diff options
authorArnaud Charlet <charlet@gcc.gnu.org>2009-04-07 17:46:23 +0200
committerArnaud Charlet <charlet@gcc.gnu.org>2009-04-07 17:46:23 +0200
commitfdac1f80d600e1043558e7789e034188566f6f69 (patch)
parent8dbd1460a4fb14cf71da3294b4ccc86432e9ae15 (diff)
[multiple changes]
2009-04-07 Javier Miranda <miranda@adacore.com> * sem_ch3.adb (Build_Derived_Record_Type): When processing a tagged derived type that has discriminants, propagate the list of interfaces to the corresponding new base type. In addition, propagate also attribute Limited_Present (found working in this patch). 2009-04-07 Robert Dewar <dewar@adacore.com> * exp_ch4.adb: Rewrite concatenation expansion. From-SVN: r145684
3 files changed, 296 insertions, 726 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
index 5dc09e1..7c2c32a 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
+++ b/gcc/ada/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+2009-04-07 Javier Miranda <miranda@adacore.com>
+ * sem_ch3.adb (Build_Derived_Record_Type): When processing a tagged
+ derived type that has discriminants, propagate the list of interfaces
+ to the corresponding new base type. In addition, propagate also
+ attribute Limited_Present (found working in this patch).
+2009-04-07 Robert Dewar <dewar@adacore.com>
+ * exp_ch4.adb: Rewrite concatenation expansion.
2009-04-07 Ed Schonberg <schonberg@adacore.com>
* sem_ch8.adb (Restore_Scope_Stack): First_Private_Entity is only
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb
index 080a1af..fec4c84 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch4.adb
@@ -139,16 +139,11 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
-- are the left and right sides for the comparison, and Typ is the type of
-- the arrays to compare.
- procedure Expand_Concatenate_Other (Cnode : Node_Id; Opnds : List_Id);
- -- This routine handles expansion of concatenation operations, where N is
- -- the N_Op_Concat node being expanded and Operands is the list of operands
- -- (at least two are present). The caller has dealt with converting any
- -- singleton operands into singleton aggregates.
- procedure Expand_Concatenate_String (Cnode : Node_Id; Opnds : List_Id);
- -- Routine to expand concatenation a sequence of two or more operands (in
- -- the list Operands) and replace node Cnode with the result of the
- -- concatenation. The operands can be of type String or Character.
+ procedure Expand_Concatenate (Cnode : Node_Id; Opnds : List_Id);
+ -- Routine to expand concatenation of a sequence of two or more operands
+ -- (in the list Operands) and replace node Cnode with the result of the
+ -- concatenation. The operands can be of any appropriate type, and can
+ -- include both arrays and singleton elements.
procedure Fixup_Universal_Fixed_Operation (N : Node_Id);
-- N is a N_Op_Divide or N_Op_Multiply node whose result is universal
@@ -2138,632 +2133,33 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
end if;
end Expand_Composite_Equality;
- ------------------------------
- -- Expand_Concatenate_Other --
- ------------------------------
- -- Let n be the number of array operands to be concatenated, Base_Typ their
- -- base type, Ind_Typ their index type, and Arr_Typ the original array type
- -- to which the concatenation operator applies, then the following
- -- subprogram is constructed:
- -- [function Cnn (S1 : Base_Typ; ...; Sn : Base_Typ) return Base_Typ is
- -- L : Ind_Typ;
- -- begin
- -- if S1'Length /= 0 then
- -- L := XXX; --> XXX = S1'First if Arr_Typ is unconstrained
- -- XXX = Arr_Typ'First otherwise
- -- elsif S2'Length /= 0 then
- -- L := YYY; --> YYY = S2'First if Arr_Typ is unconstrained
- -- YYY = Arr_Typ'First otherwise
- -- ...
- -- elsif Sn-1'Length /= 0 then
- -- L := ZZZ; --> ZZZ = Sn-1'First if Arr_Typ is unconstrained
- -- ZZZ = Arr_Typ'First otherwise
- -- else
- -- return Sn;
- -- end if;
- -- declare
- -- P : Ind_Typ;
- -- H : Ind_Typ :=
- -- Ind_Typ'Val ((((S1'Length - 1) + S2'Length) + ... + Sn'Length)
- -- + Ind_Typ'Pos (L));
- -- R : Base_Typ (L .. H);
- -- begin
- -- if S1'Length /= 0 then
- -- P := S1'First;
- -- loop
- -- R (L) := S1 (P);
- -- L := Ind_Typ'Succ (L);
- -- exit when P = S1'Last;
- -- P := Ind_Typ'Succ (P);
- -- end loop;
- -- end if;
- --
- -- if S2'Length /= 0 then
- -- L := Ind_Typ'Succ (L);
- -- loop
- -- R (L) := S2 (P);
- -- L := Ind_Typ'Succ (L);
- -- exit when P = S2'Last;
- -- P := Ind_Typ'Succ (P);
- -- end loop;
- -- end if;
- -- ...
- -- if Sn'Length /= 0 then
- -- P := Sn'First;
- -- loop
- -- R (L) := Sn (P);
- -- L := Ind_Typ'Succ (L);
- -- exit when P = Sn'Last;
- -- P := Ind_Typ'Succ (P);
- -- end loop;
- -- end if;
- -- return R;
- -- end;
- -- end Cnn;]
- procedure Expand_Concatenate_Other (Cnode : Node_Id; Opnds : List_Id) is
- Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Cnode);
- Nb_Opnds : constant Nat := List_Length (Opnds);
- Arr_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Entity (Cnode));
- Base_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etype (Cnode));
- Ind_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (First_Index (Base_Typ));
- Func_Id : Node_Id;
- Func_Spec : Node_Id;
- Param_Specs : List_Id;
- Func_Body : Node_Id;
- Func_Decls : List_Id;
- Func_Stmts : List_Id;
- L_Decl : Node_Id;
- If_Stmt : Node_Id;
- Elsif_List : List_Id;
- Declare_Block : Node_Id;
- Declare_Decls : List_Id;
- Declare_Stmts : List_Id;
- H_Decl : Node_Id;
- I_Decl : Node_Id;
- H_Init : Node_Id;
- P_Decl : Node_Id;
- R_Decl : Node_Id;
- R_Constr : Node_Id;
- R_Range : Node_Id;
- Params : List_Id;
- Operand : Node_Id;
- function Copy_Into_R_S (I : Nat; Last : Boolean) return List_Id;
- -- Builds the sequence of statement:
- -- P := Si'First;
- -- loop
- -- R (L) := Si (P);
- -- L := Ind_Typ'Succ (L);
- -- exit when P = Si'Last;
- -- P := Ind_Typ'Succ (P);
- -- end loop;
- --
- -- where i is the input parameter I given.
- -- If the flag Last is true, the exit statement is emitted before
- -- incrementing the lower bound, to prevent the creation out of
- -- bound values.
- function Init_L (I : Nat) return Node_Id;
- -- Builds the statement:
- -- L := Arr_Typ'First; If Arr_Typ is constrained
- -- L := Si'First; otherwise (where I is the input param given)
- function H return Node_Id;
- -- Builds reference to identifier H
- function Ind_Val (E : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Ind_Typ'Val (E);
- function L return Node_Id;
- -- Builds reference to identifier L
- function L_Pos return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Integer_Type'(Ind_Typ'Pos (L)). We qualify the
- -- expression to avoid universal_integer computations whenever possible,
- -- in the expression for the upper bound H.
- function L_Succ return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Ind_Typ'Succ (L)
- function One return Node_Id;
- -- Builds integer literal one
- function P return Node_Id;
- -- Builds reference to identifier P
- function P_Succ return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Ind_Typ'Succ (P)
- function R return Node_Id;
- -- Builds reference to identifier R
- function S (I : Nat) return Node_Id;
- -- Builds reference to identifier Si, where I is the value given
- function S_First (I : Nat) return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Si'First, where I is the value given
- function S_Last (I : Nat) return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Si'Last, where I is the value given
- function S_Length (I : Nat) return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Si'Length, where I is the value given
- function S_Length_Test (I : Nat) return Node_Id;
- -- Builds expression Si'Length /= 0, where I is the value given
- -------------------
- -- Copy_Into_R_S --
- -------------------
- function Copy_Into_R_S (I : Nat; Last : Boolean) return List_Id is
- Stmts : constant List_Id := New_List;
- P_Start : Node_Id;
- Loop_Stmt : Node_Id;
- R_Copy : Node_Id;
- Exit_Stmt : Node_Id;
- L_Inc : Node_Id;
- P_Inc : Node_Id;
- begin
- -- First construct the initializations
- P_Start := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
- Name => P,
- Expression => S_First (I));
- Append_To (Stmts, P_Start);
- -- Then build the loop
- R_Copy := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
- Name => Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
- Prefix => R,
- Expressions => New_List (L)),
- Expression => Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
- Prefix => S (I),
- Expressions => New_List (P)));
- L_Inc := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
- Name => L,
- Expression => L_Succ);
- Exit_Stmt := Make_Exit_Statement (Loc,
- Condition => Make_Op_Eq (Loc, P, S_Last (I)));
- P_Inc := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
- Name => P,
- Expression => P_Succ);
- if Last then
- Loop_Stmt :=
- Make_Implicit_Loop_Statement (Cnode,
- Statements => New_List (R_Copy, Exit_Stmt, L_Inc, P_Inc));
- else
- Loop_Stmt :=
- Make_Implicit_Loop_Statement (Cnode,
- Statements => New_List (R_Copy, L_Inc, Exit_Stmt, P_Inc));
- end if;
- Append_To (Stmts, Loop_Stmt);
- return Stmts;
- end Copy_Into_R_S;
- -------
- -- H --
- -------
- function H return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uH);
- end H;
- -------------
- -- Ind_Val --
- -------------
- function Ind_Val (E : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
- begin
- return
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Val,
- Expressions => New_List (E));
- end Ind_Val;
- ------------
- -- Init_L --
- ------------
- function Init_L (I : Nat) return Node_Id is
- E : Node_Id;
- begin
- if Is_Constrained (Arr_Typ) then
- E := Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => New_Reference_To (Arr_Typ, Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_First);
- else
- E := S_First (I);
- end if;
- return Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc, Name => L, Expression => E);
- end Init_L;
- -------
- -- L --
- -------
- function L return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uL);
- end L;
- -----------
- -- L_Pos --
- -----------
- function L_Pos return Node_Id is
- Target_Type : Entity_Id;
- begin
- -- If the index type is an enumeration type, the computation can be
- -- done in standard integer. Otherwise, choose a large enough integer
- -- type to accommodate the index type computation.
- if Is_Enumeration_Type (Ind_Typ)
- or else Root_Type (Ind_Typ) = Standard_Integer
- or else Root_Type (Ind_Typ) = Standard_Short_Integer
- or else Root_Type (Ind_Typ) = Standard_Short_Short_Integer
- or else Is_Modular_Integer_Type (Ind_Typ)
- then
- Target_Type := Standard_Integer;
- else
- Target_Type := Root_Type (Ind_Typ);
- end if;
- return
- Make_Qualified_Expression (Loc,
- Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (Target_Type, Loc),
- Expression =>
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Pos,
- Expressions => New_List (L)));
- end L_Pos;
- ------------
- -- L_Succ --
- ------------
- function L_Succ return Node_Id is
- begin
- return
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Succ,
- Expressions => New_List (L));
- end L_Succ;
- ---------
- -- One --
- ---------
- function One return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1);
- end One;
- -------
- -- P --
- -------
- function P return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uP);
- end P;
- ------------
- -- P_Succ --
- ------------
- function P_Succ return Node_Id is
- begin
- return
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Succ,
- Expressions => New_List (P));
- end P_Succ;
- -------
- -- R --
- -------
- function R return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uR);
- end R;
- -------
- -- S --
- -------
- function S (I : Nat) return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Identifier (Loc, New_External_Name ('S', I));
- end S;
- -------------
- -- S_First --
- -------------
- function S_First (I : Nat) return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => S (I),
- Attribute_Name => Name_First);
- end S_First;
- ------------
- -- S_Last --
- ------------
- function S_Last (I : Nat) return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => S (I),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Last);
- end S_Last;
- --------------
- -- S_Length --
- --------------
- function S_Length (I : Nat) return Node_Id is
- begin
- return Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => S (I),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Length);
- end S_Length;
- -------------------
- -- S_Length_Test --
- -------------------
- function S_Length_Test (I : Nat) return Node_Id is
- begin
- return
- Make_Op_Ne (Loc,
- Left_Opnd => S_Length (I),
- Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0));
- end S_Length_Test;
- -- Start of processing for Expand_Concatenate_Other
- begin
- -- Construct the parameter specs and the overall function spec
- Param_Specs := New_List;
- for I in 1 .. Nb_Opnds loop
- Append_To
- (Param_Specs,
- Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
- Defining_Identifier =>
- Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_External_Name ('S', I)),
- Parameter_Type => New_Reference_To (Base_Typ, Loc)));
- end loop;
- Func_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_Internal_Name ('C'));
- Func_Spec :=
- Make_Function_Specification (Loc,
- Defining_Unit_Name => Func_Id,
- Parameter_Specifications => Param_Specs,
- Result_Definition => New_Reference_To (Base_Typ, Loc));
- -- Construct L's object declaration
- L_Decl :=
- Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
- Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uL),
- Object_Definition => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc));
- Func_Decls := New_List (L_Decl);
- -- Construct the if-then-elsif statements
- Elsif_List := New_List;
- for I in 2 .. Nb_Opnds - 1 loop
- Append_To (Elsif_List, Make_Elsif_Part (Loc,
- Condition => S_Length_Test (I),
- Then_Statements => New_List (Init_L (I))));
- end loop;
- If_Stmt :=
- Make_Implicit_If_Statement (Cnode,
- Condition => S_Length_Test (1),
- Then_Statements => New_List (Init_L (1)),
- Elsif_Parts => Elsif_List,
- Else_Statements => New_List (Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
- Expression => S (Nb_Opnds))));
- -- Construct the declaration for H
- P_Decl :=
- Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
- Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uP),
- Object_Definition => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc));
- H_Init := Make_Op_Subtract (Loc, S_Length (1), One);
- for I in 2 .. Nb_Opnds loop
- H_Init := Make_Op_Add (Loc, H_Init, S_Length (I));
- end loop;
- -- If the index type is small modular type, we need to perform an
- -- additional check that the upper bound fits in the index type.
- -- Otherwise the computation of the upper bound can wrap around
- -- and yield meaningless results. The constraint check has to be
- -- explicit in the code, because the generated function is compiled
- -- with checks disabled, for efficiency.
- if Is_Modular_Integer_Type (Ind_Typ)
- and then Esize (Ind_Typ) < Esize (Standard_Integer)
- then
- I_Decl :=
- Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
- Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uI),
- Object_Definition => New_Reference_To (Standard_Integer, Loc),
- Expression =>
- Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
- New_Reference_To (Standard_Integer, Loc),
- Make_Op_Add (Loc, H_Init, L_Pos)));
- H_Init :=
- Ind_Val (
- Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
- New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc),
- New_Reference_To (Defining_Identifier (I_Decl), Loc)));
- -- For other index types, computation is safe
- else
- H_Init := Ind_Val (Make_Op_Add (Loc, H_Init, L_Pos));
- end if;
- H_Decl :=
- Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
- Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uH),
- Object_Definition => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc),
- Expression => H_Init);
- -- Construct the declaration for R
- R_Range := Make_Range (Loc, Low_Bound => L, High_Bound => H);
- R_Constr :=
- Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc,
- Constraints => New_List (R_Range));
- R_Decl :=
- Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
- Defining_Identifier => Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uR),
- Object_Definition =>
- Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc,
- Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (Base_Typ, Loc),
- Constraint => R_Constr));
- -- Construct the declarations for the declare block
- Declare_Decls := New_List (P_Decl, H_Decl, R_Decl);
- -- Add constraint check for the modular index case
- if Is_Modular_Integer_Type (Ind_Typ)
- and then Esize (Ind_Typ) < Esize (Standard_Integer)
- then
- Insert_After (P_Decl, I_Decl);
- Insert_After (I_Decl,
- Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc,
- Condition =>
- Make_Op_Gt (Loc,
- Left_Opnd =>
- New_Reference_To (Defining_Identifier (I_Decl), Loc),
- Right_Opnd =>
- Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
- New_Reference_To (Standard_Integer, Loc),
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ind_Typ, Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Last))),
- Reason => CE_Range_Check_Failed));
- end if;
- -- Construct list of statements for the declare block
- Declare_Stmts := New_List;
- for I in 1 .. Nb_Opnds loop
- Append_To (Declare_Stmts,
- Make_Implicit_If_Statement (Cnode,
- Condition => S_Length_Test (I),
- Then_Statements => Copy_Into_R_S (I, I = Nb_Opnds)));
- end loop;
- Append_To
- (Declare_Stmts, Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc, Expression => R));
- -- Construct the declare block
- Declare_Block := Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
- Declarations => Declare_Decls,
- Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
- Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Declare_Stmts));
- -- Construct the list of function statements
- Func_Stmts := New_List (If_Stmt, Declare_Block);
- -- Construct the function body
- Func_Body :=
- Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
- Specification => Func_Spec,
- Declarations => Func_Decls,
- Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
- Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc, Func_Stmts));
- -- Insert the newly generated function in the code. This is analyzed
- -- with all checks off, since we have completed all the checks.
- -- Note that this does *not* fix the array concatenation bug when the
- -- low bound is Integer'first sibce that bug comes from the pointer
- -- dereferencing an unconstrained array. And there we need a constraint
- -- check to make sure the length of the concatenated array is ok. ???
- Insert_Action (Cnode, Func_Body, Suppress => All_Checks);
- -- Construct list of arguments for the function call
+ ------------------------
+ -- Expand_Concatenate --
+ ------------------------
- Params := New_List;
- Operand := First (Opnds);
- for I in 1 .. Nb_Opnds loop
- Append_To (Params, Relocate_Node (Operand));
- Next (Operand);
- end loop;
+ procedure Expand_Concatenate (Cnode : Node_Id; Opnds : List_Id) is
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Cnode);
- -- Insert the function call
+ Atyp : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etype (Cnode));
+ -- Result type of concatenation
- Rewrite
- (Cnode,
- Make_Function_Call (Loc, New_Reference_To (Func_Id, Loc), Params));
+ Ctyp : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Component_Type (Etype (Cnode)));
+ -- Component type. Elements of this component type can appear as one
+ -- of the operands of concatenation as well as arrays.
- Analyze_And_Resolve (Cnode, Base_Typ);
- Set_Is_Inlined (Func_Id);
- end Expand_Concatenate_Other;
+ Ityp : constant Entity_Id := Etype (First_Index (Atyp));
+ -- Index type
- -------------------------------
- -- Expand_Concatenate_String --
- -------------------------------
+ Intyp : Entity_Id;
+ -- This is the type we use to do arithmetic to compute the bounds and
+ -- lengths of operands. The choice of this type is a little subtle and
+ -- is discussed in a separate section at the start of the body code.
- procedure Expand_Concatenate_String (Cnode : Node_Id; Opnds : List_Id) is
- Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Cnode);
+ Concatenation_Error : exception;
+ -- Raised if concatenation is sure to raise a CE
N : constant Nat := List_Length (Opnds);
- -- Number of concatenation operands including nulls
+ -- Number of concatenation operands including possibly null operands
NN : Nat := 0;
-- Number of operands excluding any known to be null
@@ -2778,14 +2174,12 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
-- Set to the corresponding entry in the Opnds list
Fixed_Length : array (1 .. N) of Uint;
- -- Set to length of operand. Entries in this array are set only if
- -- the corresponding entry in Is_Fixed_Length is True. Note that the
- -- values in this array are always greater than zero, since we exclude
- -- any
+ -- Set to length of operand. Entries in this array are set only if the
+ -- corresponding entry in Is_Fixed_Length is True.
Fixed_Low_Bound : array (1 .. N) of Uint;
-- Set to lower bound of operand. Entries in this array are set only
- -- if the corresponding entry in Is_Fixed_Length are True.
+ -- if the corresponding entry in Is_Fixed_Length is True.
Var_Length : array (1 .. N) of Entity_Id;
-- Set to an entity of type Natural that contains the length of an
@@ -2794,11 +2188,11 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
-- is False.
Aggr_Length : array (0 .. N) of Node_Id;
- -- The J'th entry in an expression node that represents the total
- -- length of operands 1 through J. It is either an integer literal
- -- node, or a reference to a constant entity with the right value,
- -- so it is fine to just do a Copy_Node to get an appropriate copy.
- -- The extra zero'th entry always is set to zero.
+ -- The J'th entry in an expression node that represents the total length
+ -- of operands 1 through J. It is either an integer literal node, or a
+ -- reference to a constant entity with the right value, so it is fine
+ -- to just do a Copy_Node to get an appropriate copy. The extra zero'th
+ -- entry always is set to zero.
Low_Bound : Node_Id;
-- An tree node representing the low bound of the result. This is either
@@ -2808,6 +2202,90 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Result : Node_Id;
-- Result of the concatenation
+ function To_Intyp (X : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+ -- Given a node of type Ityp, returns the corresponding value of type
+ -- Intyp. For non-enumeration types, this is the identity. For enum
+ -- types. the Pos of the value is returned.
+ function To_Ityp (X : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
+ -- The inverse function (uses Val in the case of enumeration types
+ --------------
+ -- To_Intyp --
+ --------------
+ function To_Intyp (X : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ if Ityp = Intyp then
+ return X;
+ elsif Is_Enumeration_Type (Ityp) then
+ return
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ityp, Loc),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Pos,
+ Expressions => New_List (X));
+ else
+ return Convert_To (Intyp, X);
+ end if;
+ end To_Intyp;
+ -------------
+ -- To_Ityp --
+ -------------
+ function To_Ityp (X : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ if Intyp = Ityp then
+ return X;
+ elsif Is_Enumeration_Type (Ityp) then
+ return
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ityp, Loc),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Val,
+ Expressions => New_List (X));
+ -- Case where we will do a type conversion
+ else
+ -- If the value is known at compile time, and known to be out
+ -- of range of the index type or the base type, we can signal
+ -- that we are sure to have a constraint error at run time.
+ -- There are two reasons for doing this. First of all, it is of
+ -- course nice to detect situations of certain exceptions, and
+ -- generate a warning. But there is a more important reason. If
+ -- the high bound is out of range of the base type, and is a
+ -- literal, then that would cause a compilation illegality when
+ -- we analyzed and resolved the expression.
+ Set_Parent (X, Cnode);
+ Analyze_And_Resolve (X, Intyp);
+ if Compile_Time_Compare
+ (X, Type_High_Bound (Ityp),
+ Assume_Valid => False) = GT
+ or else
+ Compile_Time_Compare
+ (X, Type_High_Bound (Base_Type (Ityp)),
+ Assume_Valid => False) = GT
+ then
+ Apply_Compile_Time_Constraint_Error
+ (N => Cnode,
+ Msg => "concatenation result upper bound out of range?",
+ Reason => CE_Range_Check_Failed);
+ raise Concatenation_Error;
+ else
+ return Convert_To (Ityp, X);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end To_Ityp;
+ -- Local Declarations
Opnd : Node_Id;
Ent : Entity_Id;
Len : Uint;
@@ -2818,29 +2296,119 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Aggr_Length (0) := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 0);
- -- Go through operands settinn up the above arrays
+ -- Choose an appropriate computational type
+ -- We will be doing calculations of lengths and bounds in this routine
+ -- and computing one from the other in some cases, e.g. getting the high
+ -- bound by adding the length-1 to the low bound.
+ -- We can't just use the index type, or even its base type for this
+ -- purpose for two reasons. First it might be an enumeration type which
+ -- is not suitable fo computations of any kind, and second it may simply
+ -- not have enough range. For example if the index type is -128..+127
+ -- then lengths can be up to 256, which is out of range of the type.
+ -- For enumeration types, we can simply use Standard_Integer, this is
+ -- sufficient since the actual number of enumeration literals cannot
+ -- possibly exceed the range of integer (remember we will be doing the
+ -- arithmetic with POS values, not represaentation values).
+ if Is_Enumeration_Type (Ityp) then
+ Intyp := Standard_Integer;
+ elsif Atyp = Standard_String then
+ Intyp := Standard_Natural;
+ -- For unsigned types, we can safely use a 32-bit unsigned type for any
+ -- type whose size is in the range 1-31 bits, and we can safely use a
+ -- 64-bit unsigned type for any type whose size is in the range 33-63
+ -- bits. So those case are easy. For 64-bit unsigned types, there is no
+ -- possible type to use, since the maximum length is 2**64 which is not
+ -- representable in any type. We just use a 64-bit unsigned type anyway,
+ -- and won't be able to handle objects that big, which is no loss in
+ -- practice (we will raise CE in this case).
+ -- 32-bit unsigned types are a bit of a problem. If we are on a 64-bit
+ -- machine where 64-bit arithmetic is presumably efficient, then we can
+ -- just use the 64-bit type. But we really hate to do that on a 32-bit
+ -- machine since it could be quite inefficient. So on a 32-bit machine,
+ -- we use the 32-bit unsigned type, and too bad if we can't handle
+ -- arrays with 2**32 elements (the programmer can always get around
+ -- this by using a 64-bit type as an index).
+ elsif Is_Unsigned_Type (Ityp) then
+ if RM_Size (Ityp) < RM_Size (Standard_Unsigned) then
+ Intyp := Standard_Unsigned;
+ elsif RM_Size (Ityp) = RM_Size (Standard_Unsigned)
+ and then System_Address_Size = 32
+ then
+ Intyp := Ityp;
+ else
+ Intyp := RTE (RE_Long_Long_Unsigned);
+ end if;
+ -- For signed types, the considerations are similar to the unsigned case
+ -- for types with sizes in the range 1-30 or 33-64, but now 30 and 31
+ -- are both problems (the 31-bit type can have a length of 2**31 which
+ -- is out of the range of standard integer), but again, we don't want
+ -- the inefficiency of using 64-bit arithmetic on a 32-bit machine.
+ else
+ if RM_Size (Ityp) < (RM_Size (Standard_Integer) - 1)
+ or (RM_Size (Ityp) = (RM_Size (Standard_Integer) - 1)
+ and then System_Address_Size = 32)
+ then
+ Intyp := Standard_Integer;
+ elsif RM_Size (Ityp) = RM_Size (Standard_Integer)
+ and then System_Address_Size = 32
+ then
+ Intyp := Ityp;
+ else
+ Intyp := Standard_Long_Long_Integer;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Go through operands setting up the above arrays
J := 1;
while J <= N loop
Opnd := Remove_Head (Opnds);
+ -- The parent got messed up when we put the operands in a list,
+ -- so now put back the proper parent for the saved operand.
Set_Parent (Opnd, Parent (Cnode));
+ -- Set will be True when we have setup one entry in the array
Set := False;
- -- Character or Character literal case
+ -- Singleton element (or character literal) case
- if Base_Type (Etype (Opnd)) = Standard_Character then
+ if Base_Type (Etype (Opnd)) = Ctyp then
NN := NN + 1;
Operands (NN) := Opnd;
Is_Fixed_Length (NN) := True;
Fixed_Length (NN) := Uint_1;
+ -- Set lower bound to 1, that's right for characters, but is
+ -- it really right for other types ???
Fixed_Low_Bound (NN) := Uint_1;
Set := True;
- -- String literal case
+ -- String literal case (can only occur for strings of course)
elsif Nkind (Opnd) = N_String_Literal then
Len := UI_From_Int (String_Length (Strval (Opnd)));
+ -- We can safely skip null string literals, since they are
+ -- considered to have a lower bound of 1.
if Len = 0 then
goto Continue;
end if;
@@ -2866,8 +2434,8 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Hi : constant Node_Id := Type_High_Bound (Indx_Typ);
- -- Fixed length constrained string type with known at
- -- compile time bounds is last case of fixed length
+ -- Fixed length constrained array type with known at compile
+ -- time bounds is last case of fixed length operand.
if Compile_Time_Known_Value (Lo)
and then
@@ -2881,13 +2449,15 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
-- Exclude the null length case where the lower bound
- -- is other than 1 because annoyingly we need to keep
- -- such an operand around in case it is the one that
- -- supplies a lower bound to the result.
+ -- is other than 1 or the type is other than string,
+ -- because annoyingly we need to keep such an operand
+ -- around in case it is the one that supplies a lower
+ -- bound to the result.
- if Loval = 1 or Len > 0 then
- -- Skip null case (we know that low bound is 1)
+ if (Loval = 1 and then Atyp = Standard_String)
+ or Len > 0
+ then
+ -- Skip null string case (lower bound = 1)
if Len = 0 then
goto Continue;
@@ -2905,10 +2475,10 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
end if;
- -- All cases where the length is not known at compile time, or the
- -- special case of an operand which is known to be null but has a
- -- lower bound other than 1. Capture length of operand in entity.
- -- separate entities
+ -- All cases where the length is not known at compile time, or
+ -- the special case of an operand which is known to be null but
+ -- has a lower bound other than 1 or is other than a string type.
+ -- Capture length of operand in entity.
if not Set then
NN := NN + 1;
@@ -2925,7 +2495,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Constant_Present => True,
Object_Definition =>
- New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc),
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Intyp, Loc),
Expression =>
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
@@ -2982,7 +2552,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Constant_Present => True,
Object_Definition =>
- New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc),
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Intyp, Loc),
Expression =>
Make_Op_Add (Loc,
@@ -3000,9 +2570,10 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
J := J + 1;
end loop;
- -- If we have only null operands, return a null string literal. Note
- -- that this means the lower bound is 1, but we retained any known null
- -- operands whose lower bound was not 1, so this is legitimate.
+ -- If we have only skipped null operands, return a null string literal.
+ -- Note that this means the lower bound is 1 and the type is string,
+ -- since we retained any null operands with a type other than string,
+ -- or a lower bound other than one, so this is a legitimate assumption.
if NN = 0 then
@@ -3014,12 +2585,12 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
-- If we have only one non-null operand, return it and we are done.
-- There is one case in which this cannot be done, and that is when
- -- the sole operand is of a character type, in which case it must be
- -- converted to a string, and the easiest way of doing that is to go
+ -- the sole operand is of the element type, in which case it must be
+ -- converted to an array, and the easiest way of doing that is to go
-- through the normal general circuit.
if NN = 1
- and then Base_Type (Etype (Operands (1))) /= Standard_Character
+ and then Base_Type (Etype (Operands (1))) /= Ctyp
Result := Operands (1);
goto Done;
@@ -3027,14 +2598,27 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
-- Cases where we have a real concatenation
- -- Next step is to find the low bound for the result string that we
- -- will allocate. Annoyingly this is not simply the low bound of the
- -- first argument, because of the darned null string special exception.
+ -- Next step is to find the low bound for the result array that we
+ -- will allocate. The rules for this are in (RM 4.5.6(5-7)).
+ -- If the ultimate ancestor of the index subtype is a constrained array
+ -- definition, then the lower bound is that of the index subtype as
+ -- specified by (RM 4.5.3(6)).
+ -- The right test here is to go to the root type, and then the ultimate
+ -- ancestor is the first subtype of this root type.
+ if Is_Constrained (First_Subtype (Root_Type (Atyp))) then
+ Low_Bound := To_Intyp (
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix =>
+ New_Occurrence_Of (First_Subtype (Root_Type (Atyp)), Loc),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_First));
-- If the first operand in the list has known length we know that
-- the lower bound of the result is the lower bound of this operand.
- if Is_Fixed_Length (1) then
+ elsif Is_Fixed_Length (1) then
Low_Bound :=
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
Intval => Fixed_Low_Bound (1));
@@ -3074,11 +2658,11 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Intval => Fixed_Low_Bound (J));
end if;
- Lo :=
+ Lo := To_Intyp (
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix =>
Duplicate_Subexpr (Operands (J), Name_Req => True),
- Attribute_Name => Name_First);
+ Attribute_Name => Name_First));
if J = NN then
return Lo;
@@ -3107,7 +2691,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Defining_Identifier => Ent,
Constant_Present => True,
Object_Definition =>
- New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc),
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Intyp, Loc),
Expression => Get_Known_Bound (1)),
Suppress => All_Checks);
@@ -3115,7 +2699,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
end if;
- -- Now we build the result, which is a reference to the string entity
+ -- Now we build the result, which is a reference to the array entity
-- we will construct with appropriate bounds.
Ent :=
@@ -3128,20 +2712,21 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Object_Definition =>
Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc,
- Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_String, Loc),
+ Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Atyp, Loc),
Constraint =>
Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc,
Constraints => New_List (
Make_Range (Loc,
- Low_Bound => New_Copy (Low_Bound),
- High_Bound =>
+ Low_Bound => To_Ityp (New_Copy (Low_Bound)),
+ High_Bound => To_Ityp (
Make_Op_Add (Loc,
Left_Opnd => New_Copy (Low_Bound),
Right_Opnd =>
Make_Op_Subtract (Loc,
Left_Opnd => New_Copy (Aggr_Length (NN)),
Right_Opnd =>
- Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1)))))))),
+ Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
+ Intval => Uint_1))))))))),
Suppress => All_Checks);
@@ -3160,19 +2745,25 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Right_Opnd =>
Make_Op_Subtract (Loc,
Left_Opnd => Aggr_Length (J),
- Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1)));
+ Right_Opnd =>
+ Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
+ Intval => 1)));
- if Base_Type (Etype (Operands (J))) = Standard_Character then
+ -- Singleton case, simple assignment
+ if Base_Type (Etype (Operands (J))) = Ctyp then
Insert_Action (Cnode,
Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ent, Loc),
- Expressions => New_List (Lo)),
+ Expressions => New_List (To_Ityp (Lo))),
Expression => Operands (J)),
Suppress => All_Checks);
+ -- Array case, slice assignment
Insert_Action (Cnode,
Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
@@ -3181,8 +2772,8 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ent, Loc),
Discrete_Range =>
Make_Range (Loc,
- Low_Bound => Lo,
- High_Bound => Hi)),
+ Low_Bound => To_Ityp (Lo),
+ High_Bound => To_Ityp (Hi))),
Expression => Operands (J)),
Suppress => All_Checks);
end if;
@@ -3193,8 +2784,12 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Rewrite (Cnode, Result);
- Analyze_And_Resolve (Cnode, Standard_String);
- end Expand_Concatenate_String;
+ Analyze_And_Resolve (Cnode, Atyp);
+ exception
+ when Concatenation_Error =>
+ Set_Etype (Cnode, Atyp);
+ end Expand_Concatenate;
-- Expand_N_Allocator --
@@ -4909,19 +4504,10 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Opnds : List_Id;
-- List of operands to be concatenated
- Opnd : Node_Id;
- -- Single operand for concatenation
Cnode : Node_Id;
-- Node which is to be replaced by the result of concatenating the nodes
-- in the list Opnds.
- Atyp : Entity_Id;
- -- Array type of concatenation result type
- Ctyp : Entity_Id;
- -- Component type of concatenation represented by Cnode
-- Ensure validity of both operands
@@ -4968,36 +4554,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch4 is
Append (Right_Opnd (Cnode), Opnds);
end loop Inner;
- -- Here we process the collected operands. First convert singleton
- -- operands to singleton aggregates. This is skipped however for
- -- the case of operands of type Character/String since the string
- -- concatenation routine can handle these special cases.
- Atyp := Base_Type (Etype (Cnode));
- Ctyp := Base_Type (Component_Type (Etype (Cnode)));
- if Atyp /= Standard_String then
- Opnd := First (Opnds);
- loop
- if Base_Type (Etype (Opnd)) = Ctyp then
- Rewrite (Opnd,
- Make_Aggregate (Sloc (Cnode),
- Expressions => New_List (Relocate_Node (Opnd))));
- Analyze_And_Resolve (Opnd, Atyp);
- end if;
- Next (Opnd);
- exit when No (Opnd);
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- Now call appropriate continuation routine
- if Atyp = Standard_String then
- Expand_Concatenate_String (Cnode, Opnds);
- else
- Expand_Concatenate_Other (Cnode, Opnds);
- end if;
+ Expand_Concatenate (Cnode, Opnds);
exit Outer when Cnode = N;
Cnode := Parent (Cnode);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
index 9490c88..97fbb81 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
@@ -5772,10 +5772,10 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
-- The representation clauses for T can specify a completely different
-- record layout from R's. Hence the same component can be placed in two
- -- very different positions in objects of type T and R. If R and are tagged
- -- types, representation clauses for T can only specify the layout of non
- -- inherited components, thus components that are common in R and T have
- -- the same position in objects of type R and T.
+ -- very different positions in objects of type T and R. If R and T are
+ -- tagged types, representation clauses for T can only specify the layout
+ -- of non inherited components, thus components that are common in R and T
+ -- have the same position in objects of type R and T.
-- This has two implications. The first is that the entire tree for R's
-- declaration needs to be copied for T in the untagged case, so that T
@@ -6392,10 +6392,12 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
Type_Definition =>
Make_Derived_Type_Definition (Loc,
Abstract_Present => Abstract_Present (Type_Def),
+ Limited_Present => Limited_Present (Type_Def),
Subtype_Indication =>
New_Occurrence_Of (Parent_Base, Loc),
Record_Extension_Part =>
- Relocate_Node (Record_Extension_Part (Type_Def))));
+ Relocate_Node (Record_Extension_Part (Type_Def)),
+ Interface_List => Interface_List (Type_Def)));
Set_Parent (New_Decl, Parent (N));
Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (New_Decl);
@@ -6465,7 +6467,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
-- could still refer to the full type prior the change to the new
-- subtype and hence would not match the new base type created here.
- Derive_Subprograms (Parent_Type, Derived_Type);
+ Derive_Subprograms (Parent_Type, Base_Type (Derived_Type));
-- For tagged types the Discriminant_Constraint of the new base itype
-- is inherited from the first subtype so that no subtype conformance