path: root/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-pack52.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/libgnat/s-pack52.adb')
1 files changed, 539 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-pack52.adb b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-pack52.adb
index 6cae3f7..d9bcf57 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-pack52.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/s-pack52.adb
@@ -35,6 +35,40 @@ with System.Unsigned_Types;
package body System.Pack_52 is
+ -- The high-level idea of the implementation is to overlay a record
+ -- containing components of the same size as that of the component
+ -- of the array, in order words 52 bits, and to access the indexed
+ -- component of the array through the appropriate selected component
+ -- of the record.
+ -- The record must be of a fixed size for technical reasons, so we
+ -- effectively overlay a series of contiguous records containing 8
+ -- components (so that their size in bits is a multiple of a byte)
+ -- at the start of the array and access the component in the last
+ -- of them. However, this component in the last record may also be
+ -- mapped to the last component of the array, which means that the
+ -- generated code cannot safely access past it (or its last byte).
+ -- That's why the last record of the series is shortened, so the
+ -- accessed component is always the last component of the record.
+ -- A (0) A (N)
+ -- | |
+ -- V V
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ --
+ -- component K
+ -- |
+ -- V
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | | | | |
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ -- | | | |
+ -- Cluster7 Cluster7 Cluster7 ClusterK
+ --
+ -- where the number of Cluster7 is N / 8 and K is N mod 8.
subtype Bit_Order is System.Bit_Order;
Reverse_Bit_Order : constant Bit_Order :=
Bit_Order'Val (1 - Bit_Order'Pos (System.Default_Bit_Order));
@@ -46,11 +80,372 @@ package body System.Pack_52 is
use type System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Offset;
use type System.Unsigned_Types.Unsigned;
- type Cluster is record
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster0 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster0 is record
+ E0 : Bits_52;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster0 use record
+ E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster0'Size use Bits * (1 + 0);
+ for Cluster0'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ 1 +
+ 1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
+ 2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
+ -- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
+ -- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
+ package AAC0 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster0);
+ -- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
+ -- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
+ -- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
+ type Rev_Cluster0 is new Cluster0
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC0 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster0);
+ -- The following declarations are for the case where the address
+ -- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+ -- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
+ -- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
+ type Cluster0U is new Cluster0;
+ for Cluster0U'Alignment use 1;
+ package AAC0U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster0U);
+ type Rev_Cluster0U is new Cluster0U
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC0U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster0U);
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster1 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster1 is record
+ E0, E1 : Bits_52;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster1 use record
+ E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E1 at 0 range 1 * Bits .. 1 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster1'Size use Bits * (1 + 1);
+ for Cluster1'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ 1 +
+ 1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
+ 2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
+ -- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
+ -- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
+ package AAC1 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster1);
+ -- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
+ -- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
+ -- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
+ type Rev_Cluster1 is new Cluster1
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC1 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster1);
+ -- The following declarations are for the case where the address
+ -- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+ -- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
+ -- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
+ type Cluster1U is new Cluster1;
+ for Cluster1U'Alignment use 1;
+ package AAC1U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster1U);
+ type Rev_Cluster1U is new Cluster1U
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC1U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster1U);
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster2 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster2 is record
+ E0, E1, E2 : Bits_52;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster2 use record
+ E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E1 at 0 range 1 * Bits .. 1 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E2 at 0 range 2 * Bits .. 2 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster2'Size use Bits * (1 + 2);
+ for Cluster2'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ 1 +
+ 1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
+ 2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
+ -- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
+ -- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
+ package AAC2 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster2);
+ -- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
+ -- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
+ -- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
+ type Rev_Cluster2 is new Cluster2
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC2 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster2);
+ -- The following declarations are for the case where the address
+ -- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+ -- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
+ -- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
+ type Cluster2U is new Cluster2;
+ for Cluster2U'Alignment use 1;
+ package AAC2U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster2U);
+ type Rev_Cluster2U is new Cluster2U
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC2U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster2U);
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster3 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster3 is record
+ E0, E1, E2, E3 : Bits_52;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster3 use record
+ E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E1 at 0 range 1 * Bits .. 1 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E2 at 0 range 2 * Bits .. 2 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E3 at 0 range 3 * Bits .. 3 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster3'Size use Bits * (1 + 3);
+ for Cluster3'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ 1 +
+ 1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
+ 2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
+ -- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
+ -- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
+ package AAC3 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster3);
+ -- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
+ -- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
+ -- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
+ type Rev_Cluster3 is new Cluster3
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC3 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster3);
+ -- The following declarations are for the case where the address
+ -- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+ -- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
+ -- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
+ type Cluster3U is new Cluster3;
+ for Cluster3U'Alignment use 1;
+ package AAC3U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster3U);
+ type Rev_Cluster3U is new Cluster3U
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC3U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster3U);
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster4 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster4 is record
+ E0, E1, E2, E3, E4 : Bits_52;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster4 use record
+ E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E1 at 0 range 1 * Bits .. 1 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E2 at 0 range 2 * Bits .. 2 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E3 at 0 range 3 * Bits .. 3 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E4 at 0 range 4 * Bits .. 4 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster4'Size use Bits * (1 + 4);
+ for Cluster4'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ 1 +
+ 1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
+ 2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
+ -- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
+ -- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
+ package AAC4 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster4);
+ -- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
+ -- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
+ -- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
+ type Rev_Cluster4 is new Cluster4
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC4 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster4);
+ -- The following declarations are for the case where the address
+ -- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+ -- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
+ -- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
+ type Cluster4U is new Cluster4;
+ for Cluster4U'Alignment use 1;
+ package AAC4U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster4U);
+ type Rev_Cluster4U is new Cluster4U
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC4U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster4U);
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster5 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster5 is record
+ E0, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 : Bits_52;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster5 use record
+ E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E1 at 0 range 1 * Bits .. 1 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E2 at 0 range 2 * Bits .. 2 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E3 at 0 range 3 * Bits .. 3 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E4 at 0 range 4 * Bits .. 4 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E5 at 0 range 5 * Bits .. 5 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster5'Size use Bits * (1 + 5);
+ for Cluster5'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ 1 +
+ 1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
+ 2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
+ -- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
+ -- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
+ package AAC5 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster5);
+ -- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
+ -- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
+ -- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
+ type Rev_Cluster5 is new Cluster5
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC5 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster5);
+ -- The following declarations are for the case where the address
+ -- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+ -- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
+ -- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
+ type Cluster5U is new Cluster5;
+ for Cluster5U'Alignment use 1;
+ package AAC5U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster5U);
+ type Rev_Cluster5U is new Cluster5U
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC5U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster5U);
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster6 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster6 is record
+ E0, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6 : Bits_52;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster6 use record
+ E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E1 at 0 range 1 * Bits .. 1 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E2 at 0 range 2 * Bits .. 2 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E3 at 0 range 3 * Bits .. 3 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E4 at 0 range 4 * Bits .. 4 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E5 at 0 range 5 * Bits .. 5 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ E6 at 0 range 6 * Bits .. 6 * Bits + Bits - 1;
+ end record;
+ for Cluster6'Size use Bits * (1 + 6);
+ for Cluster6'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ 1 +
+ 1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
+ 2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
+ -- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
+ -- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
+ package AAC6 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster6);
+ -- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
+ -- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
+ -- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
+ type Rev_Cluster6 is new Cluster6
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC6 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster6);
+ -- The following declarations are for the case where the address
+ -- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+ -- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
+ -- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
+ type Cluster6U is new Cluster6;
+ for Cluster6U'Alignment use 1;
+ package AAC6U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster6U);
+ type Rev_Cluster6U is new Cluster6U
+ with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
+ Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
+ package Rev_AAC6U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster6U);
+ --------------
+ -- Cluster7 --
+ --------------
+ type Cluster7 is record
E0, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7 : Bits_52;
end record;
- for Cluster use record
+ for Cluster7 use record
E0 at 0 range 0 * Bits .. 0 * Bits + Bits - 1;
E1 at 0 range 1 * Bits .. 1 * Bits + Bits - 1;
E2 at 0 range 2 * Bits .. 2 * Bits + Bits - 1;
@@ -61,41 +456,41 @@ package body System.Pack_52 is
E7 at 0 range 7 * Bits .. 7 * Bits + Bits - 1;
end record;
- for Cluster'Size use Bits * 8;
+ for Cluster7'Size use Bits * (1 + 7);
- for Cluster'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
+ for Cluster7'Alignment use Integer'Min (Standard'Maximum_Alignment,
1 +
1 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 2 = 0) +
2 * Boolean'Pos (Bits mod 4 = 0));
-- Use maximum possible alignment, given the bit field size, since this
-- will result in the most efficient code possible for the field.
- package AAC is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster);
+ package AAC7 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster7);
-- We convert addresses to access values and dereference them instead of
-- directly using overlays in order to work around the implementation of
-- the RM 13.3(19) clause, which would pessimize the generated code.
- type Rev_Cluster is new Cluster
+ type Rev_Cluster7 is new Cluster7
with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
- package Rev_AAC is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster);
+ package Rev_AAC7 is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster7);
-- The following declarations are for the case where the address
-- passed to GetU_52 or SetU_52 is not guaranteed to be aligned.
-- These routines are used when the packed array is itself a
-- component of a packed record, and therefore may not be aligned.
- type ClusterU is new Cluster;
- for ClusterU'Alignment use 1;
+ type Cluster7U is new Cluster7;
+ for Cluster7U'Alignment use 1;
- package AACU is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (ClusterU);
+ package AAC7U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Cluster7U);
- type Rev_ClusterU is new ClusterU
+ type Rev_Cluster7U is new Cluster7U
with Bit_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order,
Scalar_Storage_Order => Reverse_Bit_Order;
- package Rev_AACU is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_ClusterU);
+ package Rev_AAC7U is new Address_To_Access_Conversions (Rev_Cluster7U);
-- Get_52 --
@@ -106,33 +501,47 @@ package body System.Pack_52 is
N : Natural;
Rev_SSO : Boolean) return Bits_52
- A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
- C : constant AAC.Object_Pointer := AAC.To_Pointer (A);
- RC : constant Rev_AAC.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC.To_Pointer (A);
+ A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
+ C0 : constant AAC0.Object_Pointer := AAC0.To_Pointer (A);
+ C1 : constant AAC1.Object_Pointer := AAC1.To_Pointer (A);
+ C2 : constant AAC2.Object_Pointer := AAC2.To_Pointer (A);
+ C3 : constant AAC3.Object_Pointer := AAC3.To_Pointer (A);
+ C4 : constant AAC4.Object_Pointer := AAC4.To_Pointer (A);
+ C5 : constant AAC5.Object_Pointer := AAC5.To_Pointer (A);
+ C6 : constant AAC6.Object_Pointer := AAC6.To_Pointer (A);
+ C7 : constant AAC7.Object_Pointer := AAC7.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC0 : constant Rev_AAC0.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC0.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC1 : constant Rev_AAC1.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC1.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC2 : constant Rev_AAC2.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC2.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC3 : constant Rev_AAC3.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC3.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC4 : constant Rev_AAC4.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC4.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC5 : constant Rev_AAC5.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC5.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC6 : constant Rev_AAC6.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC6.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC7 : constant Rev_AAC7.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC7.To_Pointer (A);
(if Rev_SSO then
(case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => RC.E0,
- when 1 => RC.E1,
- when 2 => RC.E2,
- when 3 => RC.E3,
- when 4 => RC.E4,
- when 5 => RC.E5,
- when 6 => RC.E6,
- when 7 => RC.E7)
+ when 0 => RC0.E0,
+ when 1 => RC1.E1,
+ when 2 => RC2.E2,
+ when 3 => RC3.E3,
+ when 4 => RC4.E4,
+ when 5 => RC5.E5,
+ when 6 => RC6.E6,
+ when 7 => RC7.E7)
(case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => C.E0,
- when 1 => C.E1,
- when 2 => C.E2,
- when 3 => C.E3,
- when 4 => C.E4,
- when 5 => C.E5,
- when 6 => C.E6,
- when 7 => C.E7)
+ when 0 => C0.E0,
+ when 1 => C1.E1,
+ when 2 => C2.E2,
+ when 3 => C3.E3,
+ when 4 => C4.E4,
+ when 5 => C5.E5,
+ when 6 => C6.E6,
+ when 7 => C7.E7)
end Get_52;
@@ -145,33 +554,47 @@ package body System.Pack_52 is
N : Natural;
Rev_SSO : Boolean) return Bits_52
- A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
- C : constant AACU.Object_Pointer := AACU.To_Pointer (A);
- RC : constant Rev_AACU.Object_Pointer := Rev_AACU.To_Pointer (A);
+ A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
+ C0 : constant AAC0U.Object_Pointer := AAC0U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C1 : constant AAC1U.Object_Pointer := AAC1U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C2 : constant AAC2U.Object_Pointer := AAC2U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C3 : constant AAC3U.Object_Pointer := AAC3U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C4 : constant AAC4U.Object_Pointer := AAC4U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C5 : constant AAC5U.Object_Pointer := AAC5U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C6 : constant AAC6U.Object_Pointer := AAC6U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C7 : constant AAC7U.Object_Pointer := AAC7U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC0 : constant Rev_AAC0U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC0U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC1 : constant Rev_AAC1U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC1U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC2 : constant Rev_AAC2U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC2U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC3 : constant Rev_AAC3U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC3U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC4 : constant Rev_AAC4U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC4U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC5 : constant Rev_AAC5U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC5U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC6 : constant Rev_AAC6U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC6U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC7 : constant Rev_AAC7U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC7U.To_Pointer (A);
(if Rev_SSO then
(case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => RC.E0,
- when 1 => RC.E1,
- when 2 => RC.E2,
- when 3 => RC.E3,
- when 4 => RC.E4,
- when 5 => RC.E5,
- when 6 => RC.E6,
- when 7 => RC.E7)
+ when 0 => RC0.E0,
+ when 1 => RC1.E1,
+ when 2 => RC2.E2,
+ when 3 => RC3.E3,
+ when 4 => RC4.E4,
+ when 5 => RC5.E5,
+ when 6 => RC6.E6,
+ when 7 => RC7.E7)
(case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => C.E0,
- when 1 => C.E1,
- when 2 => C.E2,
- when 3 => C.E3,
- when 4 => C.E4,
- when 5 => C.E5,
- when 6 => C.E6,
- when 7 => C.E7)
+ when 0 => C0.E0,
+ when 1 => C1.E1,
+ when 2 => C2.E2,
+ when 3 => C3.E3,
+ when 4 => C4.E4,
+ when 5 => C5.E5,
+ when 6 => C6.E6,
+ when 7 => C7.E7)
end GetU_52;
@@ -185,32 +608,46 @@ package body System.Pack_52 is
E : Bits_52;
Rev_SSO : Boolean)
- A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
- C : constant AAC.Object_Pointer := AAC.To_Pointer (A);
- RC : constant Rev_AAC.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC.To_Pointer (A);
+ A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
+ C0 : constant AAC0.Object_Pointer := AAC0.To_Pointer (A);
+ C1 : constant AAC1.Object_Pointer := AAC1.To_Pointer (A);
+ C2 : constant AAC2.Object_Pointer := AAC2.To_Pointer (A);
+ C3 : constant AAC3.Object_Pointer := AAC3.To_Pointer (A);
+ C4 : constant AAC4.Object_Pointer := AAC4.To_Pointer (A);
+ C5 : constant AAC5.Object_Pointer := AAC5.To_Pointer (A);
+ C6 : constant AAC6.Object_Pointer := AAC6.To_Pointer (A);
+ C7 : constant AAC7.Object_Pointer := AAC7.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC0 : constant Rev_AAC0.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC0.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC1 : constant Rev_AAC1.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC1.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC2 : constant Rev_AAC2.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC2.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC3 : constant Rev_AAC3.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC3.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC4 : constant Rev_AAC4.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC4.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC5 : constant Rev_AAC5.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC5.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC6 : constant Rev_AAC6.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC6.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC7 : constant Rev_AAC7.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC7.To_Pointer (A);
if Rev_SSO then
case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => RC.E0 := E;
- when 1 => RC.E1 := E;
- when 2 => RC.E2 := E;
- when 3 => RC.E3 := E;
- when 4 => RC.E4 := E;
- when 5 => RC.E5 := E;
- when 6 => RC.E6 := E;
- when 7 => RC.E7 := E;
+ when 0 => RC0.E0 := E;
+ when 1 => RC1.E1 := E;
+ when 2 => RC2.E2 := E;
+ when 3 => RC3.E3 := E;
+ when 4 => RC4.E4 := E;
+ when 5 => RC5.E5 := E;
+ when 6 => RC6.E6 := E;
+ when 7 => RC7.E7 := E;
end case;
case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => C.E0 := E;
- when 1 => C.E1 := E;
- when 2 => C.E2 := E;
- when 3 => C.E3 := E;
- when 4 => C.E4 := E;
- when 5 => C.E5 := E;
- when 6 => C.E6 := E;
- when 7 => C.E7 := E;
+ when 0 => C0.E0 := E;
+ when 1 => C1.E1 := E;
+ when 2 => C2.E2 := E;
+ when 3 => C3.E3 := E;
+ when 4 => C4.E4 := E;
+ when 5 => C5.E5 := E;
+ when 6 => C6.E6 := E;
+ when 7 => C7.E7 := E;
end case;
end if;
end Set_52;
@@ -225,32 +662,46 @@ package body System.Pack_52 is
E : Bits_52;
Rev_SSO : Boolean)
- A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
- C : constant AACU.Object_Pointer := AACU.To_Pointer (A);
- RC : constant Rev_AACU.Object_Pointer := Rev_AACU.To_Pointer (A);
+ A : constant System.Address := Arr + Bits * Ofs (Uns (N) / 8);
+ C0 : constant AAC0U.Object_Pointer := AAC0U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C1 : constant AAC1U.Object_Pointer := AAC1U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C2 : constant AAC2U.Object_Pointer := AAC2U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C3 : constant AAC3U.Object_Pointer := AAC3U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C4 : constant AAC4U.Object_Pointer := AAC4U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C5 : constant AAC5U.Object_Pointer := AAC5U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C6 : constant AAC6U.Object_Pointer := AAC6U.To_Pointer (A);
+ C7 : constant AAC7U.Object_Pointer := AAC7U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC0 : constant Rev_AAC0U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC0U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC1 : constant Rev_AAC1U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC1U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC2 : constant Rev_AAC2U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC2U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC3 : constant Rev_AAC3U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC3U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC4 : constant Rev_AAC4U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC4U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC5 : constant Rev_AAC5U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC5U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC6 : constant Rev_AAC6U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC6U.To_Pointer (A);
+ RC7 : constant Rev_AAC7U.Object_Pointer := Rev_AAC7U.To_Pointer (A);
if Rev_SSO then
case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => RC.E0 := E;
- when 1 => RC.E1 := E;
- when 2 => RC.E2 := E;
- when 3 => RC.E3 := E;
- when 4 => RC.E4 := E;
- when 5 => RC.E5 := E;
- when 6 => RC.E6 := E;
- when 7 => RC.E7 := E;
+ when 0 => RC0.E0 := E;
+ when 1 => RC1.E1 := E;
+ when 2 => RC2.E2 := E;
+ when 3 => RC3.E3 := E;
+ when 4 => RC4.E4 := E;
+ when 5 => RC5.E5 := E;
+ when 6 => RC6.E6 := E;
+ when 7 => RC7.E7 := E;
end case;
case N07 (Uns (N) mod 8) is
- when 0 => C.E0 := E;
- when 1 => C.E1 := E;
- when 2 => C.E2 := E;
- when 3 => C.E3 := E;
- when 4 => C.E4 := E;
- when 5 => C.E5 := E;
- when 6 => C.E6 := E;
- when 7 => C.E7 := E;
+ when 0 => C0.E0 := E;
+ when 1 => C1.E1 := E;
+ when 2 => C2.E2 := E;
+ when 3 => C3.E3 := E;
+ when 4 => C4.E4 := E;
+ when 5 => C5.E5 := E;
+ when 6 => C6.E6 := E;
+ when 7 => C7.E7 := E;
end case;
end if;
end SetU_52;