diff options
23 files changed, 685 insertions, 499 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/5gtaprop.adb b/gcc/ada/5gtaprop.adb
index bb15b0a..3c70a34 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/5gtaprop.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/5gtaprop.adb
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Stack_Guard (T : ST.Task_ID; On : Boolean) is
pragma Unreferenced (T);
pragma Unreferenced (On);
end Stack_Guard;
@@ -251,7 +250,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Finalize_Lock (L : access Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result := pthread_mutex_destroy (L);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
@@ -259,7 +257,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Finalize_Lock (L : access RTS_Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result := pthread_mutex_destroy (L);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
@@ -271,10 +268,8 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Write_Lock (L : access Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result := pthread_mutex_lock (L);
Ceiling_Violation := Result = FUNC_ERR and then errno = EINVAL;
pragma Assert (Result /= FUNC_ERR);
end Write_Lock;
@@ -283,7 +278,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
(L : access RTS_Lock; Global_Lock : Boolean := False)
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock or else Global_Lock then
Result := pthread_mutex_lock (L);
@@ -293,7 +287,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Write_Lock (T : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock then
Result := pthread_mutex_lock (T.Common.LL.L'Access);
@@ -316,7 +309,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Unlock (L : access Lock) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result := pthread_mutex_unlock (L);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
@@ -324,7 +316,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Unlock (L : access RTS_Lock; Global_Lock : Boolean := False) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock or else Global_Lock then
Result := pthread_mutex_unlock (L);
@@ -334,7 +325,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Unlock (T : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
if not Single_Lock then
Result := pthread_mutex_unlock (T.Common.LL.L'Access);
@@ -543,7 +533,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
Reason : System.Tasking.Task_States)
pragma Unreferenced (Reason);
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result := pthread_cond_signal (T.Common.LL.CV'Access);
@@ -813,10 +802,8 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Exit_Task is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result := pthread_set_ada_tcb (pthread_self, System.Null_Address);
pragma Assert (Result = 0);
end Exit_Task;
@@ -826,7 +813,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
procedure Abort_Task (T : Task_ID) is
Result : Interfaces.C.int;
Result :=
pthread_kill (T.Common.LL.Thread,
@@ -854,7 +840,6 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
function Check_No_Locks (Self_ID : ST.Task_ID) return Boolean is
pragma Unreferenced (Self_ID);
return True;
end Check_No_Locks;
@@ -961,9 +946,10 @@ package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is
if Result = FUNC_ERR then
raise Storage_Error; -- Insufficient resources.
end if;
end Initialize_Athread_Library;
+-- Package initialization
end System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.adb b/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.adb
index a275c31..5413ebf 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.adb
@@ -77,16 +77,14 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
function "+" (R : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T is
- Result : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
+ Result : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
Result (Resource_T'Pos (R)) := True;
return Result;
end "+";
function "+" (R1, R2 : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T is
- Result : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
+ Result : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
Result (Resource_T'Pos (R1)) := True;
Result (Resource_T'Pos (R2)) := True;
@@ -94,44 +92,37 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
end "+";
function "+"
- (R : Resource_T;
- S : Resource_Vector_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T
+ (R : Resource_T;
+ S : Resource_Vector_T) return Resource_Vector_T
- Result : Resource_Vector_T := S;
+ Result : Resource_Vector_T := S;
Result (Resource_T'Pos (R)) := True;
return Result;
end "+";
function "+"
- (S : Resource_Vector_T;
- R : Resource_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T
+ (S : Resource_Vector_T;
+ R : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T
- Result : Resource_Vector_T := S;
+ Result : Resource_Vector_T := S;
Result (Resource_T'Pos (R)) := True;
return Result;
end "+";
function "+" (S1, S2 : Resource_Vector_T) return Resource_Vector_T is
- Result : Resource_Vector_T;
+ Result : Resource_Vector_T;
Result := S1 or S2;
return Result;
end "+";
function "-"
- (S : Resource_Vector_T;
- R : Resource_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T
+ (S : Resource_Vector_T;
+ R : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T
- Result : Resource_Vector_T := S;
+ Result : Resource_Vector_T := S;
Result (Resource_T'Pos (R)) := False;
return Result;
@@ -177,21 +168,23 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
end if;
if Attr.NDPRI /= NDP_NONE then
--- ??? why is that comment out, should it be removed ?
+-- ??? why is this commented out, should it be removed ?
-- if Geteuid /= 0 then
-- raise Permission_Error;
-- end if;
- Status := sproc_attr_setprio
- (Sproc_Attr'Unrestricted_Access,
- int (Attr.NDPRI));
+ Status :=
+ sproc_attr_setprio
+ (Sproc_Attr'Unrestricted_Access, int (Attr.NDPRI));
end if;
- Status := sproc_create
- (Sproc'Unrestricted_Access,
- Sproc_Attr'Unrestricted_Access,
- null,
- System.Null_Address);
+ Status :=
+ sproc_create
+ (Sproc'Unrestricted_Access,
+ Sproc_Attr'Unrestricted_Access,
+ null,
+ System.Null_Address);
if Status /= 0 then
Status := sproc_attr_destroy (Sproc_Attr'Unrestricted_Access);
@@ -199,7 +192,6 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
end if;
Status := sproc_attr_destroy (Sproc_Attr'Unrestricted_Access);
end if;
if Status /= 0 then
@@ -217,12 +209,10 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
(Sproc_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
CPU : CPU_Number := ANY_CPU;
Resident : Page_Locking := NOLOCK;
- NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE)
- return sproc_t
+ NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE) return sproc_t
Attr : constant Sproc_Attributes :=
- (Sproc_Resources, CPU, Resident, NDPRI);
+ (Sproc_Resources, CPU, Resident, NDPRI);
return New_Sproc (Attr);
end New_Sproc;
@@ -233,8 +223,7 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
function Unbound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
- Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0)
- return Thread_Attributes
+ Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0) return Thread_Attributes
return (False, Thread_Resources, Thread_Timeslice);
@@ -265,11 +254,10 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
CPU : CPU_Number := ANY_CPU;
Resident : Page_Locking := NOLOCK;
NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE)
- return Thread_Attributes
+ return Thread_Attributes
Sproc : constant sproc_t := New_Sproc
- (Sproc_Resources, CPU, Resident, NDPRI);
+ (Sproc_Resources, CPU, Resident, NDPRI);
return (True, Thread_Resources, Thread_Timeslice, Sproc);
end Bound_Thread_Attributes;
@@ -280,8 +268,7 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
function New_Unbound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
- Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0)
- return Task_Info_Type
+ Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0) return Task_Info_Type
return new Thread_Attributes'
@@ -295,8 +282,7 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
function New_Bound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0;
- Sproc : sproc_t)
- return Task_Info_Type
+ Sproc : sproc_t) return Task_Info_Type
return new Thread_Attributes'
@@ -314,11 +300,10 @@ package body System.Task_Info is
CPU : CPU_Number := ANY_CPU;
Resident : Page_Locking := NOLOCK;
NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE)
- return Task_Info_Type
+ return Task_Info_Type
Sproc : constant sproc_t := New_Sproc
- (Sproc_Resources, CPU, Resident, NDPRI);
+ (Sproc_Resources, CPU, Resident, NDPRI);
return new Thread_Attributes'
(True, Thread_Resources, Thread_Timeslice, Sproc);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.ads b/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.ads
index 8cb4f23..f986bf9 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/5gtasinf.ads
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ package System.Task_Info is
-- Each thread has a number of attributes that dictate it's scheduling.
-- These attributes are:
- --
-- Bound_To_Sproc: whether the thread is bound to a specific sproc
-- for its entire lifetime.
- --
-- Timeslice: Amount of time that a thread is allowed to execute
-- before the system yeilds control to another thread
-- of equal priority.
- --
-- Resource_Vector: A bitmask used to control the binding of threads
-- to sprocs.
@@ -113,33 +113,27 @@ package System.Task_Info is
package Resource_Vector_Functions is
function "+"
- (R : Resource_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T;
+ (R : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T;
function "+"
- (R1 : Resource_T;
- R2 : Resource_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T;
+ (R1 : Resource_T;
+ R2 : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T;
function "+"
- (R : Resource_T;
- S : Resource_Vector_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T;
+ (R : Resource_T;
+ S : Resource_Vector_T) return Resource_Vector_T;
function "+"
- (S : Resource_Vector_T;
- R : Resource_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T;
+ (S : Resource_Vector_T;
+ R : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T;
function "+"
- (S1 : Resource_Vector_T;
- S2 : Resource_Vector_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T;
+ (S1 : Resource_Vector_T;
+ S2 : Resource_Vector_T) return Resource_Vector_T;
function "-"
- (S : Resource_Vector_T;
- R : Resource_T)
- return Resource_Vector_T;
+ (S : Resource_Vector_T;
+ R : Resource_T) return Resource_Vector_T;
end Resource_Vector_Functions;
@@ -208,8 +202,7 @@ package System.Task_Info is
(Sproc_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
CPU : CPU_Number := ANY_CPU;
Resident : Page_Locking := NOLOCK;
- NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE)
- return sproc_t;
+ NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE) return sproc_t;
-- Allocates a sproc_t control structure and creates the
-- corresponding sproc.
@@ -239,14 +232,12 @@ package System.Task_Info is
function Unbound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
- Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0)
- return Thread_Attributes;
+ Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0) return Thread_Attributes;
function Bound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0;
- Sproc : sproc_t)
- return Thread_Attributes;
+ Sproc : sproc_t) return Thread_Attributes;
function Bound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
@@ -255,20 +246,19 @@ package System.Task_Info is
CPU : CPU_Number := ANY_CPU;
Resident : Page_Locking := NOLOCK;
NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE)
- return Thread_Attributes;
+ return Thread_Attributes;
type Task_Info_Type is access all Thread_Attributes;
function New_Unbound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0)
- return Task_Info_Type;
+ return Task_Info_Type;
function New_Bound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
Thread_Timeslice : Duration := 0.0;
- Sproc : sproc_t)
- return Task_Info_Type;
+ Sproc : sproc_t) return Task_Info_Type;
function New_Bound_Thread_Attributes
(Thread_Resources : Resource_Vector_T := NO_RESOURCES;
@@ -277,7 +267,7 @@ package System.Task_Info is
CPU : CPU_Number := ANY_CPU;
Resident : Page_Locking := NOLOCK;
NDPRI : Non_Degrading_Priority := NDP_NONE)
- return Task_Info_Type;
+ return Task_Info_Type;
Unspecified_Task_Info : constant Task_Info_Type := null;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
index b69ba86..af2e8e4 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,55 @@
+2004-02-04 Robert Dewar <dewar@gnat.com>
+ * 5gtasinf.adb, 5gtasinf.ads, 5gtaprop.adb, ali.adb,
+ ali.ads, gprcmd.adb: Minor reformatting
+ * bindgen.adb: Output restrictions string for new style restrictions
+ handling
+ * impunit.adb: Add s-rident.ads (System.Rident) and
+ s-restri (System.Restrictions)
+ * lib-writ.adb: Fix bug in writing restrictions string (last few
+ entries wrong)
+ * s-restri.ads, s-restri.adb: Change name Restrictions to
+ Run_Time_Restrictions to avoid conflict with package name.
+ Add circuit to read and acquire run time restrictions.
+2004-02-04 Jose Ruiz <ruiz@act-europe.fr>
+ * restrict.ads, restrict.adb: Use the new restriction
+ No_Task_Attributes_Package instead of the old No_Task_Attributes.
+ * sem_prag.adb: No_Task_Attributes is a synonym of
+ No_Task_Attributes_Package.
+ * snames.ads, snames.adb: New entry for proper handling of
+ No_Task_Attributes.
+ * s-rident.ads: Adding restriction No_Task_Attributes_Package
+ (AI-00249) that supersedes the GNAT specific restriction
+ No_Task_Attributes.
+2004-02-04 Ed Schonberg <schonberg@gnat.com>
+ * sem_prag.adb:
+ (Analyze_Pragma, case Warnings): In an inlined body, as in an instance
+ body, an identifier may be wrapped in an unchecked conversion.
+2004-02-04 Vincent Celier <celier@gnat.com>
+ * lib-writ.ads: Comment update for the W lines
+ * bld.adb: (Expression): An empty string list is static
+ * fname-uf.adb: Minor comment update
+ * fname-uf.ads: (Get_File_Name): Document new parameter May_Fail
+ * gnatbind.adb: Initialize Cumulative_Restrictions with the
+ restrictions on the target.
2004-02-03 Kazu Hirata <kazu@cs.umass.edu>
* ada/trans.c (gigi): Use gen_rtx_SYMBOL_REF instead of
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ali.adb b/gcc/ada/ali.adb
index 8f340e8..66b7483 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ali.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/ali.adb
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
-- --
-with Butil; use Butil;
-with Debug; use Debug;
-with Fname; use Fname;
-with Namet; use Namet;
-with Opt; use Opt;
-with Osint; use Osint;
-with Output; use Output;
+with Butil; use Butil;
+with Debug; use Debug;
+with Fname; use Fname;
+with Namet; use Namet;
+with Opt; use Opt;
+with Osint; use Osint;
+with Output; use Output;
package body ALI is
@@ -105,8 +105,7 @@ package body ALI is
Err : Boolean;
Read_Xref : Boolean := False;
Read_Lines : String := "";
- Ignore_Lines : String := "X")
- return ALI_Id
+ Ignore_Lines : String := "X") return ALI_Id
P : Text_Ptr := T'First;
Line : Logical_Line_Number := 1;
@@ -328,8 +327,10 @@ package body ALI is
-- Get_Name --
- function Get_Name (Lower : Boolean := False;
- Ignore_Spaces : Boolean := False) return Name_Id is
+ function Get_Name
+ (Lower : Boolean := False;
+ Ignore_Spaces : Boolean := False) return Name_Id
+ is
Name_Len := 0;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ali.ads b/gcc/ada/ali.ads
index c5fa093..7fbf1a4 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ali.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/ali.ads
@@ -814,8 +814,7 @@ package ALI is
Err : Boolean;
Read_Xref : Boolean := False;
Read_Lines : String := "";
- Ignore_Lines : String := "X")
- return ALI_Id;
+ Ignore_Lines : String := "X") return ALI_Id;
-- Given the text, T, of an ALI file, F, scan and store the information
-- from the file, and return the Id of the resulting entry in the ALI
-- table. Switch settings may be modified as described above in the
diff --git a/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb b/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb
index 83418623..f9b6b81 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/bindgen.adb
@@ -141,6 +141,16 @@ package body Bindgen is
procedure Gen_Output_File_C (Filename : String);
-- Generate output file (C code case)
+ procedure Gen_Restrictions_String_1;
+ -- Generate first restrictions string, which consists of the parameters
+ -- the first R line, as described in lib-writ.ads, with the restrictions
+ -- being those for the entire partition (from Cumulative_Restrictions).
+ procedure Gen_Restrictions_String_2;
+ -- Generate first restrictions string, which consists of the parameters
+ -- the second R line, as described in lib-writ.ads, with the restrictions
+ -- being those for the entire partition (from Cumulative_Restrictions).
procedure Gen_Versions_Ada;
-- Output series of definitions for unit versions (Ada code case)
@@ -358,13 +368,15 @@ package body Bindgen is
Set_String (" Restrictions : constant String :=");
- Set_String (" """);
- for J in All_Restrictions loop
- null;
- end loop;
+ Set_String (" """);
+ Gen_Restrictions_String_1;
+ Set_String (""" &");
+ Write_Statement_Buffer;
- Set_String (""";");
+ Set_String (" """);
+ Gen_Restrictions_String_2;
+ Set_String (""" & ASCII.Nul;");
WBI ("");
@@ -606,11 +618,8 @@ package body Bindgen is
-- Generate definition for restrictions string
Set_String (" const char *restrictions = """);
- for J in All_Restrictions loop
- null;
- end loop;
+ Gen_Restrictions_String_1;
+ Gen_Restrictions_String_2;
Set_String (""";");
@@ -2453,6 +2462,52 @@ package body Bindgen is
end Gen_Output_File_C;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Gen_Restrictions_String_1 --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Gen_Restrictions_String_1 is
+ begin
+ for R in All_Boolean_Restrictions loop
+ if Cumulative_Restrictions.Set (R) then
+ Set_Char ('r');
+ elsif Cumulative_Restrictions.Violated (R) then
+ Set_Char ('v');
+ else
+ Set_Char ('n');
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Gen_Restrictions_String_1;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Gen_Restrictions_String_2 --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Gen_Restrictions_String_2 is
+ begin
+ for RP in All_Parameter_Restrictions loop
+ if Cumulative_Restrictions.Set (RP) then
+ Set_Char ('r');
+ Set_Int (Int (Cumulative_Restrictions.Value (RP)));
+ else
+ Set_Char ('n');
+ end if;
+ if not Cumulative_Restrictions.Violated (RP)
+ or else RP not in Checked_Parameter_Restrictions
+ then
+ Set_Char ('n');
+ else
+ Set_Char ('v');
+ Set_Int (Int (Cumulative_Restrictions.Count (RP)));
+ if Cumulative_Restrictions.Unknown (RP) then
+ Set_Char ('+');
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Gen_Restrictions_String_2;
-- Gen_Versions_Ada --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/bld.adb b/gcc/ada/bld.adb
index c690f63..d31ed69 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/bld.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/bld.adb
@@ -525,11 +525,16 @@ package body Bld is
First_Expression_In_List (Current_Term);
- if String_Node /= Empty_Node then
+ if String_Node = Empty_Node then
-- If String_Node is nil, it is an empty list,
- -- there is nothing to do
+ -- set Expression_Kind if it is still Undecided
+ if Expression_Kind = Undecided then
+ Expression_Kind := Static_String;
+ end if;
+ else
(Project => Project,
First_Term => Tree.First_Term (String_Node),
diff --git a/gcc/ada/fname-uf.adb b/gcc/ada/fname-uf.adb
index 067e019..9852688 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/fname-uf.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/fname-uf.adb
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ package body Fname.UF is
function Get_File_Name
- (Uname : Unit_Name_Type;
- Subunit : Boolean;
+ (Uname : Unit_Name_Type;
+ Subunit : Boolean;
May_Fail : Boolean := False) return File_Name_Type
Unit_Char : Character;
@@ -387,12 +387,12 @@ package body Fname.UF is
-- If we are in the second search of the table, we accept
-- the file name without checking, because we know that
- -- the file does not exist.
+ -- the file does not exist, except when May_Fail is True,
+ -- in which case we return No_File.
if No_File_Check then
if May_Fail then
return No_File;
return Fnam;
end if;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/fname-uf.ads b/gcc/ada/fname-uf.ads
index 24966bb..aad0e25 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/fname-uf.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/fname-uf.ads
@@ -44,14 +44,18 @@ package Fname.UF is
function Get_File_Name
- (Uname : Unit_Name_Type;
- Subunit : Boolean;
+ (Uname : Unit_Name_Type;
+ Subunit : Boolean;
May_Fail : Boolean := False) return File_Name_Type;
-- This function returns the file name that corresponds to a given unit
-- name, Uname. The Subunit parameter is set True for subunits, and
-- false for all other kinds of units. The caller is responsible for
-- ensuring that the unit name meets the requirements given in package
-- Uname and described above.
+ -- When May_Fail is True, if the file cannot be found, this function
+ -- returns No_File. When it is False, if the file cannot be found,
+ -- a file name compatible with one pattern Source_File_Name pragma is
+ -- returned.
procedure Initialize;
-- Initialize internal tables. This is called automatically when the
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnatbind.adb b/gcc/ada/gnatbind.adb
index 9dcb9f6..e4af0c3 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/gnatbind.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/gnatbind.adb
@@ -447,6 +447,12 @@ begin
+ -- Initialize Cumulative_Restrictions with the restrictions on the target
+ -- scanned from the system.ads file. Then as we read ALI files, we will
+ -- accumulate additional restrictions specified in other files.
+ Cumulative_Restrictions := Targparm.Restrictions_On_Target;
-- On OpenVMS, when -L is used, all external names used in pragmas Export
-- are in upper case. The reason is that on OpenVMS, the macro-assembler
-- MACASM-32, used to build Stand-Alone Libraries, only understands
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gprcmd.adb b/gcc/ada/gprcmd.adb
index 08ea8bf..369dae0 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/gprcmd.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/gprcmd.adb
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ procedure Gprcmd is
"bad call to gprcmd with" & Argument_Count'Img & " arguments.");
for J in 0 .. Argument_Count loop
Put (Standard_Error, Argument (J) & " ");
end loop;
@@ -473,9 +474,9 @@ begin
end if;
- else
- -- Uknown command
+ -- Unknown command
+ else
Check_Args (False);
end if;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/impunit.adb b/gcc/ada/impunit.adb
index f501d95..1f6b5b6 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/impunit.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/impunit.adb
@@ -297,6 +297,8 @@ package body Impunit is
"s-assert", -- System.Assertions
"s-memory", -- System.Memory
"s-parint", -- System.Partition_Interface
+ "s-restri", -- System.Restrictions
+ "s-rident", -- System.Rident
"s-tasinf", -- System.Task_Info
"s-wchcnv", -- System.Wch_Cnv
"s-wchcon"); -- System.Wch_Con
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib-writ.adb b/gcc/ada/lib-writ.adb
index 8cf1e1e..2165505 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/lib-writ.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib-writ.adb
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ package body Lib.Writ is
end loop;
end Write_With_Lines;
- -- Start of processing for Writ_ALI
+ -- Start of processing for Write_ALI
-- We never write an ALI file if the original operating mode was
@@ -919,7 +919,6 @@ package body Lib.Writ is
if not Has_No_Elaboration_Code (Cunit (Unit)) then
Main_Restrictions.Violated (No_Elaboration_Code) := True;
- Main_Restrictions.Count (No_Elaboration_Code) := -1;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads b/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads
index cdd456b..6aa8dcf 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib-writ.ads
@@ -406,11 +406,13 @@ package Lib.Writ is
-- One of these lines is present for each unit that is mentioned in
-- an explicit with clause by the current unit. The first parameter
-- is the unit name in internal format. The second parameter is the
- -- file name of the file that must be compiled to compile this unit
- -- (which is usually the file for the body, except for packages
- -- which have no body). The third parameter is the file name of the
- -- library information file that contains the results of compiling
- -- this unit. The optional modifiers are used as follows:
+ -- file name of the file that must be compiled to compile this unit.
+ -- It is usually the file for the body, except for packages
+ -- which have no body; for units that need a body, if the source file
+ -- for the body cannot be found, the file name of the spec is used
+ -- instead. The third parameter is the file name of the library
+ -- information file that contains the results of compiling this unit.
+ -- The optional modifiers are used as follows:
-- E pragma Elaborate applies to this unit
diff --git a/gcc/ada/restrict.adb b/gcc/ada/restrict.adb
index 2f2f153..4e72227 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/restrict.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/restrict.adb
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ package body Restrict is
and then Restrictions.Set (No_Protected_Type_Allocators)
and then Restrictions.Set (No_Local_Protected_Objects)
and then Restrictions.Set (No_Requeue_Statements)
- and then Restrictions.Set (No_Task_Attributes)
+ and then Restrictions.Set (No_Task_Attributes_Package)
and then Restrictions.Set (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting)
and then Restrictions.Set (Max_Task_Entries)
and then Restrictions.Set (Max_Protected_Entries)
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ package body Restrict is
Set_Restriction (No_Protected_Type_Allocators, N);
Set_Restriction (No_Local_Protected_Objects, N);
Set_Restriction (No_Requeue_Statements, N);
- Set_Restriction (No_Task_Attributes, N);
+ Set_Restriction (No_Task_Attributes_Package, N);
-- Set parameter restrictions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/restrict.ads b/gcc/ada/restrict.ads
index f29cb22..0d2f72f 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/restrict.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/restrict.ads
@@ -77,27 +77,27 @@ package Restrict is
end record;
Unit_Array : constant array (Positive range <>) of Unit_Entry := (
- (No_Asynchronous_Control, "a-astaco"),
- (No_Calendar, "a-calend"),
- (No_Calendar, "calendar"),
- (No_Delay, "a-calend"),
- (No_Delay, "calendar"),
- (No_Dynamic_Priorities, "a-dynpri"),
- (No_Finalization, "a-finali"),
- (No_IO, "a-direio"),
- (No_IO, "directio"),
- (No_IO, "a-sequio"),
- (No_IO, "sequenio"),
- (No_IO, "a-ststio"),
- (No_IO, "a-textio"),
- (No_IO, "text_io "),
- (No_IO, "a-witeio"),
- (No_Task_Attributes, "a-tasatt"),
- (No_Streams, "a-stream"),
- (No_Unchecked_Conversion, "a-unccon"),
- (No_Unchecked_Conversion, "unchconv"),
- (No_Unchecked_Deallocation, "a-uncdea"),
- (No_Unchecked_Deallocation, "unchdeal"));
+ (No_Asynchronous_Control, "a-astaco"),
+ (No_Calendar, "a-calend"),
+ (No_Calendar, "calendar"),
+ (No_Delay, "a-calend"),
+ (No_Delay, "calendar"),
+ (No_Dynamic_Priorities, "a-dynpri"),
+ (No_Finalization, "a-finali"),
+ (No_IO, "a-direio"),
+ (No_IO, "directio"),
+ (No_IO, "a-sequio"),
+ (No_IO, "sequenio"),
+ (No_IO, "a-ststio"),
+ (No_IO, "a-textio"),
+ (No_IO, "text_io "),
+ (No_IO, "a-witeio"),
+ (No_Task_Attributes_Package, "a-tasatt"),
+ (No_Streams, "a-stream"),
+ (No_Unchecked_Conversion, "a-unccon"),
+ (No_Unchecked_Conversion, "unchconv"),
+ (No_Unchecked_Deallocation, "a-uncdea"),
+ (No_Unchecked_Deallocation, "unchdeal"));
-- The following map has True for all GNAT pragmas. It is used to
-- implement pragma Restrictions (No_Implementation_Restrictions)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ package Restrict is
No_Select_Statements => True,
No_Standard_Storage_Pools => True,
No_Streams => True,
- No_Task_Attributes => True,
+ No_Task_Attributes_Package => True,
No_Task_Termination => True,
No_Wide_Characters => True,
Static_Priorities => True,
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-restri.adb b/gcc/ada/s-restri.adb
index e258e5e..be39f23 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-restri.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-restri.adb
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ package body System.Restrictions is
function Abort_Allowed return Boolean is
- return Restrictions.Violated (No_Abort_Statements)
+ return Run_Time_Restrictions.Violated (No_Abort_Statements)
or else
- Restrictions.Violated (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting);
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Violated (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting);
end Abort_Allowed;
@@ -51,12 +51,98 @@ package body System.Restrictions is
function Tasking_Allowed return Boolean is
- return Restrictions.Violated (Max_Tasks)
+ return Run_Time_Restrictions.Violated (Max_Tasks)
or else
- Restrictions.Violated (No_Tasking);
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Violated (No_Tasking);
end Tasking_Allowed;
+-- Package elaboration code (acquire restrictions)
- null;
+ Acquire_Restrictions : declare
+ subtype Big_String is String (Positive);
+ type Big_String_Ptr is access all Big_String;
+ RString : Big_String_Ptr;
+ pragma Import (C, RString, "__gl_restrictions");
+ P : Natural := 1;
+ -- Pointer to scan string
+ C : Character;
+ -- Next character from string
+ function Get_Char return Character;
+ -- Get next character from string
+ function Get_Natural return Natural;
+ -- Scan out natural value known to be in range, updating P past it
+ --------------
+ -- Get_Char --
+ --------------
+ function Get_Char return Character is
+ begin
+ P := P + 1;
+ return RString (P - 1);
+ end Get_Char;
+ -----------------
+ -- Get_Natural --
+ -----------------
+ function Get_Natural return Natural is
+ N : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ while RString (P) in '0' .. '9' loop
+ N := N * 10 + (Character'Pos (Get_Char) - Character'Pos ('0'));
+ end loop;
+ return N;
+ end Get_Natural;
+ -- Start of processing for Acquire_Restrictions
+ begin
+ -- Acquire data corresponding to first R line
+ for R in All_Boolean_Restrictions loop
+ C := Get_Char;
+ if C = 'v' then
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Violated (R) := True;
+ elsif C = 'r' then
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Set (R) := True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Acquire data corresponding to second R line
+ for RP in All_Parameter_Restrictions loop
+ -- Acquire restrictions pragma information
+ if Get_Char = 'r' then
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Set (RP) := True;
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Value (RP) := Get_Natural;
+ end if;
+ -- Acquire restrictions violations information
+ if Get_Char = 'v' then
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Violated (RP) := True;
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Count (RP) := Get_Natural;
+ if RString (P) = '+' then
+ Run_Time_Restrictions.Unknown (RP) := True;
+ P := P + 1;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Acquire_Restrictions;
end System.Restrictions;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-restri.ads b/gcc/ada/s-restri.ads
index 202428f..2160f07 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-restri.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-restri.ads
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ package System.Restrictions is
pragma Discard_Names;
package Rident is new System.Rident;
- Restrictions : Rident.Restrictions_Info;
+ Run_Time_Restrictions : Rident.Restrictions_Info;
-- Subprograms --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-rident.ads b/gcc/ada/s-rident.ads
index 37bef81..6bc09ff 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-rident.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-rident.ads
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ package System.Rident is
No_Standard_Storage_Pools, -- GNAT
No_Streams, -- GNAT
No_Task_Allocators, -- (RM D.7(7))
- No_Task_Attributes, -- GNAT
+ No_Task_Attributes_Package, -- GNAT
No_Task_Hierarchy, -- (RM D.7(3), H.4(3))
No_Task_Termination, -- GNAT (Ravenscar)
No_Tasking, -- GNAT
@@ -154,8 +154,9 @@ package System.Rident is
-- Synonyms permitted for historical purposes of compatibility
- -- No_Requeue synonym for No_Requeue_Statements
- -- No_Tasking synonym for Max_Tasks => 0
+ -- No_Requeue synonym for No_Requeue_Statements
+ -- No_Tasking synonym for Max_Tasks => 0
+ -- No_Task_Attributes synonym for No_Task_Attributes_Package
subtype All_Restrictions is Restriction_Id range
Boolean_Entry_Barriers .. Max_Storage_At_Blocking;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
index b09df0b..151721c 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
@@ -3280,6 +3280,15 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
Set_Restriction (No_Requeue_Statements, N);
Set_Warning (No_Requeue_Statements);
+ -- No_Task_Attributes is a synonym for
+ -- No_Task_Attributes_Package
+ elsif Chars (Expr) = Name_No_Task_Attributes then
+ Check_Restriction
+ (No_Implementation_Restrictions, Arg);
+ Set_Restriction (No_Task_Attributes_Package, N);
+ Set_Warning (No_Task_Attributes_Package);
-- Normal processing for all other cases
@@ -9648,7 +9657,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- the formal may be wrapped in a conversion if the actual
-- is a conversion. Retrieve the real entity name.
- if In_Instance_Body
+ if (In_Instance_Body
+ or else In_Inlined_Body)
and then Nkind (E_Id) = N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion
E_Id := Expression (E_Id);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/snames.adb b/gcc/ada/snames.adb
index 769da8e..4738620c 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/snames.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/snames.adb
@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ package body Snames is
"parameter_types#" &
"reference#" &
"no_requeue#" &
+ "no_task_attributes#" &
"restricted#" &
"result_mechanism#" &
"result_type#" &
diff --git a/gcc/ada/snames.ads b/gcc/ada/snames.ads
index 164a29d..679cd56 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/snames.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/snames.ads
@@ -524,33 +524,34 @@ package Snames is
Name_Parameter_Types : constant Name_Id := N + 275;
Name_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 276;
Name_No_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 277;
- Name_Restricted : constant Name_Id := N + 278;
- Name_Result_Mechanism : constant Name_Id := N + 279;
- Name_Result_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 280;
- Name_Runtime : constant Name_Id := N + 281;
- Name_SB : constant Name_Id := N + 282;
- Name_Secondary_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 283;
- Name_Section : constant Name_Id := N + 284;
- Name_Semaphore : constant Name_Id := N + 285;
- Name_Spec_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 286;
- Name_Static : constant Name_Id := N + 287;
- Name_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 288;
- Name_Subunit_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 289;
- Name_Task_Stack_Size_Default : constant Name_Id := N + 290;
- Name_Task_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 291;
- Name_Time_Slicing_Enabled : constant Name_Id := N + 292;
- Name_Top_Guard : constant Name_Id := N + 293;
- Name_UBA : constant Name_Id := N + 294;
- Name_UBS : constant Name_Id := N + 295;
- Name_UBSB : constant Name_Id := N + 296;
- Name_Unit_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 297;
- Name_Unknown : constant Name_Id := N + 298;
- Name_Unrestricted : constant Name_Id := N + 299;
- Name_Uppercase : constant Name_Id := N + 300;
- Name_User : constant Name_Id := N + 301;
- Name_VAX_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 302;
- Name_VMS : constant Name_Id := N + 303;
- Name_Working_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 304;
+ Name_No_Task_Attributes : constant Name_Id := N + 278;
+ Name_Restricted : constant Name_Id := N + 279;
+ Name_Result_Mechanism : constant Name_Id := N + 280;
+ Name_Result_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 281;
+ Name_Runtime : constant Name_Id := N + 282;
+ Name_SB : constant Name_Id := N + 283;
+ Name_Secondary_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 284;
+ Name_Section : constant Name_Id := N + 285;
+ Name_Semaphore : constant Name_Id := N + 286;
+ Name_Spec_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 287;
+ Name_Static : constant Name_Id := N + 288;
+ Name_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 289;
+ Name_Subunit_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 290;
+ Name_Task_Stack_Size_Default : constant Name_Id := N + 291;
+ Name_Task_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 292;
+ Name_Time_Slicing_Enabled : constant Name_Id := N + 293;
+ Name_Top_Guard : constant Name_Id := N + 294;
+ Name_UBA : constant Name_Id := N + 295;
+ Name_UBS : constant Name_Id := N + 296;
+ Name_UBSB : constant Name_Id := N + 297;
+ Name_Unit_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 298;
+ Name_Unknown : constant Name_Id := N + 299;
+ Name_Unrestricted : constant Name_Id := N + 300;
+ Name_Uppercase : constant Name_Id := N + 301;
+ Name_User : constant Name_Id := N + 302;
+ Name_VAX_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 303;
+ Name_VMS : constant Name_Id := N + 304;
+ Name_Working_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 305;
-- Names of recognized attributes. The entries with the comment "Ada 83"
-- are attributes that are defined in Ada 83, but not in Ada 95. These
@@ -564,158 +565,158 @@ package Snames is
-- The entries marked VMS are recognized only in OpenVMS implementations
-- of GNAT, and are treated as illegal in all other contexts.
- First_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 305;
- Name_Abort_Signal : constant Name_Id := N + 305; -- GNAT
- Name_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 306;
- Name_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 307;
- Name_Address_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 308; -- GNAT
- Name_Aft : constant Name_Id := N + 309;
- Name_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 310;
- Name_Asm_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 311; -- GNAT
- Name_Asm_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 312; -- GNAT
- Name_AST_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 313; -- VMS
- Name_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 314; -- GNAT
- Name_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 315;
- Name_Bit_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 316; -- GNAT
- Name_Body_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 317;
- Name_Callable : constant Name_Id := N + 318;
- Name_Caller : constant Name_Id := N + 319;
- Name_Code_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 320; -- GNAT
- Name_Component_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 321;
- Name_Compose : constant Name_Id := N + 322;
- Name_Constrained : constant Name_Id := N + 323;
- Name_Count : constant Name_Id := N + 324;
- Name_Default_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 325; -- GNAT
- Name_Definite : constant Name_Id := N + 326;
- Name_Delta : constant Name_Id := N + 327;
- Name_Denorm : constant Name_Id := N + 328;
- Name_Digits : constant Name_Id := N + 329;
- Name_Elaborated : constant Name_Id := N + 330; -- GNAT
- Name_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 331; -- Ada 83
- Name_Enum_Rep : constant Name_Id := N + 332; -- GNAT
- Name_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 333; -- Ada 83
- Name_Exponent : constant Name_Id := N + 334;
- Name_External_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 335;
- Name_First : constant Name_Id := N + 336;
- Name_First_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 337;
- Name_Fixed_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 338; -- GNAT
- Name_Fore : constant Name_Id := N + 339;
- Name_Has_Discriminants : constant Name_Id := N + 340; -- GNAT
- Name_Identity : constant Name_Id := N + 341;
- Name_Img : constant Name_Id := N + 342; -- GNAT
- Name_Integer_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 343; -- GNAT
- Name_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 344; -- Ada 83
- Name_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 345;
- Name_Last_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 346;
- Name_Leading_Part : constant Name_Id := N + 347;
- Name_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 348;
- Name_Machine_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 349;
- Name_Machine_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 350;
- Name_Machine_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 351;
- Name_Machine_Overflows : constant Name_Id := N + 352;
- Name_Machine_Radix : constant Name_Id := N + 353;
- Name_Machine_Rounds : constant Name_Id := N + 354;
- Name_Machine_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 355; -- GNAT
- Name_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 356; -- Ada 83
- Name_Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements : constant Name_Id := N + 357;
- Name_Maximum_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 358; -- GNAT
- Name_Mechanism_Code : constant Name_Id := N + 359; -- GNAT
- Name_Model_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 360;
- Name_Model_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 361;
- Name_Model_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 362;
- Name_Model_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 363;
- Name_Modulus : constant Name_Id := N + 364;
- Name_Null_Parameter : constant Name_Id := N + 365; -- GNAT
- Name_Object_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 366; -- GNAT
- Name_Partition_ID : constant Name_Id := N + 367;
- Name_Passed_By_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 368; -- GNAT
- Name_Pool_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 369;
- Name_Pos : constant Name_Id := N + 370;
- Name_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 371;
- Name_Range : constant Name_Id := N + 372;
- Name_Range_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 373; -- GNAT
- Name_Round : constant Name_Id := N + 374;
- Name_Safe_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 375; -- Ada 83
- Name_Safe_First : constant Name_Id := N + 376;
- Name_Safe_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 377; -- Ada 83
- Name_Safe_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 378;
- Name_Safe_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 379; -- Ada 83
- Name_Scale : constant Name_Id := N + 380;
- Name_Scaling : constant Name_Id := N + 381;
- Name_Signed_Zeros : constant Name_Id := N + 382;
- Name_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 383;
- Name_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 384;
- Name_Storage_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 385;
- Name_Storage_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 386; -- GNAT
- Name_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 387;
- Name_Target_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 388; -- GNAT
- Name_Terminated : constant Name_Id := N + 389;
- Name_To_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 390; -- GNAT
- Name_Type_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 391; -- GNAT
- Name_UET_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 392; -- GNAT
- Name_Unbiased_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 393;
- Name_Unchecked_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 394;
- Name_Unconstrained_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 395;
- Name_Universal_Literal_String : constant Name_Id := N + 396; -- GNAT
- Name_Unrestricted_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 397; -- GNAT
- Name_VADS_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 398; -- GNAT
- Name_Val : constant Name_Id := N + 399;
- Name_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 400;
- Name_Value_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 401; -- GNAT
- Name_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 402;
- Name_Wchar_T_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 403; -- GNAT
- Name_Wide_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 404;
- Name_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 405;
- Name_Word_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 406; -- GNAT
+ First_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 306;
+ Name_Abort_Signal : constant Name_Id := N + 306; -- GNAT
+ Name_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 307;
+ Name_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 308;
+ Name_Address_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 309; -- GNAT
+ Name_Aft : constant Name_Id := N + 310;
+ Name_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 311;
+ Name_Asm_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 312; -- GNAT
+ Name_Asm_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 313; -- GNAT
+ Name_AST_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 314; -- VMS
+ Name_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 315; -- GNAT
+ Name_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 316;
+ Name_Bit_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 317; -- GNAT
+ Name_Body_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 318;
+ Name_Callable : constant Name_Id := N + 319;
+ Name_Caller : constant Name_Id := N + 320;
+ Name_Code_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 321; -- GNAT
+ Name_Component_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 322;
+ Name_Compose : constant Name_Id := N + 323;
+ Name_Constrained : constant Name_Id := N + 324;
+ Name_Count : constant Name_Id := N + 325;
+ Name_Default_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 326; -- GNAT
+ Name_Definite : constant Name_Id := N + 327;
+ Name_Delta : constant Name_Id := N + 328;
+ Name_Denorm : constant Name_Id := N + 329;
+ Name_Digits : constant Name_Id := N + 330;
+ Name_Elaborated : constant Name_Id := N + 331; -- GNAT
+ Name_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 332; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Enum_Rep : constant Name_Id := N + 333; -- GNAT
+ Name_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 334; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Exponent : constant Name_Id := N + 335;
+ Name_External_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 336;
+ Name_First : constant Name_Id := N + 337;
+ Name_First_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 338;
+ Name_Fixed_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 339; -- GNAT
+ Name_Fore : constant Name_Id := N + 340;
+ Name_Has_Discriminants : constant Name_Id := N + 341; -- GNAT
+ Name_Identity : constant Name_Id := N + 342;
+ Name_Img : constant Name_Id := N + 343; -- GNAT
+ Name_Integer_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 344; -- GNAT
+ Name_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 345; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 346;
+ Name_Last_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 347;
+ Name_Leading_Part : constant Name_Id := N + 348;
+ Name_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 349;
+ Name_Machine_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 350;
+ Name_Machine_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 351;
+ Name_Machine_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 352;
+ Name_Machine_Overflows : constant Name_Id := N + 353;
+ Name_Machine_Radix : constant Name_Id := N + 354;
+ Name_Machine_Rounds : constant Name_Id := N + 355;
+ Name_Machine_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 356; -- GNAT
+ Name_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 357; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements : constant Name_Id := N + 358;
+ Name_Maximum_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 359; -- GNAT
+ Name_Mechanism_Code : constant Name_Id := N + 360; -- GNAT
+ Name_Model_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 361;
+ Name_Model_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 362;
+ Name_Model_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 363;
+ Name_Model_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 364;
+ Name_Modulus : constant Name_Id := N + 365;
+ Name_Null_Parameter : constant Name_Id := N + 366; -- GNAT
+ Name_Object_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 367; -- GNAT
+ Name_Partition_ID : constant Name_Id := N + 368;
+ Name_Passed_By_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 369; -- GNAT
+ Name_Pool_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 370;
+ Name_Pos : constant Name_Id := N + 371;
+ Name_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 372;
+ Name_Range : constant Name_Id := N + 373;
+ Name_Range_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 374; -- GNAT
+ Name_Round : constant Name_Id := N + 375;
+ Name_Safe_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 376; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Safe_First : constant Name_Id := N + 377;
+ Name_Safe_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 378; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Safe_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 379;
+ Name_Safe_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 380; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Scale : constant Name_Id := N + 381;
+ Name_Scaling : constant Name_Id := N + 382;
+ Name_Signed_Zeros : constant Name_Id := N + 383;
+ Name_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 384;
+ Name_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 385;
+ Name_Storage_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 386;
+ Name_Storage_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 387; -- GNAT
+ Name_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 388;
+ Name_Target_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 389; -- GNAT
+ Name_Terminated : constant Name_Id := N + 390;
+ Name_To_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 391; -- GNAT
+ Name_Type_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 392; -- GNAT
+ Name_UET_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 393; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unbiased_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 394;
+ Name_Unchecked_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 395;
+ Name_Unconstrained_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 396;
+ Name_Universal_Literal_String : constant Name_Id := N + 397; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unrestricted_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 398; -- GNAT
+ Name_VADS_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 399; -- GNAT
+ Name_Val : constant Name_Id := N + 400;
+ Name_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 401;
+ Name_Value_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 402; -- GNAT
+ Name_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 403;
+ Name_Wchar_T_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 404; -- GNAT
+ Name_Wide_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 405;
+ Name_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 406;
+ Name_Word_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 407; -- GNAT
-- Attributes that designate attributes returning renamable functions,
-- i.e. functions that return other than a universal value.
- First_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 407;
- Name_Adjacent : constant Name_Id := N + 407;
- Name_Ceiling : constant Name_Id := N + 408;
- Name_Copy_Sign : constant Name_Id := N + 409;
- Name_Floor : constant Name_Id := N + 410;
- Name_Fraction : constant Name_Id := N + 411;
- Name_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 412;
- Name_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 413;
- Name_Machine : constant Name_Id := N + 414;
- Name_Max : constant Name_Id := N + 415;
- Name_Min : constant Name_Id := N + 416;
- Name_Model : constant Name_Id := N + 417;
- Name_Pred : constant Name_Id := N + 418;
- Name_Remainder : constant Name_Id := N + 419;
- Name_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 420;
- Name_Succ : constant Name_Id := N + 421;
- Name_Truncation : constant Name_Id := N + 422;
- Name_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 423;
- Name_Wide_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 424;
- Name_Wide_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 425;
- Last_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 425;
+ First_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 408;
+ Name_Adjacent : constant Name_Id := N + 408;
+ Name_Ceiling : constant Name_Id := N + 409;
+ Name_Copy_Sign : constant Name_Id := N + 410;
+ Name_Floor : constant Name_Id := N + 411;
+ Name_Fraction : constant Name_Id := N + 412;
+ Name_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 413;
+ Name_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 414;
+ Name_Machine : constant Name_Id := N + 415;
+ Name_Max : constant Name_Id := N + 416;
+ Name_Min : constant Name_Id := N + 417;
+ Name_Model : constant Name_Id := N + 418;
+ Name_Pred : constant Name_Id := N + 419;
+ Name_Remainder : constant Name_Id := N + 420;
+ Name_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 421;
+ Name_Succ : constant Name_Id := N + 422;
+ Name_Truncation : constant Name_Id := N + 423;
+ Name_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 424;
+ Name_Wide_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 425;
+ Name_Wide_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 426;
+ Last_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 426;
-- Attributes that designate procedures
- First_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 426;
- Name_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 426;
- Name_Read : constant Name_Id := N + 427;
- Name_Write : constant Name_Id := N + 428;
- Last_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 428;
+ First_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 427;
+ Name_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 427;
+ Name_Read : constant Name_Id := N + 428;
+ Name_Write : constant Name_Id := N + 429;
+ Last_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 429;
-- Remaining attributes are ones that return entities
- First_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 429;
- Name_Elab_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 429; -- GNAT
- Name_Elab_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 430; -- GNAT
- Name_Storage_Pool : constant Name_Id := N + 431;
+ First_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 430;
+ Name_Elab_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 430; -- GNAT
+ Name_Elab_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 431; -- GNAT
+ Name_Storage_Pool : constant Name_Id := N + 432;
-- These attributes are the ones that return types
- First_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 432;
- Name_Base : constant Name_Id := N + 432;
- Name_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 433;
- Last_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 433;
- Last_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 433;
- Last_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 433;
+ First_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 433;
+ Name_Base : constant Name_Id := N + 433;
+ Name_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 434;
+ Last_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 434;
+ Last_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 434;
+ Last_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 434;
-- Names of recognized locking policy identifiers
@@ -723,10 +724,10 @@ package Snames is
-- name (e.g. C for Ceiling_Locking). If new policy names are added,
-- the first character must be distinct.
- First_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 434;
- Name_Ceiling_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 434;
- Name_Inheritance_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 435;
- Last_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 435;
+ First_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 435;
+ Name_Ceiling_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 435;
+ Name_Inheritance_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 436;
+ Last_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 436;
-- Names of recognized queuing policy identifiers.
@@ -734,10 +735,10 @@ package Snames is
-- name (e.g. F for FIFO_Queuing). If new policy names are added,
-- the first character must be distinct.
- First_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 436;
- Name_FIFO_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 436;
- Name_Priority_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 437;
- Last_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 437;
+ First_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 437;
+ Name_FIFO_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 437;
+ Name_Priority_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 438;
+ Last_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 438;
-- Names of recognized task dispatching policy identifiers
@@ -745,193 +746,193 @@ package Snames is
-- name (e.g. F for FIFO_WIthinn_Priorities). If new policy names
-- are added, the first character must be distinct.
- First_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 438;
- Name_Fifo_Within_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 438;
- Last_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 438;
+ First_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 439;
+ Name_Fifo_Within_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 439;
+ Last_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 439;
-- Names of recognized checks for pragma Suppress
- First_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 439;
- Name_Access_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 439;
- Name_Accessibility_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 440;
- Name_Discriminant_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 441;
- Name_Division_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 442;
- Name_Elaboration_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 443;
- Name_Index_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 444;
- Name_Length_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 445;
- Name_Overflow_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 446;
- Name_Range_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 447;
- Name_Storage_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 448;
- Name_Tag_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 449;
- Name_All_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 450;
- Last_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 450;
+ First_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 440;
+ Name_Access_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 440;
+ Name_Accessibility_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 441;
+ Name_Discriminant_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 442;
+ Name_Division_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 443;
+ Name_Elaboration_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 444;
+ Name_Index_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 445;
+ Name_Length_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 446;
+ Name_Overflow_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 447;
+ Name_Range_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 448;
+ Name_Storage_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 449;
+ Name_Tag_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 450;
+ Name_All_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 451;
+ Last_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 451;
-- Names corresponding to reserved keywords, excluding those already
-- declared in the attribute list (Access, Delta, Digits, Range).
- Name_Abort : constant Name_Id := N + 451;
- Name_Abs : constant Name_Id := N + 452;
- Name_Accept : constant Name_Id := N + 453;
- Name_And : constant Name_Id := N + 454;
- Name_All : constant Name_Id := N + 455;
- Name_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 456;
- Name_At : constant Name_Id := N + 457;
- Name_Begin : constant Name_Id := N + 458;
- Name_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 459;
- Name_Case : constant Name_Id := N + 460;
- Name_Constant : constant Name_Id := N + 461;
- Name_Declare : constant Name_Id := N + 462;
- Name_Delay : constant Name_Id := N + 463;
- Name_Do : constant Name_Id := N + 464;
- Name_Else : constant Name_Id := N + 465;
- Name_Elsif : constant Name_Id := N + 466;
- Name_End : constant Name_Id := N + 467;
- Name_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 468;
- Name_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 469;
- Name_Exit : constant Name_Id := N + 470;
- Name_For : constant Name_Id := N + 471;
- Name_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 472;
- Name_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 473;
- Name_Goto : constant Name_Id := N + 474;
- Name_If : constant Name_Id := N + 475;
- Name_In : constant Name_Id := N + 476;
- Name_Is : constant Name_Id := N + 477;
- Name_Limited : constant Name_Id := N + 478;
- Name_Loop : constant Name_Id := N + 479;
- Name_Mod : constant Name_Id := N + 480;
- Name_New : constant Name_Id := N + 481;
- Name_Not : constant Name_Id := N + 482;
- Name_Null : constant Name_Id := N + 483;
- Name_Of : constant Name_Id := N + 484;
- Name_Or : constant Name_Id := N + 485;
- Name_Others : constant Name_Id := N + 486;
- Name_Out : constant Name_Id := N + 487;
- Name_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 488;
- Name_Pragma : constant Name_Id := N + 489;
- Name_Private : constant Name_Id := N + 490;
- Name_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 491;
- Name_Raise : constant Name_Id := N + 492;
- Name_Record : constant Name_Id := N + 493;
- Name_Rem : constant Name_Id := N + 494;
- Name_Renames : constant Name_Id := N + 495;
- Name_Return : constant Name_Id := N + 496;
- Name_Reverse : constant Name_Id := N + 497;
- Name_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 498;
- Name_Separate : constant Name_Id := N + 499;
- Name_Subtype : constant Name_Id := N + 500;
- Name_Task : constant Name_Id := N + 501;
- Name_Terminate : constant Name_Id := N + 502;
- Name_Then : constant Name_Id := N + 503;
- Name_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 504;
- Name_Use : constant Name_Id := N + 505;
- Name_When : constant Name_Id := N + 506;
- Name_While : constant Name_Id := N + 507;
- Name_With : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
- Name_Xor : constant Name_Id := N + 509;
+ Name_Abort : constant Name_Id := N + 452;
+ Name_Abs : constant Name_Id := N + 453;
+ Name_Accept : constant Name_Id := N + 454;
+ Name_And : constant Name_Id := N + 455;
+ Name_All : constant Name_Id := N + 456;
+ Name_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 457;
+ Name_At : constant Name_Id := N + 458;
+ Name_Begin : constant Name_Id := N + 459;
+ Name_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 460;
+ Name_Case : constant Name_Id := N + 461;
+ Name_Constant : constant Name_Id := N + 462;
+ Name_Declare : constant Name_Id := N + 463;
+ Name_Delay : constant Name_Id := N + 464;
+ Name_Do : constant Name_Id := N + 465;
+ Name_Else : constant Name_Id := N + 466;
+ Name_Elsif : constant Name_Id := N + 467;
+ Name_End : constant Name_Id := N + 468;
+ Name_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 469;
+ Name_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 470;
+ Name_Exit : constant Name_Id := N + 471;
+ Name_For : constant Name_Id := N + 472;
+ Name_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 473;
+ Name_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 474;
+ Name_Goto : constant Name_Id := N + 475;
+ Name_If : constant Name_Id := N + 476;
+ Name_In : constant Name_Id := N + 477;
+ Name_Is : constant Name_Id := N + 478;
+ Name_Limited : constant Name_Id := N + 479;
+ Name_Loop : constant Name_Id := N + 480;
+ Name_Mod : constant Name_Id := N + 481;
+ Name_New : constant Name_Id := N + 482;
+ Name_Not : constant Name_Id := N + 483;
+ Name_Null : constant Name_Id := N + 484;
+ Name_Of : constant Name_Id := N + 485;
+ Name_Or : constant Name_Id := N + 486;
+ Name_Others : constant Name_Id := N + 487;
+ Name_Out : constant Name_Id := N + 488;
+ Name_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 489;
+ Name_Pragma : constant Name_Id := N + 490;
+ Name_Private : constant Name_Id := N + 491;
+ Name_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 492;
+ Name_Raise : constant Name_Id := N + 493;
+ Name_Record : constant Name_Id := N + 494;
+ Name_Rem : constant Name_Id := N + 495;
+ Name_Renames : constant Name_Id := N + 496;
+ Name_Return : constant Name_Id := N + 497;
+ Name_Reverse : constant Name_Id := N + 498;
+ Name_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 499;
+ Name_Separate : constant Name_Id := N + 500;
+ Name_Subtype : constant Name_Id := N + 501;
+ Name_Task : constant Name_Id := N + 502;
+ Name_Terminate : constant Name_Id := N + 503;
+ Name_Then : constant Name_Id := N + 504;
+ Name_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 505;
+ Name_Use : constant Name_Id := N + 506;
+ Name_When : constant Name_Id := N + 507;
+ Name_While : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
+ Name_With : constant Name_Id := N + 509;
+ Name_Xor : constant Name_Id := N + 510;
-- Names of intrinsic subprograms
-- Note: Asm is missing from this list, since Asm is a legitimate
-- convention name. So is To_Adress, which is a GNAT attribute.
- First_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 510;
- Name_Divide : constant Name_Id := N + 510;
- Name_Enclosing_Entity : constant Name_Id := N + 511;
- Name_Exception_Information : constant Name_Id := N + 512;
- Name_Exception_Message : constant Name_Id := N + 513;
- Name_Exception_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 514;
- Name_File : constant Name_Id := N + 515;
- Name_Import_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 516;
- Name_Import_Largest_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 517;
- Name_Import_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 518;
- Name_Is_Negative : constant Name_Id := N + 519;
- Name_Line : constant Name_Id := N + 520;
- Name_Rotate_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 521;
- Name_Rotate_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 522;
- Name_Shift_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 523;
- Name_Shift_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 524;
- Name_Shift_Right_Arithmetic : constant Name_Id := N + 525;
- Name_Source_Location : constant Name_Id := N + 526;
- Name_Unchecked_Conversion : constant Name_Id := N + 527;
- Name_Unchecked_Deallocation : constant Name_Id := N + 528;
- Name_To_Pointer : constant Name_Id := N + 529;
- Last_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 529;
+ First_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 511;
+ Name_Divide : constant Name_Id := N + 511;
+ Name_Enclosing_Entity : constant Name_Id := N + 512;
+ Name_Exception_Information : constant Name_Id := N + 513;
+ Name_Exception_Message : constant Name_Id := N + 514;
+ Name_Exception_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 515;
+ Name_File : constant Name_Id := N + 516;
+ Name_Import_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 517;
+ Name_Import_Largest_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 518;
+ Name_Import_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 519;
+ Name_Is_Negative : constant Name_Id := N + 520;
+ Name_Line : constant Name_Id := N + 521;
+ Name_Rotate_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 522;
+ Name_Rotate_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 523;
+ Name_Shift_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 524;
+ Name_Shift_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 525;
+ Name_Shift_Right_Arithmetic : constant Name_Id := N + 526;
+ Name_Source_Location : constant Name_Id := N + 527;
+ Name_Unchecked_Conversion : constant Name_Id := N + 528;
+ Name_Unchecked_Deallocation : constant Name_Id := N + 529;
+ Name_To_Pointer : constant Name_Id := N + 530;
+ Last_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 530;
-- Reserved words used only in Ada 95
- First_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 530;
- Name_Abstract : constant Name_Id := N + 530;
- Name_Aliased : constant Name_Id := N + 531;
- Name_Protected : constant Name_Id := N + 532;
- Name_Until : constant Name_Id := N + 533;
- Name_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 534;
- Name_Tagged : constant Name_Id := N + 535;
- Last_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 535;
+ First_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 531;
+ Name_Abstract : constant Name_Id := N + 531;
+ Name_Aliased : constant Name_Id := N + 532;
+ Name_Protected : constant Name_Id := N + 533;
+ Name_Until : constant Name_Id := N + 534;
+ Name_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 535;
+ Name_Tagged : constant Name_Id := N + 536;
+ Last_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 536;
subtype Ada_95_Reserved_Words is
Name_Id range First_95_Reserved_Word .. Last_95_Reserved_Word;
-- Miscellaneous names used in semantic checking
- Name_Raise_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 536;
+ Name_Raise_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 537;
-- Additional reserved words in GNAT Project Files
-- Note that Name_External is already previously declared
- Name_Binder : constant Name_Id := N + 537;
- Name_Body_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 538;
- Name_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 539;
- Name_Compiler : constant Name_Id := N + 540;
- Name_Cross_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 541;
- Name_Default_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 542;
- Name_Exec_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 543;
- Name_Executable : constant Name_Id := N + 544;
- Name_Executable_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 545;
- Name_Extends : constant Name_Id := N + 546;
- Name_Finder : constant Name_Id := N + 547;
- Name_Global_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 548;
- Name_Gnatls : constant Name_Id := N + 549;
- Name_Gnatstub : constant Name_Id := N + 550;
- Name_Implementation : constant Name_Id := N + 551;
- Name_Implementation_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 552;
- Name_Implementation_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 553;
- Name_Languages : constant Name_Id := N + 554;
- Name_Library_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 555;
- Name_Library_Auto_Init : constant Name_Id := N + 556;
- Name_Library_GCC : constant Name_Id := N + 557;
- Name_Library_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 558;
- Name_Library_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 559;
- Name_Library_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 560;
- Name_Library_Options : constant Name_Id := N + 561;
- Name_Library_Reference_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 562;
- Name_Library_Src_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 563;
- Name_Library_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 564;
- Name_Library_Symbol_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 565;
- Name_Library_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 566;
- Name_Linker : constant Name_Id := N + 567;
- Name_Local_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 568;
- Name_Locally_Removed_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 569;
- Name_Naming : constant Name_Id := N + 570;
- Name_Object_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 571;
- Name_Pretty_Printer : constant Name_Id := N + 572;
- Name_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 573;
- Name_Separate_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 574;
- Name_Source_Dirs : constant Name_Id := N + 575;
- Name_Source_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 576;
- Name_Source_List_File : constant Name_Id := N + 577;
- Name_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 578;
- Name_Spec_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 579;
- Name_Specification : constant Name_Id := N + 580;
- Name_Specification_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 581;
- Name_Specification_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 582;
- Name_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 583;
+ Name_Binder : constant Name_Id := N + 538;
+ Name_Body_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 539;
+ Name_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 540;
+ Name_Compiler : constant Name_Id := N + 541;
+ Name_Cross_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 542;
+ Name_Default_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 543;
+ Name_Exec_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 544;
+ Name_Executable : constant Name_Id := N + 545;
+ Name_Executable_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 546;
+ Name_Extends : constant Name_Id := N + 547;
+ Name_Finder : constant Name_Id := N + 548;
+ Name_Global_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 549;
+ Name_Gnatls : constant Name_Id := N + 550;
+ Name_Gnatstub : constant Name_Id := N + 551;
+ Name_Implementation : constant Name_Id := N + 552;
+ Name_Implementation_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 553;
+ Name_Implementation_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 554;
+ Name_Languages : constant Name_Id := N + 555;
+ Name_Library_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 556;
+ Name_Library_Auto_Init : constant Name_Id := N + 557;
+ Name_Library_GCC : constant Name_Id := N + 558;
+ Name_Library_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 559;
+ Name_Library_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 560;
+ Name_Library_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 561;
+ Name_Library_Options : constant Name_Id := N + 562;
+ Name_Library_Reference_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 563;
+ Name_Library_Src_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 564;
+ Name_Library_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 565;
+ Name_Library_Symbol_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 566;
+ Name_Library_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 567;
+ Name_Linker : constant Name_Id := N + 568;
+ Name_Local_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 569;
+ Name_Locally_Removed_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 570;
+ Name_Naming : constant Name_Id := N + 571;
+ Name_Object_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 572;
+ Name_Pretty_Printer : constant Name_Id := N + 573;
+ Name_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 574;
+ Name_Separate_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 575;
+ Name_Source_Dirs : constant Name_Id := N + 576;
+ Name_Source_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 577;
+ Name_Source_List_File : constant Name_Id := N + 578;
+ Name_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 579;
+ Name_Spec_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 580;
+ Name_Specification : constant Name_Id := N + 581;
+ Name_Specification_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 582;
+ Name_Specification_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 583;
+ Name_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 584;
-- Other miscellaneous names used in front end
- Name_Unaligned_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 584;
+ Name_Unaligned_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 585;
-- Mark last defined name for consistency check in Snames body
- Last_Predefined_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 584;
+ Last_Predefined_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 585;
subtype Any_Operator_Name is Name_Id range
First_Operator_Name .. Last_Operator_Name;