#include "riscv_test.h" #ifdef __riscv64 # define STORE sd # define LOAD ld # define REGBYTES 8 #else # define STORE sw # define LOAD lw # define REGBYTES 4 #endif #define STACK_TOP (_end + 131072) .section ".text.init","ax",@progbits .align 6 entry_from_user: mrts .align 6 entry_from_supervisor: csrr t0, mcause addi t0, t0, -CAUSE_SUPERVISOR_ECALL beqz t0, handle_tohost j wtf .align 6 entry_from_hypervisor: j wtf .align 6 entry_from_machine: csrr t0, mcause addi t0, t0, -CAUSE_MACHINE_ECALL beqz t0, handle_tohost j wtf .align 6 power_on_reset: la sp, STACK_TOP - SIZEOF_TRAPFRAME_T csrw mscratch, sp li a1, 1337 la a0, userstart j vm_boot .globl pop_tf pop_tf: csrc sstatus, SSTATUS_IE LOAD t0,33*REGBYTES(a0) csrw sepc,t0 LOAD x1,1*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x2,2*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x3,3*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x4,4*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x5,5*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x6,6*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x7,7*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x8,8*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x9,9*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x11,11*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x12,12*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x13,13*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x14,14*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x15,15*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x16,16*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x17,17*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x18,18*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x19,19*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x20,20*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x21,21*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x22,22*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x23,23*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x24,24*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x25,25*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x26,26*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x27,27*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x28,28*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x29,29*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x30,30*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD x31,31*REGBYTES(a0) LOAD a0,10*REGBYTES(a0) eret .global trap_entry trap_entry: csrrw sp, sscratch, sp # save gprs STORE x1,1*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x3,3*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x4,4*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x5,5*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x6,6*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x7,7*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x8,8*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x9,9*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x10,10*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x11,11*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x12,12*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x13,13*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x14,14*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x15,15*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x16,16*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x17,17*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x18,18*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x19,19*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x20,20*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x21,21*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x22,22*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x23,23*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x24,24*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x25,25*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x26,26*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x27,27*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x28,28*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x29,29*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x30,30*REGBYTES(sp) STORE x31,31*REGBYTES(sp) csrrw t0,sscratch,sp STORE t0,2*REGBYTES(sp) # get sr, epc, badvaddr, cause csrr t0,sstatus STORE t0,32*REGBYTES(sp) csrr t0,sepc STORE t0,33*REGBYTES(sp) csrr t0,sbadaddr STORE t0,34*REGBYTES(sp) csrr t0,scause STORE t0,35*REGBYTES(sp) # get hwacha cause if IRQ_COP # vxcptcause clears hwacha interrupt bit bgez t0,1f slli t0,t0,1 # clearing MSB of cause srli t0,t0,1 # clearing MSB of cause li t1,IRQ_COP bne t0,t1,1f vxcptcause t0 STORE t0,36*REGBYTES(sp) 1: move a0, sp csrr t0, sstatus li t1, SSTATUS_XS and t0, t0, t1 beqz t0, 2f # disable saving vector state for now addi t0,sp,SIZEOF_TRAPFRAME_T_SCALAR vgetcfg x4 STORE x4,0*REGBYTES(t0) vgetvl x4 STORE x4,1*REGBYTES(t0) addi t0,t0,2*REGBYTES vxcptevac t0 2:j handle_trap .global do_tohost do_tohost: ecall ret handle_tohost: 1:csrrw t0, mtohost, a0 bnez t0, 1b 1:csrrw t0, mfromhost, x0 bnez t0, 1b csrr t0, mepc addi t0, t0, 4 csrw mepc, t0 eret wtf: li a0, 841 1:csrw mtohost, a0 j 1b