project('libslirp', 'c', version : '4.3.1', license : 'BSD-3-Clause', default_options : ['warning_level=1', 'c_std=gnu99'], meson_version : '>= 0.49', ) version = meson.project_version() varr = version.split('.') major_version = varr[0] minor_version = varr[1] micro_version = varr[2] conf = configuration_data() conf.set('SLIRP_MAJOR_VERSION', major_version) conf.set('SLIRP_MINOR_VERSION', minor_version) conf.set('SLIRP_MICRO_VERSION', micro_version) full_version = run_command('build-aux/git-version-gen', '@0@/.tarball-version'.format(meson.source_root()), check : true).stdout().strip() if full_version.startswith('UNKNOWN') full_version = meson.project_version() elif not full_version.startswith(meson.project_version()) error(' project version @0@ does not match git-describe output @1@' .format(meson.project_version(), full_version)) endif conf.set_quoted('SLIRP_VERSION_STRING', full_version) # libtool versioning - this applies to libslirp # # See for details # # - If interfaces have been changed or added, but binary compatibility # has been preserved, change: # CURRENT += 1 # REVISION = 0 # AGE += 1 # - If binary compatibility has been broken (eg removed or changed # interfaces), change: # CURRENT += 1 # REVISION = 0 # AGE = 0 # - If the interface is the same as the previous version, but bugs are # fixed, change: # REVISION += 1 lt_current = 2 lt_revision = 2 lt_age = 2 lt_version = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(lt_current - lt_age, lt_age, lt_revision) host_system = host_machine.system() glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') platform_deps = [] if host_system == 'windows' platform_deps += [ cc.find_library('ws2_32'), cc.find_library('iphlpapi') ] endif cargs = [ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Slirp"', ] sources = [ 'src/arp_table.c', 'src/bootp.c', 'src/cksum.c', 'src/dhcpv6.c', 'src/dnssearch.c', 'src/if.c', 'src/ip6_icmp.c', 'src/ip6_input.c', 'src/ip6_output.c', 'src/ip_icmp.c', 'src/ip_input.c', 'src/ip_output.c', 'src/mbuf.c', 'src/misc.c', 'src/ncsi.c', 'src/ndp_table.c', 'src/sbuf.c', 'src/slirp.c', 'src/socket.c', 'src/state.c', 'src/stream.c', 'src/tcp_input.c', 'src/tcp_output.c', 'src/tcp_subr.c', 'src/tcp_timer.c', 'src/tftp.c', 'src/udp.c', 'src/udp6.c', 'src/util.c', 'src/version.c', 'src/vmstate.c', ] mapfile = 'src/' vflag = '-Wl,--version-script,@0@/@1@'.format(meson.current_source_dir(), mapfile) configure_file( input : 'src/', output : 'libslirp-version.h', install_dir : join_paths(get_option('includedir'), 'slirp'), configuration : conf ) lib = library('slirp', sources, version : lt_version, c_args : cargs, link_args : vflag, link_depends : mapfile, dependencies : [glib_dep, platform_deps], install : true ) libslirp_dep = declare_dependency( include_directories: include_directories('.', 'src'), link_with: lib) install_headers(['src/libslirp.h'], subdir : 'slirp') pkg = import('pkgconfig') pkg.generate( version : version, libraries : lib, requires : [ 'glib-2.0', ], name : 'slirp', description : 'User-space network stack', filebase : 'slirp', subdirs : 'slirp', )