%{ /* defparse.y - parser for .def files */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Binutils. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "sysdep.h" #include "bfd.h" #include "libiberty.h" #include "dlltool.h" %} %union { char *id; const char *id_const; int number; }; %token NAME LIBRARY DESCRIPTION STACKSIZE HEAPSIZE CODE DATA %token SECTIONS EXPORTS IMPORTS VERSIONK BASE CONSTANT %token READ WRITE EXECUTE SHARED NONSHARED NONAME PRIVATE %token SINGLE MULTIPLE INITINSTANCE INITGLOBAL TERMINSTANCE TERMGLOBAL %token EQUAL %token ID %token NUMBER %type opt_base opt_ordinal opt_NONAME opt_CONSTANT opt_DATA opt_PRIVATE %type attr attr_list opt_number %type opt_name opt_name2 opt_equal_name opt_import_name %type keyword_as_name %% start: start command | command ; command: NAME opt_name opt_base { def_name ($2, $3); } | LIBRARY opt_name opt_base option_list { def_library ($2, $3); } | EXPORTS explist | DESCRIPTION ID { def_description ($2);} | STACKSIZE NUMBER opt_number { def_stacksize ($2, $3);} | HEAPSIZE NUMBER opt_number { def_heapsize ($2, $3);} | CODE attr_list { def_code ($2);} | DATA attr_list { def_data ($2);} | SECTIONS seclist | IMPORTS implist | VERSIONK NUMBER { def_version ($2,0);} | VERSIONK NUMBER '.' NUMBER { def_version ($2,$4);} ; explist: /* EMPTY */ | explist expline ; expline: ID opt_equal_name opt_ordinal opt_NONAME opt_CONSTANT opt_DATA opt_PRIVATE opt_import_name { def_exports ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8);} ; implist: implist impline | impline ; impline: ID '=' ID '.' ID '.' ID opt_import_name { def_import ($1,$3,$5,$7, 0, $8); } | ID '=' ID '.' ID '.' NUMBER opt_import_name { def_import ($1,$3,$5, 0,$7, $8); } | ID '=' ID '.' ID opt_import_name { def_import ($1,$3, 0,$5, 0, $6); } | ID '=' ID '.' NUMBER opt_import_name { def_import ($1,$3, 0, 0,$5, $6); } | ID '.' ID '.' ID opt_import_name { def_import ( 0,$1,$3,$5, 0, $6); } | ID '.' ID '.' NUMBER opt_import_name { def_import ( 0,$1,$3, 0,$5, $6); } | ID '.' ID opt_import_name { def_import ( 0,$1, 0,$3, 0, $4); } | ID '.' NUMBER opt_import_name { def_import ( 0,$1, 0, 0,$3, $4); } ; seclist: seclist secline | secline ; secline: ID attr_list { def_section ($1,$2);} ; attr_list: attr_list opt_comma attr | attr ; opt_comma: ',' | ; opt_number: ',' NUMBER { $$=$2;} | { $$=-1;} ; attr: READ { $$ = 1; } | WRITE { $$ = 2; } | EXECUTE { $$ = 4; } | SHARED { $$ = 8; } | NONSHARED { $$ = 0; } | SINGLE { $$ = 0; } | MULTIPLE { $$ = 0; } ; opt_CONSTANT: CONSTANT {$$=1;} | {$$=0;} ; opt_NONAME: NONAME {$$=1;} | {$$=0;} ; opt_DATA: DATA { $$ = 1; } | { $$ = 0; } ; opt_PRIVATE: PRIVATE { $$ = 1; } | { $$ = 0; } ; keyword_as_name: NAME { $$ = "NAME"; } /* Disabled LIBRARY keyword for a quirk in libtool. It places LIBRARY command after EXPORTS list, which is illegal by specification. See PR binutils/13710 | LIBRARY { $$ = "LIBRARY"; } */ | DESCRIPTION { $$ = "DESCRIPTION"; } | STACKSIZE { $$ = "STACKSIZE"; } | HEAPSIZE { $$ = "HEAPSIZE"; } | CODE { $$ = "CODE"; } | DATA { $$ = "DATA"; } | SECTIONS { $$ = "SECTIONS"; } | EXPORTS { $$ = "EXPORTS"; } | IMPORTS { $$ = "IMPORTS"; } | VERSIONK { $$ = "VERSION"; } | BASE { $$ = "BASE"; } | CONSTANT { $$ = "CONSTANT"; } | NONAME { $$ = "NONAME"; } | PRIVATE { $$ = "PRIVATE"; } | READ { $$ = "READ"; } | WRITE { $$ = "WRITE"; } | EXECUTE { $$ = "EXECUTE"; } | SHARED { $$ = "SHARED"; } | NONSHARED { $$ = "NONSHARED"; } | SINGLE { $$ = "SINGLE"; } | MULTIPLE { $$ = "MULTIPLE"; } | INITINSTANCE { $$ = "INITINSTANCE"; } | INITGLOBAL { $$ = "INITGLOBAL"; } | TERMINSTANCE { $$ = "TERMINSTANCE"; } | TERMGLOBAL { $$ = "TERMGLOBAL"; } ; opt_name2: ID { $$ = $1; } | '.' keyword_as_name { char *name = xmalloc (strlen ($2) + 2); sprintf (name, ".%s", $2); $$ = name; } | '.' opt_name2 { char *name = xmalloc (strlen ($2) + 2); sprintf (name, ".%s", $2); free ($2); $$ = name; } | keyword_as_name '.' opt_name2 { char *name = xmalloc (strlen ($1) + 1 + strlen ($3) + 1); sprintf (name, "%s.%s", $1, $3); free ($3); $$ = name; } | ID '.' opt_name2 { char *name = xmalloc (strlen ($1) + 1 + strlen ($3) + 1); sprintf (name, "%s.%s", $1, $3); free ($1); free ($3); $$ = name; } ; opt_name: opt_name2 { $$ =$1; } | { $$=""; } ; opt_ordinal: '@' NUMBER { $$=$2;} | { $$=-1;} ; opt_import_name: EQUAL opt_name2 { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = 0; } ; opt_equal_name: '=' opt_name2 { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = 0; } ; opt_base: BASE '=' NUMBER { $$= $3;} | { $$=-1;} ; option_list: /* empty */ | option_list opt_comma option ; option: INITINSTANCE | INITGLOBAL | TERMINSTANCE | TERMGLOBAL ;