) then
- Fptr := J + 1;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
+ if Is_Directory_Separator (Name_Buffer (J)) then
+ -- Return the part of Name that follows this last directory
+ -- separator.
- if Fptr = S'First then
- return Name;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - J) := Name_Buffer (J + 1 .. Name_Len);
+ Name_Len := Name_Len - J;
+ return Name_Find;
end if;
+ end loop;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. S'Last - Fptr + 1) := S (Fptr .. S'Last);
- Name_Len := S'Last - Fptr + 1;
- return Name_Find;
- end;
+ -- There were no directory separator, just return Name
+ return Name;
end Strip_Directory;
@@ -2293,7 +1970,11 @@ package body Osint is
Get_Name_String (Name);
- for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
+ for J in reverse 2 .. Name_Len loop
+ -- If we found the last '.', return the part of Name that precedes
+ -- this '.'.
if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
Name_Len := J - 1;
return Name_Enter;
@@ -2303,71 +1984,6 @@ package body Osint is
return Name;
end Strip_Suffix;
- -------------------------
- -- Time_From_Last_Bind --
- -------------------------
- function Time_From_Last_Bind return Nat is
- Old_Y : Nat;
- Old_M : Nat;
- Old_D : Nat;
- Old_H : Nat;
- Old_Mi : Nat;
- Old_S : Nat;
- New_Y : Nat;
- New_M : Nat;
- New_D : Nat;
- New_H : Nat;
- New_Mi : Nat;
- New_S : Nat;
- type Month_Data is array (Int range 1 .. 12) of Int;
- Cumul : constant Month_Data := (0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7);
- -- Represents the difference in days from a period compared to the
- -- same period if all months had 31 days, i.e:
- --
- -- Cumul (m) = 31x(m-1) - (number of days from 01/01 to m/01)
- Res : Int;
- begin
- if not Recording_Time_From_Last_Bind
- or else not Binder_Output_Time_Stamps_Set
- or else Old_Binder_Output_Time_Stamp = Empty_Time_Stamp
- then
- return Nat'Last;
- end if;
- Split_Time_Stamp
- (Old_Binder_Output_Time_Stamp,
- Old_Y, Old_M, Old_D, Old_H, Old_Mi, Old_S);
- Split_Time_Stamp
- (New_Binder_Output_Time_Stamp,
- New_Y, New_M, New_D, New_H, New_Mi, New_S);
- Res := New_Mi - Old_Mi;
- -- 60 minutes in an hour
- Res := Res + 60 * (New_H - Old_H);
- -- 24 hours in a day
- Res := Res + 60 * 24 * (New_D - Old_D);
- -- Almost 31 days in a month
- Res := Res + 60 * 24 *
- (31 * (New_M - Old_M) - Cumul (New_M) + Cumul (Old_M));
- -- 365 days in a year
- Res := Res + 60 * 24 * 365 * (New_Y - Old_Y);
- return Res;
- end Time_From_Last_Bind;
-- To_Canonical_Dir_Spec --
@@ -2637,61 +2253,39 @@ package body Osint is
return Return_Val;
end To_Path_String_Access;
- ----------------
- -- Tree_Close --
- ----------------
- procedure Tree_Close is
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
- Tree_Write_Terminate;
- Close (Output_FD);
- end Tree_Close;
- -- Tree_Create --
+ -- Update_Path --
- procedure Tree_Create is
- Dot_Index : Natural;
- begin
- pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
- Get_Name_String (Current_Main);
+ function Update_Path (Path : String_Ptr) return String_Ptr is
- -- If an object file has been specified, then the ALI file
- -- will be in the same directory as the object file;
- -- so, we put the tree file in this same directory,
- -- even though no object file needs to be generated.
+ function C_Update_Path (Path, Component : Address) return Address;
+ pragma Import (C, C_Update_Path, "update_path");
- if Output_Object_File_Name /= null then
- Name_Len := Output_Object_File_Name'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Output_Object_File_Name.all;
- end if;
- Dot_Index := 0;
- for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
- if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
- Dot_Index := J;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Should be impossible to not have an extension
+ function Strlen (Str : Address) return Integer;
+ pragma Import (C, Strlen, "strlen");
- pragma Assert (Dot_Index /= 0);
+ procedure Strncpy (X : Address; Y : Address; Length : Integer);
+ pragma Import (C, Strncpy, "strncpy");
- -- Change exctension to adt
+ In_Length : constant Integer := Path'Length;
+ In_String : String (1 .. In_Length + 1);
+ Component_Name : aliased String := "GNAT" & ASCII.NUL;
+ Result_Ptr : Address;
+ Result_Length : Integer;
+ Out_String : String_Ptr;
- Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 1) := 'a';
- Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 2) := 'd';
- Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 3) := 't';
- Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 4) := ASCII.NUL;
- Name_Len := Dot_Index + 3;
- Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Binary);
+ begin
+ In_String (1 .. In_Length) := Path.all;
+ In_String (In_Length + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
+ Result_Ptr := C_Update_Path (In_String'Address,
+ Component_Name'Address);
+ Result_Length := Strlen (Result_Ptr);
- Tree_Write_Initialize (Output_FD);
- end Tree_Create;
+ Out_String := new String (1 .. Result_Length);
+ Strncpy (Out_String.all'Address, Result_Ptr, Result_Length);
+ return Out_String;
+ end Update_Path;
-- Write_Info --
@@ -2699,29 +2293,10 @@ package body Osint is
procedure Write_Info (Info : String) is
- pragma Assert (In_Binder or In_Compiler);
Write_With_Check (Info'Address, Info'Length);
Write_With_Check (EOL'Address, 1);
end Write_Info;
- -----------------------
- -- Write_Binder_Info --
- -----------------------
- procedure Write_Binder_Info (Info : String) renames Write_Info;
- -----------------------
- -- Write_Debug_Info --
- -----------------------
- procedure Write_Debug_Info (Info : String) renames Write_Info;
- ------------------------
- -- Write_Library_Info --
- ------------------------
- procedure Write_Library_Info (Info : String) renames Write_Info;
-- Write_Program_Name --
@@ -2774,4 +2349,58 @@ package body Osint is
end if;
end Write_With_Check;
+-- Package Initialization --
+ Initialization : declare
+ function Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set return Character;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set,
+ "__gnat_get_default_identifier_character_set");
+ -- Function to determine the default identifier character set,
+ -- which is system dependent. See Opt package spec for a list of
+ -- the possible character codes and their interpretations.
+ function Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length return Int;
+ pragma Import (C, Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length,
+ "__gnat_get_maximum_file_name_length");
+ -- Function to get maximum file name length for system
+ begin
+ Src_Search_Directories.Init;
+ Lib_Search_Directories.Init;
+ Identifier_Character_Set := Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set;
+ Maximum_File_Name_Length := Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length;
+ -- Following should be removed by having above function return
+ -- Integer'Last as indication of no maximum instead of -1 ???
+ if Maximum_File_Name_Length = -1 then
+ Maximum_File_Name_Length := Int'Last;
+ end if;
+ -- Start off by setting all suppress options to False, these will
+ -- be reset later (turning some on if -gnato is not specified, and
+ -- turning all of them on if -gnatp is specified).
+ Suppress_Options := (others => False);
+ -- Reserve the first slot in the search paths table. This is the
+ -- directory of the main source file or main library file and is
+ -- filled in by each call to Next_Main_Source/Next_Main_Lib_File with
+ -- the directory specified for this main source or library file. This
+ -- is the directory which is searched first by default. This default
+ -- search is inhibited by the option -I- for both source and library
+ -- files.
+ Src_Search_Directories.Set_Last (Primary_Directory);
+ Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := new String'("");
+ Lib_Search_Directories.Set_Last (Primary_Directory);
+ Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := new String'("");
+ end Initialization;
end Osint;