#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ """Decode the evspy_info linker list in a U-Boot ELF image""" from argparse import ArgumentParser import os import re import struct import sys our_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) src_path = os.path.dirname(our_path) sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(our_path, '../tools')) from binman import elf from patman import tools # A typical symbol looks like this: # _u_boot_list_2_evspy_info_2_EVT_MISC_INIT_F_3_sandbox_misc_init_f PREFIX = '_u_boot_list_2_evspy_info_2_' RE_EVTYPE = re.compile('%s(.*)_3_.*' % PREFIX) def show_sym(fname, data, endian, evtype, sym): """Show information about an evspy entry Args: fname (str): Filename of ELF file data (bytes): Data for this symbol endian (str): Endianness to use ('little', 'big', 'auto') evtype (str): Event type, e.g. 'MISC_INIT_F' sym (elf.Symbol): Symbol to show """ def _unpack_val(sym_data, offset): start = offset * func_size val_data = sym_data[start:start + func_size] fmt = '%s%s' % ('>' if endian == 'big' else '<', 'L' if func_size == 4 else 'Q') val = struct.unpack(fmt, val_data)[0] return val # Get the data, which is a struct evspy_info sym_data = data[sym.offset:sym.offset + sym.size] # Figure out the word size of the struct func_size = 4 if sym.size < 16 else 8 # Read the function name for evspy_info->func while True: # Switch to big-endian if we see a failure func_addr = _unpack_val(sym_data, 0) func_name = elf.GetSymbolFromAddress(fname, func_addr) if not func_name and endian == 'auto': endian = 'big' else: break has_id = sym.size in [12, 24] if has_id: # Find the address of evspy_info->id in the ELF id_addr = _unpack_val(sym_data, 2) # Get the file offset for that address id_ofs = elf.GetFileOffset(fname, id_addr) # Read out a nul-terminated string id_data = data[id_ofs:id_ofs + 80] pos = id_data.find(0) if pos: id_data = id_data[:pos] id_str = id_data.decode('utf-8') else: id_str = None # Find the file/line for the function cmd = ['addr2line', '-e', fname, '%x' % func_addr] out = tools.run(*cmd).strip() # Drop the full path if it is the current directory if out.startswith(src_path): out = out[len(src_path) + 1:] print('%-20s %-30s %s' % (evtype, id_str or f'f:{func_name}', out)) def show_event_spy_list(fname, endian): """Show a the event-spy- list from a U-Boot image Args: fname (str): Filename of ELF file endian (str): Endianness to use ('little', 'big', 'auto') """ syms = elf.GetSymbolFileOffset(fname, [PREFIX]) data = tools.read_file(fname) print('%-20s %-30s %s' % ('Event type', 'Id', 'Source location')) print('%-20s %-30s %s' % ('-' * 20, '-' * 30, '-' * 30)) for name, sym in syms.items(): m_evtype = RE_EVTYPE.search(name) evtype = m_evtype .group(1) show_sym(fname, data, endian, evtype, sym) def main(argv): """Main program Args: argv (list of str): List of program arguments, excluding arvg[0] """ epilog = 'Show a list of even spies in a U-Boot EFL file' parser = ArgumentParser(epilog=epilog) parser.add_argument('elf', type=str, help='ELF file to decode') parser.add_argument('-e', '--endian', type=str, default='auto', help='Big-endian image') args = parser.parse_args(argv) show_event_spy_list(args.elf, args.endian) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])