#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # make_unicode_property_data.py # Copyright (c) 2016-2023 K.Kosako import sys import re POSIX_LIST = [ 'NEWLINE', 'Alpha', 'Blank', 'Cntrl', 'Digit', 'Graph', 'Lower', 'Print', 'PosixPunct', 'Space', 'Upper', 'XDigit', 'Word', 'Alnum', 'ASCII' ] MAX_CODE_POINT = 0x10ffff GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK_NAME_PREFIX = 'Grapheme_Cluster_Break_' UD_FIRST_REG = re.compile("<.+,\s*First>") UD_LAST_REG = re.compile("<.+,\s*Last>") PR_TOTAL_REG = re.compile("#\s*Total\s+(?:code\s+points|elements):") PR_LINE_REG = re.compile("([0-9A-Fa-f]+)(?:..([0-9A-Fa-f]+))?\s*;\s*(\w+)") PA_LINE_REG = re.compile("(\w+)\s*;\s*(\w+)") PVA_LINE_REG = re.compile("(sc|gc)\s*;\s*(\w+)\s*;\s*(\w+)(?:\s*;\s*(\w+))?") BL_LINE_REG = re.compile("([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\.\.([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\s*;\s*(.*)") UNICODE_VERSION_REG = re.compile("#\s*.*-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.txt") EMOJI_VERSION_REG = re.compile("(?i)#.+Version\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)") VERSION_INFO = [-1, -1, -1] EMOJI_VERSION_INFO = [-1, -1] DIC = { } KDIC = { } PropIndex = { } PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LEN = 0 PROPS = None def normalize_prop_name(name): name = re.sub(r'[ _]', '', name) name = name.lower() return name def fix_block_name(name): s = re.sub(r'[- ]+', '_', name) return 'In_' + s def print_ranges(ranges): for (start, end) in ranges: print("0x%06x, 0x%06x" % (start, end)) print(len(ranges)) def print_prop_and_index(prop, i): print("%-35s %3d" % (prop + ',', i)) PropIndex[prop] = i PRINT_CACHE = { } def print_property(prop, data, desc): print('') print("/* PROPERTY: '%s': %s */" % (prop, desc)) prev_prop = dic_find_by_value(PRINT_CACHE, data) if prev_prop is not None: print("#define CR_%s CR_%s" % (prop, prev_prop)) else: PRINT_CACHE[prop] = data print("static const OnigCodePoint") print("CR_%s[] = { %d," % (prop, len(data))) for (start, end) in data: print("0x%04x, 0x%04x," % (start, end)) print("}; /* END of CR_%s */" % prop) def dic_find_by_value(dic, v): for key, val in dic.items(): if val == v: return key return None def make_reverse_dic(dic): rev = {} for key, val in dic.items(): d = rev.get(val, None) if d is None: rev[val] = [key] else: d.append(key) return rev def normalize_ranges(in_ranges, sort=False): if sort: ranges = sorted(in_ranges) else: ranges = in_ranges r = [] prev = None for (start, end) in ranges: if prev is not None and prev >= start - 1: (pstart, pend) = r.pop() end = max(pend, end) start = pstart r.append((start, end)) prev = end return r def inverse_ranges(in_ranges): r = [] prev = 0x000000 for (start, end) in in_ranges: if prev < start: r.append((prev, start - 1)) prev = end + 1 if prev < MAX_CODE_POINT: r.append((prev, MAX_CODE_POINT)) return r def add_ranges(r1, r2): r = r1 + r2 return normalize_ranges(r, True) def sub_one_range(one_range, rs): r = [] (s1, e1) = one_range n = len(rs) for i in range(0, n): (s2, e2) = rs[i] if s2 >= s1 and s2 <= e1: if s2 > s1: r.append((s1, s2 - 1)) if e2 >= e1: return r s1 = e2 + 1 elif s2 < s1 and e2 >= s1: if e2 < e1: s1 = e2 + 1 else: return r r.append((s1, e1)) return r def sub_ranges(r1, r2): r = [] for one_range in r1: rs = sub_one_range(one_range, r2) r.extend(rs) return r def add_ranges_in_dic(dic): r = [] for k, v in dic.items(): r = r + v return normalize_ranges(r, True) def normalize_ranges_in_dic(dic, sort=False): for k, v in dic.items(): r = normalize_ranges(v, sort) dic[k] = r def merge_dic(to_dic, from_dic): to_keys = to_dic.keys() from_keys = from_dic.keys() common = list(set(to_keys) & set(from_keys)) if len(common) != 0: print("merge_dic: collision: %s" % sorted(common), file=sys.stderr) to_dic.update(from_dic) def merge_props(to_dic, from_dic): to_keys = to_dic.keys() from_keys = from_dic.keys() common = list(set(to_keys) & set(from_keys)) if len(common) != 0: print("merge_dic: collision: %s" % sorted(common), file=sys.stderr) for k in from_keys: to_dic[k] = True def add_range_into_dic(dic, name, start, end): d = dic.get(name, None) if d is None: d = [(start, end)] dic[name] = d else: d.append((start, end)) def list_sub(a, b): x = set(a) - set(b) return list(x) def parse_unicode_data_file(f): dic = { } assigned = [] for line in f: s = line.strip() if len(s) == 0: continue if s[0] == '#': continue a = s.split(';') code = int(a[0], 16) desc = a[1] prop = a[2] if UD_FIRST_REG.match(desc) is not None: start = code end = None elif UD_LAST_REG.match(desc) is not None: end = code else: start = end = code if end is not None: assigned.append((start, end)) add_range_into_dic(dic, prop, start, end) if len(prop) == 2: add_range_into_dic(dic, prop[0:1], start, end) normalize_ranges_in_dic(dic) return dic, assigned def parse_properties(path, klass, prop_prefix = None, version_reg = None): version_match = None with open(path, 'r') as f: dic = { } prop = None for line in f: s = line.strip() if len(s) == 0: continue if s[0] == '#' and version_reg is not None and version_match is None: version_match = version_reg.match(s) if version_match is not None: continue m = PR_LINE_REG.match(s) if m: prop = m.group(3) if prop_prefix is not None: prop = prop_prefix + prop if m.group(2): start = int(m.group(1), 16) end = int(m.group(2), 16) add_range_into_dic(dic, prop, start, end) else: start = int(m.group(1), 16) add_range_into_dic(dic, prop, start, start) elif PR_TOTAL_REG.match(s) is not None: KDIC[prop] = klass normalize_ranges_in_dic(dic) return (dic, version_match) def parse_property_aliases(path): a = { } with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: s = line.strip() if len(s) == 0: continue m = PA_LINE_REG.match(s) if not(m): continue if m.group(1) == m.group(2): continue a[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) return a def parse_property_value_aliases(path): a = { } with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: s = line.strip() if len(s) == 0: continue m = PVA_LINE_REG.match(s) if not(m): continue cat = m.group(1) x2 = m.group(2) x3 = m.group(3) x4 = m.group(4) if cat == 'sc': if x2 != x3: a[x2] = x3 if x4 and x4 != x3: a[x4] = x3 else: if x2 != x3: a[x3] = x2 if x4 and x4 != x2: a[x4] = x2 return a def parse_blocks(path): dic = { } blocks = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: s = line.strip() if len(s) == 0: continue m = BL_LINE_REG.match(s) if not(m): continue start = int(m.group(1), 16) end = int(m.group(2), 16) block = fix_block_name(m.group(3)) add_range_into_dic(dic, block, start, end) blocks.append(block) noblock = fix_block_name('No_Block') dic[noblock] = inverse_ranges(add_ranges_in_dic(dic)) blocks.append(noblock) return dic, blocks def add_primitive_props(assigned): DIC['Assigned'] = normalize_ranges(assigned) DIC['Any'] = [(0x000000, 0x10ffff)] DIC['ASCII'] = [(0x000000, 0x00007f)] DIC['NEWLINE'] = [(0x00000a, 0x00000a)] DIC['Cn'] = inverse_ranges(DIC['Assigned']) DIC['C'].extend(DIC['Cn']) DIC['C'] = normalize_ranges(DIC['C'], True) d = [] d.extend(DIC['Ll']) d.extend(DIC['Lt']) d.extend(DIC['Lu']) DIC['LC'] = normalize_ranges(d, True) def add_posix_props(dic): alnum = [] alnum.extend(dic['Alphabetic']) alnum.extend(dic['Nd']) # Nd == Decimal_Number alnum = normalize_ranges(alnum, True) blank = [(0x0009, 0x0009)] blank.extend(dic['Zs']) # Zs == Space_Separator blank = normalize_ranges(blank, True) word = [] word.extend(dic['Alphabetic']) word.extend(dic['M']) # M == Mark word.extend(dic['Nd']) word.extend(dic['Pc']) # Pc == Connector_Punctuation word = normalize_ranges(word, True) graph = sub_ranges(dic['Any'], dic['White_Space']) graph = sub_ranges(graph, dic['Cc']) graph = sub_ranges(graph, dic['Cs']) # Cs == Surrogate graph = sub_ranges(graph, dic['Cn']) # Cn == Unassigned graph = normalize_ranges(graph, True) p = [] p.extend(graph) p.extend(dic['Zs']) p = normalize_ranges(p, True) dic['Alpha'] = dic['Alphabetic'] dic['Upper'] = dic['Uppercase'] dic['Lower'] = dic['Lowercase'] dic['PosixPunct'] = add_ranges(dic['P'], dic['S']) # P == Punctuation dic['Digit'] = dic['Nd'] dic['XDigit'] = [(0x0030, 0x0039), (0x0041, 0x0046), (0x0061, 0x0066)] dic['Alnum'] = alnum dic['Space'] = dic['White_Space'] dic['Blank'] = blank dic['Cntrl'] = dic['Cc'] dic['Word'] = word dic['Graph'] = graph dic['Print'] = p def set_max_prop_name(name): global PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LEN n = len(name) if n > PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LEN: PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LEN = n def entry_prop_name(name, index): set_max_prop_name(name) if OUTPUT_LIST_MODE and index >= len(POSIX_LIST): print("%s" % (name), file=UPF) def entry_and_print_prop_and_index(name, index): entry_prop_name(name, index) nname = normalize_prop_name(name) print_prop_and_index(nname, index) def parse_and_merge_properties(path, klass, prop_prefix = None, version_reg = None): dic, ver_m = parse_properties(path, klass, prop_prefix, version_reg) merge_dic(DIC, dic) merge_props(PROPS, dic) return dic, ver_m ### main ### argv = sys.argv argc = len(argv) COPYRIGHT = ''' /*- * Copyright (c) 2016-2023 K.Kosako * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ '''.strip() POSIX_ONLY = False INCLUDE_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_DATA = False for i in range(1, argc): arg = argv[i] if arg == '-posix': POSIX_ONLY = True elif arg == '-gc': INCLUDE_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_DATA = True else: print("Invalid argument: %s" % arg, file=sys.stderr) OUTPUT_LIST_MODE = not(POSIX_ONLY) with open('UnicodeData.txt', 'r') as f: dic, assigned = parse_unicode_data_file(f) DIC = dic add_primitive_props(assigned) PROPS = DIC.fromkeys(DIC, True) PROPS = {k: v for k, v in PROPS.items() if k not in POSIX_LIST} _, ver_m = parse_and_merge_properties('DerivedCoreProperties.txt', 'Derived Property', None, UNICODE_VERSION_REG) if ver_m is not None: VERSION_INFO[0] = int(ver_m.group(1)) VERSION_INFO[1] = int(ver_m.group(2)) VERSION_INFO[2] = int(ver_m.group(3)) dic, _ = parse_and_merge_properties('Scripts.txt', 'Script') DIC['Unknown'] = inverse_ranges(add_ranges_in_dic(dic)) parse_and_merge_properties('PropList.txt', 'Binary Property') _, ver_m = parse_and_merge_properties('emoji-data.txt', 'Emoji Property', None, EMOJI_VERSION_REG) if ver_m is not None: EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[0] = int(ver_m.group(1)) EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[1] = int(ver_m.group(2)) PROPS['Unknown'] = True KDIC['Unknown'] = 'Script' ALIASES = parse_property_aliases('PropertyAliases.txt') a = parse_property_value_aliases('PropertyValueAliases.txt') merge_dic(ALIASES, a) dic, BLOCKS = parse_blocks('Blocks.txt') merge_dic(DIC, dic) if INCLUDE_GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_DATA: dic, _ = parse_properties('GraphemeBreakProperty.txt', 'GraphemeBreak Property', GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK_NAME_PREFIX) merge_dic(DIC, dic) merge_props(PROPS, dic) #prop = GRAPHEME_CLUSTER_BREAK_NAME_PREFIX + 'Other' #DIC[prop] = inverse_ranges(add_ranges_in_dic(dic)) #PROPS[prop] = True #KDIC[prop] = 'GrapemeBreak Property' add_posix_props(DIC) PROP_LIST = sorted(PROPS.keys()) s = '''%{ /* Generated by make_unicode_property_data.py. */ ''' print(s) print(COPYRIGHT) print('') for prop in POSIX_LIST: if prop == 'PosixPunct': desc = "POSIX [[:punct:]]" else: desc = "POSIX [[:%s:]]" % prop print_property(prop, DIC[prop], desc) print('') if not(POSIX_ONLY): for prop in PROP_LIST: klass = KDIC.get(prop, None) if klass is None: n = len(prop) if n == 1: klass = 'Major Category' elif n == 2: klass = 'General Category' else: klass = '-' print_property(prop, DIC[prop], klass) for block in BLOCKS: print_property(block, DIC[block], 'Block') print('') print("static const OnigCodePoint*\nconst CodeRanges[] = {") for prop in POSIX_LIST: print(" CR_%s," % prop) if not(POSIX_ONLY): for prop in PROP_LIST: print(" CR_%s," % prop) for prop in BLOCKS: print(" CR_%s," % prop) s = '''}; #define pool_offset(s) offsetof(struct unicode_prop_name_pool_t, unicode_prop_name_pool_str##s) %} struct PoolPropertyNameCtype { short int name; short int ctype; }; %% ''' sys.stdout.write(s) if OUTPUT_LIST_MODE: UPF = open("UNICODE_PROPERTIES", "w") if VERSION_INFO[0] < 0: raise RuntimeError("Unicode Version is not found") if EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[0] < 0: raise RuntimeError("Emoji Version is not found") print("Unicode Properties (Unicode Version: %d.%d.%d, Emoji: %d.%d)" % (VERSION_INFO[0], VERSION_INFO[1], VERSION_INFO[2], EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[0], EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[1]), file=UPF) print('', file=UPF) index = -1 for prop in POSIX_LIST: index += 1 entry_and_print_prop_and_index(prop, index) if not(POSIX_ONLY): for prop in PROP_LIST: index += 1 entry_and_print_prop_and_index(prop, index) NALIASES = map(lambda x:(normalize_prop_name(x[0]), x[0], x[1]), ALIASES.items()) NALIASES = sorted(NALIASES) for (nk, k, v) in NALIASES: nv = normalize_prop_name(v) if PropIndex.get(nk, None) is not None: print("ALIASES: already exists: %s => %s" % (k, v), file=sys.stderr) continue aindex = PropIndex.get(nv, None) if aindex is None: #print("ALIASES: value is not exist: %s => %s" % (k, v), file=sys.stderr) continue entry_prop_name(k, aindex) print_prop_and_index(nk, aindex) for name in BLOCKS: index += 1 entry_and_print_prop_and_index(name, index) print('%%') print('') if not(POSIX_ONLY): if VERSION_INFO[0] < 0: raise RuntimeError("Unicode Version is not found") if EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[0] < 0: raise RuntimeError("Emoji Version is not found") print("#define UNICODE_PROPERTY_VERSION %02d%02d%02d" % (VERSION_INFO[0], VERSION_INFO[1], VERSION_INFO[2])) print("#define UNICODE_EMOJI_VERSION %02d%02d" % (EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[0], EMOJI_VERSION_INFO[1])) print('') print("#define PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_SIZE %d" % (PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LEN + 10)) print("#define CODE_RANGES_NUM %d" % (index + 1)) index_props = make_reverse_dic(PropIndex) print('') for i in range(index + 1): for p in index_props[i]: print("#define PROP_INDEX_%s %d" % (p.upper(), i)) if OUTPUT_LIST_MODE: UPF.close() sys.exit(0)