path: root/CMakeLists.txt
diff options
authorPaul Harris <paulharris@computer.org>2012-06-04 01:27:48 +0800
committerJoakim Soderberg <joakim.soderberg@gmail.com>2013-03-07 16:06:01 +0100
commit3e03b078319238d87358fe9c9ba156e29072b446 (patch)
tree52a68b5ea73bec86582228ca4d72aea1b6b90991 /CMakeLists.txt
parente00cd4f941d5b30a2939f7a840c989c0faec1dfe (diff)
Add CMake build system.
Added multiple CMake-related files to project. Supports building the library and the tests. See CMakeLists.txt for notes on how it works. I had to adjust 3 existing files in order to disable some configuration that should be taken care of by cmake/automake anyway. I also added jansson.def from a future jansson version, to test cmake's support for .def files (which works fine).
Diffstat (limited to 'CMakeLists.txt')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..696b276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# Notes:
+# Author: Paul Harris, June 2012
+# Supports: building static/shared, release/debug/etc, can also build html docs and some of the tests.
+# Note that its designed for out-of-tree builds, so it will not pollute your source tree.
+# TODO 1: Finish implementing tests. api tests are working, but the valgrind variants are not flagging problems.
+# TODO 2: There is a check_exports script that would try and incorporate.
+# TODO 3: Consolidate version numbers, currently the version number is written into: * cmake (here) * autotools (the configure) * source code header files. Should not be written directly into header files, autotools/cmake can do that job.
+# Brief intro on how to use cmake:
+# > mkdir build (somewhere - we do out-of-tree builds)
+# > use cmake, ccmake, or cmake-gui to configure the project. for linux, you can only choose one variant: release,debug,etc... and static or shared.
+# >> example:
+# >> cd build
+# >> ccmake -i ../path_to_jansson_dir
+# >> inside, configure your options. press C until there are no lines with * next to them.
+# >> note, I like to configure the 'install' path to ../install, so I get self-contained clean installs I can point other projects to.
+# >> press G to 'generate' the project files.
+# >> make (to build the project)
+# >> make install
+# >> make test (to run the tests, if you enabled them)
+# Brief description on how it works:
+# There is a small heirachy of CMakeLists.txt files which define how the project is built.
+# Header file detection etc is done, and the results are written into config.h and jansson_config.h,
+# which are generated from the corresponding config.h.cmake and jansson_config.h.cmake template files.
+# The generated header files end up in the build directory - not in the source directory.
+# The rest is down to the usual make process.
+cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
+# required for exports? cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.6)
+project (jansson C)
+# Options
+OPTION (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries." OFF)
+# This is how I thought it should go
+# set (JANSSON_VERSION "2.3.1")
+# This is what is required to match the same numbers as automake's
+set (JANSSON_VERSION "4.3.1")
+# for CheckFunctionKeywords
+include (CheckFunctionExists)
+include (CheckFunctionKeywords)
+include (CheckIncludeFiles)
+include (CheckTypeSize)
+# Check for the int-type includes
+check_include_files (sys/types.h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)
+check_include_files (inttypes.h HAVE_INTTYPES_H)
+check_include_files (stdint.h HAVE_STDINT_H)
+# Check our 64 bit integer sizes
+check_type_size (__int64 __INT64)
+check_type_size (int64_t INT64_T)
+check_type_size ("long long" LONG_LONG_INT)
+# Check our 32 bit integer sizes
+check_type_size (int32_t INT32_T)
+check_type_size (__int32 __INT32)
+check_type_size ("long" LONG_INT)
+check_type_size ("int" INT)
+if (HAVE___INT32)
+ set (JSON_INT32 __int32)
+ set (JSON_INT32 long)
+elseif (HAVE_INT AND (${INT} EQUAL 4))
+ set (JSON_INT32 int)
+elseif (HAVE_INT32_T)
+ set (JSON_INT32 int32_t)
+else ()
+ message (FATAL_ERROR "Could not detect a valid 32 bit integer type")
+endif ()
+# Check if we have int32_t, if not then we will use long (in config.h.cmake)
+check_type_size (int32_t INT32_T)
+# Check for all the variants of strtoll
+check_function_exists (strtoll HAVE_STRTOLL)
+check_function_exists (strtoq HAVE_STRTOQ)
+check_function_exists (_strtoi64 HAVE__STRTOI64)
+# Figure out what variant we should use
+ set (JSON_STRTOINT strtoll)
+elseif (HAVE_STRTOQ)
+ set (JSON_STRTOINT strtoq)
+elseif (HAVE__STRTOI64)
+ set (JSON_STRTOINT _strtoi64)
+else ()
+ # fallback to strtol (32 bit)
+ # this will set all the required variables
+ set (JSON_STRTOINT strtol)
+ set (JSON_INT_T long)
+ set (JSON_INTEGER_FORMAT "\"ld\"")
+endif ()
+# if we haven't defined JSON_INT_T, then we have a 64 bit conversion function.
+# detect what to use for the 64 bit type.
+# Note: I will prefer long long if I can get it, as that is what the automake system aimed for.
+ set (JSON_INT_T "long long")
+ elseif (HAVE_INT64_T)
+ set (JSON_INT_T int64_t)
+ elseif (HAVE___INT64)
+ set (JSON_INT_T __int64)
+ else ()
+ message (FATAL_ERROR "Could not detect 64 bit type, although I detected the strtoll equivalent")
+ endif ()
+ # Apparently, Borland BCC and MSVC wants I64d,
+ # Borland BCC could also accept LD
+ # and gcc wants ldd,
+ # I am not sure what cygwin will want, so I will assume I64d
+ if (WIN32) # matches both msvc and cygwin
+ set (JSON_INTEGER_FORMAT "\"I64d\"")
+ else ()
+ set (JSON_INTEGER_FORMAT "\"lld\"")
+ endif ()
+endif ()
+# If locale.h and localeconv() are available, define to 1, otherwise to 0.
+check_include_files (locale.h HAVE_LOCALE_H)
+check_function_exists (localeconv HAVE_LOCALECONV)
+else ()
+endif ()
+# check if we have setlocale
+check_function_exists (setlocale HAVE_SETLOCALE)
+# Check what the inline keyword is.
+# Note that the original JSON_INLINE was always set to just 'inline', so this goes further.
+# check_function_keywords("__declspec(dllexport)")
+# check_function_keywords("__declspec(dllimport)")
+ set (JSON_INLINE inline)
+elseif (HAVE___INLINE)
+ set (JSON_INLINE __inline)
+elseif (HAVE___INLINE__)
+ set (JSON_INLINE __inline__)
+ # no inline on this platform
+endif (HAVE_INLINE)
+# Find our snprintf
+check_function_exists (snprintf HAVE_SNPRINTF)
+# check_function_exists (_snprintf_s HAVE__SNPRINTF_s)
+check_function_exists (_snprintf HAVE__SNPRINTF)
+ set (JSON_SNPRINTF snprintf)
+# elseif (HAVE__SNPRINTF_s)
+ # set (JSON_SNPRINTF _snprintf_s)
+elseif (HAVE__SNPRINTF)
+ set (JSON_SNPRINTF _snprintf)
+endif ()
+if (MSVC)
+endif (MSVC)
+# configure the public config file
+configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/jansson_config.h.cmake
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/jansson_config.h)
+# Copy the jansson.h file to the public include folder
+file (COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/jansson.h
+# configure the private config file
+configure_file (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.h.cmake
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/private_include/config.h)
+# and tell the source code to include it
+add_definitions (-DHAVE_CONFIG_H)
+include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include)
+include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/private_include)
+add_subdirectory (src)
+install (FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include/jansson_config.h DESTINATION include)
+install (FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/jansson.h DESTINATION include)
+# For building Documentation (uses Sphinx)
+OPTION (BUILD_DOCS "Build documentation (uses python-sphinx)." OFF)
+ find_package(Sphinx REQUIRED)
+ # configured documentation tools and intermediate build results
+ # Sphinx cache with pickled ReST documents
+ # HTML output directory
+ # CMake could be used to build the conf.py file too,
+ # eg it could automatically write the version of the program or change the theme.
+ # set(SPHINX_THEME default)
+ # endif()
+ #
+ # endif()
+ #
+ # configure_file(
+ # "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/conf.py.in"
+ # "${BINARY_BUILD_DIR}/conf.py"
+ # @ONLY)
+ add_custom_target(jansson_docs ALL
+ # -q # Enable for quiet mode
+ -b html
+ # -c "${BINARY_BUILD_DIR}" # enable if using cmake-generated conf.py
+ COMMENT "Building HTML documentation with Sphinx")
+ message (STATUS "Documentation has been built in ${SPHINX_HTML_DIR}")
+endif ()
+OPTION (BUILD_TESTS "Build tests ('make test' to execute tests)" OFF)
+ OPTION (TEST_WITH_VALGRIND "Enable valgrind tests (TODO flag when something is wrong, currently will always pass)" OFF)
+ # enable valgrind
+ set (CMAKE_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND /usr/bin/valgrind)
+ set (CMAKE_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS "--leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --track-origins=yes -q")
+ separate_arguments(MEMCHECK_COMMAND)
+ endif ()
+ add_subdirectory (test/suites/api)
+endif ()