/* intern.c */ #include #include #include #include "screen.h" #define ScreenClearAttrib 0 SCREENLINE * GetScreenLineFromY(SCREEN *pScr, int y) { SCREENLINE *pScrLine; int idx; pScrLine = pScr->screen_top; for (idx = 0; idx < pScr->height; idx++) { if (idx == y) return(pScrLine); if (pScrLine == NULL) return(NULL); pScrLine = pScrLine->next; } return(NULL); } SCREENLINE * ScreenClearLine(SCREEN *pScr, SCREENLINE *pScrLine) { memset(pScrLine->attrib, ScreenClearAttrib, pScr->width); memset(pScrLine->text, ' ', pScr->width); return(pScrLine); } void ScreenUnscroll(SCREEN *pScr) { int idx; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; if (pScr->screen_bottom == pScr->buffer_bottom) return; pScr->screen_bottom = pScr->buffer_bottom; pScrLine = pScr->screen_bottom; for (idx = 1; idx < pScr->height; idx++) { if (pScrLine == NULL) return; pScrLine = pScrLine->prev; } pScr->screen_top = pScrLine; } void ScreenCursorOn(SCREEN *pScr) { int y; int nlines; if (pScr->screen_bottom != pScr->buffer_bottom) nlines = pScr->numlines - GetScrollPos(pScr->hWnd, SB_VERT); else nlines = 0; y = pScr->y + nlines; SetCaretPos(pScr->x * pScr->cxChar, (y+1) * pScr->cyChar); ShowCaret(pScr->hWnd); } void ScreenCursorOff(SCREEN *pScr) { HideCaret(pScr->hWnd); } void ScreenELO(SCREEN *pScr, int s) { SCREENLINE *pScrLine; RECT rc; if (s < 0) s = pScr->y; pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr,s); memset(pScrLine->attrib, ScreenClearAttrib, pScr->width); memset(pScrLine->text, ' ', pScr->width); rc.left = 0; rc.right = pScr->width * pScr->cxChar; rc.top = pScr->cyChar * s; rc.bottom = pScr->cyChar * (s+1); InvalidateRect(pScr->hWnd, &rc, TRUE); } void ScreenEraseScreen(SCREEN *pScr) { int i; int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; int x2 = pScr->width; int y2 = pScr->height; int n = -1; for(i = 0; i < pScr->height; i++) ScreenELO(pScr,i); InvalidateRect(pScr->hWnd, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(pScr->hWnd); } void ScreenTabClear(SCREEN *pScr) { int x = 0; while(x <= pScr->width) { pScr->tabs[x] = ' '; x++; } } void ScreenTabInit(SCREEN *pScr) { int x = 0; ScreenTabClear(pScr); while(x <= pScr->width) { pScr->tabs[x] = 'x'; x += 8; } pScr->tabs[pScr->width] = 'x'; } void ScreenReset(SCREEN *pScr) { pScr->top = 0; pScr->bottom = pScr->height-1; pScr->parmptr = 0; pScr->escflg = 0; pScr->DECAWM = 1; pScr->bWrapPending = FALSE; pScr->DECCKM = 0; pScr->DECPAM = 0; /* pScr->DECORG = 0; */ /* pScr->Pattrib = -1; */ pScr->IRM = 0; pScr->attrib = 0; pScr->x = 0; pScr->y = 0; /* pScr->charset = 0; */ ScreenEraseScreen(pScr); ScreenTabInit(pScr); #if 0 /* * QAK - 7/27/90: added because resetting the virtual screen's * wrapping flag doesn't reset telnet window's wrapping */ set_vtwrap(pScrn, pScr->DECAWM); #endif } void ScreenListMove(SCREENLINE *TD, SCREENLINE *BD, SCREENLINE *TI, SCREENLINE *BI) { if (TD->prev != NULL) TD->prev->next = BD->next; /* Maintain circularity */ if (BD->next != NULL) BD->next->prev = TD->prev; TD->prev = TI; /* Place the node in its new home */ BD->next = BI; if (TI != NULL) TI->next = TD; /* Ditto prev->prev */ if (BI != NULL) BI->prev = BD; } void ScreenDelLines(SCREEN *pScr, int n, int s) { SCREENLINE *BI; SCREENLINE *TI; SCREENLINE *TD; SCREENLINE *BD; SCREENLINE *pLine; int idx; RECT rc; HDC hDC; pScr->bWrapPending = FALSE; if (s < 0) s = pScr->y; if (s + n - 1 > pScr->bottom) n = pScr->bottom - s + 1; TD = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, s); BD = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, s + n - 1); TI = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->bottom); BI = TI->next; /* * Adjust the top of the screen and buffer if they will move. */ if (TD == pScr->screen_top) { if (pScr->screen_top == pScr->buffer_top) pScr->buffer_top = BD->next; pScr->screen_top = BD->next; } /* * Adjust the bottom of the screen and buffer if they will move. */ if (TI == pScr->screen_bottom) { if (pScr->screen_bottom == pScr->buffer_bottom) pScr->buffer_bottom = BD; pScr->screen_bottom = BD; } if (TI != BD) ScreenListMove(TD, BD, TI, BI); /* * Clear the lines moved from the deleted area to the * bottom of the scrolling area. */ pLine = TI; for (idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { pLine = pLine->next; ScreenClearLine(pScr, pLine); } /* CheckScreen(pScr); */ /* * Scroll the affected area on the screen. */ rc.left = 0; rc.right = pScr->width * pScr->cxChar; rc.top = s * pScr->cyChar; rc.bottom = (pScr->bottom + 1) * pScr->cyChar; hDC = GetDC(pScr->hWnd); ScrollDC(hDC, 0, -pScr->cyChar * n, &rc, &rc, NULL, NULL); PatBlt(hDC, 0, (pScr->bottom - n + 1) * pScr->cyChar, pScr->width * pScr->cxChar, n * pScr->cyChar, WHITENESS); ReleaseDC(pScr->hWnd, hDC); } void ScreenInsertLine(SCREEN *pScr, int s) { ScreenInsLines(pScr, 1, s); } void ScreenInsLines(SCREEN *pScr, int n, int s) { SCREENLINE *TI; SCREENLINE *BI; SCREENLINE *TD; SCREENLINE *BD; SCREENLINE *pLine; int idx; RECT rc; HDC hDC; pScr->bWrapPending = FALSE; if (s < 0) s = pScr->y; if (s + n - 1 > pScr->bottom) n = pScr->bottom - s + 1; /* * Determine the top and bottom of the insert area. Also determine * the top and bottom of the area to be deleted and moved to the * insert area. */ BI = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, s); TI = BI->prev; TD = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->bottom - n + 1); BD = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->bottom); /* * Adjust the top of the screen and buffer if they will move. */ if (BI == pScr->screen_top) { if (pScr->screen_top == pScr->buffer_top) pScr->buffer_top = TD; pScr->screen_top = TD; } /* * Adjust the bottom of the screen and buffer if they will move. */ if (BD == pScr->screen_bottom) { if (pScr->screen_bottom == pScr->buffer_bottom) pScr->buffer_bottom = TD->prev; pScr->screen_bottom = TD->prev; } /* * Move lines from the bottom of the scrolling region to the insert area. */ if (TD != BI) ScreenListMove(TD,BD,TI,BI); /* * Clear the inserted lines */ pLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, s); for (idx = 0; idx < n; idx++) { ScreenClearLine(pScr, pLine); pLine = pLine->next; } /* CheckScreen(pScr); */ /* * Scroll the affected area on the screen. */ rc.left = 0; rc.right = pScr->width * pScr->cxChar; rc.top = s * pScr->cyChar; rc.bottom = (pScr->bottom + 1) * pScr->cyChar; hDC = GetDC(pScr->hWnd); ScrollDC(hDC, 0, pScr->cyChar * n, &rc, &rc, NULL, NULL); PatBlt(hDC, 0, s * pScr->cyChar, pScr->width * pScr->cxChar, n * pScr->cyChar, WHITENESS); ReleaseDC(pScr->hWnd, hDC); } void ScreenIndex(SCREEN * pScr) { if (pScr->y >= pScr->bottom) ScreenScroll(pScr); else pScr->y++; pScr->bWrapPending = FALSE; } void ScreenWrapNow(SCREEN *pScr, int *xp, int *yp) { if (pScr->bWrapPending && pScr->x >= pScr->width - 1) { pScr->x = 0; ScreenIndex(pScr); } pScr->bWrapPending = FALSE; *xp = pScr->x; *yp = pScr->y; } void ScreenEraseToEOL(SCREEN *pScr) { int x1 = pScr->x; int y1 = pScr->y; int x2 = pScr->width; int y2 = pScr->y; int n = -1; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; RECT rc; ScreenWrapNow(pScr, &x1, &y1); y2 = y1; #if 0 wsprintf(strTmp,"[EraseEOL:%d]",y2); OutputDebugString(strTmp); #endif pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr,y2); memset(&pScrLine->attrib[x1], ScreenClearAttrib, pScr->width-x1+1); memset(&pScrLine->text[x1], ' ', pScr->width - x1 + 1); rc.left = x1 * pScr->cxChar; rc.right = pScr->width * pScr->cxChar; rc.top = pScr->cyChar * y1; rc.bottom = pScr->cyChar * (y1 + 1); InvalidateRect(pScr->hWnd, &rc, TRUE); UpdateWindow(pScr->hWnd); } void ScreenDelChars(SCREEN *pScr, int n) { int x = pScr->x; int y = pScr->y; int width; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; RECT rc; pScr->bWrapPending = FALSE; pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, y); width = pScr->width - x - n; if (width > 0) { memmove(&pScrLine->attrib[x], &pScrLine->attrib[x + n], width); memmove(&pScrLine->text[x], &pScrLine->text[x + n], width); } memset(&pScrLine->attrib[pScr->width - n], ScreenClearAttrib, n); memset(&pScrLine->text[pScr->width - n], ' ', n); rc.left = x * pScr->cxChar; rc.right = pScr->width * pScr->cxChar; rc.top = pScr->cyChar * y; rc.bottom = pScr->cyChar * (y + 1); InvalidateRect(pScr->hWnd, &rc, TRUE); UpdateWindow(pScr->hWnd); } void ScreenRevIndex(SCREEN *pScr) { SCREENLINE *pScrLine; SCREENLINE *pTopLine; pScr->bWrapPending = FALSE; pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->y); pTopLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->top); if(pScrLine == pTopLine) ScreenInsertLine(pScr, pScr->y); else pScr->y--; } void ScreenEraseToBOL(SCREEN *pScr) { int x1 = 0; int y1 = pScr->y; int x2 = pScr->x; int y2 = pScr->y; int n = -1; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->y); ScreenWrapNow(pScr, &x2, &y1); y2 = y1; memset(pScrLine->attrib, ScreenClearAttrib, x2); memset(pScrLine->text, ' ', x2); } void ScreenEraseLine(SCREEN *pScr, int s) { int x1 = 0; int y1 = s; int x2 = pScr->width; int y2 = s; int n = -1; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; RECT rc; if (s < 0) { ScreenWrapNow(pScr, &x1, &y1); s = y2 = y1; x1 = 0; } pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr,y1); memset(pScrLine->attrib, ScreenClearAttrib, pScr->width); memset(pScrLine->text, ' ', pScr->width); rc.left = 0; rc.right = pScr->width * pScr->cxChar; rc.top = pScr->cyChar * y1; rc.bottom = pScr->cyChar * (y1+1); InvalidateRect(pScr->hWnd, &rc, TRUE); SendMessage(pScr->hWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0); } void ScreenEraseToEndOfScreen(SCREEN *pScr) { int i; int x1 = 0; int y1 = pScr->y+1; int x2 = pScr->width; int y2 = pScr->height; int n = -1; ScreenWrapNow(pScr, &x1, &y1); y1++; x1 = 0; i = y1; ScreenEraseToEOL(pScr); while (i < pScr->height) { ScreenELO(pScr, i); ScreenEraseLine(pScr, i); i++; } } void ScreenRange(SCREEN *pScr) { if (pScr->x < 0) pScr->x = 0; if (pScr->x >= pScr->width) pScr->x = pScr->width - 1; if (pScr->y < 0) pScr->y = 0; if (pScr->y >= pScr->height) pScr->y = pScr->height - 1; } void ScreenAlign(SCREEN *pScr) /* vt100 alignment, fill screen with 'E's */ { char *tt; int i; int j; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->top); ScreenEraseScreen(pScr); for(j = 0; j < pScr->height; j++) { tt = &pScrLine->text[0]; for(i = 0; i <= pScr->width; i++) *tt++ = 'E'; pScrLine = pScrLine->next; } } void ScreenApClear(SCREEN *pScr) { /* * reset all the ANSI parameters back to the default state */ for(pScr->parmptr=5; pScr->parmptr>=0; pScr->parmptr--) pScr->parms[pScr->parmptr] = -1; pScr->parmptr = 0; } void ScreenSetOption(SCREEN *pScr, int toggle) { if (pScr->parms[0] == -2 && pScr->parms[1] == 1) pScr->DECCKM = toggle; #if 0 switch(pScr->parms[0]) { case -2: /* Set on the '?' char */ switch(pScr->parms[1]) { case 1: /* set/reset cursor key mode */ pScr->DECCKM = toggle; break; #ifdef NOT_SUPPORTED case 2: /* set/reset ANSI/vt52 mode */ break; #endif case 3: /* set/reset column mode */ pScr->x = pScr->y = 0; /* Clear the screen, mama! */ ScreenEraseScreen(pScr); #if 0 /* removed for variable screen size */ if (toggle) /* 132 column mode */ pScr->width = pScr->allwidth; else pScr->width = 79; #endif break; #ifdef NOT_SUPPORTED case 4: /* set/reset scrolling mode */ case 5: /* set/reset screen mode */ case 6: /* set/rest origin mode */ pScr->DECORG = toggle; break; #endif case 7: /* set/reset wrap mode */ pScr->DECAWM = toggle; #if 0 /* * QAK - 7/27/90: added because resetting the virtual screen's * wrapping flag doesn't reset telnet window's wrapping */ set_vtwrap(pScrn, fpScr->DECAWM); #endif break; #ifdef NOT_SUPPORTED case 8: /* set/reset autorepeat mode */ case 9: /* set/reset interlace mode */ break; #endif default: break; } /* end switch */ break; case 4: pScr->IRM=toggle; break; default: break; } /* end switch */ #endif } #ifdef NOT_SUPPORTED void ScreenTab(SCREEN *pScr) { if (pScr->x> = pScr->width) pScr->x = pScr->width; pScr->x++; while (pScr->tabs[fpScr->x] != 'x' && pScr->x < pScr->width) pScr->x++; } #endif int ScreenInsChar(SCREEN *pScr, int x) { int i; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; RECT rc; pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, pScr->y); if (pScrLine == NULL) return(-1); for(i = pScr->width - x; i >= pScr->x; i--) { pScrLine->text[x+i] = pScrLine->text[i]; pScrLine->attrib[x+i] = pScrLine->attrib[i]; } memset(&pScrLine->attrib[pScr->x], ScreenClearAttrib, x); memset(&pScrLine->text[pScr->x], ' ', x); rc.left = pScr->cxChar * x; rc.right = pScr->cxChar * (x + pScr->x); rc.top = pScr->cyChar * (pScr->y - 1); rc.bottom = pScr->cyChar * pScr->y; InvalidateRect(pScr->hWnd, &rc, TRUE); SendMessage(pScr->hWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0); } void ScreenSaveCursor(SCREEN *pScr) { pScr->Px = pScr->x; pScr->Py = pScr->y; pScr->Pattrib = pScr->attrib; } void ScreenRestoreCursor(SCREEN *pScr) { pScr->x = pScr->Px; pScr->y = pScr->Py; ScreenRange(pScr); } void ScreenDraw(SCREEN *pScr, int x, int y, int a, int len, char *c) { int idx; SCREENLINE *pScrLine; RECT rc; pScrLine = GetScreenLineFromY(pScr, y); assert(pScrLine != NULL); for(idx = x; idx < x + len; idx++) { pScrLine->text[idx] = c[idx - x]; pScrLine->attrib[idx - x] = a; } rc.left = pScr->cxChar * x; rc.right = pScr->cxChar * (x + len); rc.top = pScr->cyChar * pScr->y; rc.bottom = pScr->cyChar * (pScr->y + 1); InvalidateRect(pScr->hWnd, &rc, TRUE); SendMessage(pScr->hWnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0); } #if ! defined(NDEBUG) BOOL CheckScreen(SCREEN *pScr) { SCREENLINE *pLinePrev; SCREENLINE *pLine; int nscreen = 0; int nbuffer = 0; int topline = 0; char buf[512]; BOOL bBottom; BOOL bOK; pLine = pScr->buffer_top; if (pLine == NULL) { OutputDebugString("CheckScreen: buffer_top invalid"); MessageBox(NULL, "buffer_top invalid", "CheckScreen", MB_OK); return(FALSE); } bBottom = FALSE; while (TRUE) { pLinePrev = pLine; if (nscreen > 0 || pLine == pScr->screen_top) if (!bBottom) nscreen++; nbuffer++; if (pLine == pScr->screen_top) topline = nbuffer - 1; if (pLine == pScr->screen_bottom) bBottom = TRUE; pLine = pLine->next; if (pLine == NULL) break; if (pLine->prev != pLinePrev) { wsprintf(buf, "Previous ptr of line %d does not match next ptr of line %d", nbuffer, nbuffer - 1); OutputDebugString(buf); MessageBox(NULL, buf, "CheckScreen", MB_OK); } } if (pLinePrev == pScr->buffer_bottom && nscreen == pScr->height) bOK = TRUE; else { OutputDebugString("CheckScreen: Invalid number of lines on screen"); bOK = FALSE; } wsprintf(buf, "screen.width = %d\nscreen.height = %d\nscreen.maxlines = %d\nscreen.numlines = %d\nscreen.x = %d\nscreen.y = %d\nscreen.top = %d\nscreen.bottom = %d\nActual top line = %d\nActual buffer lines = %d\nActual screen lines = %d\nBottom of buffer is %s", pScr->width, pScr->height, pScr->maxlines, pScr->numlines, pScr->x, pScr->y, pScr->top, pScr->bottom, topline, nbuffer, nscreen, (pLinePrev == pScr->buffer_bottom) ? "valid" : "invalid"); MessageBox(NULL, buf, "CheckScreen", MB_OK); return(bOK); } #endif