// See LICENSE for license details. #include "decode.h" #include "disasm.h" #include "sim.h" #include "htif.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include processor_t *sim_t::get_core(const std::string& i) { char *ptr; unsigned long p = strtoul(i.c_str(), &ptr, 10); if (*ptr || p >= num_cores()) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); return get_core(p); } static std::string readline(int fd) { struct termios tios; bool noncanonical = tcgetattr(fd, &tios) == 0 && (tios.c_lflag & ICANON) == 0; std::string s; for (char ch; read(fd, &ch, 1) == 1; ) { if (ch == '\x7f') { if (s.empty()) continue; s.erase(s.end()-1); if (noncanonical && write(fd, "\b \b", 3) != 3) ; // shut up gcc } else if (noncanonical && write(fd, &ch, 1) != 1) ; // shut up gcc if (ch == '\n') break; if (ch != '\x7f') s += ch; } return s; } void sim_t::interactive() { typedef void (sim_t::*interactive_func)(const std::string&, const std::vector&); std::map funcs; funcs["run"] = &sim_t::interactive_run_noisy; funcs["r"] = funcs["run"]; funcs["rs"] = &sim_t::interactive_run_silent; funcs["reg"] = &sim_t::interactive_reg; funcs["fregs"] = &sim_t::interactive_fregs; funcs["fregd"] = &sim_t::interactive_fregd; funcs["pc"] = &sim_t::interactive_pc; funcs["mem"] = &sim_t::interactive_mem; funcs["str"] = &sim_t::interactive_str; funcs["until"] = &sim_t::interactive_until; funcs["while"] = &sim_t::interactive_until; funcs["quit"] = &sim_t::interactive_quit; funcs["q"] = funcs["quit"]; funcs["help"] = &sim_t::interactive_help; funcs["h"] = funcs["help"]; while (!htif->done()) { std::cerr << ": " << std::flush; std::string s = readline(2); std::stringstream ss(s); std::string cmd, tmp; std::vector args; if (!(ss >> cmd)) { set_procs_debug(true); step(1); continue; } while (ss >> tmp) args.push_back(tmp); try { if(funcs.count(cmd)) (this->*funcs[cmd])(cmd, args); } catch(trap_t t) {} } ctrlc_pressed = false; } void sim_t::interactive_help(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { std::cerr << "Interactive commands:\n" "reg [reg] # Display [reg] (all if omitted) in \n" "fregs # Display single precision in \n" "fregd # Display double precision in \n" "pc # Show current PC in \n" "mem # Show contents of physical memory\n" "str # Show NUL-terminated C string\n" "until reg # Stop when in hits \n" "until pc # Stop when PC in hits \n" "until mem # Stop when memory becomes \n" "while reg # Run while in is \n" "while pc # Run while PC in is \n" "while mem # Run while memory is \n" "run [count] # Resume noisy execution (until CTRL+C, or [count] insns)\n" "r [count] Alias for run\n" "rs [count] # Resume silent execution (until CTRL+C, or [count] insns)\n" "quit # End the simulation\n" "q Alias for quit\n" "help # This screen!\n" "h Alias for help\n" "Note: Hitting enter is the same as: run 1\n" << std::flush; } void sim_t::interactive_run_noisy(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { interactive_run(cmd,args,true); } void sim_t::interactive_run_silent(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { interactive_run(cmd,args,false); } void sim_t::interactive_run(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args, bool noisy) { size_t steps = args.size() ? atoll(args[0].c_str()) : -1; ctrlc_pressed = false; set_procs_debug(noisy); for (size_t i = 0; i < steps && !ctrlc_pressed && !htif->done(); i++) step(1); } void sim_t::interactive_quit(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { exit(0); } reg_t sim_t::get_pc(const std::vector& args) { if(args.size() != 1) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); processor_t *p = get_core(args[0]); return p->state.pc; } void sim_t::interactive_pc(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { fprintf(stderr, "0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", get_pc(args)); } reg_t sim_t::get_reg(const std::vector& args) { if(args.size() != 2) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); processor_t *p = get_core(args[0]); unsigned long r = std::find(xpr_name, xpr_name + NXPR, args[1]) - xpr_name; if (r == NXPR) { char *ptr; r = strtoul(args[1].c_str(), &ptr, 10); if (*ptr) { #define DECLARE_CSR(name, number) if (args[1] == #name) return p->get_csr(number); #include "encoding.h" // generates if's for all csrs r = NXPR; // else case (csr name not found) #undef DECLARE_CSR } } if (r >= NXPR) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); return p->state.XPR[r]; } reg_t sim_t::get_freg(const std::vector& args) { if(args.size() != 2) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); processor_t *p = get_core(args[0]); int r = std::find(fpr_name, fpr_name + NFPR, args[1]) - fpr_name; if (r == NFPR) r = atoi(args[1].c_str()); if (r >= NFPR) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); return p->state.FPR[r]; } void sim_t::interactive_reg(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { if (args.size() == 1) { // Show all the regs! processor_t *p = get_core(args[0]); for (int r = 0; r < NXPR; ++r) { fprintf(stderr, "%-4s: 0x%016" PRIx64 " ", xpr_name[r], p->state.XPR[r]); if ((r + 1) % 4 == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } else fprintf(stderr, "0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", get_reg(args)); } union fpr { reg_t r; float s; double d; }; void sim_t::interactive_fregs(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { fpr f; f.r = get_freg(args); fprintf(stderr, "%g\n",f.s); } void sim_t::interactive_fregd(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { fpr f; f.r = get_freg(args); fprintf(stderr, "%g\n",f.d); } reg_t sim_t::get_mem(const std::vector& args) { if(args.size() != 1 && args.size() != 2) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); std::string addr_str = args[0]; mmu_t* mmu = debug_mmu; if(args.size() == 2) { processor_t *p = get_core(args[0]); mmu = p->get_mmu(); addr_str = args[1]; } reg_t addr = strtol(addr_str.c_str(),NULL,16), val; if(addr == LONG_MAX) addr = strtoul(addr_str.c_str(),NULL,16); switch(addr % 8) { case 0: val = mmu->load_uint64(addr); break; case 4: val = mmu->load_uint32(addr); break; case 2: case 6: val = mmu->load_uint16(addr); break; default: val = mmu->load_uint8(addr); break; } return val; } void sim_t::interactive_mem(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { fprintf(stderr, "0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", get_mem(args)); } void sim_t::interactive_str(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { if(args.size() != 1) throw trap_illegal_instruction(); reg_t addr = strtol(args[0].c_str(),NULL,16); char ch; while((ch = debug_mmu->load_uint8(addr++))) putchar(ch); putchar('\n'); } void sim_t::interactive_until(const std::string& cmd, const std::vector& args) { bool cmd_until = cmd == "until"; if(args.size() < 3) return; reg_t val = strtol(args[args.size()-1].c_str(),NULL,16); if(val == LONG_MAX) val = strtoul(args[args.size()-1].c_str(),NULL,16); std::vector args2; args2 = std::vector(args.begin()+1,args.end()-1); auto func = args[0] == "reg" ? &sim_t::get_reg : args[0] == "pc" ? &sim_t::get_pc : args[0] == "mem" ? &sim_t::get_mem : NULL; if (func == NULL) return; ctrlc_pressed = false; while (1) { try { reg_t current = (this->*func)(args2); if (cmd_until == (current == val)) break; if (ctrlc_pressed) break; } catch (trap_t t) {} set_procs_debug(false); step(1); } }