# Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of DejaGnu. # # DejaGnu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # DejaGnu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with DejaGnu. If not, see . # This file was written by Jacob Bachmeyer. # This library provides convenience procedures for running isolated tests # of DejaGnu procedures in a slave interpreter. These are designed to be # run in the child process used by the DejaGnu library tests. proc strip_comment_lines { text } { regsub -all -- {\n[[:space:]]*#[^\r\n]*[\r\n]+} $text "\n" } proc create_test_interpreter { name opts } { array set opt { copy_arrays {} copy_procs {} copy_vars {} attach_vfs {} link_channels {} link_procs {} shim_procs {} mocks {} vars {} } array set opt [strip_comment_lines $opts] interp create -safe -- $name foreach array $opt(copy_arrays) { # inlined due to upvar if { [llength $array] == 2 } { upvar [lindex $array 1] src_array } elseif { [llength $array] == 1 } { upvar [lindex $array 0] src_array } else { error "bogus copy_arrays directive: $array" } $name eval array set [list [lindex $array 0] [array get src_array]] } foreach proc $opt(copy_procs) { # inlined due to uplevel # proc reconstruction adapted from Tcl info(n) manpage set argspec [list] foreach arg [uplevel info args $proc] { if { [uplevel info default $proc $arg value] } { lappend argspec [list $arg $value] } else { lappend argspec [list $arg] } } $name eval proc $proc [list $argspec] [list [uplevel info body $proc]] } foreach var $opt(copy_vars) { # inlined due to upvar if { [llength $var] == 2 } { upvar [lindex $var 1] src_var } elseif { [llength $var] == 1 } { upvar [lindex $var 0] src_var } else { error "bogus copy_vars directive: $var" } $name eval set [list [lindex $var 0] $src_var] } foreach {varname var} $opt(vars) { $name eval set [list $varname $var] } foreach {mockname arglist retexpr} $opt(mocks) { establish_mock $name $mockname $arglist $retexpr } foreach chan $opt(link_channels) { interp share {} $chan $name } foreach link $opt(link_procs) { establish_link $name $link } foreach shim $opt(shim_procs) { establish_shim $name $shim } if { $opt(attach_vfs) ne "" } { attach_mockvfs $name [lindex $opt(attach_vfs) 0] } return $name } proc copy_array_to_test_interpreter { sicmd dest {src {}} } { if { $src eq {} } { set src $dest } upvar $src src_array $sicmd eval array set [list $dest [array get src_array]] } proc delete_test_interpreter { name } { interp delete $name } proc reset_mock_trace {} { global mock_call_trace set mock_call_trace [list] } proc dump_mock_trace {} { global mock_call_trace puts "<<< mocked calls recorded" foreach cell $mock_call_trace { puts " [lindex $cell 0]" if { [llength $cell] > 1 } { puts " -> [lindex $cell 1]" } } puts ">>> mocked calls recorded" } proc get_mock_trace {} { global mock_call_trace return $mock_call_trace } proc find_mock_calls { prefix } { global mock_call_trace set result [list] foreach cell $mock_call_trace { if { [string match "${prefix}*" [lindex $cell 0]] } { lappend result $cell } } return $result } proc relay_link_call { name args } { eval [list $name] $args } proc establish_link { sicmd name } { $sicmd alias $name relay_link_call $name } proc record_mock_call { name args } { global mock_call_trace lappend mock_call_trace [list [linsert $args 0 $name]] return } proc establish_mock_log_alias { sicmd name } { $sicmd alias logcall_$name record_mock_call $name } proc establish_mock { sicmd name arglist retexpr } { establish_mock_log_alias $sicmd $name set sargl [list] foreach arg $arglist { lappend sargl [format {$%s} $arg] } if { [lindex $arglist end] eq "args" } { set log_call \ "eval \[list logcall_$name [join [lrange $sargl 0 end-1]]\] \$args" } else { set log_call \ "logcall_$name [join $sargl]" } $sicmd eval [subst -nocommands { proc $name {$arglist} { $log_call return $retexpr } }] } proc relay_shim_call { name args } { global mock_call_trace set retval [eval [list $name] $args] lappend mock_call_trace [list [linsert $args 0 $name] [list $retval]] return $retval } proc establish_shim { sicmd name } { $sicmd alias $name relay_shim_call $name } proc match_argpat { argpat call } { set result 1 foreach {pos qre} $argpat { set qre [regsub -all {\M\s+(?=[^*+?\s])} $qre {\s+}] set qre [regsub -all {([*+?])\s+(?=[^*+?\s])} $qre {\1\s+} ] set out [lindex $call 0 $pos] verbose "matching: ^$qre$" verbose " against: $out" if { ![regexp "^$qre$" $out] } { set result 0 } } return $result } # test_proc_with_mocks testName sicmd testCode { # check_calls { # prefix mode:[*U[:digit:]] { [argument pattern]... } # prefix mode:[!] { } # prefix mode:[C] [ { count } | count ] # } # } proc test_proc_with_mocks { name sicmd code args } { array set opt { check_calls {} } foreach { key value } $args { if { ![info exists opt($key)] } { error "test_proc_with_mocks: unknown option $key" } set opt($key) [strip_comment_lines $value] } verbose "-------- begin test: $name" reset_mock_trace $sicmd eval $code dump_mock_trace set result pass foreach { prefix callpos argpat } $opt(check_calls) { set calls [find_mock_calls $prefix] verbose "checking: \[$callpos\] $prefix" if { $callpos eq "*" } { # succeed if any call matches both prefix and argpat set innerresult fail foreach { call } $calls { verbose " step: [lindex $call 0]" if { [match_argpat $argpat $call] } { set innerresult pass break } } if { $innerresult ne "pass" } { verbose " failed!" set result fail } } elseif { $callpos eq "!" } { # succeed if no calls match prefix if { [llength $calls] != 0 } { verbose " failed!" set result fail } } elseif { $callpos eq "C" } { # succeed if exactly N calls match prefix if { [llength $calls] != [lindex $argpat 0] } { verbose " failed!" set result fail } } elseif { $callpos eq "U" } { # prefix selects one unique call if { [llength $calls] != 1 } { verbose " expected unique call... failed!" set result fail continue } if { ![match_argpat $argpat [lindex $calls 0]] } { verbose " failed!" set result fail } } elseif { [llength $calls] > $callpos } { if { ![match_argpat $argpat [lindex $calls $callpos]] } { verbose " failed!" set result fail } } else { verbose " expected trace record not found... failed!" set result fail continue } } $result $name verbose "-------- end test: $name" } #EOF