path: root/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-wtdeau.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/libgnat/a-wtdeau.adb')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-wtdeau.adb b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-wtdeau.adb
index 7bfc613..268ba4d 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-wtdeau.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/a-wtdeau.adb
@@ -32,54 +32,21 @@
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Generic_Aux; use Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Generic_Aux;
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Float_Aux; use Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Float_Aux;
-with System.Img_Dec; use System.Img_Dec;
-with System.Img_LLD; use System.Img_LLD;
-with System.Val_Dec; use System.Val_Dec;
-with System.Val_LLD; use System.Val_LLD;
package body Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Decimal_Aux is
- -------------
- -- Get_Dec --
- -------------
- function Get_Dec
- (File : File_Type;
- Width : Field;
- Scale : Integer) return Integer
- is
- Buf : String (1 .. Field'Last);
- Ptr : aliased Integer;
- Stop : Integer := 0;
- Item : Integer;
- begin
- if Width /= 0 then
- Load_Width (File, Width, Buf, Stop);
- String_Skip (Buf, Ptr);
- else
- Load_Real (File, Buf, Stop);
- Ptr := 1;
- end if;
- Item := Scan_Decimal (Buf, Ptr'Access, Stop, Scale);
- Check_End_Of_Field (Buf, Stop, Ptr, Width);
- return Item;
- end Get_Dec;
- -------------
- -- Get_LLD --
- -------------
+ ---------
+ -- Get --
+ ---------
- function Get_LLD
+ function Get
(File : File_Type;
Width : Field;
- Scale : Integer) return Long_Long_Integer
+ Scale : Integer) return Int
Buf : String (1 .. Field'Last);
Ptr : aliased Integer;
Stop : Integer := 0;
- Item : Long_Long_Integer;
+ Item : Int;
if Width /= 0 then
@@ -90,68 +57,42 @@ package body Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Decimal_Aux is
Ptr := 1;
end if;
- Item := Scan_Long_Long_Decimal (Buf, Ptr'Access, Stop, Scale);
+ Item := Scan (Buf, Ptr'Access, Stop, Scale);
Check_End_Of_Field (Buf, Stop, Ptr, Width);
return Item;
- end Get_LLD;
- --------------
- -- Gets_Dec --
- --------------
- function Gets_Dec
- (From : String;
- Last : not null access Positive;
- Scale : Integer) return Integer
- is
- Pos : aliased Integer;
- Item : Integer;
- begin
- String_Skip (From, Pos);
- Item := Scan_Decimal (From, Pos'Access, From'Last, Scale);
- Last.all := Pos - 1;
- return Item;
+ end Get;
- exception
- when Constraint_Error =>
- Last.all := Pos - 1;
- raise Data_Error;
- end Gets_Dec;
+ ----------
+ -- Gets --
+ ----------
- --------------
- -- Gets_LLD --
- --------------
- function Gets_LLD
+ function Gets
(From : String;
- Last : not null access Positive;
- Scale : Integer) return Long_Long_Integer
+ Last : out Positive;
+ Scale : Integer) return Int
Pos : aliased Integer;
- Item : Long_Long_Integer;
+ Item : Int;
String_Skip (From, Pos);
- Item := Scan_Long_Long_Decimal (From, Pos'Access, From'Last, Scale);
- Last.all := Pos - 1;
+ Item := Scan (From, Pos'Access, From'Last, Scale);
+ Last := Pos - 1;
return Item;
when Constraint_Error =>
- Last.all := Pos - 1;
+ Last := Pos - 1;
raise Data_Error;
+ end Gets;
- end Gets_LLD;
- -------------
- -- Put_Dec --
- -------------
+ ---------
+ -- Put --
+ ---------
- procedure Put_Dec
+ procedure Put
(File : File_Type;
- Item : Integer;
+ Item : Int;
Fore : Field;
Aft : Field;
Exp : Field;
@@ -161,105 +102,51 @@ package body Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Decimal_Aux is
Ptr : Natural := 0;
- Set_Image_Decimal (Item, Buf, Ptr, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
+ Set_Image (Item, Buf, Ptr, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
Put_Item (File, Buf (1 .. Ptr));
- end Put_Dec;
+ end Put;
- -------------
- -- Put_LLD --
- -------------
+ ----------
+ -- Puts --
+ ----------
- procedure Put_LLD
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : Long_Long_Integer;
- Fore : Field;
- Aft : Field;
- Exp : Field;
- Scale : Integer)
- is
- Buf : String (1 .. Field'Last);
- Ptr : Natural := 0;
- begin
- Set_Image_Long_Long_Decimal (Item, Buf, Ptr, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
- Put_Item (File, Buf (1 .. Ptr));
- end Put_LLD;
- --------------
- -- Puts_Dec --
- --------------
- procedure Puts_Dec
+ procedure Puts
(To : out String;
- Item : Integer;
+ Item : Int;
Aft : Field;
Exp : Field;
Scale : Integer)
- Buf : String (1 .. Field'Last);
+ Buf : String (1 .. Positive'Max (Field'Last, To'Length));
Fore : Integer;
Ptr : Natural := 0;
- -- Compute Fore, allowing for Aft digits and the decimal dot
+ -- Compute Fore, allowing for the decimal dot and Aft digits
- Fore := To'Length - Field'Max (1, Aft) - 1;
+ Fore := To'Length - 1 - Field'Max (1, Aft);
- -- Allow for Exp and two more for E+ or E- if exponent present
+ -- Allow for Exp and one more for E if exponent present
if Exp /= 0 then
- Fore := Fore - 2 - Exp;
+ Fore := Fore - 1 - Field'Max (2, Exp);
end if;
-- Make sure we have enough room
- if Fore < 1 then
+ if Fore < 1 + Boolean'Pos (Item < 0) then
raise Layout_Error;
end if;
-- Do the conversion and check length of result
- Set_Image_Decimal (Item, Buf, Ptr, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
- if Ptr > To'Length then
- raise Layout_Error;
- else
- To := Buf (1 .. Ptr);
- end if;
- end Puts_Dec;
- --------------
- -- Puts_LLD --
- --------------
- procedure Puts_LLD
- (To : out String;
- Item : Long_Long_Integer;
- Aft : Field;
- Exp : Field;
- Scale : Integer)
- is
- Buf : String (1 .. Field'Last);
- Fore : Integer;
- Ptr : Natural := 0;
- begin
- Fore :=
- (if Exp = 0
- then To'Length - 1 - Aft
- else To'Length - 2 - Aft - Exp);
- if Fore < 1 then
- raise Layout_Error;
- end if;
- Set_Image_Long_Long_Decimal (Item, Buf, Ptr, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
+ Set_Image (Item, Buf, Ptr, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
if Ptr > To'Length then
raise Layout_Error;
To := Buf (1 .. Ptr);
end if;
- end Puts_LLD;
+ end Puts;
end Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Decimal_Aux;