# Copyright (C) 2018, 2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of DejaGnu. # # DejaGnu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # DejaGnu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with DejaGnu. If not, see . # This file was written by Jacob Bachmeyer. load_lib bohman_ssd.exp set header_column_names { PASS FAIL ?PASS ?FAIL UNSUP UNRES UNTEST } set result_column_map { PASS FAIL { KPASS XPASS } { KFAIL XFAIL } UNSUPPORTED UNRESOLVED UNTESTED } set test_results { PASS FAIL KPASS KFAIL XPASS XFAIL UNSUPPORTED UNRESOLVED UNTESTED } set stty_init { -onlcr } # each entry: { {mode n} { suffix_tag... } { pass... } { { result name }... } } array unset tuplemap array set tuplemap { basic { {S 3} { a b } { foo bar } { { PASS pass } { FAIL fail } } } kxpass { {S 2} { a b } { foo bar } { { KPASS kpass } { XPASS xpass } } } kxfail { {Sp 2} { a b } { foo bar } { { KFAIL kfail } { XFAIL xfail } } } unresult { {S 2} { a b } { foo bar } { { UNSUPPORTED unsupported } { UNRESOLVED unresolved } { UNTESTED untested } } } } # Given: TUPLES: { { result ... }... }, PASSES: { pass... } # Return: Cartesian product TUPLES x PASSES: { { result pass ... }... } proc build_tuple_list { tuples passes } { set result [list] foreach cell $tuples { foreach pass $passes { lappend result [linsert $cell 1 $pass] } } return $result } # Given: TUPLES: { { result pass name }... }, MODE: S | Sp, N # Return: { { result pass name count }... } where COUNT is from an SSD-set proc annotate_tuple_list { tuples mode n } { set m [llength $tuples] set ssd [switch -- $mode { S { ::math_utils::Bohman_SSD::S $n $m } Sp { ::math_utils::Bohman_SSD::Sp $n $m } }] set result [list] foreach cell $tuples ssdterm $ssd { lappend result [linsert $cell end $ssdterm] } return $result } # Given: TUPLES: { { result pass name count }... }; (RESULT,PASS) not unique # Return: { { result pass expected_total }... } where (RESULT,PASS) is unique proc compute_expected_pass_totals { tuples } { foreach cell $tuples { set count([lrange $cell 0 1]) 0 } foreach cell $tuples { incr count([lrange $cell 0 1]) [lindex $cell 3] } set result [list] foreach name [lsort [array names count]] { lappend result [concat $name $count($name)] } return $result } # Given: TUPLES: { { result pass name count }... }; (RESULT,PASS) not unique # Return: { { result expected_grand_total }... } proc compute_expected_grand_totals { tuples } { foreach cell $tuples { set count([lindex $cell 0]) 0 } foreach cell $tuples { incr count([lindex $cell 0]) [lindex $cell 3] } set result [list] foreach name [lsort [array names count]] { lappend result [list $name $count($name)] } return $result } # Given: TUPLES: { { result pass ... }... } where (RESULT,PASS) repeats later # Return: { { { result pass ... }... }... }; (RESULT,PASS) unique per sublist proc split_tuple_list { tuples } { set result [list] set sublist [list] foreach cell $tuples { if { [info exists seen([lrange $cell 0 1])] } { # split here lappend result $sublist set sublist [list] array unset seen } lappend sublist $cell set seen([lrange $cell 0 1]) 1 } lappend result $sublist return $result } # TUPLES is: { { result pass name count }... } proc write_file { basename tuples } { set fd [open [testsuite file -object -test passes ${basename}.sum] w] set pass {} foreach cell [lsort -index 1 $tuples] { if { $pass ne [lindex $cell 1] } { puts $fd "Running pass `[lindex $cell 1]' ..." set pass [lindex $cell 1] } for { set i 1 } { $i <= [lindex $cell 3] } { incr i } { puts $fd "[lindex $cell 0]: [lindex $cell 1]:\ [lindex $cell 2] test ${i}/[lindex $cell 3]" } } close $fd } proc run_multipass_output_test { filetag } { global LAUNCHER global header_column_names global result_column_map global test_results global tuplemap set ssdpar [lindex $tuplemap($filetag) 0] set tags [lindex $tuplemap($filetag) 1] set passes [lindex $tuplemap($filetag) 2] set results {} foreach dummy $tags { lappend results [lindex $tuplemap($filetag) 3] } set results [join $results] # initialize totals arrays to zero foreach result $test_results { set have_grand_totals($result) 0 } array set want_grand_totals [array get have_grand_totals] foreach cell [build_tuple_list $test_results $passes] { set have_pass_totals([join [lrange $cell 0 1] ","]) 0 } array set want_pass_totals [array get have_pass_totals] # get the test list set list [build_tuple_list $results $passes] set list [annotate_tuple_list $list [lindex $ssdpar 0] [lindex $ssdpar 1]] # compute expected totals # note that this only fills non-zero array positions foreach cell [compute_expected_pass_totals $list] { set want_pass_totals([join [lrange $cell 0 1] ","]) [lindex $cell 2] } array set want_grand_totals [join [compute_expected_grand_totals $list]] # write the test data files and store expected per-file counts foreach tag $tags fileset [split_tuple_list $list] { # write test file write_file "${filetag}-${tag}" $fileset # initialize test results for this file foreach result $test_results { foreach pass $passes { set want_file_counts(${filetag}-${tag},$result,$pass) 0 set have_file_counts(${filetag}-${tag},$result,$pass) 0 } } # store expected results for this file foreach cell $fileset { set want_file_counts(${filetag}-${tag},[join [lrange $cell 0 1] \ ","]) [lindex $cell 3] } } # run the dejagnu-report-card tool set separator_count 0 spawn /bin/sh -c \ "cd [testsuite file -object -test passes]\ && exec $LAUNCHER report-card ${filetag}-*.sum" # skip header expect { -re {^[[:space:]]+_+[\r\n]+} { exp_continue } -re {^[[:space:]]+/([^\r\n]*)[\r\n]+} { exp_continue } -re {^[[:space:]]+\|-+[\r\n]+} { incr separator_count } } # read individual file lines set re_file_row {^[[:space:]]*} append re_file_row {(} $filetag {-[[:alpha:]]+)[[:space:]]+} append re_file_row {/[[:space:]]+([[:alpha:]]+)[[:space:]]+\|} append re_file_row {[[:space:]]*([[:digit:][:space:]]+)[\r\n]+} expect { -re $re_file_row { foreach column $result_column_map colname $header_column_names \ have $expect_out(3,string) { set want 0 foreach rs $column { set tmp $expect_out(1,string),$rs,$expect_out(2,string) incr want $want_file_counts($tmp) } if { $have == $want } { pass "count $colname\ for pass $expect_out(2,string)\ in file $expect_out(1,string)" } else { fail "count $colname\ for pass $expect_out(2,string)\ in file $expect_out(1,string)" } } exp_continue } -re {^[[:space:]]+\|-+[\r\n]+} { incr separator_count } } # read pass totals lines set re_pass_row {^[[:space:]]+([[:alpha:]]+)[[:space:]]+\|} append re_pass_row {[[:space:]]*([[:digit:][:space:]]+)[\r\n]+} expect { -re $re_pass_row { foreach column $result_column_map colname $header_column_names \ have $expect_out(2,string) { set want 0 foreach rs $column { incr want $want_pass_totals($rs,$expect_out(1,string)) } if { $have == $want } { pass "total $colname for pass $expect_out(1,string)" } else { fail "total $colname for pass $expect_out(1,string)" } } exp_continue } -re {^[[:space:]]+\|-+[\r\n]+} { incr separator_count } } # read grand totals line expect -re {^[[:space:]]+\|[[:space:]]*([[:digit:][:space:]]+)[\r\n]+} { foreach column $result_column_map colname $header_column_names \ have $expect_out(1,string) { set want 0 foreach rs $column { incr want $want_grand_totals($rs) } if { $have == $want } { pass "grand total $colname" } else { fail "grand total $colname" } } } # skip the footer expect -re {.+} { exp_continue } if { $separator_count == 3 } { pass "expected separator lines" } else { fail "expected separator lines" } } foreach filetag [lsort [array names tuplemap]] { run_multipass_output_test $filetag } #EOF