path: root/gcc/ada/lib-xref.adb
diff options
authorArnaud Charlet <charlet@gcc.gnu.org>2011-09-02 09:14:48 +0200
committerArnaud Charlet <charlet@gcc.gnu.org>2011-09-02 09:14:48 +0200
commitf7bb41af65aa53933814ec82474497876d396b33 (patch)
tree8c77a20466ed1782c4853f1bf84f75cd195f61f7 /gcc/ada/lib-xref.adb
parentbd0bc43e58edb507c01ecabdfdf0e7717a825324 (diff)
[multiple changes]
2011-09-02 Bob Duff <duff@adacore.com> * einfo.adb: (Has_Xref_Entry): Do not call Implementation_Base_Type. Lib.Xref has been rewritten to avoid the need for it, and it was costly. * s-htable.ads,s-htable.adb: (Present,Set_If_Not_Present): New functions in support of efficient xref. * lib-xref-alfa.adb: Misc changes related to Key component of type Xref_Entry. * lib-xref.adb: (Add_Entry,etc): Speed improvement. (New_Entry): Call Implementation_Base_Type, because Has_Xref_Entry no longer does. This is the one place where it is needed. 2011-09-02 Johannes Kanig <kanig@adacore.com> * g-comlin.adb (Getopt): New optional argument Concatenate to have similar interface as the other Getopt function. 2011-09-02 Hristian Kirtchev <kirtchev@adacore.com> * exp_ch4.adb: (Expand_Allocator_Expression): Do not generate a call to Set_Finalize_Address if there is no allocator available. * exp_util.adb: (Build_Allocate_Deallocate_Proc): Account for a case of allocator expansion where the allocator is not expanded but needs a custom allocate routine. Code reformatting. (Is_Finalizable_Transient): Remove local variables Has_Rens and Ren_Obj. Code reformatting. (Is_Renamed): Renamed to Is_Aliased. Add code to detect aliasing through the use of 'reference. * sem_ch4.adb: (Analyze_Allocator): Detect allocators generated as part of build-in-place expansion. They are intentionally marked as coming from source, but their parents are not. From-SVN: r178436
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/lib-xref.adb')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib-xref.adb b/gcc/ada/lib-xref.adb
index 4bc7ed4..2dbf5ff 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/lib-xref.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib-xref.adb
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ with Stand; use Stand;
with Table; use Table;
with GNAT.Heap_Sort_G;
+with GNAT.HTable;
package body Lib.Xref is
@@ -56,16 +57,13 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
subtype Xref_Entry_Number is Int;
- type Xref_Entry is record
+ type Xref_Key is record
+ -- These are the components of Xref_Entry that participate in hash
+ -- lookups.
Ent : Entity_Id;
-- Entity referenced (E parameter to Generate_Reference)
- Def : Source_Ptr;
- -- Original source location for entity being referenced. Note that these
- -- values are used only during the output process, they are not set when
- -- the entries are originally built. This is because private entities
- -- can be swapped when the initial call is made.
Loc : Source_Ptr;
-- Location of reference (Original_Location (Sloc field of N parameter
-- to Generate_Reference). Set to No_Location for the case of a
@@ -89,9 +87,22 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Ent_Scope : Entity_Id;
-- Entity of the closest subprogram or package enclosing the definition,
-- which should be located in the same file as the definition itself.
+ end record;
+ type Xref_Entry is record
+ Key : Xref_Key;
Ent_Scope_File : Unit_Number_Type;
-- File for entity Ent_Scope
+ Def : Source_Ptr;
+ -- Original source location for entity being referenced. Note that these
+ -- values are used only during the output process, they are not set when
+ -- the entries are originally built. This is because private entities
+ -- can be swapped when the initial call is made.
+ HTable_Next : Xref_Entry_Number;
+ -- For use only by Static_HTable
end record;
package Xrefs is new Table.Table (
@@ -102,6 +113,44 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Table_Increment => Alloc.Xrefs_Increment,
Table_Name => "Xrefs");
+ --------------
+ -- Xref_Set --
+ --------------
+ -- We keep a set of xref entries, in order to avoid inserting duplicate
+ -- entries into the above Xrefs table. An entry is in Xref_Set if and only
+ -- if it is in Xrefs.
+ Num_Buckets : constant := 2**16;
+ subtype Header_Num is Integer range 0 .. Num_Buckets - 1;
+ type Null_Type is null record;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Null_Type);
+ function Hash (F : Xref_Entry_Number) return Header_Num;
+ function Equal (F1, F2 : Xref_Entry_Number) return Boolean;
+ procedure HT_Set_Next (E : Xref_Entry_Number; Next : Xref_Entry_Number);
+ function HT_Next (E : Xref_Entry_Number) return Xref_Entry_Number;
+ function Get_Key (E : Xref_Entry_Number) return Xref_Entry_Number;
+ pragma Inline (Hash, Equal, HT_Set_Next, HT_Next, Get_Key);
+ package Xref_Set is new GNAT.HTable.Static_HTable (
+ Header_Num,
+ Element => Xref_Entry,
+ Elmt_Ptr => Xref_Entry_Number,
+ Null_Ptr => 0,
+ Set_Next => HT_Set_Next,
+ Next => HT_Next,
+ Key => Xref_Entry_Number,
+ Get_Key => Get_Key,
+ Hash => Hash,
+ Equal => Equal);
-- Alfa Information --
@@ -121,14 +170,51 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
function Lt (T1, T2 : Xref_Entry) return Boolean;
-- Order cross-references
+ procedure Add_Entry (Key : Xref_Key; Ent_Scope_File : Unit_Number_Type);
+ -- Add an entry to the tables of Xref_Entries, avoiding duplicates
+ ---------------
+ -- Add_Entry --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Add_Entry (Key : Xref_Key; Ent_Scope_File : Unit_Number_Type) is
+ begin
+ Xrefs.Increment_Last; -- tentative
+ Xrefs.Table (Xrefs.Last).Key := Key;
+ -- Set the entry in Xref_Set, and if newly set, keep the above
+ -- tentative increment.
+ if Xref_Set.Set_If_Not_Present (Xrefs.Last) then
+ Xrefs.Table (Xrefs.Last).Ent_Scope_File := Ent_Scope_File;
+ -- Leave Def and HTable_Next uninitialized
+ Set_Has_Xref_Entry (Key.Ent);
+ -- It was already in Xref_Set, so throw away the tentatively-added
+ -- entry
+ else
+ Xrefs.Decrement_Last;
+ end if;
+ end Add_Entry;
+ -----------
+ -- Equal --
+ -----------
+ function Equal (F1, F2 : Xref_Entry_Number) return Boolean is
+ Result : constant Boolean :=
+ Xrefs.Table (F1).Key = Xrefs.Table (F2).Key;
+ begin
+ return Result;
+ end Equal;
-- Generate_Definition --
procedure Generate_Definition (E : Entity_Id) is
- Loc : Source_Ptr;
- Indx : Nat;
pragma Assert (Nkind (E) in N_Entity);
@@ -159,22 +245,15 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
and then In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (E)
and then not Is_Internal_Name (Chars (E))
- Xrefs.Increment_Last;
- Indx := Xrefs.Last;
- Loc := Original_Location (Sloc (E));
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent := E;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Typ := ' ';
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Def := No_Location;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Loc := No_Location;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Eun := Get_Source_Unit (Loc);
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ref_Scope := Empty;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent_Scope := Empty;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent_Scope_File := No_Unit;
- Set_Has_Xref_Entry (E);
+ Add_Entry
+ ((Ent => E,
+ Loc => No_Location,
+ Typ => ' ',
+ Eun => Get_Source_Unit (Original_Location (Sloc (E))),
+ Lun => No_Unit,
+ Ref_Scope => Empty,
+ Ent_Scope => Empty),
+ Ent_Scope_File => No_Unit);
if In_Inlined_Body then
Set_Referenced (E);
@@ -294,14 +373,16 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Set_Ref : Boolean := True;
Force : Boolean := False)
- Indx : Nat;
Nod : Node_Id;
Ref : Source_Ptr;
Def : Source_Ptr;
Ent : Entity_Id;
- Ref_Scope : Entity_Id;
- Ent_Scope : Entity_Id;
+ Actual_Typ : Character := Typ;
+ Ref_Scope : Entity_Id;
+ Ent_Scope : Entity_Id;
+ Ent_Scope_File : Unit_Number_Type;
Call : Node_Id;
Formal : Entity_Id;
@@ -865,34 +946,33 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Ref := Original_Location (Sloc (Nod));
Def := Original_Location (Sloc (Ent));
- Ref_Scope := Alfa.Enclosing_Subprogram_Or_Package (N);
- Ent_Scope := Alfa.Enclosing_Subprogram_Or_Package (Ent);
- Xrefs.Increment_Last;
- Indx := Xrefs.Last;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Loc := Ref;
- -- Overriding operations are marked with 'P'
- if Typ = 'p'
+ if Actual_Typ = 'p'
and then Is_Subprogram (N)
and then Present (Overridden_Operation (N))
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Typ := 'P';
- else
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Typ := Typ;
+ Actual_Typ := 'P';
end if;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Eun := Get_Source_Unit (Def);
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Lun := Get_Source_Unit (Ref);
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent := Ent;
+ if Alfa_Mode then
+ Ref_Scope := Alfa.Enclosing_Subprogram_Or_Package (N);
+ Ent_Scope := Alfa.Enclosing_Subprogram_Or_Package (Ent);
+ Ent_Scope_File := Get_Source_Unit (Ent_Scope);
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ref_Scope := Ref_Scope;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent_Scope := Ent_Scope;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent_Scope_File := Get_Source_Unit (Ent_Scope);
+ else
+ Ref_Scope := Empty;
+ Ent_Scope := Empty;
+ Ent_Scope_File := No_Unit;
+ end if;
- Set_Has_Xref_Entry (Ent);
+ Add_Entry
+ ((Ent => Ent,
+ Loc => Ref,
+ Typ => Actual_Typ,
+ Eun => Get_Source_Unit (Def),
+ Lun => Get_Source_Unit (Ref),
+ Ref_Scope => Ref_Scope,
+ Ent_Scope => Ent_Scope),
+ Ent_Scope_File => Ent_Scope_File);
end if;
end Generate_Reference;
@@ -957,6 +1037,49 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
end loop;
end Generate_Reference_To_Generic_Formals;
+ -------------
+ -- Get_Key --
+ -------------
+ function Get_Key (E : Xref_Entry_Number) return Xref_Entry_Number is
+ begin
+ return E;
+ end Get_Key;
+ ----------
+ -- Hash --
+ ----------
+ function Hash (F : Xref_Entry_Number) return Header_Num is
+ -- It is unlikely to have two references to the same entity at the same
+ -- source location, so the hash function depends only on the Ent and Loc
+ -- fields.
+ XE : Xref_Entry renames Xrefs.Table (F);
+ type M is mod 2**32;
+ H : constant M := M'Mod (XE.Key.Ent) + 2**7 * M'Mod (XE.Key.Loc);
+ begin
+ return Header_Num (H mod Num_Buckets);
+ end Hash;
+ -----------------
+ -- HT_Set_Next --
+ -----------------
+ procedure HT_Set_Next (E : Xref_Entry_Number; Next : Xref_Entry_Number) is
+ begin
+ Xrefs.Table (E).HTable_Next := Next;
+ end HT_Set_Next;
+ -------------
+ -- HT_Next --
+ -------------
+ function HT_Next (E : Xref_Entry_Number) return Xref_Entry_Number is
+ begin
+ return Xrefs.Table (E).HTable_Next;
+ end HT_Next;
-- Initialize --
@@ -974,8 +1097,8 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- First test: if entity is in different unit, sort by unit
- if T1.Eun /= T2.Eun then
- return Dependency_Num (T1.Eun) < Dependency_Num (T2.Eun);
+ if T1.Key.Eun /= T2.Key.Eun then
+ return Dependency_Num (T1.Key.Eun) < Dependency_Num (T2.Key.Eun);
-- Second test: within same unit, sort by entity Sloc
@@ -984,21 +1107,21 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- Third test: sort definitions ahead of references
- elsif T1.Loc = No_Location then
+ elsif T1.Key.Loc = No_Location then
return True;
- elsif T2.Loc = No_Location then
+ elsif T2.Key.Loc = No_Location then
return False;
-- Fourth test: for same entity, sort by reference location unit
- elsif T1.Lun /= T2.Lun then
- return Dependency_Num (T1.Lun) < Dependency_Num (T2.Lun);
+ elsif T1.Key.Lun /= T2.Key.Lun then
+ return Dependency_Num (T1.Key.Lun) < Dependency_Num (T2.Key.Lun);
-- Fifth test: order of location within referencing unit
- elsif T1.Loc /= T2.Loc then
- return T1.Loc < T2.Loc;
+ elsif T1.Key.Loc /= T2.Key.Loc then
+ return T1.Key.Loc < T2.Key.Loc;
-- Finally, for two locations at the same address, we prefer
-- the one that does NOT have the type 'r' so that a modification
@@ -1008,7 +1131,7 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- the modify reference.
- return T2.Typ = 'r';
+ return T2.Key.Typ = 'r';
end if;
end Lt;
@@ -1245,7 +1368,7 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
for J in 1 .. Xrefs.Last loop
- Ent := Xrefs.Table (J).Ent;
+ Ent := Xrefs.Table (J).Key.Ent;
if Is_Type (Ent)
and then Is_Tagged_Type (Ent)
@@ -1283,9 +1406,7 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Handle_Orphan_Type_References : declare
J : Nat;
Tref : Entity_Id;
- Indx : Nat;
Ent : Entity_Id;
- Loc : Source_Ptr;
L, R : Character;
pragma Warnings (Off, L);
@@ -1302,18 +1423,20 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
procedure New_Entry (E : Entity_Id) is
- if Present (E)
- and then not Has_Xref_Entry (E)
+ pragma Assert (Present (E));
+ if not Has_Xref_Entry (Implementation_Base_Type (E))
and then Sloc (E) > No_Location
- Xrefs.Increment_Last;
- Indx := Xrefs.Last;
- Loc := Original_Location (Sloc (E));
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent := E;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Loc := No_Location;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Eun := Get_Source_Unit (Loc);
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Lun := No_Unit;
- Set_Has_Xref_Entry (E);
+ Add_Entry
+ ((Ent => E,
+ Loc => No_Location,
+ Typ => Character'First,
+ Eun => Get_Source_Unit (Original_Location (Sloc (E))),
+ Lun => No_Unit,
+ Ref_Scope => Empty,
+ Ent_Scope => Empty),
+ Ent_Scope_File => No_Unit);
end if;
end New_Entry;
@@ -1326,7 +1449,7 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
J := 1;
while J <= Xrefs.Last loop
- Ent := Xrefs.Table (J).Ent;
+ Ent := Xrefs.Table (J).Key.Ent;
Get_Type_Reference (Ent, Tref, L, R);
if Present (Tref)
@@ -1393,15 +1516,15 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Prim := Parent_Op (Node (Op));
if Present (Prim) then
- Xrefs.Increment_Last;
- Indx := Xrefs.Last;
- Loc := Original_Location (Sloc (Prim));
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Ent := Prim;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Loc := No_Location;
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Eun :=
- Get_Source_Unit (Sloc (Prim));
- Xrefs.Table (Indx).Lun := No_Unit;
- Set_Has_Xref_Entry (Prim);
+ Add_Entry
+ ((Ent => Prim,
+ Loc => No_Location,
+ Typ => Character'First,
+ Eun => Get_Source_Unit (Sloc (Prim)),
+ Lun => No_Unit,
+ Ref_Scope => Empty,
+ Ent_Scope => Empty),
+ Ent_Scope_File => No_Unit);
end if;
Next_Elmt (Op);
@@ -1418,9 +1541,8 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Output_Refs : declare
- Nrefs : Nat := Xrefs.Last;
- -- Number of references in table. This value may get reset (reduced)
- -- when we eliminate duplicate reference entries.
+ Nrefs : constant Nat := Xrefs.Last;
+ -- Number of references in table
Rnums : array (0 .. Nrefs) of Nat;
-- This array contains numbers of references in the Xrefs table.
@@ -1523,37 +1645,13 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
for J in 1 .. Nrefs loop
Rnums (J) := J;
Xrefs.Table (J).Def :=
- Original_Location (Sloc (Xrefs.Table (J).Ent));
+ Original_Location (Sloc (Xrefs.Table (J).Key.Ent));
end loop;
-- Sort the references
Sorting.Sort (Integer (Nrefs));
- -- Eliminate duplicate entries
- declare
- NR : constant Nat := Nrefs;
- begin
- -- We need this test for NR because if we force ALI file
- -- generation in case of errors detected, it may be the case
- -- that Nrefs is 0, so we should not reset it here
- if NR >= 2 then
- Nrefs := 1;
- for J in 2 .. NR loop
- if Xrefs.Table (Rnums (J)) /=
- Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Nrefs))
- then
- Nrefs := Nrefs + 1;
- Rnums (Nrefs) := Rnums (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
-- Initialize loop through references
Curxu := No_Unit;
@@ -1773,7 +1871,7 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- Start of processing for Output_One_Ref
- Ent := XE.Ent;
+ Ent := XE.Key.Ent;
Ctyp := Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (Ent));
-- Skip reference if it is the only reference to an entity,
@@ -1782,10 +1880,10 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- consisting only of packages with END lines, where no
-- entity from the package is actually referenced.
- if XE.Typ = 'e'
+ if XE.Key.Typ = 'e'
and then Ent /= Curent
and then (Refno = Nrefs or else
- Ent /= Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Refno + 1)).Ent)
+ Ent /= Xrefs.Table (Rnums (Refno + 1)).Key.Ent)
and then
not In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Ent)
@@ -1795,7 +1893,7 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- For private type, get full view type
if Ctyp = '+'
- and then Present (Full_View (XE.Ent))
+ and then Present (Full_View (XE.Key.Ent))
Ent := Underlying_Type (Ent);
@@ -1813,15 +1911,15 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- For variable reference, get corresponding type
if Ctyp = '*' then
- Ent := Etype (XE.Ent);
+ Ent := Etype (XE.Key.Ent);
Ctyp := Fold_Lower (Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (Ent)));
-- If variable is private type, get full view type
if Ctyp = '+'
- and then Present (Full_View (Etype (XE.Ent)))
+ and then Present (Full_View (Etype (XE.Key.Ent)))
- Ent := Underlying_Type (Etype (XE.Ent));
+ Ent := Underlying_Type (Etype (XE.Key.Ent));
if Present (Ent) then
Ctyp := Fold_Lower (Xref_Entity_Letters (Ekind (Ent)));
@@ -1839,13 +1937,13 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- Special handling for access parameters and objects of
-- an anonymous access type.
- if Ekind_In (Etype (XE.Ent),
+ if Ekind_In (Etype (XE.Key.Ent),
- if Is_Formal (XE.Ent)
- or else Ekind_In (XE.Ent, E_Variable, E_Constant)
+ if Is_Formal (XE.Key.Ent)
+ or else Ekind_In (XE.Key.Ent, E_Variable, E_Constant)
Ctyp := 'p';
end if;
@@ -1859,8 +1957,8 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- Special handling for abstract types and operations
- if Is_Overloadable (XE.Ent)
- and then Is_Abstract_Subprogram (XE.Ent)
+ if Is_Overloadable (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Is_Abstract_Subprogram (XE.Key.Ent)
if Ctyp = 'U' then
Ctyp := 'x'; -- Abstract procedure
@@ -1869,10 +1967,10 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Ctyp := 'y'; -- Abstract function
end if;
- elsif Is_Type (XE.Ent)
- and then Is_Abstract_Type (XE.Ent)
+ elsif Is_Type (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Is_Abstract_Type (XE.Key.Ent)
- if Is_Interface (XE.Ent) then
+ if Is_Interface (XE.Key.Ent) then
Ctyp := 'h';
elsif Ctyp = 'R' then
@@ -1887,41 +1985,42 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- Suppress references to object definitions, used for local
-- references.
- or else XE.Typ = 'D'
- or else XE.Typ = 'I'
+ or else XE.Key.Typ = 'D'
+ or else XE.Key.Typ = 'I'
-- Suppress self references, except for bodies that act as
-- specs.
- or else (XE.Loc = XE.Def
+ or else (XE.Key.Loc = XE.Def
and then
- (XE.Typ /= 'b'
- or else not Is_Subprogram (XE.Ent)))
+ (XE.Key.Typ /= 'b'
+ or else not Is_Subprogram (XE.Key.Ent)))
-- Also suppress definitions of body formals (we only
-- treat these as references, and the references were
-- separately recorded).
- or else (Is_Formal (XE.Ent)
- and then Present (Spec_Entity (XE.Ent)))
+ or else (Is_Formal (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Present (Spec_Entity (XE.Key.Ent)))
-- Start new Xref section if new xref unit
- if XE.Eun /= Curxu then
+ if XE.Key.Eun /= Curxu then
if Write_Info_Col > 1 then
end if;
- Curxu := XE.Eun;
+ Curxu := XE.Key.Eun;
Write_Info_Initiate ('X');
Write_Info_Char (' ');
- Write_Info_Nat (Dependency_Num (XE.Eun));
+ Write_Info_Nat (Dependency_Num (XE.Key.Eun));
Write_Info_Char (' ');
- Write_Info_Name (Reference_Name (Source_Index (XE.Eun)));
+ Write_Info_Name
+ (Reference_Name (Source_Index (XE.Key.Eun)));
end if;
-- Start new Entity line if new entity. Note that we
@@ -1932,14 +2031,14 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
if No (Curent)
or else
- (XE.Ent /= Curent
+ (XE.Key.Ent /= Curent
and then
- (Name_Change (XE.Ent) or else XE.Def /= Curdef))
+ (Name_Change (XE.Key.Ent) or else XE.Def /= Curdef))
- Curent := XE.Ent;
+ Curent := XE.Key.Ent;
Curdef := XE.Def;
- Get_Unqualified_Name_String (Chars (XE.Ent));
+ Get_Unqualified_Name_String (Chars (XE.Key.Ent));
Curlen := Name_Len;
Curnam (1 .. Curlen) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Curlen);
@@ -2051,7 +2150,7 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
Ent_Name : constant String :=
- Exact_Source_Name (Sloc (XE.Ent));
+ Exact_Source_Name (Sloc (XE.Key.Ent));
for C in Ent_Name'Range loop
Write_Info_Char (Ent_Name (C));
@@ -2060,22 +2159,22 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- See if we have a renaming reference
- if Is_Object (XE.Ent)
- and then Present (Renamed_Object (XE.Ent))
+ if Is_Object (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Present (Renamed_Object (XE.Key.Ent))
- Rref := Renamed_Object (XE.Ent);
+ Rref := Renamed_Object (XE.Key.Ent);
- elsif Is_Overloadable (XE.Ent)
- and then Nkind (Parent (Declaration_Node (XE.Ent))) =
- N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
+ elsif Is_Overloadable (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Nkind (Parent (Declaration_Node (XE.Key.Ent)))
+ = N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration
- Rref := Name (Parent (Declaration_Node (XE.Ent)));
+ Rref := Name (Parent (Declaration_Node (XE.Key.Ent)));
- elsif Ekind (XE.Ent) = E_Package
- and then Nkind (Declaration_Node (XE.Ent)) =
+ elsif Ekind (XE.Key.Ent) = E_Package
+ and then Nkind (Declaration_Node (XE.Key.Ent)) =
- Rref := Name (Declaration_Node (XE.Ent));
+ Rref := Name (Declaration_Node (XE.Key.Ent));
Rref := Empty;
@@ -2128,12 +2227,13 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- Write out information about generic parent, if entity
-- is an instance.
- if Is_Generic_Instance (XE.Ent) then
+ if Is_Generic_Instance (XE.Key.Ent) then
Gen_Par : constant Entity_Id :=
- (Unit_Declaration_Node (XE.Ent)));
+ (Unit_Declaration_Node
+ (XE.Key.Ent)));
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Gen_Par);
Gen_U : constant Unit_Number_Type :=
Get_Source_Unit (Loc);
@@ -2154,15 +2254,16 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- See if we have a type reference and if so output
- Check_Type_Reference (XE.Ent, False);
+ Check_Type_Reference (XE.Key.Ent, False);
-- Additional information for types with progenitors
- if Is_Record_Type (XE.Ent)
- and then Present (Interfaces (XE.Ent))
+ if Is_Record_Type (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Present (Interfaces (XE.Key.Ent))
- Elmt : Elmt_Id := First_Elmt (Interfaces (XE.Ent));
+ Elmt : Elmt_Id :=
+ First_Elmt (Interfaces (XE.Key.Ent));
while Present (Elmt) loop
Check_Type_Reference (Node (Elmt), True);
@@ -2173,11 +2274,11 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- For array types, list index types as well. (This is
-- not C, indexes have distinct types).
- elsif Is_Array_Type (XE.Ent) then
+ elsif Is_Array_Type (XE.Key.Ent) then
Indx : Node_Id;
- Indx := First_Index (XE.Ent);
+ Indx := First_Index (XE.Key.Ent);
while Present (Indx) loop
(First_Subtype (Etype (Indx)), True);
@@ -2189,10 +2290,11 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- If the entity is an overriding operation, write info
-- on operation that was overridden.
- if Is_Subprogram (XE.Ent)
- and then Present (Overridden_Operation (XE.Ent))
+ if Is_Subprogram (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Present (Overridden_Operation (XE.Key.Ent))
- Output_Overridden_Op (Overridden_Operation (XE.Ent));
+ Output_Overridden_Op
+ (Overridden_Operation (XE.Key.Ent));
end if;
-- End of processing for entity output
@@ -2204,13 +2306,13 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- as the previous one, or it is a read-reference that
-- indicates that the entity is an in-out actual in a call.
- if XE.Loc /= No_Location
+ if XE.Key.Loc /= No_Location
and then
- (XE.Loc /= Crloc
- or else (Prevt = 'm' and then XE.Typ = 'r'))
+ (XE.Key.Loc /= Crloc
+ or else (Prevt = 'm' and then XE.Key.Typ = 'r'))
- Crloc := XE.Loc;
- Prevt := XE.Typ;
+ Crloc := XE.Key.Loc;
+ Prevt := XE.Key.Typ;
-- Start continuation if line full, else blank
@@ -2223,25 +2325,26 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
-- Output file number if changed
- if XE.Lun /= Curru then
- Curru := XE.Lun;
+ if XE.Key.Lun /= Curru then
+ Curru := XE.Key.Lun;
Write_Info_Nat (Dependency_Num (Curru));
Write_Info_Char ('|');
end if;
- Write_Info_Nat (Int (Get_Logical_Line_Number (XE.Loc)));
- Write_Info_Char (XE.Typ);
+ Write_Info_Nat
+ (Int (Get_Logical_Line_Number (XE.Key.Loc)));
+ Write_Info_Char (XE.Key.Typ);
- if Is_Overloadable (XE.Ent)
- and then Is_Imported (XE.Ent)
- and then XE.Typ = 'b'
+ if Is_Overloadable (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then Is_Imported (XE.Key.Ent)
+ and then XE.Key.Typ = 'b'
- Output_Import_Export_Info (XE.Ent);
+ Output_Import_Export_Info (XE.Key.Ent);
end if;
- Write_Info_Nat (Int (Get_Column_Number (XE.Loc)));
+ Write_Info_Nat (Int (Get_Column_Number (XE.Key.Loc)));
- Output_Instantiation_Refs (Sloc (XE.Ent));
+ Output_Instantiation_Refs (Sloc (XE.Key.Ent));
end if;
end if;
end Output_One_Ref;
@@ -2254,4 +2357,9 @@ package body Lib.Xref is
end Output_Refs;
end Output_References;
+ -- Reset is necessary because Elmt_Ptr does not default to Null_Ptr,
+ -- because it's not an access type.
+ Xref_Set.Reset;
end Lib.Xref;