/* * test_syntax.c * Copyright (c) 2019-2024 K.Kosako */ #ifdef ONIG_ESCAPE_UCHAR_COLLISION #undef ONIG_ESCAPE_UCHAR_COLLISION #endif #include #include #include "oniguruma.h" #define SLEN(s) strlen(s) static int nsucc = 0; static int nfail = 0; static int nerror = 0; #ifdef __TRUSTINSOFT_ANALYZER__ static int nall = 0; #endif static FILE* err_file; static OnigRegion* region; static OnigSyntaxType* Syntax; static void xx(char* pattern, char* str, int from, int to, int mem, int not, int error_no) { #ifdef __TRUSTINSOFT_ANALYZER__ if (nall++ % TIS_TEST_CHOOSE_MAX != TIS_TEST_CHOOSE_CURRENT) return; #endif int r; regex_t* reg; OnigErrorInfo einfo; r = onig_new(®, (UChar* )pattern, (UChar* )(pattern + SLEN(pattern)), ONIG_OPTION_DEFAULT, ONIG_ENCODING_UTF8, Syntax, &einfo); if (r) { char s[ONIG_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN]; if (error_no == 0) { onig_error_code_to_str((UChar* )s, r, &einfo); fprintf(err_file, "ERROR: %s /%s/\n", s, pattern); nerror++; } else { if (r == error_no) { fprintf(stdout, "OK(ERROR): /%s/ %d\n", pattern, r); nsucc++; } else { fprintf(stdout, "FAIL(ERROR): /%s/ '%s', %d, %d\n", pattern, str, error_no, r); nfail++; } } return ; } r = onig_search(reg, (UChar* )str, (UChar* )(str + SLEN(str)), (UChar* )str, (UChar* )(str + SLEN(str)), region, ONIG_OPTION_NONE); if (r < ONIG_MISMATCH) { char s[ONIG_MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN]; if (error_no == 0) { onig_error_code_to_str((UChar* )s, r); fprintf(err_file, "ERROR: %s /%s/\n", s, pattern); nerror++; } else { if (r == error_no) { fprintf(stdout, "OK(ERROR): /%s/ '%s', %d\n", pattern, str, r); nsucc++; } else { fprintf(stdout, "FAIL ERROR NO: /%s/ '%s', %d, %d\n", pattern, str, error_no, r); nfail++; } } return ; } if (r == ONIG_MISMATCH) { if (not) { fprintf(stdout, "OK(N): /%s/ '%s'\n", pattern, str); nsucc++; } else { fprintf(stdout, "FAIL: /%s/ '%s'\n", pattern, str); nfail++; } } else { if (not) { fprintf(stdout, "FAIL(N): /%s/ '%s'\n", pattern, str); nfail++; } else { if (region->beg[mem] == from && region->end[mem] == to) { fprintf(stdout, "OK: /%s/ '%s'\n", pattern, str); nsucc++; } else { fprintf(stdout, "FAIL: /%s/ '%s' %d-%d : %d-%d\n", pattern, str, from, to, region->beg[mem], region->end[mem]); nfail++; } } } onig_free(reg); } static void x2(char* pattern, char* str, int from, int to) { xx(pattern, str, from, to, 0, 0, 0); } static void x3(char* pattern, char* str, int from, int to, int mem) { xx(pattern, str, from, to, mem, 0, 0); } static void n(char* pattern, char* str) { xx(pattern, str, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); } static void e(char* pattern, char* str, int error_no) { xx(pattern, str, 0, 0, 0, 0, error_no); } static int test_reluctant_interval() { x2("a{1,3}?", "aaa", 0, 1); x2("a{3}", "aaa", 0, 3); x2("a{3}?", "aaa", 0, 3); n("a{3}?", "aa"); x2("a{3,3}?", "aaa", 0, 3); n("a{3,3}?", "aa"); return 0; } static int test_possessive_interval() { x2("a{1,3}+", "aaaaaa", 0, 3); x2("a{3}+", "aaaaaa", 0, 3); x2("a{3,3}+", "aaaaaa", 0, 3); return 0; } static int test_isolated_option() { x2("", "", 0, 0); x2("^", "", 0, 0); n("^a", "\na"); n(".", "\n"); x2("(?s:.)", "\n", 0, 1); x2("(?s).", "\n", 0, 1); x2("(?s)a|.", "\n", 0, 1); n("(?s:a)|.", "\n"); x2("b(?s)a|.", "\n", 0, 1); n("((?s)a)|.", "\n"); n("b(?:(?s)a)|z|.", "\n"); n(".|b(?s)a", "\n"); n(".(?s)", "\n"); n("(?s)(?-s)a|.", "\n"); x2("(?s)a|.(?-s)", "\n", 0, 1); x2("(?s)a|((?-s)).", "\n", 0, 1); x2("(?s)a|(?:(?-s)).", "\n", 0, 1); // !!! Perl 5.26.1 returns empty match x2("(?s)a|(?:).", "\n", 0, 1); // !!! Perl 5.26.1 returns empty match x2("(?s)a|(?:.)", "\n", 0, 1); x2("(?s)a|(?:a*).", "\n", 0, 1); n("a|(?:).", "\n"); // !!! Perl 5.26.1 returns empty match n("a|(?:)(.)", "\n"); x2("(?s)a|(?:)(.)", "\n", 0, 1); x2("b(?s)a|(?:)(.)", "\n", 0, 1); n("b((?s)a)|(?:)(.)", "\n"); return 0; } static int test_prec_read() { x2("(?=a).b", "ab", 0, 2); x2("(?=ab|(.))\\1", "ab", 1, 2); // doesn't backtrack if success once in prec-read n("(?!(.)z)a\\1", "aa"); // ! Perl 5.26.1 match with "aa" return 0; } static int test_look_behind() { x2("(?<=a)b", "ab", 1, 2); x2("(?<=a|b)c", "abc", 2, 3); x2("(?<=a|(.))\\1", "abcc", 3, 4); // following is not match in Perl and Java //x2("(?<=a|(.))\\1", "aa", 1, 2); n("(?abc)", "abc", 0, 3); x2("(?Pabc)(?P=name)", "abcabc", 0, 6); x2("(?Pabc){0}(?P>name)", "abc", 0, 3); x2("(?P[^()]+|\\((?P>expr)\\)){0}(?P>expr)", "((((xyz))))", 0, 11); x2("\\u0041", "A", 0, 1); x2("\\U00000041", "A", 0, 1); e("\\U0041", "A", ONIGERR_INVALID_CODE_POINT_VALUE); Syntax = ONIG_SYNTAX_POSIX_BASIC; test_BRE_anchors(); Syntax = ONIG_SYNTAX_GREP; test_BRE_anchors(); x2("zz\\|^ab", "ab", 0, 2); x2("ab$\\|zz", "ab", 0, 2); x2("*", "*", 0, 1); x2("^*", "*", 0, 1); x2("abc\\|?", "?", 0, 1); x2("\\{1\\}", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("^\\{1\\}", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("\\(\\{1\\}\\)", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("^\\(\\{1\\}\\)", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("{1}", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("^{1}", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("\\({1}\\)", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("^\\({1}\\)", "{1}", 0, 3); x2("{1,2}", "{1,2}", 0, 5); x2("^{1,2}", "{1,2}", 0, 5); x2("\\({1,2}\\)", "{1,2}", 0, 5); x2("^\\({1,2}\\)", "{1,2}", 0, 5); Syntax = ONIG_SYNTAX_PERL_NG; x2("(?i)test", "test", 0, 4); x2("(?-i)test", "test", 0, 4); x2("(?i)test", "TEST", 0, 4); n("(?-i)test", "teSt"); x2("(?i)te(?-i)st", "TEst", 0, 4); n("(?i)te(?-i)st", "TesT"); x2("(abc)(?-1)", "abcabc", 0, 6); x2("(?+1)(abc)", "abcabc", 0, 6); x2("(abc)(?1)", "abcabc", 0, 6); fprintf(stdout, "\nRESULT SUCC: %4d, FAIL: %d, ERROR: %d (by Oniguruma %s)\n", nsucc, nfail, nerror, onig_version()); onig_region_free(region, 1); onig_end(); return ((nfail == 0 && nerror == 0) ? 0 : -1); }