path: root/lib/lwip/lwip/contrib/apps/LwipMibCompiler/Mibs/IANA/IANA-MAU-MIB
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/lwip/lwip/contrib/apps/LwipMibCompiler/Mibs/IANA/IANA-MAU-MIB')
1 files changed, 770 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/lwip/lwip/contrib/apps/LwipMibCompiler/Mibs/IANA/IANA-MAU-MIB b/lib/lwip/lwip/contrib/apps/LwipMibCompiler/Mibs/IANA/IANA-MAU-MIB
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+++ b/lib/lwip/lwip/contrib/apps/LwipMibCompiler/Mibs/IANA/IANA-MAU-MIB
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+ ;
+ LAST-UPDATED "200704210000Z" -- April 21, 2007
+ CONTACT-INFO " Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
+ Postal: ICANN
+ 4676 Admiralty Way, Suite 330
+ Marina del Rey, CA 90292
+ Tel: +1-310-823-9358
+ EMail: iana&iana.org"
+ "This MIB module defines dot3MauType OBJECT-IDENTITIES and
+ IANAifMauListBits, IANAifMauMediaAvailable,
+ IANAifMauAutoNegCapBits, and IANAifJackType
+ TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs, specifying enumerated values of the
+ ifMauTypeListBits, ifMauMediaAvailable / rpMauMediaAvailable,
+ ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits / ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits /
+ ifMauAutoNegCapReceivedBits and ifJackType / rpJackType objects
+ respectively, defined in the MAU-MIB.
+ It is intended that each new MAU type, Media Availability
+ state, Auto Negotiation capability and/or Jack type defined by
+ the IEEE 802.3 working group and approved for publication in a
+ revision of IEEE Std 802.3 will be added to this MIB module,
+ provided that it is suitable for being managed by the base
+ objects in the MAU-MIB. An Expert Review, as defined in
+ RFC 2434 [RFC2434], is REQUIRED for such additions.
+ The following reference is used throughout this MIB module:
+ [IEEE802.3] refers to:
+ IEEE Std 802.3, 2005 Edition: 'IEEE Standard for
+ Information technology - Telecommunications and information
+ exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area
+ networks - Specific requirements -
+ Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision
+ detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer
+ specifications'.
+ This reference should be updated as appropriate when new
+ MAU types, Media Availability states, Auto Negotiation
+ capabilities, and/or Jack types are added to this MIB module.
+ Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2007).
+ The initial version of this MIB module was published in
+ RFC 4836; for full legal notices see the RFC itself.
+ Supplementary information may be available at:
+ http://www.ietf.org/copyrights/ianamib.html"
+ REVISION "200704210000Z" -- April 21, 2007
+ DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB as published in
+ RFC 4836."
+ ::= { mib-2 154 }
+ -- Textual Conventions
+ STATUS current
+ "This data type is used as the syntax of the ifMauTypeListBits
+ object in the (updated) definition of MAU-MIB's ifMauTable.
+ The most recent version of this textual convention is available
+ in the online version of this MIB module on the IANA web site.
+ Requests for new values should be made to IANA via email
+ (iana&iana.org).
+ Note that changes in this textual convention SHALL be
+ synchronized with relevant changes in the dot3MauType
+ "[IEEE802.3], Section"
+ bOther(0), -- other or unknown
+ bAUI(1), -- AUI
+ b10base5(2), -- 10BASE-5
+ bFoirl(3), -- FOIRL
+ b10base2(4), -- 10BASE-2
+ b10baseT(5), -- 10BASE-T duplex mode unknown
+ b10baseFP(6), -- 10BASE-FP
+ b10baseFB(7), -- 10BASE-FB
+ b10baseFL(8), -- 10BASE-FL duplex mode unknown
+ b10broad36(9), -- 10BROAD36
+ b10baseTHD(10), -- 10BASE-T half duplex mode
+ b10baseTFD(11), -- 10BASE-T full duplex mode
+ b10baseFLHD(12), -- 10BASE-FL half duplex mode
+ b10baseFLFD(13), -- 10BASE-FL full duplex mode
+ b100baseT4(14), -- 100BASE-T4
+ b100baseTXHD(15), -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode
+ b100baseTXFD(16), -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode
+ b100baseFXHD(17), -- 100BASE-FX half duplex mode
+ b100baseFXFD(18), -- 100BASE-FX full duplex mode
+ b100baseT2HD(19), -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
+ b100baseT2FD(20), -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode
+ b1000baseXHD(21), -- 1000BASE-X half duplex mode
+ b1000baseXFD(22), -- 1000BASE-X full duplex mode
+ b1000baseLXHD(23), -- 1000BASE-LX half duplex mode
+ b1000baseLXFD(24), -- 1000BASE-LX full duplex mode
+ b1000baseSXHD(25), -- 1000BASE-SX half duplex mode
+ b1000baseSXFD(26), -- 1000BASE-SX full duplex mode
+ b1000baseCXHD(27), -- 1000BASE-CX half duplex mode
+ b1000baseCXFD(28), -- 1000BASE-CX full duplex mode
+ b1000baseTHD(29), -- 1000BASE-T half duplex mode
+ b1000baseTFD(30), -- 1000BASE-T full duplex mode
+ b10GbaseX(31), -- 10GBASE-X
+ b10GbaseLX4(32), -- 10GBASE-LX4
+ b10GbaseR(33), -- 10GBASE-R
+ b10GbaseER(34), -- 10GBASE-ER
+ b10GbaseLR(35), -- 10GBASE-LR
+ b10GbaseSR(36), -- 10GBASE-SR
+ b10GbaseW(37), -- 10GBASE-W
+ b10GbaseEW(38), -- 10GBASE-EW
+ b10GbaseLW(39), -- 10GBASE-LW
+ b10GbaseSW(40), -- 10GBASE-SW
+ -- new since RFC 3636
+ b10GbaseCX4(41), -- 10GBASE-CX4
+ b2BaseTL(42), -- 2BASE-TL
+ b10PassTS(43), -- 10PASS-TS
+ b100BaseBX10D(44), -- 100BASE-BX10D
+ b100BaseBX10U(45), -- 100BASE-BX10U
+ b100BaseLX10(46), -- 100BASE-LX10
+ b1000BaseBX10D(47), -- 1000BASE-BX10D
+ b1000BaseBX10U(48), -- 1000BASE-BX10U
+ b1000BaseLX10(49), -- 1000BASE-LX10
+ b1000BasePX10D(50), -- 1000BASE-PX10D
+ b1000BasePX10U(51), -- 1000BASE-PX10U
+ b1000BasePX20D(52), -- 1000BASE-PX20D
+ b1000BasePX20U(53) -- 1000BASE-PX20U
+ }
+ IANAifMauMediaAvailable ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "This data type is used as the syntax of the
+ ifMauMediaAvailable and rpMauMediaAvailable objects in the
+ (updated) definition of MAU-MIB's ifMauTable and rpMauTable
+ respectively.
+ Possible values are:
+ other(1) - undefined (not listed below)
+ unknown(2) - MAU's true state is unknown; e.g.,
+ during initialization
+ available(3) - link, light, or loopback is normal
+ notAvailable(4) - link loss, low light, or no loopback
+ remoteFault(5) - a fault has been detected at the
+ remote end of the link. This value
+ applies to 10BASE-FB, 100BASE-T4 Far
+ End Fault Indication and non-specified
+ remote faults from a system running
+ auto-negotiation
+ invalidSignal(6) - invalid signal has been received from
+ the other end of the link, 10BASE-FB
+ only
+ remoteJabber(7) - remote fault, due to jabber
+ remoteLinkLoss(8) - remote fault, due to link loss
+ remoteTest(9) - remote fault, due to test
+ offline(10) - offline, Clause 37 Auto-Negotiation
+ only
+ autoNegError(11) - Auto-Negotiation Error, Clause 37
+ Auto-Negotiation only
+ pmdLinkFault(12) - PMA/PMD receive link fault. In case
+ of PAF (2BASE-TL / 10PASS-TS PHYs),
+ all PMEs in the aggregation group have
+ detected a link fault
+ wisFrameLoss(13) - WIS loss of frame, 10GBASE-W only
+ wisSignalLoss(14) - WIS loss of signal, 10GBASE-W only
+ pcsLinkFault(15) - PCS receive link fault
+ excessiveBER(16) - PCS Bit Error Ratio monitor
+ reporting excessive error ratio
+ dxsLinkFault(17) - DTE XGXS receive link fault, XAUI only
+ pxsLinkFault(18) - PHY XGXS receive link fault, XAUI only
+ availableReduced(19) - link normal, reduced bandwidth,
+ 2BASE-TL / 10PASS-TS only
+ ready(20) - at least one PME in the aggregation
+ group is detecting handshake tones,
+ 2BASE-TL / 10PASS-TS only
+ If the MAU is a 10M b/s link or fiber type (FOIRL, 10BASE-T,
+ 10BASE-F), then this is equivalent to the link test fail
+ state/low light function. For an AUI, 10BASE2, 10BASE5, or
+ 10BROAD36 MAU, this indicates whether loopback is detected on
+ the DI circuit. The value of this attribute persists between
+ packets for MAU types AUI, 10BASE5, 10BASE2, 10BROAD36, and
+ At power-up or following a reset, the Media Available state
+ will be unknown(2) for AUI, 10BASE5, 10BASE2, 10BROAD36, and
+ 10BASE-FP MAUs. For these MAUs loopback will be tested on each
+ transmission during which no collision is detected.
+ If DI is receiving input when DO returns to IDL after a
+ transmission and there has been no collision during the
+ transmission, then loopback will be detected. The Media
+ Available state will only change during noncollided
+ transmissions for AUI, 10BASE2, 10BASE5, 10BROAD36, and
+ For 100BASE-T2, 100BASE-T4, 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-FX,
+ 100BASE-LX10, and 100BASE-BX10 PHYs the enumerations match the
+ states within the link integrity state diagram.
+ Any MAU that implements management of [IEEE802.3] Clause
+ 28 Auto-Negotiation, will map remote fault indication to
+ remoteFault(5).
+ Any MAU that implements management of Clause 37
+ Auto-Negotiation, will map the received RF1 and RF2 bits as
+ follows: Offline maps to offline(10), Link_Failure maps to
+ remoteFault(5), and Auto-Negotiation Error maps to
+ autoNegError(11).
+ The value remoteFault(5) applies to 10BASE-FB remote
+ fault indication, the 100BASE-X far-end fault indication, and
+ nonspecified remote faults from a system running Clause 28
+ Auto-Negotiation.
+ The value remoteJabber(7), remoteLink loss(8), or remoteTest(9)
+ SHOULD be used instead of remoteFault(5) where the reason for
+ remote fault is identified in the remote signaling protocol.
+ Where a Clause 22 MII or Clause 35 GMII is present, a logic
+ one in the remote fault bit maps to the value remoteFault(5),
+ a logic zero in the link status bit maps to the enumeration
+ notAvailable(4). The value notAvailable(4) takes precedence
+ over remoteFault(5).
+ For 2BASE-TL and 10PASS-TS PHYs, the value unknown(2) maps to
+ the condition where the PHY (PCS with connected PMEs) is
+ initializing, the value ready(20) maps to the condition where
+ the interface is down and at least one PME in the aggregation
+ group is ready for handshake, the value available(3) maps to
+ the condition where all the PMEs in the aggregation group are
+ up, the value notAvailable(4) maps to the condition where all
+ the PMEs in the aggregation group are down and no handshake
+ tones are detected, the value availableReduced(19) maps to the
+ condition where the interface is up, a link fault is detected
+ at the receive direction by one or more PMEs in the
+ aggregation group, but at least one PME is up and the
+ enumeration pmdLinkFault(12) maps to the condition where a link
+ fault is detected at the receive direction by all of the PMEs
+ in the aggregation group.
+ For 10 Gb/s the enumerations map to value of the link_fault
+ variable within the Link Fault Signaling state diagram
+ as follows: the value OK maps to the value available(3),
+ the value Local Fault maps to the value notAvailable(4),
+ and the value Remote Fault maps to the value remoteFault(5).
+ The value pmdLinkFault(12), wisFrameLoss(13),
+ wisSignalLoss(14), pcsLinkFault(15), excessiveBER(16), or
+ dxsLinkFault(17) SHOULD be used instead of the value
+ notAvailable(4), where the reason for the Local Fault state can
+ be identified through the use of the Clause 45 MDIO Interface.
+ Where multiple reasons for the Local Fault state can be
+ identified, only the highest precedence error SHOULD be
+ reported. This precedence in descending order is as follows:
+ pxsLinkFault
+ pmdLinkFault
+ wisFrameLoss
+ wisSignalLoss
+ pcsLinkFault
+ excessiveBER
+ dxsLinkFault.
+ Where a Clause 45 MDIO interface is present a logic zero in
+ the PMA/PMD Receive link status bit ([IEEE802.3]
+ Section maps to the value pmdLinkFault(12),
+ logic one in the LOF status bit (Section maps
+ to the value wisFrameLoss(13), a logic one in the LOS
+ status bit (Section maps to the value
+ wisSignalLoss, a logic zero in the PCS Receive
+ link status bit (Section maps to the value
+ pcsLinkFault(15), a logic one in the 10GBASE-R PCS Latched
+ high BER status bit (Section maps to the value
+ excessiveBER, a logic zero in the DTE XS receive link status
+ bit (Section maps to the value dxsLinkFault(17)
+ and a logic zero in the PHY XS transmit link status bit
+ (Section maps to the value pxsLinkFault(18).
+ The most recent version of this textual convention is available
+ in the online version of this MIB module on the IANA web site.
+ Requests for new values should be made to IANA via email
+ (iana&iana.org)."
+ "[IEEE802.3], Section"
+ other(1),
+ unknown(2),
+ available(3),
+ notAvailable(4),
+ remoteFault(5),
+ invalidSignal(6),
+ remoteJabber(7),
+ remoteLinkLoss(8),
+ remoteTest(9),
+ offline(10),
+ autoNegError(11),
+ pmdLinkFault(12),
+ wisFrameLoss(13),
+ wisSignalLoss(14),
+ pcsLinkFault(15),
+ excessiveBER(16),
+ dxsLinkFault(17),
+ pxsLinkFault(18),
+ availableReduced(19),
+ ready(20)
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ "This data type is used as the syntax of the
+ ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits, ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits, and
+ ifMauAutoNegCapReceivedBits objects in the (updated) definition
+ of MAU-MIB's ifMauAutoNegTable.
+ The most recent version of this textual convention is available
+ in the online version of this MIB module on the IANA web site.
+ Requests for new values should be made to IANA via email
+ (iana&iana.org)."
+ "[IEEE802.3], Section"
+ bOther(0), -- other or unknown
+ b10baseT(1), -- 10BASE-T half duplex mode
+ b10baseTFD(2), -- 10BASE-T full duplex mode
+ b100baseT4(3), -- 100BASE-T4
+ b100baseTX(4), -- 100BASE-TX half duplex mode
+ b100baseTXFD(5), -- 100BASE-TX full duplex mode
+ b100baseT2(6), -- 100BASE-T2 half duplex mode
+ b100baseT2FD(7), -- 100BASE-T2 full duplex mode
+ bFdxPause(8), -- PAUSE for full-duplex links
+ bFdxAPause(9), -- Asymmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
+ -- links
+ bFdxSPause(10), -- Symmetric PAUSE for full-duplex
+ -- links
+ bFdxBPause(11), -- Asymmetric and Symmetric PAUSE for
+ -- full-duplex links
+ b1000baseX(12), -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX half
+ -- duplex mode
+ b1000baseXFD(13), -- 1000BASE-X, -LX, -SX, -CX full
+ -- duplex mode
+ b1000baseT(14), -- 1000BASE-T half duplex mode
+ b1000baseTFD(15) -- 1000BASE-T full duplex mode
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ "Common enumeration values for repeater and interface MAU
+ jack types. This data type is used as the syntax of the
+ ifJackType and rpJackType objects in the (updated) definition
+ of MAU-MIB's ifJackTable and rpJackTable respectively.
+ Possible values are:
+ other(1) - undefined or unknown
+ rj45(2) - RJ45
+ rj45S(3) - RJ45 shielded
+ db9(4) - DB9
+ bnc(5) - BNC
+ fAUI(6) - AUI female
+ mAUI(7) - AUI male
+ fiberSC(8) - SC fiber
+ fiberMIC(9) - MIC fiber
+ fiberST(10) - ST fiber
+ telco(11) - Telco
+ mtrj(12) - MT-RJ fiber
+ hssdc(13) - fiber channel style-2
+ fiberLC(14) - LC fiber
+ cx4(15) - IB4X for 10GBASE-CX4
+ The most recent version of this textual convention is available
+ in the online version of this MIB module on the IANA web site.
+ Requests for new values should be made to IANA via email
+ (iana&iana.org)."
+ other(1),
+ rj45(2),
+ rj45S(3),
+ db9(4),
+ bnc(5),
+ fAUI(6),
+ mAUI(7),
+ fiberSC(8),
+ fiberMIC(9),
+ fiberST(10),
+ telco(11),
+ mtrj(12),
+ hssdc(13),
+ fiberLC(14),
+ -- new since RFC 3636
+ cx4(15)
+ }
+ -- (see rpMauType and ifMauType of MAU-MIB for usage)
+ -- The following definitions has been moved from RFC 3636 and
+ -- no longer appear in its revision.
+ dot3MauType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 snmpDot3MauMgt(26) 4 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "no internal MAU, view from AUI"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 7"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 1 }
+ dot3MauType10Base5 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "thick coax MAU"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 7"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 2 }
+ dot3MauTypeFoirl OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 9.9"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 3 }
+ dot3MauType10Base2 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "thin coax MAU"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 10"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 4 }
+ dot3MauType10BaseT OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ Note that it is strongly recommended that
+ agents return either dot3MauType10BaseTHD or
+ dot3MauType10BaseTFD if the duplex mode is
+ known. However, management applications should
+ be prepared to receive this MAU type value from
+ older agent implementations."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 14"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 5 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "passive fiber MAU"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 16"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 6 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "sync fiber MAU"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 17"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 7 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "async fiber MAU.
+ Note that it is strongly recommended that
+ agents return either dot3MauType10BaseFLHD or
+ dot3MauType10BaseFLFD if the duplex mode is
+ known. However, management applications should
+ be prepared to receive this MAU type value from
+ older agent implementations."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 18"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 8 }
+ dot3MauType10Broad36 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ Note that 10BROAD36 MAUs can be attached to
+ interfaces but not to repeaters."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 11"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 9 }
+ ------ new since RFC 1515:
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "UTP MAU, half duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 14"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 10 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "UTP MAU, full duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 14"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 11 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "async fiber MAU, half duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 18"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 12 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "async fiber MAU, full duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 18"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 13 }
+ dot3MauType100BaseT4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "4 pair category 3 UTP"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 23"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 14 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "2 pair category 5 UTP, half duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 25"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 15 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "2 pair category 5 UTP, full duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 25"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 16 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "X fiber over PMT, half duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 26"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 17 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "X fiber over PMT, full duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 26"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 18 }
+ dot3MauType100BaseT2HD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "2 pair category 3 UTP, half duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 32"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 19 }
+ dot3MauType100BaseT2FD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "2 pair category 3 UTP, full duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 32"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 20 }
+ ------ new since RFC 2239:
+ dot3MauType1000BaseXHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "PCS/PMA, unknown PMD, half duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 36"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 21 }
+ dot3MauType1000BaseXFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "PCS/PMA, unknown PMD, full duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 36"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 22 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Fiber over long-wavelength laser, half duplex
+ mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 38"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 23 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Fiber over long-wavelength laser, full duplex
+ mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 38"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 24 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Fiber over short-wavelength laser, half
+ duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 38"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 25 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Fiber over short-wavelength laser, full
+ duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 38"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 26 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Copper over 150-Ohm balanced cable, half
+ duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 39"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 27 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Copper over 150-Ohm balanced cable, full
+ duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 39"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 28 }
+ dot3MauType1000BaseTHD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Four-pair Category 5 UTP, half duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 40"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 29 }
+ dot3MauType1000BaseTFD OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Four-pair Category 5 UTP, full duplex mode"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 40"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 30 }
+ ------ new since RFC 2668:
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseX OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 48"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 31 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseLX4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "X fiber over WWDM optics"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 53"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 32 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 49"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 33 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseER OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "R fiber over 1550 nm optics"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 52"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 34 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseLR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "R fiber over 1310 nm optics"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 52"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 35 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseSR OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "R fiber over 850 nm optics"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 52"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 36 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseW OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 49 and 50"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 37 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseEW OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "W fiber over 1550 nm optics"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 52"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 38 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseLW OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "W fiber over 1310 nm optics"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 52"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 39 }
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseSW OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "W fiber over 850 nm optics"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 52"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 40 }
+ ------ new since RFC 3636:
+ dot3MauType10GigBaseCX4 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "X copper over 8 pair 100-Ohm balanced cable"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 54"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 41 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Voice grade UTP copper, up to 2700m, optional PAF"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Sections 61 and 63"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 42 }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Voice grade UTP copper, up to 750m, optional PAF"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Sections 61 and 62"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 43 }
+ dot3MauType100BaseBX10D OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber OLT, long wavelength, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 58"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 44 }
+ dot3MauType100BaseBX10U OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber ONU, long wavelength, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 58"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 45 }
+ dot3MauType100BaseLX10 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Two single-mode fibers, long wavelength, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 58"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 46 }
+ dot3MauType1000BaseBX10D OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber OLT, long wavelength, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 59"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 47 }
+ dot3MauType1000BaseBX10U OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber ONU, long wavelength, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 59"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 48 }
+ dot3MauType1000BaseLX10 OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Two sigle-mode fiber, long wavelength, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 59"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 49 }
+ dot3MauType1000BasePX10D OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber EPON OLT, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 60"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 50 }
+ dot3MauType1000BasePX10U OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber EPON ONU, 10km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 60"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 51 }
+ dot3MauType1000BasePX20D OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber EPON OLT, 20km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 60"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 52 }
+ dot3MauType1000BasePX20U OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "One single-mode fiber EPON ONU, 20km"
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE802.3], Section 60"
+ ::= { dot3MauType 53 }