path: root/gcc/ada/make.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/make.adb')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/make.adb b/gcc/ada/make.adb
index 7035854..0f3fc50 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/make.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/make.adb
@@ -1986,6 +1986,9 @@ package body Make is
function Bad_Compilation_Count return Natural;
-- Returns the number of compilation failures.
+ procedure Check_Standard_Library;
+ -- Check if s-stalib.adb needs to be compiled
procedure Collect_Arguments_And_Compile
(Source_File : File_Name_Type; Source_Index : Int);
-- Collect arguments from project file (if any) and compile
@@ -2146,6 +2149,48 @@ package body Make is
return Bad_Compilation.Last - Bad_Compilation.First + 1;
end Bad_Compilation_Count;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Check_Standard_Library --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Check_Standard_Library is
+ begin
+ Need_To_Check_Standard_Library := False;
+ if not Targparm.Suppress_Standard_Library_On_Target then
+ declare
+ Sfile : Name_Id;
+ Add_It : Boolean := True;
+ begin
+ Name_Len := Standard_Library_Package_Body_Name'Length;
+ Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
+ Standard_Library_Package_Body_Name;
+ Sfile := Name_Enter;
+ -- If we have a special runtime, we add the standard
+ -- library only if we can find it.
+ if RTS_Switch then
+ Add_It :=
+ Find_File (Sfile, Osint.Source) /= No_File;
+ end if;
+ if Add_It then
+ if Is_Marked (Sfile) then
+ if Is_In_Obsoleted (Sfile) then
+ Executable_Obsolete := True;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Insert_Q (Sfile, Index => 0);
+ Mark (Sfile, Index => 0);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Standard_Library;
-- Collect_Arguments_And_Compile --
@@ -2234,7 +2279,7 @@ package body Make is
Source_Index : Int;
Args : Argument_List) return Process_Id
- Comp_Args : Argument_List (Args'First .. Args'Last + 8);
+ Comp_Args : Argument_List (Args'First .. Args'Last + 9);
Comp_Next : Integer := Args'First;
Comp_Last : Integer;
@@ -2401,6 +2446,9 @@ package body Make is
GNAT.OS_Lib.Normalize_Arguments (Comp_Args (Args'First .. Comp_Last));
+ Comp_Last := Comp_Last + 1;
+ Comp_Args (Comp_Last) := new String'("-gnatez");
Display (Gcc.all, Comp_Args (Args'First .. Comp_Last));
if Gcc_Path = null then
@@ -2828,40 +2876,7 @@ package body Make is
-- only when "-a" is used.
if Need_To_Check_Standard_Library then
- Need_To_Check_Standard_Library := False;
- if not Targparm.Suppress_Standard_Library_On_Target then
- declare
- Sfile : Name_Id;
- Add_It : Boolean := True;
- begin
- Name_Len := Standard_Library_Package_Body_Name'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
- Standard_Library_Package_Body_Name;
- Sfile := Name_Enter;
- -- If we have a special runtime, we add the standard
- -- library only if we can find it.
- if RTS_Switch then
- Add_It :=
- Find_File (Sfile, Osint.Source) /= No_File;
- end if;
- if Add_It then
- if Is_Marked (Sfile) then
- if Is_In_Obsoleted (Sfile) then
- Executable_Obsolete := True;
- end if;
- else
- Insert_Q (Sfile, Index => 0);
- Mark (Sfile, Index => 0);
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
+ Check_Standard_Library;
end if;
-- Now insert in the Q the unmarked source files (i.e. those
@@ -3179,39 +3194,44 @@ package body Make is
for J in Args'Range loop
- -- Do not display the mapping file argument automatically
- -- created when using a project file.
+ -- Never display -gnatez
- if Main_Project = No_Project
- or else Debug.Debug_Flag_N
- or else Args (J)'Length < 8
- or else
- Args (J)(Args (J)'First .. Args (J)'First + 6) /= "-gnatem"
- then
- -- When -dn is not specified, do not display the config
- -- pragmas switch (-gnatec) for the temporary file created
- -- by the project manager (always the first -gnatec switch).
- -- Reset Temporary_Config_File to False so that the eventual
- -- other -gnatec switches will be displayed.
- if (not Debug.Debug_Flag_N)
- and then Temporary_Config_File
- and then Args (J)'Length > 7
- and then Args (J)(Args (J)'First .. Args (J)'First + 6)
- = "-gnatec"
- then
- Temporary_Config_File := False;
+ if Args (J).all /= "-gnatez" then
- -- Do not display the -F=mapping_file switch for gnatbind,
- -- if -dn is not specified.
+ -- Do not display the mapping file argument automatically
+ -- created when using a project file.
- elsif Debug.Debug_Flag_N
- or else Args (J)'Length < 4
- or else Args (J)(Args (J)'First .. Args (J)'First + 2) /=
- "-F="
+ if Main_Project = No_Project
+ or else Debug.Debug_Flag_N
+ or else Args (J)'Length < 8
+ or else
+ Args (J) (Args (J)'First .. Args (J)'First + 6) /= "-gnatem"
- Write_Str (" ");
- Write_Str (Args (J).all);
+ -- When -dn is not specified, do not display the config
+ -- pragmas switch (-gnatec) for the temporary file created
+ -- by the project manager (always the first -gnatec switch).
+ -- Reset Temporary_Config_File to False so that the eventual
+ -- other -gnatec switches will be displayed.
+ if (not Debug.Debug_Flag_N)
+ and then Temporary_Config_File
+ and then Args (J)'Length > 7
+ and then Args (J) (Args (J)'First .. Args (J)'First + 6)
+ = "-gnatec"
+ then
+ Temporary_Config_File := False;
+ -- Do not display the -F=mapping_file switch for
+ -- gnatbind, if -dn is not specified.
+ elsif Debug.Debug_Flag_N
+ or else Args (J)'Length < 4
+ or else
+ Args (J) (Args (J)'First .. Args (J)'First + 2) /= "-F="
+ then
+ Write_Str (" ");
+ Write_Str (Args (J).all);
+ end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
@@ -3366,6 +3386,352 @@ package body Make is
-- Set to True when there are Stand-Alone Libraries, so that gnatbind
-- is invoked with the -F switch to force checking of elaboration flags.
+ Mapping_Path : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ -- The path name of the mapping file
+ Discard : Boolean;
+ procedure Check_Mains;
+ -- Check that the main subprograms do exist and that they all
+ -- belong to the same project file.
+ procedure Create_Binder_Mapping_File
+ (Args : in out Argument_List; Last_Arg : in out Natural);
+ -- Create a binder mapping file and add the necessary switch
+ -----------------
+ -- Check_Mains --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Check_Mains is
+ Real_Main_Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
+ -- The project of the first main
+ Proj : Project_Id := No_Project;
+ -- The project of the current main
+ Data : Project_Data;
+ Real_Path : String_Access;
+ begin
+ Mains.Reset;
+ -- Check each main
+ loop
+ declare
+ Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
+ -- The name specified on the command line may include
+ -- directory information.
+ File_Name : constant String := Base_Name (Main);
+ -- The simple file name of the current main main
+ begin
+ exit when Main = "";
+ -- Get the project of the current main
+ Proj := Prj.Env.Project_Of (File_Name, Main_Project);
+ -- Fail if the current main is not a source of a
+ -- project.
+ if Proj = No_Project then
+ Make_Failed
+ ("""" & Main &
+ """ is not a source of any project");
+ else
+ -- If there is directory information, check that
+ -- the source exists and, if it does, that the path
+ -- is the actual path of a source of a project.
+ if Main /= File_Name then
+ Data := Projects.Table (Main_Project);
+ Real_Path :=
+ Locate_Regular_File
+ (Main &
+ Get_Name_String
+ (Data.Naming.Current_Body_Suffix),
+ "");
+ if Real_Path = null then
+ Real_Path :=
+ Locate_Regular_File
+ (Main &
+ Get_Name_String
+ (Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix),
+ "");
+ end if;
+ if Real_Path = null then
+ Real_Path :=
+ Locate_Regular_File (Main, "");
+ end if;
+ -- Fail if the file cannot be found
+ if Real_Path = null then
+ Make_Failed
+ ("file """ & Main & """ does not exist");
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Project_Path : constant String :=
+ Prj.Env.File_Name_Of_Library_Unit_Body
+ (Name => File_Name,
+ Project => Main_Project,
+ Main_Project_Only => False,
+ Full_Path => True);
+ Normed_Path : constant String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname
+ (Real_Path.all,
+ Case_Sensitive => False);
+ Proj_Path : constant String :=
+ Normalize_Pathname
+ (Project_Path,
+ Case_Sensitive => False);
+ begin
+ Free (Real_Path);
+ -- Fail if it is not the correct path
+ if Normed_Path /= Proj_Path then
+ if Verbose_Mode then
+ Write_Str (Normed_Path);
+ Write_Str (" /= ");
+ Write_Line (Proj_Path);
+ end if;
+ Make_Failed
+ ("""" & Main &
+ """ is not a source of any project");
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if not Unique_Compile then
+ -- Record the project, if it is the first main
+ if Real_Main_Project = No_Project then
+ Real_Main_Project := Proj;
+ elsif Proj /= Real_Main_Project then
+ -- Fail, as the current main is not a source
+ -- of the same project as the first main.
+ Make_Failed
+ ("""" & Main &
+ """ is not a source of project " &
+ Get_Name_String
+ (Projects.Table
+ (Real_Main_Project).Name));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- If -u and -U are not used, we may have mains that
+ -- are sources of a project that is not the one
+ -- specified with switch -P.
+ if not Unique_Compile then
+ Main_Project := Real_Main_Project;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Mains;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Create_Binder_Mapping_File --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Create_Binder_Mapping_File
+ (Args : in out Argument_List; Last_Arg : in out Natural)
+ is
+ Mapping_FD : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
+ -- A File Descriptor for an eventual mapping file
+ ALI_Unit : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ -- The unit name of an ALI file
+ ALI_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
+ -- The file name of the ALI file
+ ALI_Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
+ -- The project of the ALI file
+ Bytes : Integer;
+ OK : Boolean := True;
+ Status : Boolean;
+ -- For call to Close
+ begin
+ Tempdir.Create_Temp_File (Mapping_FD, Mapping_Path);
+ if Mapping_FD /= Invalid_FD then
+ -- Traverse all units
+ for J in Prj.Com.Units.First .. Prj.Com.Units.Last loop
+ declare
+ Unit : constant Prj.Com.Unit_Data :=
+ Prj.Com.Units.Table (J);
+ use Prj.Com;
+ begin
+ if Unit.Name /= No_Name then
+ -- If there is a body, put it in the mapping
+ if Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name /= No_Name
+ and then Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Project
+ /= No_Project
+ then
+ Get_Name_String (Unit.Name);
+ Name_Buffer
+ (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 2) := "%b";
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
+ ALI_Unit := Name_Find;
+ ALI_Name :=
+ Lib_File_Name
+ (Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name);
+ ALI_Project :=
+ Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Project;
+ -- Otherwise, if there is a spec, put it
+ -- in the mapping.
+ elsif Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name
+ /= No_Name
+ and then Unit.File_Names
+ (Specification).Project
+ /= No_Project
+ then
+ Get_Name_String (Unit.Name);
+ Name_Buffer
+ (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 2) := "%s";
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
+ ALI_Unit := Name_Find;
+ ALI_Name := Lib_File_Name
+ (Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name);
+ ALI_Project :=
+ Unit.File_Names (Specification).Project;
+ else
+ ALI_Name := No_Name;
+ end if;
+ -- If we have something to put in the mapping
+ -- then we do it now. However, if the project
+ -- is extended, we don't put anything in the
+ -- mapping file, because we do not know where
+ -- the ALI file is: it might be in the ext-
+ -- ended project obj dir as well as in the
+ -- extending project obj dir.
+ if ALI_Name /= No_Name
+ and then
+ Projects.Table (ALI_Project).Extended_By = No_Project
+ and then
+ Projects.Table (ALI_Project).Extends = No_Project
+ then
+ -- First line is the unit name
+ Get_Name_String (ALI_Unit);
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ASCII.LF;
+ Bytes :=
+ Write
+ (Mapping_FD,
+ Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
+ Name_Len);
+ OK := Bytes = Name_Len;
+ exit when not OK;
+ -- Second line it the ALI file name
+ Get_Name_String (ALI_Name);
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ASCII.LF;
+ Bytes :=
+ Write
+ (Mapping_FD,
+ Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
+ Name_Len);
+ OK := Bytes = Name_Len;
+ exit when not OK;
+ -- Third line it the ALI path name,
+ -- concatenation of the project
+ -- directory with the ALI file name.
+ declare
+ ALI : constant String :=
+ Get_Name_String (ALI_Name);
+ begin
+ Get_Name_String
+ (Projects.Table (ALI_Project).
+ Object_Directory);
+ if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) /=
+ Directory_Separator
+ then
+ Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) :=
+ Directory_Separator;
+ end if;
+ Name_Buffer
+ (Name_Len + 1 ..
+ Name_Len + ALI'Length) := ALI;
+ Name_Len :=
+ Name_Len + ALI'Length + 1;
+ Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ASCII.LF;
+ Bytes :=
+ Write
+ (Mapping_FD,
+ Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
+ Name_Len);
+ OK := Bytes = Name_Len;
+ end;
+ -- If OK is False, it means we were unable
+ -- to write a line. No point in continuing
+ -- with the other units.
+ exit when not OK;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Close (Mapping_FD, Status);
+ OK := OK and Status;
+ -- If the creation of the mapping file was successful,
+ -- we add the switch to the arguments of gnatbind.
+ if OK then
+ Last_Arg := Last_Arg + 1;
+ Args (Last_Arg) :=
+ new String'("-F=" & Get_Name_String (Mapping_Path));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Create_Binder_Mapping_File;
+ -- Start of processing for Gnatmake
+ -- This body is very long, should be broken down ???
Gnatmake_Called := True;
@@ -3466,148 +3832,7 @@ package body Make is
-- project file and, if there are several mains, each of them
-- is a source of the same project file.
- Mains.Reset;
- declare
- Real_Main_Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
- -- The project of the first main
- Proj : Project_Id := No_Project;
- -- The project of the current main
- begin
- -- Check each main
- loop
- declare
- Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
- -- The name specified on the command line may include
- -- directory information.
- File_Name : constant String := Base_Name (Main);
- -- The simple file name of the current main main
- begin
- exit when Main = "";
- -- Get the project of the current main
- Proj := Prj.Env.Project_Of (File_Name, Main_Project);
- -- Fail if the current main is not a source of a
- -- project.
- if Proj = No_Project then
- Make_Failed
- ("""" & Main &
- """ is not a source of any project");
- else
- -- If there is directory information, check that
- -- the source exists and, if it does, that the path
- -- is the actual path of a source of a project.
- if Main /= File_Name then
- declare
- Data : constant Project_Data :=
- Projects.Table (Main_Project);
- Project_Path : constant String :=
- Prj.Env.File_Name_Of_Library_Unit_Body
- (Name => File_Name,
- Project => Main_Project,
- Main_Project_Only => False,
- Full_Path => True);
- Real_Path : String_Access :=
- Locate_Regular_File
- (Main &
- Get_Name_String
- (Data.Naming.Current_Body_Suffix),
- "");
- begin
- if Real_Path = null then
- Real_Path :=
- Locate_Regular_File
- (Main &
- Get_Name_String
- (Data.Naming.Current_Spec_Suffix),
- "");
- end if;
- if Real_Path = null then
- Real_Path :=
- Locate_Regular_File (Main, "");
- end if;
- -- Fail if the file cannot be found
- if Real_Path = null then
- Make_Failed
- ("file """ & Main & """ does not exist");
- end if;
- declare
- Normed_Path : constant String :=
- Normalize_Pathname
- (Real_Path.all,
- Case_Sensitive => False);
- Proj_Path : constant String :=
- Normalize_Pathname
- (Project_Path,
- Case_Sensitive => False);
- begin
- Free (Real_Path);
- -- Fail if it is not the correct path
- if Normed_Path /= Proj_Path then
- if Verbose_Mode then
- Write_Str (Normed_Path);
- Write_Str (" /= ");
- Write_Line (Proj_Path);
- end if;
- Make_Failed
- ("""" & Main &
- """ is not a source of any project");
- end if;
- end;
- end;
- end if;
- if not Unique_Compile then
- -- Record the project, if it is the first main
- if Real_Main_Project = No_Project then
- Real_Main_Project := Proj;
- elsif Proj /= Real_Main_Project then
- -- Fail, as the current main is not a source
- -- of the same project as the first main.
- Make_Failed
- ("""" & Main &
- """ is not a source of project " &
- Get_Name_String
- (Projects.Table
- (Real_Main_Project).Name));
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- If -u and -U are not used, we may have mains that
- -- are sources of a project that is not the one
- -- specified with switch -P.
- if not Unique_Compile then
- Main_Project := Real_Main_Project;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- end;
+ Check_Mains;
end if;
-- If no mains have been specified on the command line,
@@ -4717,27 +4942,6 @@ package body Make is
Last_Arg : Natural := Binder_Switches.Last;
-- Index of the last argument in Args
- Mapping_FD : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
- -- A File Descriptor for an eventual mapping file
- Mapping_Path : Name_Id := No_Name;
- -- The path name of the mapping file
- ALI_Unit : Name_Id := No_Name;
- -- The unit name of an ALI file
- ALI_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
- -- The file name of the ALI file
- ALI_Project : Project_Id := No_Project;
- -- The project of the ALI file
- Bytes : Integer;
- OK : Boolean := True;
- Status : Boolean;
- -- For call to Close
-- If it is the first time the bind step is performed,
-- check if there are shared libraries, so that gnatbind is
@@ -4787,164 +4991,7 @@ package body Make is
-- If switch -C was specified, create a binder mapping file
if Create_Mapping_File then
- Tempdir.Create_Temp_File (Mapping_FD, Mapping_Path);
- if Mapping_FD /= Invalid_FD then
- -- Traverse all units
- for J in Prj.Com.Units.First .. Prj.Com.Units.Last loop
- declare
- Unit : constant Prj.Com.Unit_Data :=
- Prj.Com.Units.Table (J);
- use Prj.Com;
- begin
- if Unit.Name /= No_Name then
- -- If there is a body, put it in the mapping
- if Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name /= No_Name
- and then Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Project
- /= No_Project
- then
- Get_Name_String (Unit.Name);
- Name_Buffer
- (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 2) := "%b";
- Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
- ALI_Unit := Name_Find;
- ALI_Name :=
- Lib_File_Name
- (Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Name);
- ALI_Project :=
- Unit.File_Names (Body_Part).Project;
- -- Otherwise, if there is a spec, put it
- -- in the mapping.
- elsif Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name
- /= No_Name
- and then Unit.File_Names
- (Specification).Project
- /= No_Project
- then
- Get_Name_String (Unit.Name);
- Name_Buffer
- (Name_Len + 1 .. Name_Len + 2) := "%s";
- Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
- ALI_Unit := Name_Find;
- ALI_Name := Lib_File_Name
- (Unit.File_Names (Specification).Name);
- ALI_Project :=
- Unit.File_Names (Specification).Project;
- else
- ALI_Name := No_Name;
- end if;
- -- If we have something to put in the mapping
- -- then we do it now. However, if the project
- -- is extended, we don't put anything in the
- -- mapping file, because we do not know where
- -- the ALI file is: it might be in the ext-
- -- ended project obj dir as well as in the
- -- extending project obj dir.
- if ALI_Name /= No_Name
- and then Projects.Table
- (ALI_Project).Extended_By
- = No_Project
- and then Projects.Table
- (ALI_Project).Extends
- = No_Project
- then
- -- First line is the unit name
- Get_Name_String (ALI_Unit);
- Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ASCII.LF;
- Bytes :=
- Write
- (Mapping_FD,
- Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
- Name_Len);
- OK := Bytes = Name_Len;
- if OK then
- -- Second line it the ALI file name
- Get_Name_String (ALI_Name);
- Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ASCII.LF;
- Bytes :=
- Write
- (Mapping_FD,
- Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
- Name_Len);
- OK := Bytes = Name_Len;
- end if;
- if OK then
- -- Third line it the ALI path name,
- -- concatenation of the project
- -- directory with the ALI file name.
- declare
- ALI : constant String :=
- Get_Name_String (ALI_Name);
- begin
- Get_Name_String
- (Projects.Table (ALI_Project).
- Object_Directory);
- if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) /=
- Directory_Separator
- then
- Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len) :=
- Directory_Separator;
- end if;
- Name_Buffer
- (Name_Len + 1 ..
- Name_Len + ALI'Length) := ALI;
- Name_Len :=
- Name_Len + ALI'Length + 1;
- Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ASCII.LF;
- Bytes :=
- Write
- (Mapping_FD,
- Name_Buffer (1)'Address,
- Name_Len);
- OK := Bytes = Name_Len;
- end;
- end if;
- -- If OK is False, it means we were unable
- -- to write a line. No point in continuing
- -- with the other units.
- exit when not OK;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- Close (Mapping_FD, Status);
- OK := OK and Status;
- -- If the creation of the mapping file was successful,
- -- we add the switch to the arguments of gnatbind.
- if OK then
- Last_Arg := Last_Arg + 1;
- Args (Last_Arg) := new String'
- ("-F=" & Get_Name_String (Mapping_Path));
- end if;
- end if;
+ Create_Binder_Mapping_File (Args, Last_Arg);
end if;
end if;
@@ -4962,7 +5009,7 @@ package body Make is
if not Debug.Debug_Flag_N
and then Mapping_Path /= No_Name
- Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Mapping_Path), OK);
+ Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Mapping_Path), Discard);
end if;
-- And reraise the exception
@@ -4974,7 +5021,7 @@ package body Make is
-- if one was created.
if not Debug.Debug_Flag_N and then Mapping_Path /= No_Name then
- Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Mapping_Path), OK);
+ Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Mapping_Path), Discard);
end if;
end Bind_Step;
end if;
@@ -5439,7 +5486,6 @@ package body Make is
when X : others =>
Write_Line (Exception_Information (X));
Make_Failed ("INTERNAL ERROR. Please report.");
end Gnatmake;
@@ -5458,7 +5504,6 @@ package body Make is
function In_Ada_Lib_Dir (File : File_Name_Type) return Boolean is
D : constant Name_Id := Get_Directory (File);
B : constant Byte := Get_Name_Table_Byte (D);
return (B and Ada_Lib_Dir) /= 0;
end In_Ada_Lib_Dir;