path: root/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi
diff options
authorGeert Bosch <bosch@gnat.com>2001-10-11 22:01:11 +0200
committerGeert Bosch <bosch@gcc.gnu.org>2001-10-11 22:01:11 +0200
commitc97412e2c8625dc76eeda589ff4c264abbed77e3 (patch)
tree203b115ebd97b9f9f14e4ea1103a11bb24048fd7 /gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi
parenta185c302646a5ef7964ffa93c68997184a757d26 (diff)
* gnat-style.texi: New file describing coding guidelines for Ada.
From-SVN: r46198
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi')
1 files changed, 627 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi b/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6f0927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
+@c %**start of header
+@c oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
+@c o
+@c o
+@c G N A T C O D I N G S T Y L E o
+@c o
+@c $Revision: 1.1 $
+@c o
+@c Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. o
+@c o
+@c GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under o
+@c terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- o
+@c ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- o
+@c sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- o
+@c OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY o
+@c or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License o
+@c for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General o
+@c Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write o
+@c to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, o
+@c MA 02111-1307, USA. o
+@c o
+@c oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
+@setfilename gnat-style.info
+@settitle GNAT Coding Style
+@c %**end of header
+ @center GNAT Coding Style
+ @center A guide for GNAT developers
+ Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Ada Core Technologies, Inc.
+@end ifinfo
+@sp 10
+@title GNAT Coding Stye
+@subtitle A guide for GNAT developers
+@subtitle Document revision level $Revision: 1.1 $
+@subtitle Date: @today{}
+@author Ada Core Technologies, Inc.
+@end titlepage
+@node Top, General, , (dir)
+@comment node-name, next, previous, up
+* General::
+* Lexical Elements::
+* Declarations and Types::
+* Expressions and Names::
+* Statements::
+* Subprograms::
+* Packages::
+* Program Structure::
+@end menu
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node General, Lexical Elements, Top, Top
+@section General
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Most of GNAT is written in Ada using a consistent style to ensure
+readability of the code. This document has been written to help
+maintain this consistent style, while having a large group of developers
+work on the compiler.
+For the coding style in the C parts of the compiler and run time,
+see the GNU Coding Guidelines.
+This document is structured after the Ada Reference manual.
+Those familiar with that document should be able to quickly
+lookup style rules for particular constructs.
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Lexical Elements, Declarations and Types, General, Top
+@section Lexical Elements
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@subsection Character Set and Separators
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+The character set used should be plain 7-bit ASCII.
+The only separators allowed are space and the end-of-line sequence.
+No other control character or format effector (such as HT, VT, FF)
+should be used.
+The normal end-of-line sequence is used, which may be LF, CR/LF or CR,
+depending on the host system. An optional SUB (16#1A#) may be present as the
+last character in the file on hosts using that character as file terminator.
+Files that are checked in or distributed should be in host format.
+A line should never be longer than 79 characters, not counting the line
+Lines must not have trailing blanks.
+Indentation is 3 characters per level for if-statements, loops, case
+statements. For exact information on required spacing between lexical
+elements, see file @file{style.adb}.
+@end itemize
+@subsection Identifiers
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Identifiers will start with an upper case letter, and each letter following
+an underscore will be upper case. Short acronyms may be all upper case.
+All other letters are lower case.
+An exception is for identifiers matching a foreign language. In particular,
+we use all lower case where appropriate for C.
+Use underscores to separate words in an identifier.
+@item Try to limit your use of abbreviations in identifiers.
+It is ok to make a few abbreviations, explain what they mean, and then use them frequently, but don't use lots of obscure abbreviations.
+An example is the @code{ALI} word which stands for Ada Library Information
+and is by convention always written in upper-case when used in entity names.
+ procedure Find_ALI_Files;
+@end smallexample
+Don't use the variable I, use J instead, I is too easily mixed up with
+1 in some fonts. Similarly don't use the variable O, which is too easily
+mixed up with zero.
+@end itemize
+@subsection Numeric Literals
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Numeric literals should include underscores where helpful for
+ 1_000_000
+ 16#8000_000#
+ 3.14159_26535_89793_23846
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@subsection Reserved Words
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Reserved words use all lower case.
+ return else
+@end smallexample
+The words "Access", "Delta" and "Digits" are capitalized when used
+as attribute_designator.
+@end itemize
+@subsection Comments
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Comment start with @code{-- } (ie @code{--} followed by two spaces).
+The only exception to this rule (i.e. one space is tolerated) is when the
+comment ends with @code{--}.
+It also accepted to have only one space between @code{--} and the start
+of the comment when the comment is at the end of a line,
+after an Ada statement.
+Every sentence in a comment should start with an upper-case letter (including
+the first letter of the comment).
+When declarations are commented with "hanging" comments, i.e. comments
+after the declaration, there is no blank line before the comment, and
+if it is absolutely necessary to have blank lines within the comments
+these blank lines *do* have a -- (unlike the normal rule, which is to
+use entirely blank lines for separating comment paragraphs).
+The comment start at same level of indentation as code they are commenting.
+ z : integer;
+ -- Integer value for storing value of z
+ --
+ -- The previous line was a blank line
+@end smallexample
+Comments that are dubious or incomplete or comment on possibly
+wrong or incomplete code should be preceded or followed by ???
+Comments in a subprogram body must generally be surrounded by blank lines,
+except after a "begin":
+ begin
+ -- Comment for the next statement
+ A := 5;
+ -- Comment for the B statement
+ B := 6;
+@end smallexample
+In sequences of statements, comments at the end of the lines should be
+ My_Identifier := 5; -- First comment
+ Other_Id := 6; -- Second comment
+@end smallexample
+Short comments that fit on a single line are NOT ended with a period.
+Comments taking more than a line are punctuated in the normal manner.
+Comments should focus on why instead of what.
+Descriptions of what subprograms do go with the specification.
+Comments describing a subprogram spec should specifically mention the
+formal argument names. General rule: write a comment that does not
+depend on the names of things. The names are supplementary, not
+sufficient, as comments.
+Do NOT put two spaces after periods in comments.
+@end itemize
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Declarations and Types, Expressions and Names, Lexical Elements,Top
+@section Declarations and Types
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+In entity declarations, colons must be surrounded by spaces. Colons
+should be aligned.
+ Entity1 : Integer;
+ My_Entity : Integer;
+@end smallexample
+Declarations should be grouped in a logical order.
+Related groups of declarations may be preceded by a header comment.
+All local subprograms in a subprogram or package body should be declared
+before the first local subprogram body.
+Do not declare discriminated record types where the discriminant is used
+for constraining an unconstrained array type. (Discriminated
+records for a variant part are allowed.)
+Don't declare local entities that hide global entities.
+Don't declare multiple variables in one declaration that spans lines.
+Start a new declaration on each line, instead
+The defining_identifiers of global declarations serve as comments of a sort.
+So don't choose terse names, but look for names that give useful information
+Local names can be shorter, because they are used only within
+one context, where comments explain their purpose.
+@end itemize
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Expressions and Names, Statements, Declarations and Types, Top
+@section Expressions and Names
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Every operator must be surrounded by spaces, except for the
+exponentiation operator.
+ E := A * B**2 + 3 * (C - D);
+@end smallexample
+When folding a long line, fold before an operator, not after.
+Use parentheses where they make the intended order of evaluation clearer:
+ (A / B) * C
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Statements, Subprograms, Expressions and Names, Top
+@section Statements
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@subsection Simple and Compound Statements
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Use only one statement or label per line.
+A longer sequence_of_statements may be divided in logical groups
+or separated from surrounding code using a blank line.
+@end itemize
+@subsection If Statements
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+When the "if", "elsif" or "else" keywords fit on the same line with the
+condition and the "then" keyword, then the statement is formatted as follows:
+ if <condition> then
+ ...
+ elsif <condition> then
+ ...
+ else
+ ...
+ end if;
+@end smallexample
+When the above layout is not possible, "then" should be aligned with "if",
+and conditions should preferably be split before an "and" or "or" keyword
+a follows:
+ if <long_condition_that_has_to_be_split>
+ and then <continued_on_the_next_line>
+ then
+ ...
+ end if;
+@end smallexample
+The "elsif", "else" and "end if" always line up with the "if" keyword. The
+prefered location for splitting the line is before "and" or "or". The
+continuation of a condition is indented with two spaces or as many as needed
+to make nesting clear.
+As exception, if conditions are closely related either of the following is
+ if x = lakdsjfhlkashfdlkflkdsalkhfsalkdhflkjdsahf
+ or else
+ x = asldkjhalkdsjfhhfd
+ or else
+ x = asdfadsfadsf
+ then
+ if x = lakdsjfhlkashfdlkflkdsalkhfsalkdhflkjdsahf or else
+ x = asldkjhalkdsjfhhfd or else
+ x = asdfadsfadsf
+ then
+@end smallexample
+Conditions should use short-circuit forms ("and then", "or else").
+Complex conditions in if-statements are indented two characters:
+ if this_complex_condition
+ and then that_other_one
+ and then one_last_one
+ then
+ ...
+@end smallexample
+Every "if" block is preceded and followed by a blank line, except
+where it begins or ends a sequence_of_statements.
+ A := 5;
+ if A = 5 then
+ null;
+ end if;
+ A := 6;
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@subsection Case statements
+@itemize @bullet
+Layout is as below. For long case statements, the extra indentation
+can be saved by aligning the when clauses with the opening case.
+ case <expression> is
+ when <condition> =>
+ ...
+ when <condition> =>
+ ...
+ end case;
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@subsection Loop statements
+@itemize @bullet
+When possible, have "for" or "while" on one line with the condition
+and the "loop" keyword.
+ for I in S'Range loop
+ ...
+ end loop;
+@end smallexample
+If the condition is too long, split the condition (see if_statement)
+and align "loop" with the "for" or "while" keyword.
+ while <long_condition_that_has_to_be_split>
+ and then <continued_on_the_next_line>
+ loop
+ ...
+ end loop;
+@end smallexample
+If the loop_statement has an identifier, it is layout as follows:
+ Outer : while not <condition> loop
+ ...
+ end Outer;
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@subsection Block Statements
+@itemize @bullet
+The (optional) "declare", "begin" and "end" statements are aligned,
+except when the block_statement is named:
+ Some_Block : declare
+ ...
+ begin
+ ...
+ end Some_Block;
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Subprograms, Packages, Statements, Top
+@section Subprograms
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@subsection Subprogram Declarations
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Do not write the "in" for parameters, especially in functions:
+ function Length (S : String) return Integer;
+@end smallexample
+When the declaration line for a procedure or a function is too long, fold it.
+ function Head
+ (Source : String;
+ Count : Natural;
+ Pad : Character := Space)
+ return String;
+@end smallexample
+The parameter list for a subprogram is preceded by a space:
+ procedure Func (A : Integer);
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@subsection Subprogram Bodies
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+The functions and procedures should always be sorted alphabetically in
+a compilation unit.
+All subprograms have a header giving the function name, with the following
+ -----------------
+ -- My_Function --
+ -----------------
+ procedure My_Function is
+ begin
+@end smallexample
+Note that the name in the header is preceded by a single space,
+not two spaces as for other comments.
+Every subprogram body must have a preceding subprogram_declaration.
+If declarations of a subprogram contain at least one nested subprogram
+body, then just before the begin is a line:
+ -- Start of processing for bla bla
+ begin
+@end smallexample
+@end itemize
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Packages, Program Structure, Subprograms, Top
+@section Packages and Visibility Rules
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+All program units and subprograms have their name at the end:
+ package P is
+ ...
+ end P;
+@end smallexample
+We will use the style of use-ing with-ed packages, with the context
+clauses looking like:
+ with A; use A;
+ with B; use B;
+@end smallexample
+Names declared in the visible part of packages should be
+unique, to prevent name clashes when the packages are "use"d.
+ package Entity is
+ type Entity_Kind is ...;
+ ...
+ end Entity;
+@end smallexample
+After the file header comment, the context clause and unit specification
+should be the first thing in a program_unit.
+@end itemize
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@node Program Structure,, Packages, Top
+@section Program Structure and Compilation Issues
+@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@itemize @bullet
+Every GNAT source file must be compiled with the "-gnatg" switch to check
+the coding style (Note that you should look at @file{style.adb} to
+see the lexical rules enforced by -gnatg).
+Each source file should contain only one compilation unit.
+Filenames should be 8 characters or less followed by the ".adb" extension
+for a body or ".ads" for a spec.
+Unit names should be distinct when krunched to 8 characters
+(see @file{krunch.ads}) and the filenames should match the unit name,
+except that they are all lower case.
+@end itemize