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1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/pr112822.C b/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/pr112822.C
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/pr112822.C
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+/* PR tree-optimization/112822 */
+/* { dg-options "-w -O2" } */
+/* Verify we do not ICE on the following noisy creduced test case. */
+namespace b {
+typedef int c;
+template <bool, typename> struct d;
+template <typename e> struct d<true, e> { using f = e; };
+template <bool, typename, typename> struct aa;
+template <typename g, typename h> struct aa<false, g, h> { using f = h; };
+template <bool l, typename e> using ab = typename d<l, e>::f;
+template <bool l, typename g, typename h> using n = typename aa<l, g, h>::f;
+template <typename> class af {
+ typedef __complex__ ah;
+ template <typename e> af operator+=(e) {
+ ah o;
+ x = o;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ah x;
+} // namespace b
+namespace {
+enum { p };
+enum { ac, ad };
+struct ae;
+struct al;
+struct ag;
+typedef b::c an;
+namespace ai {
+template <typename aj> struct ak { typedef aj f; };
+template <typename aj> using ar = typename ak<aj>::f;
+template <typename> struct am {
+ enum { at };
+template <typename, typename> struct ao {
+ enum { at };
+template <typename> struct ap;
+template <typename> struct aq {
+ enum { at };
+} // namespace ai
+template <typename> struct ay;
+template <typename> class as;
+template <typename, int> class ba;
+template <typename, int au, int av, int = 0, int = au, int = av> class aw;
+template <typename> class be;
+template <typename, typename, int> class az;
+namespace ai {
+template <typename, typename> struct bg;
+template <typename aj, int = bg<typename aj::bb, typename aj::bc>::bd>
+struct bk;
+template <typename, typename> struct bf;
+template <typename> struct bm;
+template <typename> struct bh;
+template <int, typename bi, bool = ao<bi, typename bh<bi>::bj>::at> struct bp {
+ typedef bi f;
+template <typename aj, int bl> struct br {
+ typedef typename bp<bl, typename bm<aj>::f>::f f;
+template <typename, typename, int> struct bn;
+template <typename aj, int bo> struct bn<aj, al, bo> {
+ typedef aw<typename aj ::bu, aj ::bv, aj ::bq> f;
+template <typename aj> struct bx {
+ typedef typename bn<aj, typename ap<aj>::bs, aj ::bo>::f f;
+template <typename aj> struct bt { typedef b::n<0, aj, aj> f; };
+template <typename aj, int, typename ca = typename bx<aj>::f> struct cb {
+ enum { bw };
+ typedef b::n<bw, ca, typename bt<aj>::f> f;
+template <typename cd, typename = typename ap<cd>::bs> struct by {
+ typedef be<cd> f;
+template <typename cd, typename bs> struct bz {
+ typedef typename by<cd, bs>::f f;
+template <typename, typename, int> struct ch;
+template <typename ci, int cc> struct ch<ci, ci, cc> { typedef ci bd; };
+} // namespace ai
+template <typename ck, typename ce, typename = ai::bf<ck, ce>> struct cg;
+template <typename aj, typename cm> struct cg<aj, cm> { typedef aj cn; };
+namespace ai {
+template <typename cj, int> cj cp;
+template <typename bu, typename cj, int> void cl(bu *cr, cj cs) { ct(cr, cs); }
+typedef __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) double co;
+void ct(double *cr, co cs) { *(co *)cr = cs; }
+struct cq {
+ co q;
+template <> struct bm<b::af<double>> { typedef cq f; };
+template <> struct bh<cq> { typedef cq bj; };
+void ct(b::af<double> *cr, cq cs) { ct((double *)cr, cs.q); }
+template <typename cw, typename> struct cx {
+ template <int cy, typename cj> void cu(cw *a, cj) {
+ cl<cw, cj, cy>(a, cp<cj, cy>);
+ }
+} // namespace ai
+template <typename cd> class ba<cd, ac> : public ay<cd> {
+ typedef ai::ap<cd> bu;
+ typedef b::n<ai::ap<cd>::bo, bu, b::n<ai::am<bu>::at, bu, bu>> cv;
+ typedef ay<cd> db;
+ db::dc;
+ cv coeff(an dd, an col) const { return dc().coeff(dd, col); }
+template <typename cd> class cz : public ba<cd, ai::aq<cd>::at> {
+ ai::ap<cd> b;
+ enum { da, dg, dh, bv, bq, di = dg, bo };
+template <typename cd> class be : public cz<cd> {
+ typedef typename ai::ap<cd>::bu bu;
+ typedef cz<cd> db;
+ db::dc;
+ template <typename de> cd &operator+=(const be<de> &);
+ template <typename de> az<cd, de, ad> df(de);
+template <typename cd> struct ay {
+ cd &dc() { return *static_cast<cd *>(this); }
+ cd dc() const;
+template <typename, typename, int, typename> class dl;
+namespace ai {
+template <typename bb, typename bc, int dm> struct ap<az<bb, bc, dm>> {
+ typedef bb dj;
+ typedef bc r;
+ typedef ap<dj> s;
+ typedef ap<r> t;
+ typedef typename cg<typename dj ::bu, typename r ::bu>::cn bu;
+ typedef typename ch<typename s::cf, typename t::cf, bg<bb, bc>::bd>::bd cf;
+ enum { bo };
+} // namespace ai
+template <typename dk, typename Rhs_, int dm>
+class az : public dl<dk, Rhs_, dm,
+ ai::ch<ai::ap<dk>, ai::ap<Rhs_>, ai::bg<dk, Rhs_>::bd>> {
+ typedef dk bb;
+ typedef Rhs_ bc;
+ typedef typename ai::bt<bb>::f LhsNested;
+ typedef typename ai::bt<bc>::f dn;
+ typedef ai::ar<LhsNested> u;
+ typedef ai::ar<dn> RhsNestedCleaned;
+ u lhs();
+ RhsNestedCleaned rhs();
+template <typename bb, typename bc, int dm, typename>
+class dl : public ai::bz<az<bb, bc, dm>, al>::f {};
+namespace ai {
+template <typename> struct v { typedef ag w; };
+template <typename aj> struct evaluator_traits_base {
+ typedef typename v<typename ap<aj>::cf>::w w;
+template <typename aj> struct ax : evaluator_traits_base<aj> {};
+template <typename> struct y { static const bool at = false; };
+template <typename bu, int z> class plainobjectbase_evaluator_data {
+ plainobjectbase_evaluator_data(bu *ptr, an) : data(ptr) {}
+ an outerStride() { return z; }
+ bu *data;
+template <typename cd> struct evaluator {
+ typedef cd PlainObjectType;
+ typedef typename PlainObjectType::bu bu;
+ enum { IsVectorAtCompileTime };
+ enum { OuterStrideAtCompileTime };
+ evaluator(PlainObjectType &m) : m_d(m.data(), IsVectorAtCompileTime) {}
+ bu &coeffRef(an, an) { return m_d.data[m_d.outerStride()]; }
+ plainobjectbase_evaluator_data<bu, OuterStrideAtCompileTime> m_d;
+template <typename bu, int Rows, int Cols, int Options, int MaxRows,
+ int MaxCols>
+struct evaluator<aw<bu, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols>>
+ : evaluator<as<aw<bu, Rows, Cols>>> {
+ typedef aw<bu, Rows, Cols> XprType;
+ evaluator(XprType &m) : evaluator<as<XprType>>(m) {}
+template <typename DstEvaluator, typename, typename>
+struct copy_using_evaluator_traits {
+ typedef typename DstEvaluator::bu cw;
+ enum { RestrictedInnerSize };
+ typedef typename br<cw, RestrictedInnerSize>::f bi;
+template <typename Kernel, an, int>
+struct copy_using_evaluator_innervec_CompleteUnrolling {
+ typedef typename Kernel::bi bi;
+ enum { outer, inner, SrcAlignment, DstAlignment };
+ static void run(Kernel kernel) {
+ kernel.template assignPacketByOuterInner<DstAlignment, SrcAlignment, bi>(
+ outer, inner);
+ }
+template <typename Kernel> struct dense_assignment_loop {
+ static void run(Kernel kernel) {
+ typedef typename Kernel::DstEvaluatorType::XprType DstXprType;
+ copy_using_evaluator_innervec_CompleteUnrolling<
+ Kernel, 0, DstXprType::dh>::run(kernel);
+ }
+template <typename DstEvaluatorTypeT, typename SrcEvaluatorTypeT,
+ typename Functor>
+class generic_dense_assignment_kernel {
+ typedef typename DstEvaluatorTypeT::XprType DstXprType;
+ typedef DstEvaluatorTypeT DstEvaluatorType;
+ typedef SrcEvaluatorTypeT SrcEvaluatorType;
+ typedef copy_using_evaluator_traits<DstEvaluatorTypeT, SrcEvaluatorTypeT,
+ Functor>
+ AssignmentTraits;
+ typedef typename AssignmentTraits::bi bi;
+ generic_dense_assignment_kernel(DstEvaluatorType dst, SrcEvaluatorType src,
+ Functor, DstXprType dstExpr)
+ : m_dst(dst), m_src(src), m_dstExpr(dstExpr) {}
+ template <int StoreMode, int LoadMode, typename cj> void cu(an dd, an col) {
+ m_functor.template cu<StoreMode>(
+ &m_dst.coeffRef(dd, col), m_src.template packet<LoadMode, cj>(dd, col));
+ }
+ template <int StoreMode, int LoadMode, typename cj>
+ void assignPacketByOuterInner(an, an) {
+ an dd;
+ an col;
+ cu<StoreMode, LoadMode, cj>(dd, col);
+ }
+ DstEvaluatorType m_dst;
+ SrcEvaluatorType &m_src;
+ Functor m_functor;
+ DstXprType m_dstExpr;
+template <typename DstXprType, typename SrcXprType, typename Functor>
+void call_dense_assignment_loop(DstXprType &dst, SrcXprType src, Functor func) {
+ typedef evaluator<DstXprType> DstEvaluatorType;
+ typedef evaluator<SrcXprType> SrcEvaluatorType;
+ SrcEvaluatorType srcEvaluator(src);
+ DstEvaluatorType dstEvaluator(dst);
+ typedef generic_dense_assignment_kernel<DstEvaluatorType, SrcEvaluatorType,
+ Functor>
+ Kernel;
+ Kernel kernel(dstEvaluator, srcEvaluator, func, dst);
+ dense_assignment_loop<Kernel>::run(kernel);
+template <typename, typename> struct AssignmentKind;
+struct Dense2Dense;
+template <> struct AssignmentKind<ag, ag> { typedef Dense2Dense Kind; };
+template <typename DstXprType, typename SrcXprType, typename,
+ typename = typename AssignmentKind<typename ax<DstXprType>::w,
+ typename ax<SrcXprType>::w>::Kind,
+ typename = void>
+struct Assignment;
+template <typename Dst, typename Src, typename Func>
+void call_assignment(Dst &dst, Src src, Func func,
+ b::ab<!y<Src>::at, void *> = 0) {
+ enum { NeedToTranspose };
+ typedef b::n<NeedToTranspose, Dst, Dst> ActualDstTypeCleaned;
+ typedef b::n<NeedToTranspose, Dst, Dst &> ActualDstType;
+ ActualDstType actualDst(dst);
+ Assignment<ActualDstTypeCleaned, Src, Func>::run(actualDst, src, func);
+template <typename DstXprType, typename SrcXprType, typename Functor,
+ typename Weak>
+struct Assignment<DstXprType, SrcXprType, Functor, Weak> {
+ static void run(DstXprType &dst, SrcXprType src, Functor func) {
+ call_dense_assignment_loop(dst, src, func);
+ }
+template <typename aj, int bl> struct plain_array { aj array[bl]; };
+} // namespace ai
+template <typename aj, int bl, int, int av, int> class DenseStorage {
+ ai::plain_array<aj, bl> m_data;
+ an cols() { return av; }
+ aj *data() { return m_data.array; }
+template <typename cd> class as : public ai::by<cd>::f {
+ enum { Options };
+ typedef typename ai::by<cd>::f db;
+ typedef typename ai::ap<cd>::bu bu;
+ DenseStorage<bu, db::di, db::da, db::dg, Options> m_storage;
+ an cols() { return m_storage.cols(); }
+ bu &coeffRef(an, an colId) { return data()[colId]; }
+ bu *data() { return m_storage.data(); }
+namespace ai {
+template <typename Scalar_, int au, int av, int Options_, int MaxRows_,
+ int MaxCols_>
+struct ap<aw<Scalar_, au, av, Options_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_>> {
+ typedef Scalar_ bu;
+ typedef ae cf;
+ typedef al bs;
+ enum { bo };
+} // namespace ai
+template <typename Scalar_, int au, int, int Options_, int, int>
+class aw : public as<aw<Scalar_, au, Options_>> {
+ template <typename T0, typename T1> aw(T0, T1) {}
+template <typename cd>
+template <typename de>
+cd &be<cd>::operator+=(const be<de> &other) {
+ call_assignment(dc(), other.dc(), ai::cx<bu, bu>());
+ return dc();
+namespace ai {
+template <typename, typename> struct bg {
+ enum { bd };
+template <typename bb, typename bc, int Options>
+struct evaluator<az<bb, bc, Options>> : bk<az<bb, bc, Options>> {
+ typedef az<bb, bc, Options> XprType;
+ typedef bk<XprType> db;
+ evaluator(XprType xpr) : db(xpr) {}
+template <typename bb, typename bc, int cc> struct bk<az<bb, bc, ad>, cc> {
+ typedef az<bb, bc, ad> XprType;
+ bk(XprType xpr)
+ : m_lhs(xpr.lhs()), m_rhs(xpr.rhs()), m_lhsImpl(m_lhs), m_rhsImpl(m_rhs) {
+ }
+ typedef typename cb<bb, bc::dg>::f LhsNested;
+ typedef typename cb<bc, bb::da>::f dn;
+ typedef LhsNested u;
+ typedef dn RhsNestedCleaned;
+ typedef u LhsEtorType;
+ typedef RhsNestedCleaned RhsEtorType;
+ template <int, typename bi> bi packet(an, an);
+ LhsNested m_lhs;
+ dn m_rhs;
+ LhsEtorType m_lhsImpl;
+ RhsEtorType m_rhsImpl;
+} // namespace ai
+} // namespace
+namespace Eigen {
+template <typename Type1, typename Type2> bool verifyIsApprox(Type1, Type2);
+using namespace Eigen;
+template <typename TC, typename TA, typename TB> TC ref_prod(TC C, TA, TB B) {
+ for (an i; i;)
+ for (an j = 0; j < C.cols(); ++j)
+ for (an k; k;)
+ C.coeffRef(i, j) += B.coeff(k, j);
+ return C;
+template <typename aj, int Rows, int Cols, int Depth, int OC, int OA, int OB>
+b::ab<!0, void> test_lazy_single(int rows, int cols, int depth) {
+ aw<aj, Depth, OA> ci(rows, depth);
+ aw<aj, Cols, OB> B(depth, cols);
+ aw<aj, Rows, OC> C(rows, cols);
+ aw D(C);
+ verifyIsApprox(C += ci.df(B), ref_prod(D, ci, B));
+template <typename aj, int Rows, int Cols, int Depth>
+void test_lazy_all_layout(int rows = Rows, int cols = Cols, int depth = Depth) {
+ test_lazy_single<aj, Rows, Cols, Depth, p, p, p>(rows, cols, depth);
+template <typename aj> void test_lazy_l2() {
+ test_lazy_all_layout<aj, 1, 4, 2>();
+void fn1() { test_lazy_l2<b::af<double>>(); }