# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. from __future__ import annotations import glob import itertools import json import pathlib import re import sys import uuid import nox try: import tomllib except ImportError: import tomli as tomllib # type: ignore[import-not-found,no-redef] nox.options.reuse_existing_virtualenvs = True def install( session: nox.Session, *args: str, verbose: bool = True, ) -> None: if verbose: args += ("-v",) session.install( "-c", "ci-constraints-requirements.txt", *args, silent=False, ) def load_pyproject_toml() -> dict: with (pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "pyproject.toml").open("rb") as f: return tomllib.load(f) @nox.session @nox.session(name="tests-ssh") @nox.session(name="tests-randomorder") @nox.session(name="tests-nocoverage") @nox.session(name="tests-rust-debug") def tests(session: nox.Session) -> None: extras = "test" if session.name == "tests-ssh": extras += ",ssh" if session.name == "tests-randomorder": extras += ",test-randomorder" prof_location = ( pathlib.Path(".") / ".rust-cov" / str(uuid.uuid4()) ).absolute() if session.name != "tests-nocoverage": session.env.update( { "RUSTFLAGS": "-Cinstrument-coverage " + session.env.get("RUSTFLAGS", ""), "LLVM_PROFILE_FILE": str(prof_location / "cov-%p.profraw"), } ) install(session, "-e", "./vectors") if session.name == "tests-rust-debug": install( session, "--config-settings=build-args=--profile=dev", f".[{extras}]", ) else: install(session, f".[{extras}]") session.run("pip", "list") if session.name != "tests-nocoverage": cov_args = [ "--cov=cryptography", "--cov=tests", ] else: cov_args = [] if session.posargs: tests = session.posargs else: tests = ["tests/"] session.run( "pytest", "-n", "auto", "--dist=worksteal", *cov_args, "--durations=10", *tests, ) if session.name != "tests-nocoverage": [rust_so] = glob.glob( f"{session.virtualenv.location}/**/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/_rust.*", recursive=True, ) process_rust_coverage(session, [rust_so], prof_location) @nox.session def docs(session: nox.Session) -> None: install(session, ".[docs,docstest,sdist,ssh]") temp_dir = session.create_tmp() session.run( "sphinx-build", "-T", "-W", "-b", "html", "-d", f"{temp_dir}/doctrees", "docs", "docs/_build/html", ) session.run( "sphinx-build", "-T", "-W", "-b", "latex", "-d", f"{temp_dir}/doctrees", "docs", "docs/_build/latex", ) session.run( "sphinx-build", "-T", "-W", "-b", "doctest", "-d", f"{temp_dir}/doctrees", "docs", "docs/_build/html", ) session.run( "sphinx-build", "-T", "-W", "-b", "spelling", "docs", "docs/_build/html", ) session.run( "python3", "-m", "readme_renderer", "README.rst", "-o", "/dev/null" ) session.run( "python3", "-m", "readme_renderer", "vectors/README.rst", "-o", "/dev/null", ) @nox.session(name="docs-linkcheck") def docs_linkcheck(session: nox.Session) -> None: install(session, ".[docs]") session.run( "sphinx-build", "-W", "-b", "linkcheck", "docs", "docs/_build/html" ) @nox.session def flake(session: nox.Session) -> None: # TODO: Ideally there'd be a pip flag to install just our dependencies, # but not install us. pyproject_data = load_pyproject_toml() install(session, "-e", "vectors/") install( session, *pyproject_data["build-system"]["requires"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["pep8test"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["test"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["ssh"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["nox"], ) session.run("ruff", "check", ".") session.run("ruff", "format", "--check", ".") session.run( "mypy", "src/cryptography/", "vectors/cryptography_vectors/", "tests/", "release.py", "noxfile.py", ) session.run("check-sdist", "--no-isolation") @nox.session @nox.session(name="rust-noclippy") def rust(session: nox.Session) -> None: prof_location = ( pathlib.Path(".") / ".rust-cov" / str(uuid.uuid4()) ).absolute() session.env.update( { "RUSTFLAGS": "-Cinstrument-coverage " + session.env.get("RUSTFLAGS", ""), "LLVM_PROFILE_FILE": str(prof_location / "cov-%p.profraw"), } ) # TODO: Ideally there'd be a pip flag to install just our dependencies, # but not install us. pyproject_data = load_pyproject_toml() install(session, *pyproject_data["build-system"]["requires"]) with session.chdir("src/rust/"): session.run("cargo", "fmt", "--all", "--", "--check", external=True) if session.name != "rust-noclippy": session.run( "cargo", "clippy", "--all", "--", "-D", "warnings", external=True, ) build_output = session.run( "cargo", "test", "--no-default-features", "--all", "--no-run", "-q", "--message-format=json", external=True, silent=True, ) session.run( "cargo", "test", "--no-default-features", "--all", external=True ) # It's None on install-only invocations if build_output is not None: assert isinstance(build_output, str) rust_tests = [] for line in build_output.splitlines(): data = json.loads(line) if data.get("profile", {}).get("test", False): rust_tests.extend(data["filenames"]) process_rust_coverage(session, rust_tests, prof_location) @nox.session(venv_backend="uv|venv") def local(session): pyproject_data = load_pyproject_toml() install(session, "-e", "./vectors", verbose=False) install( session, *pyproject_data["build-system"]["requires"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["pep8test"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["test"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["ssh"], *pyproject_data["project"]["optional-dependencies"]["nox"], verbose=False, ) session.run("ruff", "format", ".") session.run("ruff", "check", ".") with session.chdir("src/rust/"): session.run("cargo", "fmt", "--all", external=True) session.run("cargo", "check", "--all", "--tests", external=True) session.run( "cargo", "clippy", "--all", "--", "-D", "warnings", external=True, ) session.run( "mypy", "src/cryptography/", "vectors/cryptography_vectors/", "tests/", "release.py", "noxfile.py", ) session.run( "maturin", "develop", "--release", *(["--uv"] if session.venv_backend == "uv" else []), ) if session.posargs: tests = session.posargs else: tests = ["tests/"] session.run( "pytest", "-n", "auto", "--dist=worksteal", "--durations=10", *tests, ) with session.chdir("src/rust/"): session.run( "cargo", "test", "--no-default-features", "--all", external=True ) LCOV_SOURCEFILE_RE = re.compile( r"^SF:.*[\\/]src[\\/]rust[\\/](.*)$", flags=re.MULTILINE ) BIN_EXT = ".exe" if sys.platform == "win32" else "" def process_rust_coverage( session: nox.Session, rust_binaries: list[str], prof_raw_location: pathlib.Path, ) -> None: # Hitting weird issues merging Windows and Linux Rust coverage, so just # say the hell with it. if sys.platform == "win32": return target_libdir = session.run( "rustc", "--print", "target-libdir", external=True, silent=True ) if target_libdir is not None: target_bindir = pathlib.Path(target_libdir).parent / "bin" profraws = [ str(prof_raw_location / p) for p in prof_raw_location.glob("*.profraw") ] session.run( str(target_bindir / ("llvm-profdata" + BIN_EXT)), "merge", "-sparse", *profraws, "-o", "rust-cov.profdata", external=True, ) lcov_data = session.run( str(target_bindir / ("llvm-cov" + BIN_EXT)), "export", rust_binaries[0], *itertools.chain.from_iterable( ["-object", b] for b in rust_binaries[1:] ), "-instr-profile=rust-cov.profdata", "--ignore-filename-regex=[/\\].cargo[/\\]", "--ignore-filename-regex=[/\\]rustc[/\\]", "--ignore-filename-regex=[/\\].rustup[/\\]toolchains[/\\]", "--ignore-filename-regex=[/\\]target[/\\]", "--format=lcov", silent=True, external=True, ) assert isinstance(lcov_data, str) lcov_data = LCOV_SOURCEFILE_RE.sub( lambda m: "SF:src/rust/" + m.group(1).replace("\\", "/"), lcov_data.replace("\r\n", "\n"), ) with open(f"{uuid.uuid4()}.lcov", "w") as f: f.write(lcov_data)