path: root/gcc/ada/uintp.ads
diff options
authorRichard Kenner <kenner@gcc.gnu.org>2001-10-02 10:57:59 -0400
committerRichard Kenner <kenner@gcc.gnu.org>2001-10-02 10:57:59 -0400
commit415dddc81c99f37554902cbe0d838060b62a2548 (patch)
tree4ef27cb0e7d117a7b5941427f004d4d06fc8675b /gcc/ada/uintp.ads
parent996ae0b0aeb9e07a4d7d7ff2926625fd0a58349e (diff)
New Language: Ada
From-SVN: r45960
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/uintp.ads')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/uintp.ads b/gcc/ada/uintp.ads
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cfb79a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/uintp.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- U I N T P --
+-- --
+-- S p e c --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.58 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). --
+-- --
+-- Support for universal integer arithmetic
+-- WARNING: There is a C version of this package. Any changes to this
+-- source file must be properly reflected in the C header file sinfo.h
+with Alloc;
+with Table;
+with Types; use Types;
+package Uintp is
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- Basic Types and Constants for Uintp Package --
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ type Uint is private;
+ -- The basic universal integer type
+ No_Uint : constant Uint;
+ -- A constant value indicating a missing or unset Uint value
+ Uint_0 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_1 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_2 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_3 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_4 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_5 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_6 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_7 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_8 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_9 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_10 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_12 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_15 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_16 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_24 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_32 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_63 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_64 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_128 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_1 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_2 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_3 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_4 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_5 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_6 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_7 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_8 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_9 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_12 : constant Uint;
+ Uint_Minus_128 : constant Uint;
+ -----------------
+ -- Subprograms --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Initialize;
+ -- Initialize Uint tables. Note that Initialize must not be called if
+ -- Tree_Read is used. Note also that there is no lock routine in this
+ -- unit, these are among the few tables that can be expanded during
+ -- gigi processing.
+ procedure Tree_Read;
+ -- Initializes internal tables from current tree file using Tree_Read.
+ -- Note that Initialize should not be called if Tree_Read is used.
+ -- Tree_Read includes all necessary initialization.
+ procedure Tree_Write;
+ -- Writes out internal tables to current tree file using Tree_Write.
+ function UI_Abs (Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Abs);
+ -- Returns abs function of universal integer.
+ function UI_Add (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Add (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Add (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Returns sum of two integer values.
+ function UI_Decimal_Digits_Hi (U : Uint) return Nat;
+ -- Returns an estimate of the number of decimal digits required to
+ -- represent the absolute value of U. This estimate is correct or high,
+ -- i.e. it never returns a value that is too low. The accuracy of the
+ -- estimate affects only the effectiveness of comparison optimizations
+ -- in Urealp.
+ function UI_Decimal_Digits_Lo (U : Uint) return Nat;
+ -- Returns an estimate of the number of decimal digits required to
+ -- represent the absolute value of U. This estimate is correct or low,
+ -- i.e. it never returns a value that is too high. The accuracy of the
+ -- estimate affects only the effectiveness of comparison optimizations
+ -- in Urealp.
+ function UI_Div (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Div (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Div (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Returns quotient of two integer values. Fatal error if Right = 0
+ function UI_Eq (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Eq (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Eq (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Eq);
+ -- Compares integer values for equality.
+ function UI_Expon (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Expon (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Expon (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ function UI_Expon (Left : Int; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Returns result of exponentiating two integer values
+ -- Fatal error if Right is negative.
+ function UI_GCD (Uin, Vin : Uint) return Uint;
+ -- Computes GCD of input values. Assumes Uin >= Vin >= 0.
+ function UI_Ge (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Ge (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Ge (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Ge);
+ -- Compares integer values for greater than or equal.
+ function UI_Gt (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Gt (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Gt (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Gt);
+ -- Compares integer values for greater than.
+ function UI_Is_In_Int_Range (Input : Uint) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Is_In_Int_Range);
+ -- Determines if universal integer is in Int range.
+ function UI_Le (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Le (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Le (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Le);
+ -- Compares integer values for less than or equal.
+ function UI_Lt (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Lt (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Lt (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean;
+ -- Compares integer values for less than.
+ function UI_Max (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Max (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Max (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Returns maximum of two integer values
+ function UI_Min (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Min (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Min (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Returns minimum of two integer values.
+ function UI_Mod (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Mod (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Mod (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Mod);
+ -- Returns mod function of two integer values.
+ function UI_Mul (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Mul (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Mul (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Returns product of two integer values
+ function UI_Ne (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Ne (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean;
+ function UI_Ne (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Ne);
+ -- Compares integer values for inequality.
+ function UI_Negate (Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Negate);
+ -- Returns negative of universal integer.
+ function UI_Rem (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Rem (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Rem (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Returns rem of two integer values.
+ function UI_Sub (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Sub (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint;
+ function UI_Sub (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint;
+ pragma Inline (UI_Sub);
+ -- Returns difference of two integer values
+ function UI_From_Dint (Input : Dint) return Uint;
+ -- Converts Dint value to universal integer form.
+ function UI_From_Int (Input : Int) return Uint;
+ -- Converts Int value to universal integer form.
+ function UI_To_Int (Input : Uint) return Int;
+ -- Converts universal integer value to Int. Fatal error
+ -- if value is not in appropriate range.
+ function Num_Bits (Input : Uint) return Nat;
+ -- Approximate number of binary bits in given universal integer.
+ -- This function is used for capacity checks, and it can be one
+ -- bit off without affecting its usage.
+ ---------------------
+ -- Output Routines --
+ ---------------------
+ type UI_Format is (Hex, Decimal, Auto);
+ -- Used to determine whether UI_Image/UI_Write output is in hexadecimal
+ -- or decimal format. Auto, the default setting, lets the routine make
+ -- a decision based on the value.
+ UI_Image_Max : constant := 32;
+ UI_Image_Buffer : String (1 .. UI_Image_Max);
+ UI_Image_Length : Natural;
+ -- Buffer used for UI_Image as described below
+ procedure UI_Image (Input : Uint; Format : UI_Format := Auto);
+ -- Places a representation of Uint, consisting of a possible minus sign,
+ -- followed by the value in UI_Image_Buffer. The form of the value is an
+ -- integer literal in either decimal (no base) or hexadecimal (base 16)
+ -- format. If Hex is True on entry, then hex mode is forced, otherwise
+ -- UI_Image makes a guess at which output format is more convenient. The
+ -- value must fit in UI_Image_Buffer. If necessary, the result is an
+ -- approximation of the proper value, using an exponential format. The
+ -- image of No_Uint is output as a single question mark.
+ procedure UI_Write (Input : Uint; Format : UI_Format := Auto);
+ -- Writes a representation of Uint, consisting of a possible minus sign,
+ -- followed by the value to the output file. The form of the value is an
+ -- integer literal in either decimal (no base) or hexadecimal (base 16)
+ -- format as appropriate. UI_Format shows which format to use. Auto,
+ -- the default, asks UI_Write to make a guess at which output format
+ -- will be more convenient to read.
+ procedure pid (Input : Uint);
+ -- Writes representation of Uint in decimal with a terminating line
+ -- return. This is intended for use from the debugger.
+ procedure pih (Input : Uint);
+ -- Writes representation of Uint in hex with a terminating line return.
+ -- This is intended for use from the debugger.
+ ------------------------
+ -- Operator Renamings --
+ ------------------------
+ function "+" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Add;
+ function "+" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Add;
+ function "+" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Add;
+ function "/" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Div;
+ function "/" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Div;
+ function "/" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Div;
+ function "*" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Mul;
+ function "*" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Mul;
+ function "*" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Mul;
+ function "-" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Sub;
+ function "-" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Sub;
+ function "-" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Sub;
+ function "**" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Expon;
+ function "**" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Expon;
+ function "**" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Expon;
+ function "**" (Left : Int; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Expon;
+ function "abs" (Real : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Abs;
+ function "mod" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Mod;
+ function "mod" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Mod;
+ function "mod" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Mod;
+ function "rem" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Rem;
+ function "rem" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Rem;
+ function "rem" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint renames UI_Rem;
+ function "-" (Real : Uint) return Uint renames UI_Negate;
+ function "=" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Eq;
+ function "=" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Eq;
+ function "=" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean renames UI_Eq;
+ function ">=" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Ge;
+ function ">=" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Ge;
+ function ">=" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean renames UI_Ge;
+ function ">" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Gt;
+ function ">" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Gt;
+ function ">" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean renames UI_Gt;
+ function "<=" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Le;
+ function "<=" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Le;
+ function "<=" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean renames UI_Le;
+ function "<" (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Lt;
+ function "<" (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean renames UI_Lt;
+ function "<" (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean renames UI_Lt;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Mark/Release Processing --
+ -----------------------------
+ -- The space used by Uint data is not automatically reclaimed. However,
+ -- a mark-release regime is implemented which allows storage to be
+ -- released back to a previously noted mark. This is used for example
+ -- when doing comparisons, where only intermediate results get stored
+ -- that do not need to be saved for future use.
+ type Save_Mark is private;
+ function Mark return Save_Mark;
+ -- Note mark point for future release
+ procedure Release (M : Save_Mark);
+ -- Release storage allocated since mark was noted
+ procedure Release_And_Save (M : Save_Mark; UI : in out Uint);
+ -- Like Release, except that the given Uint value (which is typically
+ -- among the data being released) is recopied after the release, so
+ -- that it is the most recent item, and UI is updated to point to
+ -- its copied location.
+ procedure Release_And_Save (M : Save_Mark; UI1, UI2 : in out Uint);
+ -- Like Release, except that the given Uint values (which are typically
+ -- among the data being released) are recopied after the release, so
+ -- that they are the most recent items, and UI1 and UI2 are updated if
+ -- necessary to point to the copied locations. This routine is careful
+ -- to do things in the right order, so that the values do not clobber
+ -- one another.
+ -----------------------------------
+ -- Representation of Uint Values --
+ -----------------------------------
+ type Uint is new Int range Uint_Low_Bound .. Uint_High_Bound;
+ for Uint'Size use 32;
+ No_Uint : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Low_Bound);
+ -- Uint values are represented as multiple precision integers stored in
+ -- a multi-digit format using Base as the base. This value is chosen so
+ -- that the product Base*Base is within the range of allowed Int values.
+ -- Base is defined to allow efficient execution of the primitive
+ -- operations (a0, b0, c0) defined in the section "The Classical
+ -- Algorithms" (sec. 4.3.1) of Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer
+ -- Programming", Vol. 2. These algorithms are used in this package.
+ Base_Bits : constant := 15;
+ -- Number of bits in base value
+ Base : constant Int := 2 ** Base_Bits;
+ -- Values in the range -(Base+1) .. maxdirect are encoded directly as
+ -- Uint values by adding a bias value. The value of maxdirect is chosen
+ -- so that a directly represented number always fits in two digits when
+ -- represented in base format.
+ Min_Direct : constant Int := -(Base - 1);
+ Max_Direct : constant Int := (Base - 1) * (Base - 1);
+ -- The following values define the bias used to store Uint values which
+ -- are in this range, as well as the biased values for the first and
+ -- last values in this range. We use a new derived type for these
+ -- constants to avoid accidental use of Uint arithmetic on these
+ -- values, which is never correct.
+ type Ctrl is range Int'First .. Int'Last;
+ Uint_Direct_Bias : constant Ctrl := Ctrl (Uint_Low_Bound) + Ctrl (Base);
+ Uint_Direct_First : constant Ctrl := Uint_Direct_Bias + Ctrl (Min_Direct);
+ Uint_Direct_Last : constant Ctrl := Uint_Direct_Bias + Ctrl (Max_Direct);
+ Uint_0 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias);
+ Uint_1 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 1);
+ Uint_2 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 2);
+ Uint_3 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 3);
+ Uint_4 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 4);
+ Uint_5 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 5);
+ Uint_6 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 6);
+ Uint_7 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 7);
+ Uint_8 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 8);
+ Uint_9 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 9);
+ Uint_10 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 10);
+ Uint_12 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 12);
+ Uint_15 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 15);
+ Uint_16 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 16);
+ Uint_24 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 24);
+ Uint_32 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 32);
+ Uint_63 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 63);
+ Uint_64 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 64);
+ Uint_128 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias + 128);
+ Uint_Minus_1 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 1);
+ Uint_Minus_2 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 2);
+ Uint_Minus_3 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 3);
+ Uint_Minus_4 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 4);
+ Uint_Minus_5 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 5);
+ Uint_Minus_6 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 6);
+ Uint_Minus_7 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 7);
+ Uint_Minus_8 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 8);
+ Uint_Minus_9 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 9);
+ Uint_Minus_12 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 12);
+ Uint_Minus_128 : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Direct_Bias - 128);
+ type Save_Mark is record
+ Save_Uint : Uint;
+ Save_Udigit : Int;
+ end record;
+ -- Values outside the range that is represented directly are stored
+ -- using two tables. The secondary table Udigits contains sequences of
+ -- Int values consisting of the digits of the number in a radix Base
+ -- system. The digits are stored from most significant to least
+ -- significant with the first digit only carrying the sign.
+ -- There is one entry in the primary Uints table for each distinct Uint
+ -- value. This table entry contains the length (number of digits) and
+ -- a starting offset of the value in the Udigits table.
+ Uint_First_Entry : constant Uint := Uint (Uint_Table_Start);
+ -- Some subprograms defined in this package manipulate the Udigits
+ -- table directly, while for others it is more convenient to work with
+ -- locally defined arrays of the digits of the Universal Integers.
+ -- The type UI_Vector is defined for this purpose and some internal
+ -- subprograms used for converting from one to the other are defined.
+ type UI_Vector is array (Pos range <>) of Int;
+ -- Vector containing the integer values of a Uint value
+ -- Note: An earlier version of this package used pointers of arrays
+ -- of Ints (dynamically allocated) for the Uint type. The change
+ -- leads to a few less natural idioms used throughout this code, but
+ -- eliminates all uses of the heap except for the table package itself.
+ -- For example, Uint parameters are often converted to UI_Vectors for
+ -- internal manipulation. This is done by creating the local UI_Vector
+ -- using the function N_Digits on the Uint to find the size needed for
+ -- the vector, and then calling Init_Operand to copy the values out
+ -- of the table into the vector.
+ type Uint_Entry is record
+ Length : Pos;
+ -- Length of entry in Udigits table in digits (i.e. in words)
+ Loc : Int;
+ -- Starting location in Udigits table of this Uint value
+ end record;
+ package Uints is new Table.Table (
+ Table_Component_Type => Uint_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Uint,
+ Table_Low_Bound => Uint_First_Entry,
+ Table_Initial => Alloc.Uints_Initial,
+ Table_Increment => Alloc.Uints_Increment,
+ Table_Name => "Uints");
+ package Udigits is new Table.Table (
+ Table_Component_Type => Int,
+ Table_Index_Type => Int,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 0,
+ Table_Initial => Alloc.Udigits_Initial,
+ Table_Increment => Alloc.Udigits_Increment,
+ Table_Name => "Udigits");
+ -- Note: the reason these tables are defined here in the private part of
+ -- the spec, rather than in the body, is that they are refrerenced
+ -- directly by gigi.
+end Uintp;