#PROG: objcopy #objdump: -dp --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn #name: MIPS ELF file ASE information interpretation for disassembly 1 # Verify that in the absence of its ASE flag MDMX code is not disassembled # with MIPS64r2, where MDMX presence is not implied. .*: +file format .*mips.* !private flags = .*mdmx.* MIPS ABI Flags Version: 0 ISA: MIPS64r2 GPR size: 32 CPR1 size: 64 CPR2 size: 0 FP ABI: Hard float \(32-bit CPU, 64-bit FPU\) ISA Extension: None ASEs: None FLAGS 1: .* FLAGS 2: .* Disassembly of section \.text: [0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 7aa2080b .word 0x7aa2080b [0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 46c520c0 add\.ps \$f3,\$f4,\$f5 [0-9a-f]+ <[^>]*> 46c83998 addr\.ps \$f6,\$f7,\$f8 \.\.\.