/* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Oracle. This file is part of GNU Binutils. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Routines for managing the target's environment array */ #include "config.h" #include "descendants.h" #define MAX_LD_PRELOADS 2 /* original environment settings to be saved for later restoration */ static char *sp_preloads[MAX_LD_PRELOADS]; static char *sp_libpaths[MAX_LD_PRELOADS]; char **sp_env_backup; static const char *SP_ENV[]; static const char *LD_ENV[]; static const char *SP_PRELOAD[]; static const char *LD_PRELOAD[]; static const char *SP_LIBRARY_PATH[]; static const char *LD_LIBRARY_PATH[]; static int NUM_SP_ENV_VARS; static int NUM_LD_ENV_VARS; static int NUM_SP_PRELOADS; static int NUM_LD_PRELOADS; static int NUM_SP_LIBPATHS; static int NUM_LD_LIBPATHS; static const char *SP_ENV[] = { SP_COLLECTOR_PARAMS, /* data descriptor */ SP_COLLECTOR_EXPNAME, /* experiment name */ SP_COLLECTOR_FOLLOW_SPEC, /* linetrace */ SP_COLLECTOR_FOUNDER, /* determine founder exp */ SP_PRELOAD_STRINGS, /* LD_PRELOADs for data collection */ SP_LIBPATH_STRINGS, /* LD_LIBRARY_PATHs for data collection */ "SP_COLLECTOR_TRACELEVEL", /* tprintf */ #if DEBUG "SP_COLLECTOR_SIGACTION", /* dispatcher, hwprofile */ #endif /* JAVA* */ /* LD_DEBUG=audit,bindings,detail */ /* LD_ORIGIN=yes */ NULL }; static const char *LD_ENV[] = { LD_PRELOAD_STRINGS, /* LD_PRELOADs */ LD_LIBPATH_STRINGS, /* LD_LIBRARY_PATHs */ JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, /* enable -agentlib:collector for JVMTI */ NULL }; static const char *SP_PRELOAD[] = { SP_PRELOAD_STRINGS, NULL }; static const char *LD_PRELOAD[] = { LD_PRELOAD_STRINGS, NULL }; static const char *SP_LIBRARY_PATH[] = { SP_LIBPATH_STRINGS, NULL }; static const char *LD_LIBRARY_PATH[] = { LD_LIBPATH_STRINGS, NULL }; void __collector_env_save_preloads () { /* save the list of SP_PRELOADs */ int v; for (v = 0; SP_PRELOAD[v]; v++) { sp_preloads[v] = __collector_strdup (CALL_UTIL (getenv)(SP_PRELOAD[v])); TprintfT (DBG_LT3, "__collector_env_save_preloads: %s=%s\n", SP_PRELOAD[v], sp_preloads[v]); } NUM_SP_PRELOADS = v; for (v = 0; SP_LIBRARY_PATH[v]; v++) { sp_libpaths[v] = __collector_strdup (CALL_UTIL (getenv)(SP_LIBRARY_PATH[v])); TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "__collector_env_save_preloads: %s=%s\n", SP_LIBRARY_PATH[v], sp_libpaths[v] ? sp_libpaths[v] : "NULL"); } NUM_SP_LIBPATHS = v; for (v = 0; LD_PRELOAD[v]; v++) ; NUM_LD_PRELOADS = v; for (v = 0; LD_LIBRARY_PATH[v]; v++) ; NUM_LD_LIBPATHS = v; for (v = 0; SP_ENV[v]; v++) ; NUM_SP_ENV_VARS = v; for (v = 0; LD_ENV[v]; v++) ; NUM_LD_ENV_VARS = v; } /* free the memory involved in backing up the environment */ void __collector_env_backup_free () { int v = 0; TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_backup_free()\n"); for (v = 0; sp_env_backup[v]; v++) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_backup_free():sp_env_backup[%d]=%s \n", v, sp_env_backup[v]); __collector_freeCSize (__collector_heap, (char *) sp_env_backup[v], __collector_strlen (sp_env_backup[v]) + 1); } __collector_freeCSize (__collector_heap, (char**) sp_env_backup, (NUM_SP_ENV_VARS + NUM_LD_ENV_VARS + 1) * sizeof (char*)); } char ** __collector_env_backup () { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_backup_()\n"); char **backup = __collector_env_allocate (NULL, 1); __collector_env_update (backup); TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_backup_()\n"); return backup; } /* function: env_prepend() given an , check to see if is already defined by it. If not, allocate a new string and concat = params: old_str: original string str: substring to prepend return: pointer to updated string or NULL if string was not updated. */ static char * env_prepend (const char *envvar, const char *str, const char *separator, const char *old_str) { if (!envvar || *envvar == 0 || !str || *str == 0) { /* nothing to do */ TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_prepend(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\") -- nothing to do\n", envvar, str, separator, old_str); return NULL; } TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_prepend(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")\n", envvar, str, separator, old_str); char *ev; size_t strsz; if (!old_str || *old_str == 0) { strsz = __collector_strlen (envvar) + 1 + __collector_strlen (str) + 1; ev = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, strsz, 1); if (ev) { CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(ev, strsz, "%s=%s", envvar, str); assert (__collector_strlen (ev) + 1 == strsz); } else TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_prepend(): could not allocate memory\n"); } else { char *p = CALL_UTIL (strstr)(old_str, str); if (p) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_prepend(): %s=%s was already set\n", envvar, old_str); return NULL; } strsz = __collector_strlen (envvar) + 1 + __collector_strlen (str) + __collector_strlen (separator) + __collector_strlen (old_str) + 1; ev = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, strsz, 1); if (ev) { CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(ev, strsz, "%s=%s%s%s", envvar, str, separator, old_str); assert (__collector_strlen (ev) + 1 == strsz); } else TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_prepend(): could not allocate memory\n"); } TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_prepend(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\") returns \"%s\"\n", envvar, str, separator, old_str, (ev == NULL ? "NULL" : ev)); return ev; } /* function: putenv_prepend() get environment variable , check to see if is already defined by it. If not prepend and put it back to environment. params: envvar: environment variable str: substring to find return: 0==success, nonzero on failure. */ int putenv_prepend (const char *envvar, const char *str, const char *separator) { if (!envvar || *envvar == 0) return 1; const char * old_str = CALL_UTIL (getenv)(envvar); char * newstr = env_prepend (envvar, str, separator, old_str); if (newstr) // now put the new variable into the environment if (CALL_UTIL (putenv)(newstr) != 0) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "putenv_prepend(): ERROR %s is not set!\n", newstr); return 1; } return 0; } /* function: env_strip() Finds substr in origstr; Removes all characters from previous ':' or ' ' up to and including any trailing ':' or ' '. params: env: environment variable contents str: substring to find return: count of instances removed from env */ static int env_strip (char *origstr, const char *substr) { int removed = 0; char *p, *q; if (origstr == NULL || substr == NULL || *substr == 0) return 0; while ((p = q = CALL_UTIL (strstr)(origstr, substr))) { p += __collector_strlen (substr); while (*p == ':' || *p == ' ') /* strip trailing separator */ p++; while (*q != ':' && *q != ' ' && *q != '=' && q != origstr) /* strip path */ q--; if (q != origstr) /* restore leading separator (if any) */ q++; __collector_strlcpy (q, p, __collector_strlen (p) + 1); removed++; } return removed; } /* function: env_ld_preload_strip() Removes known libcollector shared objects from envv. params: var: shared object name (leading characters don't have to match) return: 0 = so's removed, non-zero = so's not found. */ static int env_ld_preload_strip (char *envv) { if (!envv || *envv == 0) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_ld_preload_strip(): WARNING - envv is NULL\n"); return -1; } for (int v = 0; SP_PRELOAD[v]; v++) if (env_strip (envv, sp_preloads[v])) return 0; if (line_mode != LM_CLOSED) TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "env_ld_preload_strip(): WARNING - could not strip SP_PRELOADS from '%s'\n", envv); return -2; } void __collector_env_print (char * label) { #if DEBUG TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_env_print(%s)\n", label); for (int v = 0; v < MAX_LD_PRELOADS; v++) TprintfT (DBG_LT2, " %s sp_preloads[%d] (0x%p)=%s\n", label, v, sp_preloads[v], (sp_preloads[v] == NULL ? "NULL" : sp_preloads[v])); for (int v = 0; SP_ENV[v]; v++) { char *s = CALL_UTIL (getenv)(SP_ENV[v]); if (s == NULL) s = ""; TprintfT (DBG_LT2, " %s SP_ENV[%d] (0x%p): %s=\"%s\"\n", label, v, SP_ENV[v], SP_ENV[v], s); } for (int v = 0; LD_ENV[v]; v++) { char *s = CALL_UTIL (getenv)(LD_ENV[v]); if (s == NULL) s = ""; TprintfT (DBG_LT2, " %s LD_ENV[%d] (0x%p): %s=\"%s\"\n", label, v, LD_ENV[v], LD_ENV[v], s); } #endif } void __collector_env_printall (char *label, char *envp[]) { #if DEBUG TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_env_printall(%s): environment @ 0x%p\n", label, envp); for (int i = 0; envp[i]; i++) Tprintf (DBG_LT2, "\tenv[%d]@0x%p == %s\n", i, envp[i], envp[i]); #endif } /* match collector environment variable */ int env_match (char *envp[], const char *envvar) { int match = -1; if (envp == NULL) TprintfT (DBG_LT1, "env_match(%s): NULL envp!\n", envvar); else { int i = 0; while ((envp[i] != NULL) && (__collector_strStartWith (envp[i], envvar))) i++; if ((envp[i] == NULL) || (envp[i][__collector_strlen (envvar)] != '=')) TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_match(): @%p []%s not defined in envp\n", envp, envvar); else { TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_match(): @%p [%d]%s defined in envp\n", envp, i, envp[i]); match = i; } } TprintfT (DBG_LT1, "env_match(%s): found in slot %d\n", envvar, match); return (match); } /* allocate new environment with collector variables */ /* 1) copy all current envp[] ptrs into a new array, coll_env[] */ /* 2) if collector-related env ptrs not in envp[], append them to coll_env */ /* from processes' "environ" (allocate_env==1) */ /* or from sp_env_backup (allocate_env==0)*/ /* If they already exist in envp, probably is an error... */ /* 3) return coll_env */ /* __collector__env_update() need be called after this to set LD_ENV*/ char ** __collector_env_allocate (char *const old_env[], int allocate_env) { extern char **environ; /* the process' actual environment */ char **new_env; /* a new environment for collection */ TprintfT (DBG_LT3, "__collector_env_allocate(old_env=0x%p %s environ=0x%p)\n", old_env, (old_env == environ) ? "==" : "!=", environ); /* set up a copy of the provided old_env for collector use */ int old_env_size = 0; /* determine number of (used) slots in old_env */ if (old_env) while (old_env[old_env_size] != NULL) old_env_size++; /* allocate a new vector with additional slots */ int new_env_alloc_sz = old_env_size + NUM_SP_ENV_VARS + NUM_LD_ENV_VARS + 1; new_env = (char**) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, new_env_alloc_sz * sizeof (char*), 1); if (new_env == NULL) return NULL; TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "__collector_env_allocate(): old_env has %d entries, new_env @ 0x%p\n", old_env_size, new_env); /* copy provided old_env pointers to new collector environment */ int new_env_size = 0; for (new_env_size = 0; new_env_size < old_env_size; new_env_size++) new_env[new_env_size] = old_env[new_env_size]; /* check each required environment variable, adding as required */ const char * env_var; int v; for (v = 0; (env_var = SP_ENV[v]) != NULL; v++) { if (env_match ((char**) old_env, env_var) == -1) { int idx; /* not found in old_env */ if (allocate_env) { if ((idx = env_match (environ, env_var)) != -1) { /* found in environ */ TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "__collector_env_allocate(): [%d]%s env restored!\n", new_env_size, environ[idx]); int varsz = __collector_strlen (environ[idx]) + 1; char * var = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, varsz, 1); if (var == NULL) return NULL; __collector_strlcpy (var, environ[idx], varsz); new_env[new_env_size++] = var; } else { /* not found in environ */ if ((__collector_strcmp (env_var, SP_COLLECTOR_PARAMS) == 0) || (__collector_strcmp (env_var, SP_COLLECTOR_EXPNAME) == 0)) TprintfT (DBG_LT1, "__collector_env_allocate(): note: %s environment variable not found\n", env_var); } } else { if ((idx = env_match (sp_env_backup, env_var)) != -1) { /* found in backup */ TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "__collector_env_allocate(): [%d]%s env restored!\n", new_env_size, sp_env_backup[idx]); new_env[new_env_size++] = sp_env_backup[idx]; } else { /* not found in environ */ if ((__collector_strcmp (env_var, SP_COLLECTOR_PARAMS) == 0) || (__collector_strcmp (env_var, SP_COLLECTOR_EXPNAME) == 0)) TprintfT (DBG_LT1, "__collector_env_allocate(): note: %s environment variable not found\n", env_var); } } } } for (v = 0; (env_var = LD_ENV[v]) != NULL; v++) { if (env_match ((char**) old_env, env_var) == -1) { int idx; /* not found in old_env */ if (allocate_env) { if ((idx = env_match (environ, env_var)) != -1) { /* found in environ */ TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "__collector_env_allocate(): [%d]%s env restored!\n", new_env_size, environ[idx]); int varsz = __collector_strlen (env_var) + 2; char * var = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, varsz, 1); if (var == NULL) return NULL; // assume __collector_env_update() will fill content of env_var CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(var, varsz, "%s=", env_var); new_env[new_env_size++] = var; } } else { if ((idx = env_match (sp_env_backup, env_var)) != -1) { /* found in backup */ TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "__collector_env_allocate(): [%d]%s env restored!\n", new_env_size, sp_env_backup[idx]); new_env[new_env_size++] = sp_env_backup[idx]; } } } } /* ensure new_env vector ends with NULL */ new_env[new_env_size] = NULL; assert (new_env_size <= new_env_alloc_sz); TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "__collector_env_allocate(): new_env has %d entries (%d added), new_env=0x%p\n", new_env_size, new_env_size - old_env_size, new_env); if (new_env_size != old_env_size && !allocate_env) __collector_log_write ("%d\n", SP_JCMD_CWARN, COL_WARN_EXECENV, new_env_size - old_env_size); __collector_env_printall ("__collector_env_allocate", new_env); return (new_env); } /* unset collection environment variables */ /* if they exist in env... */ /* 1) push non-collectorized version to env */ /* Not mt safe */ void __collector_env_unset (char *envp[]) { int v; const char * env_name; TprintfT (DBG_LT3, "env_unset(envp=0x%p)\n", envp); if (envp == NULL) { for (v = 0; (env_name = LD_PRELOAD[v]); v++) { const char *env_val = CALL_UTIL (getenv)(env_name); if (env_val && CALL_UTIL (strstr)(env_val, sp_preloads[v])) { size_t sz = __collector_strlen (env_name) + 1 + __collector_strlen (env_val) + 1; char * ev = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, sz, 1); if (ev == NULL) return; CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(ev, sz, "%s=%s", env_name, env_val); assert (__collector_strlen (ev) + 1 == sz); TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): old %s\n", ev); env_ld_preload_strip (ev); CALL_UTIL (putenv)(ev); TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): new %s\n", ev); } } // unset JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS env_name = JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS; const char * env_val = CALL_UTIL (getenv)(env_name); if (env_val && CALL_UTIL (strstr)(env_val, COLLECTOR_JVMTI_OPTION)) { size_t sz = __collector_strlen (env_name) + 1 + __collector_strlen (env_val) + 1; char * ev = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, sz, 1); if (ev == NULL) return; CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(ev, sz, "%s=%s", env_name, env_val); assert (__collector_strlen (ev) + 1 == sz); TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): old %s\n", ev); env_strip (ev, COLLECTOR_JVMTI_OPTION); CALL_UTIL (putenv)(ev); TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): new %s\n", ev); } __collector_env_print ("__collector_env_unset"); } else { __collector_env_printall ("__collector_env_unset, before", envp); for (v = 0; (env_name = LD_PRELOAD[v]); v++) { int idx = env_match (envp, env_name); if (idx != -1) { char *env_val = envp[idx]; TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): old %s\n", env_val); envp[idx] = "junk="; /* xxxx is it ok to use original string? */ env_ld_preload_strip (env_val); envp[idx] = env_val; TprintfT (DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): new %s\n", envp[idx]); } } // unset JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS env_name = JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS; int idx = env_match(envp, env_name); if (idx != -1) { char *env_val = envp[idx]; TprintfT(DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): old %s\n", env_val); envp[idx] = "junk="; /* xxxx is it ok to use original string? */ env_strip(env_val, COLLECTOR_JVMTI_OPTION); envp[idx] = env_val; TprintfT(DBG_LT4, "env_unset(): new %s\n", envp[idx]); } __collector_env_printall ("__collector_env_unset, after", envp ); } } /* update collection environment variables */ /* update LD_PRELOADs and push them */ /* not mt safe */ void __collector_env_update (char *envp[]) { const char *env_name; TprintfT (DBG_LT1, "__collector_env_update(envp=0x%p)\n", envp); extern char **environ; if (envp == NULL) { int v; TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_env_update(envp=NULL)\n"); __collector_env_printall (" environ array, before", environ); __collector_env_print (" env_update at entry "); /* SP_ENV */ for (v = 0; (env_name = SP_ENV[v]) != NULL; v++) { if (env_match (environ, env_name) == -1) { int idx; if ((idx = env_match (sp_env_backup, env_name)) != -1) { unsigned strsz = __collector_strlen (sp_env_backup[idx]) + 1; char *ev = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, strsz, 1); CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(ev, strsz, "%s", sp_env_backup[idx]); if (CALL_UTIL (putenv)(ev) != 0) TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_env_update(): ERROR %s is not set!\n", sp_env_backup[idx]); } } } __collector_env_print (" env_update after SP_ENV settings "); /* LD_LIBRARY_PATH */ for (v = 0; (env_name = LD_LIBRARY_PATH[v]); v++) /* assumes same index used between LD and SP vars */ if (putenv_prepend (env_name, sp_libpaths[v], ":")) TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "collector: ERROR %s=%s could not be set\n", env_name, sp_libpaths[v]); __collector_env_print (" env_update after LD_LIBRARY_PATH settings "); /* LD_PRELOAD */ for (v = 0; (env_name = LD_PRELOAD[v]); v++) /* assumes same index used between LD and SP vars */ if (putenv_prepend (env_name, sp_preloads[v], " ")) TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "collector: ERROR %s=%s could not be set\n", env_name, sp_preloads[v]); __collector_env_print (" env_update after LD_PRELOAD settings "); /* JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS */ if (java_mode) if (putenv_prepend (JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, COLLECTOR_JVMTI_OPTION, " ")) TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "collector: ERROR %s=%s could not be set\n", JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, COLLECTOR_JVMTI_OPTION); __collector_env_print (" env_update after JAVA_TOOL settings "); } else { int v; int idx; TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_env_update(envp=0x%p) not NULL\n", envp); __collector_env_printall ("__collector_env_update, before", envp); /* LD_LIBRARY_PATH */ for (v = 0; (env_name = LD_LIBRARY_PATH[v]); v++) { int idx = env_match (envp, env_name); if (idx != -1) { char *env_val = __collector_strchr (envp[idx], '='); if (env_val) env_val++; /* skip '=' */ /* assumes same index used between LD and SP vars */ char *new_str = env_prepend (env_name, sp_libpaths[v], ":", env_val); if (new_str) envp[idx] = new_str; } } /* LD_PRELOAD */ for (v = 0; (env_name = LD_PRELOAD[v]); v++) { int idx = env_match (envp, env_name); if (idx != -1) { char *env_val = __collector_strchr (envp[idx], '='); if (env_val) env_val++; /* skip '=' */ /* assumes same index used between LD and SP vars */ char *new_str = env_prepend (env_name, sp_preloads[v], " ", env_val); if (new_str) envp[idx] = new_str; } } /* JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS */ if (java_mode) { env_name = JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS; idx = env_match (envp, env_name); if (idx != -1) { char *env_val = __collector_strchr (envp[idx], '='); if (env_val) env_val++; /* skip '=' */ char *new_str = env_prepend (env_name, COLLECTOR_JVMTI_OPTION, " ", env_val); if (new_str) envp[idx] = new_str; } } } __collector_env_printall ("__collector_env_update, after", environ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------- putenv */ int putenv () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__collector_putenv"))); int _putenv () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__collector_putenv"))); int __collector_putenv (char * string) { if (CALL_UTIL (putenv) == __collector_putenv || CALL_UTIL (putenv) == NULL) { // __collector_libc_funcs_init failed CALL_UTIL (putenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "putenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (putenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (putenv) == __collector_putenv) CALL_UTIL (putenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "putenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (putenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (putenv) == __collector_putenv) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_putenv(): ERROR: no pointer found.\n"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } } if (user_follow_mode == FOLLOW_NONE) return CALL_UTIL (putenv)(string); char * envp[] = {string, NULL}; __collector_env_update (envp); return CALL_UTIL (putenv)(envp[0]); } /*------------------------------------------------------------- setenv */ int setenv () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__collector_setenv"))); int _setenv () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__collector_setenv"))); int __collector_setenv (const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite) { if (CALL_UTIL (setenv) == __collector_setenv || CALL_UTIL (setenv) == NULL) { // __collector_libc_funcs_init failed CALL_UTIL (setenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "setenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (setenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (setenv) == __collector_setenv) CALL_UTIL (setenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "setenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (setenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (setenv) == __collector_setenv) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_setenv(): ERROR: no pointer found.\n"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } } if (user_follow_mode == FOLLOW_NONE || !overwrite) return CALL_UTIL (setenv)(name, value, overwrite); size_t sz = __collector_strlen (name) + 1 + __collector_strlen (value) + 1; char *ev = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, sz, 1); if (ev == NULL) return CALL_UTIL (setenv)(name, value, overwrite); CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(ev, sz, "%s=%s", name, value); char * envp[] = {ev, NULL}; __collector_env_update (envp); if (envp[0] == ev) { __collector_freeCSize (__collector_heap, ev, sz); return CALL_UTIL (setenv)(name, value, overwrite); } else { char *env_val = __collector_strchr (envp[0], '='); if (env_val) { *env_val = '\0'; env_val++; /* skip '=' */ } return CALL_UTIL (setenv)(envp[0], env_val, overwrite); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------- unsetenv */ int unsetenv () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__collector_unsetenv"))); int _unsetenv () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__collector_unsetenv"))); int __collector_unsetenv (const char *name) { if (CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) == __collector_unsetenv || CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) == NULL) { // __collector_libc_funcs_init failed CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "unsetenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) == __collector_unsetenv) CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "unsetenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (unsetenv) == __collector_unsetenv) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_unsetenv(): ERROR: no pointer found.\n"); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } } int ret = CALL_UTIL (unsetenv)(name); if (user_follow_mode == FOLLOW_NONE) return ret; TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_unsetenv(): %d.\n", user_follow_mode); size_t sz = __collector_strlen (name) + 1 + 1; char *ev = (char*) __collector_allocCSize (__collector_heap, sz, 1); if (ev == NULL) return ret; CALL_UTIL (snprintf)(ev, sz, "%s=", name); char * envp[] = {ev, NULL}; __collector_env_update (envp); if (envp[0] == ev) __collector_freeCSize (__collector_heap, ev, sz); else CALL_UTIL (putenv)(envp[0]); return ret; } /*------------------------------------------------------------- clearenv */ int clearenv () __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__collector_clearenv"))); int __collector_clearenv (void) { if (CALL_UTIL (clearenv) == __collector_clearenv || CALL_UTIL (clearenv) == NULL) { /* __collector_libc_funcs_init failed; look up clearenv now */ CALL_UTIL (clearenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_NEXT, "clearenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (clearenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (clearenv) == __collector_clearenv) /* still not found; try again */ CALL_UTIL (clearenv) = (int(*)())dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "clearenv"); if (CALL_UTIL (clearenv) == NULL || CALL_UTIL (clearenv) == __collector_clearenv) { /* still not found -- a fatal error */ TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_clearenv(): ERROR: %s\n", dlerror ()); CALL_UTIL (fprintf)(stderr, "__collector_clearenv(): ERROR: %s\n", dlerror ()); errno = EBUSY; return -1; } } int ret = CALL_UTIL (clearenv)(); if (user_follow_mode == FOLLOW_NONE) return ret; if (sp_env_backup == NULL) { TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_clearenv: ERROR sp_env_backup is not set!\n"); return ret; } for (int v = 0; v < NUM_SP_ENV_VARS + NUM_LD_ENV_VARS; v++) if (sp_env_backup[v] && CALL_UTIL (putenv)(sp_env_backup[v]) != 0) TprintfT (DBG_LT2, "__collector_clearenv: ERROR %s is not set!\n", sp_env_backup[v]); return ret; }