path: root/gcc/ada/clean.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/clean.adb')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/clean.adb b/gcc/ada/clean.adb
index 8b34433..a41729a 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/clean.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/clean.adb
@@ -64,15 +64,12 @@ package body Clean is
ALI_Suffix : constant String := ".ali";
Tree_Suffix : constant String := ".adt";
Object_Suffix : constant String := Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all;
- Debug_Suffix : String := ".dg";
- -- Changed to "_dg" for VMS in the body of the package
+ Debug_Suffix : constant String := ".dg";
+ Repinfo_Suffix : constant String := ".rep";
+ -- Suffix of representation info files.
- Repinfo_Suffix : String := ".rep";
- -- Changed to "_rep" for VMS in the body of the package
- B_Start : String_Ptr := new String'("b~");
+ B_Start : constant String := "b~";
-- Prefix of binder generated file, and number of actual characters used.
- -- Changed to "b__" for VMS in the body of the package.
Project_Tree : constant Project_Tree_Ref :=
new Project_Tree_Data (Is_Root_Tree => True);
@@ -1266,27 +1263,7 @@ package body Clean is
or else Is_Writable_File (Full_Name (1 .. Last))
or else Is_Symbolic_Link (Full_Name (1 .. Last))
- -- On VMS, we have to delete all versions of the file
- if OpenVMS_On_Target then
- declare
- Host_Full_Name : constant String_Access :=
- To_Host_File_Spec (Full_Name (1 .. Last));
- begin
- if Host_Full_Name = null
- or else Host_Full_Name'Length = 0
- then
- Success := False;
- else
- Delete_File (Host_Full_Name.all & ";*", Success);
- end if;
- end;
- -- Otherwise just delete the specified file
- else
- Delete_File (Full_Name (1 .. Last), Success);
- end if;
+ Delete_File (Full_Name (1 .. Last), Success);
-- Here if no deletion required
@@ -1327,7 +1304,7 @@ package body Clean is
-- Build the file name (before the extension)
- File_Name (1 .. B_Start'Length) := B_Start.all;
+ File_Name (1 .. B_Start'Length) := B_Start;
File_Name (B_Start'Length + 1 .. Last) := Source_Name;
-- Spec
@@ -1590,16 +1567,7 @@ package body Clean is
Prj.Tree.Initialize (Project_Node_Tree);
Prj.Initialize (Project_Tree);
- -- Check if the platform is VMS and, if it is, change some variables
- if OpenVMS_On_Target then
- Debug_Suffix (Debug_Suffix'First) := '_';
- Repinfo_Suffix (Repinfo_Suffix'First) := '_';
- B_Start := new String'("b__");
- end if;
end if;
-- Reset global variables