path: root/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-valrea.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/libgnat/s-valrea.adb')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 470 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-valrea.adb b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-valrea.adb
index 1a47dc2..693b261 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-valrea.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-valrea.adb
@@ -29,282 +29,58 @@
-- --
-with System.Val_Util; use System.Val_Util;
with System.Float_Control;
+with System.Unsigned_Types; use System.Unsigned_Types;
+with System.Val_Util; use System.Val_Util;
+with System.Value_R;
package body System.Val_Real is
- procedure Scan_Integral_Digits
- (Str : String;
- Index : in out Integer;
- Max : Integer;
- Value : out Long_Long_Integer;
- Scale : out Integer;
- Base_Violation : in out Boolean;
- Base : Long_Long_Integer := 10;
- Base_Specified : Boolean := False);
- -- Scan the integral part of a real (i.e: before decimal separator)
- --
- -- The string parsed is Str (Index .. Max), and after the call Index will
- -- point to the first non parsed character.
- --
- -- For each digit parsed either value := value * base + digit, or scale
- -- is incremented by 1.
- --
- -- Base_Violation will be set to True a digit found is not part of the Base
- procedure Scan_Decimal_Digits
- (Str : String;
- Index : in out Integer;
- Max : Integer;
- Value : in out Long_Long_Integer;
- Scale : in out Integer;
- Base_Violation : in out Boolean;
- Base : Long_Long_Integer := 10;
- Base_Specified : Boolean := False);
- -- Scan the decimal part of a real (i.e: after decimal separator)
- --
- -- The string parsed is Str (Index .. Max), and after the call Index will
- -- point to the first non parsed character.
- --
- -- For each digit parsed value = value * base + digit and scale is
- -- decremented by 1. If precision limit is reached remaining digits are
- -- still parsed but ignored.
- --
- -- Base_Violation will be set to True a digit found is not part of the Base
- subtype Char_As_Digit is Long_Long_Integer range -2 .. 15;
- subtype Valid_Digit is Char_As_Digit range 0 .. Char_As_Digit'Last;
- Underscore : constant Char_As_Digit := -2;
- E_Digit : constant Char_As_Digit := 14;
- function As_Digit (C : Character) return Char_As_Digit;
- -- Given a character return the digit it represent. If the character is
- -- not a digit then a negative value is returned, -2 for underscore and
- -- -1 for any other character.
- Precision_Limit : constant Long_Long_Integer :=
- 2 ** (Long_Long_Float'Machine_Mantissa - 1) - 1;
- -- This is an upper bound for the number of bits used to represent the
- -- mantissa. Beyond that number, any digits parsed are useless.
- --------------
- -- As_Digit --
- --------------
- function As_Digit (C : Character) return Char_As_Digit is
- begin
- case C is
- when '0' .. '9' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
- when 'a' .. 'f' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - (Character'Pos ('a') - 10);
- when 'A' .. 'F' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - (Character'Pos ('A') - 10);
- when '_' =>
- return Underscore;
- when others =>
- return -1;
- end case;
- end As_Digit;
- -------------------------
- -- Scan_Decimal_Digits --
- -------------------------
- procedure Scan_Decimal_Digits
- (Str : String;
- Index : in out Integer;
- Max : Integer;
- Value : in out Long_Long_Integer;
- Scale : in out Integer;
- Base_Violation : in out Boolean;
- Base : Long_Long_Integer := 10;
- Base_Specified : Boolean := False)
+ package Impl is new Value_R (Long_Long_Unsigned, Floating => True);
+ function Integer_to_Real
+ (Str : String;
+ Val : Long_Long_Unsigned;
+ Base : Unsigned;
+ Scale : Integer;
+ Minus : Boolean) return Long_Long_Float;
+ -- Convert the real value from integer to real representation
+ ---------------------
+ -- Integer_to_Real --
+ ---------------------
+ function Integer_to_Real
+ (Str : String;
+ Val : Long_Long_Unsigned;
+ Base : Unsigned;
+ Scale : Integer;
+ Minus : Boolean) return Long_Long_Float
- Precision_Limit_Reached : Boolean := False;
- -- Set to True if addition of a digit will cause Value to be superior
- -- to Precision_Limit.
- Digit : Char_As_Digit;
- -- The current digit.
+ pragma Unsuppress (Range_Check);
- Trailing_Zeros : Natural := 0;
- -- Number of trailing zeros at a given point.
+ R_Val : Long_Long_Float;
- pragma Assert (Base in 2 .. 16);
- -- If initial Scale is not 0 then it means that Precision_Limit was
- -- reached during integral part scanning.
- if Scale > 0 then
- Precision_Limit_Reached := True;
- end if;
- -- The function precondition is that the first character is a valid
- -- digit.
- Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index));
- loop
- -- Check if base is correct. If the base is not specified the digit
- -- E or e cannot be considered as a base violation as it can be used
- -- for exponentiation.
- if Digit >= Base then
- if Base_Specified then
- Base_Violation := True;
- elsif Digit = E_Digit then
- return;
- else
- Base_Violation := True;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- If precision limit has been reached just ignore any remaining
- -- digits for the computation of Value and Scale. The scanning
- -- should continue only to assess the validity of the string
- if not Precision_Limit_Reached then
- if Digit = 0 then
- -- Trailing '0' digits are ignored unless a non-zero digit is
- -- found.
- Trailing_Zeros := Trailing_Zeros + 1;
- else
- -- Handle accumulated zeros.
- for J in 1 .. Trailing_Zeros loop
- if Value > Precision_Limit / Base then
- Precision_Limit_Reached := True;
- exit;
- else
- Value := Value * Base;
- Scale := Scale - 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Reset trailing zero counter
- Trailing_Zeros := 0;
- -- Handle current non zero digit
- if Value > (Precision_Limit - Digit) / Base then
- Precision_Limit_Reached := True;
- else
- Value := Value * Base + Digit;
- Scale := Scale - 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
+ -- We call the floating-point processor reset routine so we can be sure
+ -- that the processor is properly set for conversions. This is notably
+ -- needed on Windows, where calls to the operating system randomly reset
+ -- the processor into 64-bit mode.
- -- Check next character
- Index := Index + 1;
- if Index > Max then
- return;
- end if;
- Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index));
- if Digit < 0 then
- if Digit = Underscore and Index + 1 <= Max then
- -- Underscore is only allowed if followed by a digit
- Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index + 1));
- if Digit in Valid_Digit then
- Index := Index + 1;
- else
- return;
- end if;
- else
- -- Neither a valid underscore nor a digit.
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Scan_Decimal_Digits;
- --------------------------
- -- Scan_Integral_Digits --
- --------------------------
- procedure Scan_Integral_Digits
- (Str : String;
- Index : in out Integer;
- Max : Integer;
- Value : out Long_Long_Integer;
- Scale : out Integer;
- Base_Violation : in out Boolean;
- Base : Long_Long_Integer := 10;
- Base_Specified : Boolean := False)
- is
- Precision_Limit_Reached : Boolean := False;
- -- Set to True if addition of a digit will cause Value to be superior
- -- to Precision_Limit.
- Digit : Char_As_Digit;
- -- The current digit
- begin
- -- Initialize Scale and Value
- Value := 0;
- Scale := 0;
- -- The function precondition is that the first character is a valid
- -- digit.
- Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index));
- loop
- -- Check if base is correct. If the base is not specified the digit
- -- E or e cannot be considered as a base violation as it can be used
- -- for exponentiation.
- if Digit >= Base then
- if Base_Specified then
- Base_Violation := True;
- elsif Digit = E_Digit then
- return;
- else
- Base_Violation := True;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Precision_Limit_Reached then
- -- Precision limit has been reached so just update the exponent
- Scale := Scale + 1;
- else
- pragma Assert (Base /= 0);
+ System.Float_Control.Reset;
- if Value > (Precision_Limit - Digit) / Base then
- -- Updating Value will overflow so ignore this digit and any
- -- following ones. Only update the scale
- Precision_Limit_Reached := True;
- Scale := Scale + 1;
- else
- Value := Value * Base + Digit;
- end if;
- end if;
+ -- Compute the final value
- -- Look for the next character
- Index := Index + 1;
- if Index > Max then
- return;
- end if;
+ R_Val := Long_Long_Float (Val) * Long_Long_Float (Base) ** Scale;
- Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index));
+ -- Finally deal with initial minus sign, note that this processing is
+ -- done even if Uval is zero, so that -0.0 is correctly interpreted.
- if Digit not in Valid_Digit then
- -- Next character is not a digit. In that case stop scanning
- -- unless the next chracter is an underscore followed by a digit.
- if Digit = Underscore and Index + 1 <= Max then
- Digit := As_Digit (Str (Index + 1));
- if Digit in Valid_Digit then
- Index := Index + 1;
- else
- return;
- end if;
- else
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
+ return (if Minus then -R_Val else R_Val);
- end Scan_Integral_Digits;
+ exception
+ when Constraint_Error => Bad_Value (Str);
+ end Integer_to_Real;
-- Scan_Real --
@@ -315,197 +91,17 @@ package body System.Val_Real is
Ptr : not null access Integer;
Max : Integer)
return Long_Long_Float
- Start : Positive;
- -- Position of starting non-blank character
+ Base : Unsigned;
+ Scale : Integer;
+ Extra : Unsigned;
Minus : Boolean;
- -- Set to True if minus sign is present, otherwise to False
- Index : Integer;
- -- Local copy of string pointer
- Int_Value : Long_Long_Integer := -1;
- -- Mantissa as an Integer
- Int_Scale : Integer := 0;
- -- Exponent value
- Base_Violation : Boolean := False;
- -- If True some digits where not in the base. The float is still scan
- -- till the end even if an error will be raised.
- Uval : Long_Long_Float := 0.0;
- -- Contain the final value at the end of the function
- After_Point : Boolean := False;
- -- True if a decimal should be parsed
- Base : Long_Long_Integer := 10;
- -- Current base (default: 10)
- Base_Char : Character := ASCII.NUL;
- -- Character used to set the base. If Nul this means that default
- -- base is used.
+ Val : Long_Long_Unsigned;
- -- We do not tolerate strings with Str'Last = Positive'Last
- if Str'Last = Positive'Last then
- raise Program_Error with
- "string upper bound is Positive'Last, not supported";
- end if;
- -- We call the floating-point processor reset routine so that we can
- -- be sure the floating-point processor is properly set for conversion
- -- calls. This is notably need on Windows, where calls to the operating
- -- system randomly reset the processor into 64-bit mode.
- System.Float_Control.Reset;
- -- Scan the optional sign
- Scan_Sign (Str, Ptr, Max, Minus, Start);
- Index := Ptr.all;
- Ptr.all := Start;
- -- First character can be either a decimal digit or a dot.
- if Str (Index) in '0' .. '9' then
- pragma Annotate
- (CodePeer, Intentional,
- "test always true", "defensive code below");
- -- If this is a digit it can indicates either the float decimal
- -- part or the base to use
- Scan_Integral_Digits
- (Str,
- Index,
- Max => Max,
- Value => Int_Value,
- Scale => Int_Scale,
- Base_Violation => Base_Violation,
- Base => 10);
- elsif Str (Index) = '.' and then
- -- A dot is only allowed if followed by a digit.
- Index < Max and then
- Str (Index + 1) in '0' .. '9'
- then
- -- Initial point, allowed only if followed by digit (RM 3.5(47))
- After_Point := True;
- Index := Index + 1;
- Int_Value := 0;
- else
- Bad_Value (Str);
- end if;
- -- Check if the first number encountered is a base
- if Index < Max and then
- (Str (Index) = '#' or else Str (Index) = ':')
- then
- Base_Char := Str (Index);
- Base := Int_Value;
- -- Reset Int_Value to indicate that parsing of integral value should
- -- be done
- Int_Value := -1;
- if Base < 2 or else Base > 16 then
- Base_Violation := True;
- Base := 16;
- end if;
- Index := Index + 1;
- if Str (Index) = '.' and then
- Index < Max and then
- As_Digit (Str (Index + 1)) in Valid_Digit
- then
- After_Point := True;
- Index := Index + 1;
- Int_Value := 0;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Does scanning of integral part needed
- if Int_Value < 0 then
- if Index > Max or else As_Digit (Str (Index)) not in Valid_Digit then
- Bad_Value (Str);
- end if;
- Scan_Integral_Digits
- (Str,
- Index,
- Max => Max,
- Value => Int_Value,
- Scale => Int_Scale,
- Base_Violation => Base_Violation,
- Base => Base,
- Base_Specified => Base_Char /= ASCII.NUL);
- end if;
- -- Do we have a dot ?
- if not After_Point and then
- Index <= Max and then
- Str (Index) = '.'
- then
- -- At this stage if After_Point was not set, this means that an
- -- integral part has been found. Thus the dot is valid even if not
- -- followed by a digit.
- if Index < Max and then As_Digit (Str (Index + 1)) in Valid_Digit then
- After_Point := True;
- end if;
- Index := Index + 1;
- end if;
- if After_Point then
- -- Parse decimal part
- Scan_Decimal_Digits
- (Str,
- Index,
- Max => Max,
- Value => Int_Value,
- Scale => Int_Scale,
- Base_Violation => Base_Violation,
- Base => Base,
- Base_Specified => Base_Char /= ASCII.NUL);
- end if;
- -- If an explicit base was specified ensure that the delimiter is found
- if Base_Char /= ASCII.NUL then
- if Index > Max or else Str (Index) /= Base_Char then
- Bad_Value (Str);
- else
- Index := Index + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Compute the final value
- Uval := Long_Long_Float (Int_Value);
- -- Update pointer and scan exponent.
- Ptr.all := Index;
- Int_Scale := Int_Scale + Scan_Exponent (Str,
- Ptr,
- Max,
- Real => True);
- Uval := Uval * Long_Long_Float (Base) ** Int_Scale;
- -- Here is where we check for a bad based number
- if Base_Violation then
- Bad_Value (Str);
- -- If OK, then deal with initial minus sign, note that this processing
- -- is done even if Uval is zero, so that -0.0 is correctly interpreted.
- else
- if Minus then
- return -Uval;
- else
- return Uval;
- end if;
- end if;
+ Val := Impl.Scan_Raw_Real (Str, Ptr, Max, Base, Scale, Extra, Minus);
+ return Integer_to_Real (Str, Val, Base, Scale, Minus);
end Scan_Real;
@@ -513,30 +109,16 @@ package body System.Val_Real is
function Value_Real (Str : String) return Long_Long_Float is
- begin
- -- We have to special case Str'Last = Positive'Last because the normal
- -- circuit ends up setting P to Str'Last + 1 which is out of bounds. We
- -- deal with this by converting to a subtype which fixes the bounds.
- if Str'Last = Positive'Last then
- declare
- subtype NT is String (1 .. Str'Length);
- begin
- return Value_Real (NT (Str));
- end;
+ Base : Unsigned;
+ Scale : Integer;
+ Extra : Unsigned;
+ Minus : Boolean;
+ Val : Long_Long_Unsigned;
- -- Normal case where Str'Last < Positive'Last
+ begin
+ Val := Impl.Value_Raw_Real (Str, Base, Scale, Extra, Minus);
- else
- declare
- V : Long_Long_Float;
- P : aliased Integer := Str'First;
- begin
- V := Scan_Real (Str, P'Access, Str'Last);
- Scan_Trailing_Blanks (Str, P);
- return V;
- end;
- end if;
+ return Integer_to_Real (Str, Val, Base, Scale, Minus);
end Value_Real;
end System.Val_Real;