path: root/gcc/ada/sem_ch13.ads
diff options
authorRichard Kenner <kenner@gcc.gnu.org>2001-10-02 10:52:00 -0400
committerRichard Kenner <kenner@gcc.gnu.org>2001-10-02 10:52:00 -0400
commit996ae0b0aeb9e07a4d7d7ff2926625fd0a58349e (patch)
tree2e58881ac983eb14cefbc37dcb02b8fd6e9f6990 /gcc/ada/sem_ch13.ads
parent2b3d3db68da14b782f8d69ccebc18af04c61ce15 (diff)
New Language: Ada
From-SVN: r45959
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/sem_ch13.ads')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch13.ads b/gcc/ada/sem_ch13.ads
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5afe5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch13.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S E M _ C H 1 3 --
+-- --
+-- S p e c --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.39 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). --
+-- --
+with Snames; use Snames;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Uintp; use Uintp;
+package Sem_Ch13 is
+ procedure Analyze_At_Clause (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Analyze_Attribute_Definition_Clause (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Analyze_Enumeration_Representation_Clause (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Analyze_Free_Statement (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Analyze_Record_Representation_Clause (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Analyze_Code_Statement (N : Node_Id);
+ procedure Initialize;
+ -- Initialize internal tables for new compilation
+ procedure Set_Enum_Esize (T : Entity_Id);
+ -- This routine sets the Esize field for an enumeration type T, based
+ -- on the current representation information available for T. Note that
+ -- the setting of the RM_Size field is not affected. This routine also
+ -- initializes the alignment field to zero.
+ function Minimum_Size
+ (T : Entity_Id;
+ Biased : Boolean := False)
+ return Nat;
+ -- Given a primitive type, determines the minimum number of bits required
+ -- to represent all values of the type. This function may not be called
+ -- with any other types. If the flag Biased is set True, then the minimum
+ -- size calculation that biased representation is used in the case of a
+ -- discrete type, e.g. the range 7..8 gives a minimum size of 4 with
+ -- Biased set to False, and 1 with Biased set to True. Note that the
+ -- biased parameter only has an effect if the type is not biased, it
+ -- causes Minimum_Size to indicate the minimum size of an object with
+ -- the given type, of the size the type would have if it were biased. If
+ -- the type is already biased, then Minimum_Size returns the biased size,
+ -- regardless of the setting of Biased. Also, fixed-point types are never
+ -- biased in the current implementation.
+ procedure Check_Size
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ T : Entity_Id;
+ Siz : Uint;
+ Biased : out Boolean);
+ -- Called when size Siz is specified for subtype T. This subprogram checks
+ -- that the size is appropriate, posting errors on node N as required.
+ -- For non-elementary types, a check is only made if an explicit size
+ -- has been given for the type (and the specified size must match). The
+ -- parameter Biased is set False if the size specified did not require
+ -- the use of biased representation, and True if biased representation
+ -- was required to meet the size requirement. Note that Biased is only
+ -- set if the type is not currently biased, but biasing it is the only
+ -- way to meet the requirement. If the type is currently biased, then
+ -- this biased size is used in the initial check, and Biased is False.
+ function Get_Rep_Pragma (E : Entity_Id; Nam : Name_Id) return Node_Id;
+ -- Searches the Rep_Item chain for the given entity E, for an instance
+ -- of a representation pragma with the given name Nam. If found then
+ -- the value returned is the N_Pragma node, otherwise Empty is returned.
+ function Get_Attribute_Definition_Clause
+ (E : Entity_Id;
+ Id : Attribute_Id)
+ return Node_Id;
+ -- Searches the Rep_Item chain for a given entity E, for an instance
+ -- of an attribute definition clause with the given attibute Id Id. If
+ -- found, the value returned is the N_Attribute_Definition_Clause node,
+ -- otherwise Empty is returned.
+ procedure Record_Rep_Item (T : Entity_Id; N : Node_Id);
+ -- N is the node for either a representation pragma or an attribute
+ -- definition clause that applies to type T. This procedure links
+ -- the node N onto the Rep_Item chain for the type T.
+ function Rep_Item_Too_Early
+ (T : Entity_Id;
+ N : Node_Id)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Called at the start of processing a representation clause or a
+ -- representation pragma. Used to check that the representation item
+ -- is not being applied to an incompleted type or to a generic formal
+ -- type or a type derived from a generic formal type. Returns False if
+ -- no such error occurs. If this error does occur, appropriate error
+ -- messages are posted on node N, and True is returned.
+ function Rep_Item_Too_Late
+ (T : Entity_Id;
+ N : Node_Id;
+ FOnly : Boolean := False)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Called at the start of processing a representation clause or a
+ -- representation pragma. Used to check that a representation item
+ -- for entity T does not appear too late (according to the rules in
+ -- RM 13.1(9) and RM 13.1(10)). N is the associated node, which in
+ -- the pragma case is the pragma or representation clause itself, used
+ -- for placing error messages if the item is too late.
+ --
+ -- Fonly is a flag that causes only the freezing rule (para 9) to be
+ -- applied, and the tests of para 10 are skipped. This is appropriate
+ -- for both subtype related attributes (Alignment and Size) and for
+ -- stream attributes, which, although certainly not subtype related
+ -- attributes, clearly should not be subject to the para 10 restrictions
+ -- (see AI95-00137). Similarly, we also skip the para 10 restrictions for
+ -- the Storage_Size case where they also clearly do not apply.
+ --
+ -- If the rep item is too late, an appropriate message is output and
+ -- True is returned, which is a signal that the caller should abandon
+ -- processing for the item. If the item is not too late, then False
+ -- is returned, and the caller can continue processing the item.
+ --
+ -- If no error is detected, this call also as a side effect links the
+ -- representation item onto the head of the representation item chain
+ -- (referenced by the First_Rep_Item field of the entity).
+ --
+ -- Note: Rep_Item_Too_Late must be called with the underlying type in
+ -- the case of a private or incomplete type. The protocol is to first
+ -- check for Rep_Item_Too_Early using the initial entity, then take the
+ -- underlying type, then call Rep_Item_Too_Late on the result.
+ function Same_Representation (Typ1, Typ2 : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Given two types, where the two types are related by possible derivation,
+ -- determines if the two types have the same representation, or different
+ -- representations, requiring the special processing for representation
+ -- change. A False result is possible only for array, enumeration or
+ -- record types.
+ procedure Validate_Unchecked_Conversion
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Act_Unit : Entity_Id);
+ -- Validate a call to unchecked conversion. N is the node for the actual
+ -- instantiation, which is used only for error messages. Act_Unit is the
+ -- entity for the instantiation, from which the actual types etc for this
+ -- instantiation can be determined. This procedure makes an entry in a
+ -- table and/or generates an N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion node. The
+ -- actual checking is done in Validate_Unchecked_Conversions or in the
+ -- back end as required.
+ procedure Validate_Unchecked_Conversions;
+ -- This routine is called after calling the backend to validate
+ -- unchecked conversions for size and alignment appropriateness.
+ -- The reason it is called that late is to take advantage of any
+ -- back-annotation of size and alignment performed by the backend.
+end Sem_Ch13;