// See LICENSE for license details. #include "sim.h" #include "mmu.h" #include "remote_bitbang.h" #include "cachesim.h" #include "extension.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../VERSION" static void help(int exit_code = 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Spike RISC-V ISA Simulator " SPIKE_VERSION "\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "usage: spike [host options] [target options]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Host Options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p Simulate processors [default 1]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m Provide MiB of target memory [default 2048]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m Provide memory regions of size m and n bytes\n"); fprintf(stderr, " at base addresses a and b (with 4 KiB alignment)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d Interactive debug mode\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -g Track histogram of PCs\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -l Generate a log of execution\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h, --help Print this help message\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -H Start halted, allowing a debugger to connect\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --isa= RISC-V ISA string [default %s]\n", DEFAULT_ISA); fprintf(stderr, " --priv= RISC-V privilege modes supported [default %s]\n", DEFAULT_PRIV); fprintf(stderr, " --varch= RISC-V Vector uArch string [default %s]\n", DEFAULT_VARCH); fprintf(stderr, " --pc=
Override ELF entry point\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --hartids= Explicitly specify hartids, default is 0,1,...\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --ic=:: Instantiate a cache model with S sets,\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dc=:: W ways, and B-byte blocks (with S and\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --l2=:: B both powers of 2).\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --device= Attach MMIO plugin device from an --extlib library\n"); fprintf(stderr, " P -- Name of the MMIO plugin\n"); fprintf(stderr, " B -- Base memory address of the device\n"); fprintf(stderr, " A -- String arguments to pass to the plugin\n"); fprintf(stderr, " This flag can be used multiple times.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " The extlib flag for the library must come first.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --log-cache-miss Generate a log of cache miss\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --extension= Specify RoCC Extension\n"); fprintf(stderr, " This flag can be used multiple times.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --extlib= Shared library to load\n"); fprintf(stderr, " This flag can be used multiple times.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --rbb-port= Listen on for remote bitbang connection\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dump-dts Print device tree string and exit\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --disable-dtb Don't write the device tree blob into memory\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --kernel= Load kernel flat image into memory\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --initrd= Load kernel initrd into memory\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --bootargs= Provide custom bootargs for kernel [default: console=hvc0 earlycon=sbi]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --real-time-clint Increment clint time at real-time rate\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-progsize= Progsize for the debug module [default 2]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-sba= Debug bus master supports up to " " wide accesses [default 0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-auth Debug module requires debugger to authenticate\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dmi-rti= Number of Run-Test/Idle cycles " "required for a DMI access [default 0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-abstract-rti= Number of Run-Test/Idle cycles " "required for an abstract command to execute [default 0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-no-hasel Debug module supports hasel\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-no-abstract-csr Debug module won't support abstract to authenticate\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-no-halt-groups Debug module won't support halt groups\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --dm-no-impebreak Debug module won't support implicit ebreak in program buffer\n"); exit(exit_code); } static void suggest_help() { fprintf(stderr, "Try 'spike --help' for more information.\n"); exit(1); } static bool check_file_exists(const char *fileName) { std::ifstream infile(fileName); return infile.good(); } static std::ifstream::pos_type get_file_size(const char *filename) { std::ifstream in(filename, std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary); return in.tellg(); } static void read_file_bytes(const char *filename,size_t fileoff, mem_t* mem, size_t memoff, size_t read_sz) { std::ifstream in(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); in.seekg(fileoff, std::ios::beg); std::vector read_buf(read_sz, 0); in.read(&read_buf[0], read_sz); mem->store(memoff, read_sz, (uint8_t*)&read_buf[0]); } bool sort_mem_region(const std::pair &a, const std::pair &b) { if (a.first == b.first) return (a.second->size() < b.second->size()); else return (a.first < b.first); } void merge_overlapping_memory_regions(std::vector>& mems) { // check the user specified memory regions and merge the overlapping or // eliminate the containing parts std::sort(mems.begin(), mems.end(), sort_mem_region); std::vector>::iterator it = mems.begin() + 1; while (it != mems.end()) { reg_t start = prev(it)->first; reg_t end = prev(it)->first + prev(it)->second->size(); reg_t start2 = it->first; reg_t end2 = it->first + it->second->size(); //contains -> remove if (start2 >= start && end2 <= end) { it = mems.erase(it); //parital overlapped -> extend } else if (start2 >= start && start2 < end) { delete prev(it)->second; prev(it)->second = new mem_t(std::max(end, end2) - start); it = mems.erase(it); // no overlapping -> keep it } else { it++; } } } static std::vector> make_mems(const char* arg) { // handle legacy mem argument char* p; auto mb = strtoull(arg, &p, 0); if (*p == 0) { reg_t size = reg_t(mb) << 20; if (size != (size_t)size) throw std::runtime_error("Size would overflow size_t"); return std::vector>(1, std::make_pair(reg_t(DRAM_BASE), new mem_t(size))); } // handle base/size tuples std::vector> res; while (true) { auto base = strtoull(arg, &p, 0); if (!*p || *p != ':') help(); auto size = strtoull(p + 1, &p, 0); // page-align base and size auto base0 = base, size0 = size; size += base0 % PGSIZE; base -= base0 % PGSIZE; if (size % PGSIZE != 0) size += PGSIZE - size % PGSIZE; if (base + size < base) help(); if (size != size0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: the memory at [0x%llX, 0x%llX] has been realigned\n" "to the %ld KiB page size: [0x%llX, 0x%llX]\n", base0, base0 + size0 - 1, long(PGSIZE / 1024), base, base + size - 1); } res.push_back(std::make_pair(reg_t(base), new mem_t(size))); if (!*p) break; if (*p != ',') help(); arg = p + 1; } merge_overlapping_memory_regions(res); return res; } static unsigned long atoul_safe(const char* s) { char* e; auto res = strtoul(s, &e, 10); if (*e) help(); return res; } static unsigned long atoul_nonzero_safe(const char* s) { auto res = atoul_safe(s); if (!res) help(); return res; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool debug = false; bool halted = false; bool histogram = false; bool log = false; bool dump_dts = false; bool dtb_enabled = true; bool real_time_clint = false; size_t nprocs = 1; const char* kernel = NULL; reg_t kernel_offset, kernel_size; size_t initrd_size; reg_t initrd_start = 0, initrd_end = 0; const char* bootargs = NULL; reg_t start_pc = reg_t(-1); std::vector> mems; std::vector> plugin_devices; std::unique_ptr ic; std::unique_ptr dc; std::unique_ptr l2; bool log_cache = false; bool log_commits = false; const char *log_path = nullptr; std::vector> extensions; const char* initrd = NULL; const char* isa = DEFAULT_ISA; const char* priv = DEFAULT_PRIV; const char* varch = DEFAULT_VARCH; const char* dtb_file = NULL; uint16_t rbb_port = 0; bool use_rbb = false; unsigned dmi_rti = 0; debug_module_config_t dm_config = { .progbufsize = 2, .max_bus_master_bits = 0, .require_authentication = false, .abstract_rti = 0, .support_hasel = true, .support_abstract_csr_access = true, .support_haltgroups = true, .support_impebreak = true }; std::vector hartids; auto const hartids_parser = [&](const char *s) { std::string const str(s); std::stringstream stream(str); int n; while (stream >> n) { hartids.push_back(n); if (stream.peek() == ',') stream.ignore(); } }; auto const device_parser = [&plugin_devices](const char *s) { const std::string str(s); std::istringstream stream(str); // We are parsing a string like name,base,args. // Parse the name, which is simply all of the characters leading up to the // first comma. The validity of the plugin name will be checked later. std::string name; std::getline(stream, name, ','); if (name.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Plugin name is empty."); } // Parse the base address. First, get all of the characters up to the next // comma (or up to the end of the string if there is no comma). Then try to // parse that string as an integer according to the rules of strtoull. It // could be in decimal, hex, or octal. Fail if we were able to parse a // number but there were garbage characters after the valid number. We must // consume the entire string between the commas. std::string base_str; std::getline(stream, base_str, ','); if (base_str.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Device base address is empty."); } char* end; reg_t base = static_cast(strtoull(base_str.c_str(), &end, 0)); if (end != &*base_str.cend()) { throw std::runtime_error("Error parsing device base address."); } // The remainder of the string is the arguments. We could use getline, but // that could ignore newline characters in the arguments. That should be // rare and discouraged, but handle it here anyway with this weird in_avail // technique. The arguments are optional, so if there were no arguments // specified we could end up with an empty string here. That's okay. auto avail = stream.rdbuf()->in_avail(); std::string args(avail, '\0'); stream.readsome(&args[0], avail); plugin_devices.emplace_back(base, new mmio_plugin_device_t(name, args)); }; option_parser_t parser; parser.help(&suggest_help); parser.option('h', "help", 0, [&](const char* s){help(0);}); parser.option('d', 0, 0, [&](const char* s){debug = true;}); parser.option('g', 0, 0, [&](const char* s){histogram = true;}); parser.option('l', 0, 0, [&](const char* s){log = true;}); parser.option('p', 0, 1, [&](const char* s){nprocs = atoul_nonzero_safe(s);}); parser.option('m', 0, 1, [&](const char* s){mems = make_mems(s);}); // I wanted to use --halted, but for some reason that doesn't work. parser.option('H', 0, 0, [&](const char* s){halted = true;}); parser.option(0, "rbb-port", 1, [&](const char* s){use_rbb = true; rbb_port = atoul_safe(s);}); parser.option(0, "pc", 1, [&](const char* s){start_pc = strtoull(s, 0, 0);}); parser.option(0, "hartids", 1, hartids_parser); parser.option(0, "ic", 1, [&](const char* s){ic.reset(new icache_sim_t(s));}); parser.option(0, "dc", 1, [&](const char* s){dc.reset(new dcache_sim_t(s));}); parser.option(0, "l2", 1, [&](const char* s){l2.reset(cache_sim_t::construct(s, "L2$"));}); parser.option(0, "log-cache-miss", 0, [&](const char* s){log_cache = true;}); parser.option(0, "isa", 1, [&](const char* s){isa = s;}); parser.option(0, "priv", 1, [&](const char* s){priv = s;}); parser.option(0, "varch", 1, [&](const char* s){varch = s;}); parser.option(0, "device", 1, device_parser); parser.option(0, "extension", 1, [&](const char* s){extensions.push_back(find_extension(s));}); parser.option(0, "dump-dts", 0, [&](const char *s){dump_dts = true;}); parser.option(0, "disable-dtb", 0, [&](const char *s){dtb_enabled = false;}); parser.option(0, "dtb", 1, [&](const char *s){dtb_file = s;}); parser.option(0, "kernel", 1, [&](const char* s){kernel = s;}); parser.option(0, "initrd", 1, [&](const char* s){initrd = s;}); parser.option(0, "bootargs", 1, [&](const char* s){bootargs = s;}); parser.option(0, "real-time-clint", 0, [&](const char *s){real_time_clint = true;}); parser.option(0, "extlib", 1, [&](const char *s){ void *lib = dlopen(s, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (lib == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load extlib '%s': %s\n", s, dlerror()); exit(-1); } }); parser.option(0, "dm-progsize", 1, [&](const char* s){dm_config.progbufsize = atoul_safe(s);}); parser.option(0, "dm-no-impebreak", 0, [&](const char* s){dm_config.support_impebreak = false;}); parser.option(0, "dm-sba", 1, [&](const char* s){dm_config.max_bus_master_bits = atoul_safe(s);}); parser.option(0, "dm-auth", 0, [&](const char* s){dm_config.require_authentication = true;}); parser.option(0, "dmi-rti", 1, [&](const char* s){dmi_rti = atoul_safe(s);}); parser.option(0, "dm-abstract-rti", 1, [&](const char* s){dm_config.abstract_rti = atoul_safe(s);}); parser.option(0, "dm-no-hasel", 0, [&](const char* s){dm_config.support_hasel = false;}); parser.option(0, "dm-no-abstract-csr", 0, [&](const char* s){dm_config.support_abstract_csr_access = false;}); parser.option(0, "dm-no-halt-groups", 0, [&](const char* s){dm_config.support_haltgroups = false;}); parser.option(0, "log-commits", 0, [&](const char* s){log_commits = true;}); parser.option(0, "log", 1, [&](const char* s){log_path = s;}); auto argv1 = parser.parse(argv); std::vector htif_args(argv1, (const char*const*)argv + argc); if (mems.empty()) mems = make_mems("2048"); if (!*argv1) help(); if (kernel && check_file_exists(kernel)) { kernel_size = get_file_size(kernel); if (isa[2] == '6' && isa[3] == '4') kernel_offset = 0x200000; else kernel_offset = 0x400000; for (auto& m : mems) { if (kernel_size && (kernel_offset + kernel_size) < m.second->size()) { read_file_bytes(kernel, 0, m.second, kernel_offset, kernel_size); break; } } } if (initrd && check_file_exists(initrd)) { initrd_size = get_file_size(initrd); for (auto& m : mems) { if (initrd_size && (initrd_size + 0x1000) < m.second->size()) { initrd_end = m.first + m.second->size() - 0x1000; initrd_start = initrd_end - initrd_size; read_file_bytes(initrd, 0, m.second, initrd_start - m.first, initrd_size); break; } } } #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_ASIO boost::asio::io_service *io_service_ptr = NULL; // needed for socket command interface option -s tcp::acceptor *acceptor_ptr = NULL; #endif sim_t s(isa, priv, varch, nprocs, halted, real_time_clint, initrd_start, initrd_end, bootargs, start_pc, mems, plugin_devices, htif_args, std::move(hartids), dm_config, log_path, dtb_enabled, dtb_file #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_ASIO , io_service_ptr, acceptor_ptr #endif ); std::unique_ptr remote_bitbang((remote_bitbang_t *) NULL); std::unique_ptr jtag_dtm( new jtag_dtm_t(&s.debug_module, dmi_rti)); if (use_rbb) { remote_bitbang.reset(new remote_bitbang_t(rbb_port, &(*jtag_dtm))); s.set_remote_bitbang(&(*remote_bitbang)); } if (dump_dts) { printf("%s", s.get_dts()); return 0; } if (ic && l2) ic->set_miss_handler(&*l2); if (dc && l2) dc->set_miss_handler(&*l2); if (ic) ic->set_log(log_cache); if (dc) dc->set_log(log_cache); for (size_t i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { if (ic) s.get_core(i)->get_mmu()->register_memtracer(&*ic); if (dc) s.get_core(i)->get_mmu()->register_memtracer(&*dc); for (auto e : extensions) s.get_core(i)->register_extension(e()); } s.set_debug(debug); s.configure_log(log, log_commits); s.set_histogram(histogram); auto return_code = s.run(); for (auto& mem : mems) delete mem.second; for (auto& plugin_device : plugin_devices) delete plugin_device.second; return return_code; }