void marker1 (void) { } // misc. function params int qux1 (const char cc, const char & ccr, const char * ccp, char * const cpc) { return 33; } int qux2 (volatile unsigned char vuc, const volatile int cvi, volatile short & vsr, volatile long * vlp, float * volatile fpv, const volatile signed char * const volatile cvscpcv) { return 400; } int main(void) { char lave = 'B'; unsigned char lavish = 10; short lax = 20; unsigned short lecherous = 30; long lechery = 40; unsigned long lectern = 50; float leeway = 60; double legacy = 70; signed char lemonade = 35; const char laconic = 'A'; const unsigned char laggard = 1; const short lagoon = 2; const unsigned short laity = 3; const long lambent = 4; const unsigned long laminated = 5; const float lampoon = 6; const double languid = 7; // pointers to constant variables const char *legend = &lave; const unsigned char *legerdemain = &lavish; const short *leniency = &lax; const unsigned short *leonine = &lecherous; const long *lesion = &lechery; const unsigned long *lethal = &lectern; const float *lethargic = &leeway; const double *levity = &legacy; // constant pointers to constant variables const char *const lewd = &laconic; const unsigned char *const lexicographer = &laggard; const short *const lexicon = &lagoon; const unsigned short *const liaison = &laity; const long *const libation = &lambent; const unsigned long *const libelous = &laminated; const float *const libertine = &lampoon; const double *const libidinous = &languid; // this is the same as const char * legend .... char const *languish = &laconic; unsigned char const *languor = &laggard; short const *lank = &lagoon; unsigned short const *lapidary = &laity; long const *larceny = &lambent; unsigned long const *largess = &laminated; float const *lascivious = &lampoon; double const *lassitude = &languid; // constant pointers to variable char *const lamprey = &lave; unsigned char *const lariat = &lavish; short *const laudanum = &lax; unsigned short *const lecithin = &lecherous; long *const leviathan = &lechery; unsigned long *const libretto = &lectern; float *const lissome = &leeway; double *const locust = &legacy; // volatile variables volatile char vox = 'X'; volatile unsigned char victuals = 13; volatile short vixen = 200; volatile unsigned short vitriol = 300; volatile long vellum = 1000; volatile unsigned long valve = 2000; volatile float vacuity = 3.0; volatile double vertigo = 10.3; // pointers to volatile variables volatile char * vampire = &vox; volatile unsigned char * viper = &victuals; volatile short * vigour = &vixen; volatile unsigned short * vapour = &vitriol; volatile long * ventricle = &vellum; volatile unsigned long * vigintillion = &valve; volatile float * vocation = &vacuity; volatile double * veracity = &vertigo; // volatile pointers to volatile variables volatile char * volatile vapidity = &vox; volatile unsigned char * volatile velocity = &victuals; volatile short * volatile veneer = &vixen; volatile unsigned short * volatile video = &vitriol; volatile long * volatile vacuum = &vellum; volatile unsigned long * volatile veniality = &valve; volatile float * volatile vitality = &vacuity; volatile double * volatile voracity = &vertigo; // const volatile vars const volatile char victor = 'Y'; const volatile unsigned char vicar = 11; // pointers to const volatiles const volatile char * victory = &victor; const volatile unsigned char * vicarage = &vicar; // const pointers to volatile vars volatile char * const vein = &vox; volatile unsigned char * const vogue = &victuals; // const pointers to const volatile vars const volatile char * const cavern = &victor; const volatile unsigned char * const coverlet = &vicar; // volatile pointers to const vars const char * volatile caveat = &laconic; const unsigned char * volatile covenant = &laggard; // volatile pointers to const volatile vars const volatile char * volatile vizier = &victor; const volatile unsigned char * volatile vanadium = &vicar; // const volatile pointers char * const volatile vane = &lave; unsigned char * const volatile veldt = &lavish; // const volatile pointers to const vars const char * const volatile cove = &laconic; const unsigned char * const volatile cavity = &laggard; // const volatile pointers to volatile vars volatile char * const volatile vagus = &vox; volatile unsigned char * const volatile vagrancy = &victuals; // const volatile pointers to const volatile const volatile char * const volatile vagary = &victor; const volatile unsigned char * const volatile vendor = &vicar; // misc. references const char & radiation = laconic; volatile signed char & remuneration = lemonade; #ifdef usestubs set_debug_traps(); breakpoint(); #endif marker1(); return 0; }