import os.path import pexpect import subprocess import tempfile import testlib import unittest # Note that gdb comes with its own testsuite. I was unable to figure out how to # run that testsuite against the spike simulator. def find_file(path): for directory in (os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(testlib.__file__)): fullpath = os.path.join(directory, path) if os.path.exists(fullpath): return fullpath return None def compile(*args): """Compile a single .c file into a binary.""" dst = os.path.splitext(args[0])[0] cc = os.path.expandvars("$RISCV/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc") cmd = [cc, "-g", "-O", "-o", dst] for arg in args: found = find_file(arg) if found: cmd.append(found) else: cmd.append(arg) cmd = " ".join(cmd) result = os.system(cmd) assert result == 0, "%r failed" % cmd return dst def unused_port(): # import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("",0)) port = s.getsockname()[1] s.close() return port class Spike(object): def __init__(self, binary, halted=False, with_gdb=True, timeout=None): """Launch spike. Return tuple of its process and the port it's running on.""" cmd = [] if timeout: cmd += ["timeout", str(timeout)] cmd += [find_file("spike")] if halted: cmd.append('-H') if with_gdb: self.port = unused_port() cmd += ['--gdb-port', str(self.port)] cmd.append('pk') if binary: cmd.append(binary) logfile = open("spike.log", "w") self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile) def __del__(self): try: self.process.kill() self.process.wait() except OSError: pass def wait(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.process.wait(*args, **kwargs) class Gdb(object): def __init__(self): path = os.path.expandvars("$RISCV/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb") self.child = pexpect.spawn(path) self.child.logfile = file("gdb.log", "w") self.wait() self.command("set width 0") self.command("set height 0") # Force consistency. self.command("set print entry-values no") def wait(self): """Wait for prompt.""" self.child.expect("\(gdb\)") def command(self, command, timeout=-1): self.child.sendline(command) self.child.expect("\n", timeout=timeout) self.child.expect("\(gdb\)", timeout=timeout) return self.child.before.strip() def c(self, wait=True): if wait: return self.command("c") else: self.child.sendline("c") self.child.expect("Continuing") def interrupt(self): self.child.send("\003"); self.child.expect("\(gdb\)") def x(self, address, size='w'): output = self.command("x/%s %s" % (size, address)) value = int(output.split(':')[1].strip(), 0) return value def p(self, obj): output = self.command("p %s" % obj) value = int(output.split('=')[-1].strip()) return value def stepi(self): return self.command("stepi")