# Copyright (C) 2010 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. # All rights reserved. # Export of this software from the United States of America may # require a specific license from the United States Government. # It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating # export to obtain such a license before exporting. # # WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and # distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and # without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and # this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that # the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining # to distribution of the software without specific, written prior # permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label # your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a # fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. # M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of # this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express # or implied warranty. """A module for krb5 test scripts To run test scripts during "make check" (if Python 2.5 or later is available), add rules like the following to Makefile.in: check-pytests:: $(RUNPYTEST) $(srcdir)/t_testname.py $(PYTESTFLAGS) A sample test script: from k5test import * # Run a test program under a variety of configurations: for realm in multipass_realms(): realm.run(['./testprog', 'arg']) # Run a test server and client under just the default configuration: realm = K5Realm() realm.start_server(['./serverprog'], 'starting...') realm.run(['./clientprog', realm.host_princ]) # Inform framework that tests completed successfully. success('World peace and cure for cancer') By default, the realm will have: * The name KRBTEST.COM * Listener ports starting at 61000 * krb5.conf and kdc.conf files * A fresh DB2 KDB * Running krb5kdc (but not kadmind) * Principals named realm.user_princ and realm.admin_princ; call password('user') and password('admin') to get the password * Credentials for realm.user_princ in realm.ccache * Admin rights for realm.admin_princ in the kadmind acl file * A host principal named realm.host_princ with a random key * A keytab for the host principal in realm.keytab The realm's behaviour can be modified with the following constructor keyword arguments: * realm='realmname': Override the realm name * portbase=NNN: Override the listener port base; currently three ports are used * testdir='dirname': Override the storage area for the realm's files (path may be specified relative to the current working dir) * krb5_conf={ ... }: krb5.conf options, expressed as a nested dictionary, to be merged with the default krb5.conf settings. A key may be mapped to None to delete a setting from the defaults. A key may be mapped to a list in order to create multiple settings for the same variable name. Keys and values undergo the following template substitutions: - $realm: The realm name - $testdir: The realm storage directory (absolute path) - $buildtop: The root of the build directory - $srctop: The root of the source directory - $plugins: The plugin directory in the build tree - $hostname: The FQDN of the host - $port0: The first listener port (portbase) - ... - $port9: The tenth listener port (portbase + 9) When choosing ports, note the following: - port0 is used in the default krb5.conf for the KDC - port1 is used in the default krb5.conf for kadmind - port2 is used in the default krb5.conf for kpasswd - port3 is used in the default krb5.conf for kpropd - port4 is used in the default krb5.conf for iprop (in kadmind) - port5 is the return value of realm.server_port() * kdc_conf={...}: kdc.conf options, expressed as a nested dictionary, to be merged with the default kdc.conf settings. The same conventions and substitutions for krb5_conf apply. * create_kdb=False: Don't create a KDB. Implicitly disables all of the other options since they all require a KDB. * krbtgt_keysalt='enctype:salttype': After creating the KDB, regenerate the krbtgt key using the specified key/salt combination, using a kadmin.local cpw query. * create_user=False: Don't create the user principal. Implies get_creds=False. * create_host=False: Don't create the host principal or the associated keytab. * start_kdc=False: Don't start the KDC. Implies get_creds=False. * start_kadmind=True: Start kadmind. * get_creds=False: Don't get user credentials. Scripts may use the following functions and variables: * fail(message): Display message (plus leading marker and trailing newline) and explanatory messages about debugging. * success(message): Indicate that the test script has completed successfully. Suppresses the display of explanatory debugging messages in the on-exit handler. message should briefly summarize the operations tested; it will only be displayed (with leading marker and trailing newline) if the script is running verbosely. * skipped(whatmsg, whymsg): Indicate that some tests were skipped. whatmsg should concisely say what was skipped (e.g. "LDAP KDB tests") and whymsg should give the reason (e.g. "because LDAP module not built"). * skip_rest(message): Indicate that some tests were skipped, then exit the current script. * output(message, force_verbose=False): Place message (without any added newline) in testlog, and write it to stdout if running verbosely. * which(progname): Return the location of progname in the executable path, or None if it is not found. * password(name): Return a weakly random password based on name. The password will be consistent across calls with the same name. * stop_daemon(proc): Stop a daemon process started with realm.start_server() or realm.start_in_inetd(). Only necessary if the port needs to be reused; daemon processes will be stopped automatically when the script exits. * multipass_realms(**keywords): This is an iterator function. Yields a realm for each of the standard test passes, each of which alters the default configuration in some way to exercise different parts of the krb5 code base. keywords may contain any K5Realm initializer keyword with the exception of krbtgt_keysalt, which will not be honored. If keywords contains krb5_conf and/or kdc_conf fragments, they will be merged with the default and per-pass specifications. * cross_realms(num, xtgts=None, args=None, **keywords): This function returns a list of num realms, where each realm's configuration knows how to contact all of the realms. By default, each realm will contain cross TGTs in both directions for all other realms; this default may be overridden by specifying a collection of tuples in the xtgts parameter, where each tuple is a pair of zero-based realm indexes, indicating that the first realm can authenticate to the second (i.e. krbtgt/secondrealm@firstrealm exists in both realm's databases). If args is given, it should be a list of keyword arguments specific to each realm; these will be merged with the global keyword arguments passed to cross_realms, with specific arguments taking priority. * buildtop: The top of the build directory (absolute path). * srctop: The top of the source directory (absolute path). * plugins: The plugin directory in the build tree (absolute path). * hostname: This machine's fully-qualified domain name. * null_input: A file opened to read /dev/null. * args: Positional arguments left over after flags are processed. * runenv: The contents of $srctop/runenv.py, containing a dictionary 'env' which specifies additional variables to be added to the realm environment, and a variable 'tls_impl', which indicates which TLS implementation (if any) is being used by libkrb5's support for contacting KDCs and kpasswd servers over HTTPS. * verbose: Whether the script is running verbosely. * testpass: The command-line test pass argument. The script does not need to examine this argument in most cases; it will be honored in multipass_realms(). * Pathname variables for programs within the build directory: - krb5kdc - kadmind - kadmin - kadminl (kadmin.local) - kdb5_ldap_util - kdb5_util - ktutil - kinit - klist - kswitch - kvno - kdestroy - kpasswd - t_inetd - kproplog - kpropd - kprop Scripts may use the following realm methods and attributes: * realm.run(args, env=None, **keywords): Run a command in a specified environment (or the realm's environment by default), obeying the command-line debugging options. Fail if the command does not return 0. Log the command output appropriately, and return it as a single multi-line string. Keyword arguments can contain input='string' to send an input string to the command, and expected_code=N to expect a return code other than 0. * realm.kprop_port(): Returns a port number based on realm.portbase intended for use by kprop and kpropd. * realm.server_port(): Returns a port number based on realm.portbase intended for use by server processes. * realm.start_server(args, sentinel, env=None): Start a daemon process. Wait until sentinel appears as a substring of a line in the server process's stdout or stderr (which are folded together). Returns a subprocess.Popen object which can be passed to stop_daemon() to stop the server, or used to read from the server's output. * realm.start_in_inetd(args, port=None, env=None): Begin a t_inetd process which will spawn a server process after accepting a client connection. If port is not specified, realm.server_port() will be used. Returns a process object which can be passed to stop_daemon() to stop the server. * realm.create_kdb(): Create a new KDB. * realm.start_kdc(args=[], env=None): Start a krb5kdc process. Errors if a KDC is already running. If args is given, it contains a list of additional krb5kdc arguments. * realm.stop_kdc(): Stop the krb5kdc process. Errors if no KDC is running. * realm.start_kadmind(env=None): Start a kadmind process. Errors if a kadmind is already running. * realm.stop_kadmind(): Stop the kadmind process. Errors if no kadmind is running. * realm.stop(): Stop any daemon processes running on behalf of the realm. * realm.addprinc(princname, password=None): Using kadmin.local, create a principal in the KDB named princname, with either a random or specified key. * realm.extract_keytab(princname, keytab): Using kadmin.local, create a keytab for princname in the filename keytab. Uses the -norandkey option to avoid re-randomizing princname's key. * realm.kinit(princname, password=None, flags=[]): Acquire credentials for princname using kinit, with additional flags []. If password is specified, it will be used as input to the kinit process; otherwise flags must cause kinit not to need a password (e.g. by specifying a keytab). * realm.klist(client_princ, service_princ=None, ccache=None): Using klist, list the credentials cache ccache (must be a filename; self.ccache if not specified) and verify that the output shows credentials for client_princ and service_princ (self.krbtgt_princ if not specified). * realm.klist_keytab(princ, keytab=None): Using klist, list keytab (must be a filename; self.keytab if not specified) and verify that the output shows the keytab name and principal name. * realm.prep_kadmin(princname=None, password=None, flags=[]): Populate realm.kadmin_ccache with a ticket which can be used to run kadmin. If princname is not specified, realm.admin_princ and its default password will be used. * realm.run_kadmin(args, **keywords): Run the specified query in kadmin, using realm.kadmin_ccache to authenticate. Accepts the same keyword arguments as run. * realm.special_env(name, has_kdc_conf, krb5_conf=None, kdc_conf=None): Create an environment with a modified krb5.conf and/or kdc.conf. The specified krb5_conf and kdc_conf fragments, if any, will be merged with the realm's existing configuration. If has_kdc_conf is false, the new environment will have no kdc.conf. The environment returned by this method can be used with realm.run() or similar methods. * realm.start_kpropd(env, args=[]): Start a kpropd process. Pass an environment created with realm.special_env() for the slave. If args is given, it contains a list of additional kpropd arguments. Returns a handle to the kpropd process. * realm.run_kpropd_once(env, args=[]): Run kpropd once, using the -t flag. Pass an environment created with realm.special_env() for the slave. If args is given, it contains a list of additional kpropd arguments. Returns the kpropd output. * realm.realm: The realm's name. * realm.testdir: The realm's storage directory (absolute path). * realm.portbase: The realm's first listener port. * realm.user_princ: The principal name user@. * realm.admin_princ: The principal name user/admin@. * realm.host_princ: The name of the host principal for this machine, with realm. * realm.nfs_princ: The name of the nfs principal for this machine, with realm. * realm.krbtgt_princ: The name of the krbtgt principal for the realm. * realm.keytab: A keytab file in realm.testdir. Initially contains a host keytab unless disabled by the realm construction options. * realm.client_keytab: A keytab file in realm.testdir. Initially nonexistent. * realm.ccache: A ccache file in realm.testdir. Initially contains credentials for user unless disabled by the realm construction options. * realm.kadmin_ccache: The ccache file initialized by prep_kadmin and used by run_kadmin. * env: The realm's environment, extended from os.environ to point at the realm's config files and the build tree's shared libraries. When the test script is run, its behavior can be modified with command-line flags. These are documented in the --help output. """ import atexit import optparse import os import shlex import shutil import signal import socket import string import subprocess import sys import imp # Used when most things go wrong (other than programming errors) so # that the user sees an error message rather than a Python traceback, # without help from the test script. The on-exit handler will display # additional explanatory text. def fail(msg): """Print a message and exit with failure.""" global _current_pass print "*** Failure:", msg if _last_cmd: print "*** Last command (#%d): %s" % (_cmd_index - 1, _last_cmd) if _last_cmd_output: print "*** Output of last command:" sys.stdout.write(_last_cmd_output) if _current_pass: print "*** Failed in test pass:", _current_pass sys.exit(1) def success(msg): global _success output('*** Success: %s\n' % msg) _success = True def skipped(whatmsg, whymsg): output('*** Skipping: %s: %s\n' % (whatmsg, whymsg), force_verbose=True) f = open(os.path.join(buildtop, 'skiptests'), 'a') f.write('Skipped %s: %s\n' % (whatmsg, whymsg)) f.close() def skip_rest(whatmsg, whymsg): global _success skipped(whatmsg, whymsg) _success = True sys.exit(0) def output(msg, force_verbose=False): """Output a message to testlog, and to stdout if running verbosely.""" _outfile.write(msg) if verbose or force_verbose: sys.stdout.write(msg) # Return the location of progname in the executable path, or None if # it is not found. def which(progname): for dir in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = os.path.join(dir, progname) if os.access(path, os.X_OK): return path return None def password(name): """Choose a weakly random password from name, consistent across calls.""" return name + str(os.getpid()) # Exit handler which ensures processes are cleaned up and, on failure, # prints messages to help developers debug the problem. def _onexit(): global _daemons, _success, srctop, verbose global _debug, _stop_before, _stop_after, _shell_before, _shell_after if _daemons is None: # In Python 2.5, if we exit as a side-effect of importing # k5test, _onexit will execute in an empty global namespace. # This can happen if argument processing fails or the build # root isn't valid. In this case we can safely assume that no # daemons have been launched and that we don't really need to # amend the error message. The bug is fixed in Python 2.6. return if _debug or _stop_before or _stop_after or _shell_before or _shell_after: # Wait before killing daemons in case one is being debugged. sys.stdout.write('*** Press return to kill daemons and exit script: ') sys.stdin.readline() for proc in _daemons: os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) if not _success: print if not verbose: testlogfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'testlog') utildir = os.path.join(srctop, 'util') print 'For details, see: %s' % testlogfile print 'Or re-run this test script with the -v flag:' print ' cd %s' % os.getcwd() print ' PYTHONPATH=%s %s %s -v' % \ (utildir, sys.executable, sys.argv[0]) print print 'Use --debug=NUM to run a command under a debugger. Use' print '--stop-after=NUM to stop after a daemon is started in order to' print 'attach to it with a debugger. Use --help to see other options.' def _onsigint(signum, frame): # Exit without displaying a stack trace. Suppress messages from _onexit. global _success _success = True sys.exit(1) # Find the parent of dir which is at the root of a build or source directory. def _find_root(dir): while True: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, 'lib', 'krb5', 'krb')): break parent = os.path.dirname(dir) if (parent == dir): return None dir = parent return dir def _find_buildtop(): root = _find_root(os.getcwd()) if root is None: fail('Cannot find root of krb5 build directory.') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, 'config.status')): # Looks like an unbuilt source directory. fail('This script must be run inside a krb5 build directory.') return root def _find_srctop(): scriptdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) if not scriptdir: scriptdir = os.getcwd() root = _find_root(scriptdir) if root is None: fail('Cannot find root of krb5 source directory.') return os.path.abspath(root) # Return the local hostname as it will be canonicalized by # krb5_sname_to_principal. We can't simply use socket.getfqdn() # because it explicitly prefers results containing periods and # krb5_sname_to_principal doesn't care. def _get_hostname(): hostname = socket.gethostname() try: ai = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, None, 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_CANONNAME) except socket.gaierror, (error, errstr): fail('Local hostname "%s" does not resolve: %s.' % (hostname, errstr)) (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) = ai[0] try: name = socket.getnameinfo(sockaddr, socket.NI_NAMEREQD) except socket.gaierror: return canonname.lower() return name[0].lower() # Parse command line arguments, setting global option variables. Also # sets the global variable args to the positional arguments, which may # be used by the test script. def _parse_args(): global args, verbose, testpass, _debug, _debugger_command global _stop_before, _stop_after, _shell_before, _shell_after parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='Display verbose output') parser.add_option('-p', '--pass', dest='testpass', metavar='PASS', help='If a multi-pass test, run only PASS') parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', metavar='NUM', help='Debug numbered command (or "all")') parser.add_option('--debugger', dest='debugger', metavar='COMMAND', help='Debugger command (default is gdb --args)', default='gdb --args') parser.add_option('--stop-before', dest='stopb', metavar='NUM', help='Stop before numbered command (or "all")') parser.add_option('--stop-after', dest='stopa', metavar='NUM', help='Stop after numbered command (or "all")') parser.add_option('--shell-before', dest='shellb', metavar='NUM', help='Spawn shell before numbered command (or "all")') parser.add_option('--shell-after', dest='shella', metavar='NUM', help='Spawn shell after numbered command (or "all")') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() verbose = options.verbose testpass = options.testpass _debug = _parse_cmdnum('--debug', options.debug) _debugger_command = shlex.split(options.debugger) _stop_before = _parse_cmdnum('--stop-before', options.stopb) _stop_after = _parse_cmdnum('--stop-after', options.stopa) _shell_before = _parse_cmdnum('--shell-before', options.shellb) _shell_after = _parse_cmdnum('--shell-after', options.shella) # Translate a command number spec. -1 means all, None means none. def _parse_cmdnum(optname, str): if not str: return None if str == 'all': return -1 try: return int(str) except ValueError: fail('%s value must be "all" or a number' % optname) # Test if a command index matches a translated command number spec. def _match_cmdnum(cmdnum, ind): if cmdnum is None: return False elif cmdnum == -1: return True else: return cmdnum == ind # Return an environment suitable for running programs in the build # tree. It is safe to modify the result. def _build_env(): global buildtop, runenv env = os.environ.copy() for (k, v) in runenv.env.iteritems(): if v.find('./') == 0: env[k] = os.path.join(buildtop, v) else: env[k] = v # Make sure we don't get confused by translated messages # or localized times. env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' return env def _import_runenv(): global buildtop runenv_py = os.path.join(buildtop, 'runenv.py') if not os.path.exists(runenv_py): fail('You must run "make runenv.py" in %s first.' % buildtop) return imp.load_source('runenv', runenv_py) # Merge the nested dictionaries cfg1 and cfg2 into a new dictionary. # cfg1 or cfg2 may be None, in which case the other is returned. If # cfg2 contains keys mapped to None, the corresponding keys will be # mapped to None in the result. The result may contain references to # parts of cfg1 or cfg2, so is not safe to modify. def _cfg_merge(cfg1, cfg2): if not cfg2: return cfg1 if not cfg1: return cfg2 result = cfg1.copy() for key, value2 in cfg2.items(): if value2 is None or key not in result: result[key] = value2 else: value1 = result[key] if isinstance(value1, dict): if not isinstance(value2, dict): raise TypeError() result[key] = _cfg_merge(value1, value2) else: result[key] = value2 return result # Python gives us shlex.split() to turn a shell command into a list of # arguments, but oddly enough, not the easier reverse operation. For # now, do a bad job of faking it. def _shell_equiv(args): return " ".join(args) # Add a valgrind prefix to the front of args if specified in the # environment. Under normal circumstances this just returns args. def _valgrind(args): valgrind = os.getenv('VALGRIND') if valgrind: args = shlex.split(valgrind) + args return args def _stop_or_shell(stop, shell, env, ind): if (_match_cmdnum(stop, ind)): sys.stdout.write('*** [%d] Waiting for return: ' % ind) sys.stdin.readline() if (_match_cmdnum(shell, ind)): output('*** [%d] Spawning shell\n' % ind, True) subprocess.call(os.getenv('SHELL'), env=env) def _run_cmd(args, env, input=None, expected_code=0): global null_input, _cmd_index, _last_cmd, _last_cmd_output, _debug global _stop_before, _stop_after, _shell_before, _shell_after if (_match_cmdnum(_debug, _cmd_index)): return _debug_cmd(args, env, input) args = _valgrind(args) _last_cmd = _shell_equiv(args) output('*** [%d] Executing: %s\n' % (_cmd_index, _last_cmd)) _stop_or_shell(_stop_before, _shell_before, env, _cmd_index) if input: infile = subprocess.PIPE else: infile = null_input # Run the command and log the result, folding stderr into stdout. proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=infile, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) (outdata, dummy_errdata) = proc.communicate(input) _last_cmd_output = outdata code = proc.returncode output(outdata) output('*** [%d] Completed with return code %d\n' % (_cmd_index, code)) _stop_or_shell(_stop_after, _shell_after, env, _cmd_index) _cmd_index += 1 # Check the return code and return the output. if code != expected_code: fail('%s failed with code %d.' % (args[0], code)) return outdata def _debug_cmd(args, env, input): global _cmd_index, _debugger_command args = _debugger_command + list(args) output('*** [%d] Executing in debugger: %s\n' % (_cmd_index, _shell_equiv(args)), True) if input: print print '*** Enter the following input when appropriate:' print print input print code = subprocess.call(args, env=env) output('*** [%d] Completed in debugger with return code %d\n' % (_cmd_index, code)) _cmd_index += 1 # Start a daemon process with the specified args and env. Wait until # we see sentinel as a substring of a line on either stdout or stderr. # Clean up the daemon process on exit. def _start_daemon(args, env, sentinel): global null_input, _cmd_index, _last_cmd, _last_cmd_output, _debug global _stop_before, _stop_after, _shell_before, _shell_after if (_match_cmdnum(_debug, _cmd_index)): output('*** [%d] Warning: ' % _cmd_index, True) output( 'test script cannot proceed after debugging a daemon\n', True) _debug_cmd(args, env, None) output('*** Exiting after debugging daemon\n', True) sys.exit(1) args = _valgrind(args) _last_cmd = _shell_equiv(args) output('*** [%d] Starting: %s\n' % (_cmd_index, _last_cmd)) _stop_or_shell(_stop_before, _shell_before, env, _cmd_index) # Start the daemon and look for the sentinel in stdout or stderr. proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=null_input, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) _last_cmd_output = '' while True: line = proc.stdout.readline() _last_cmd_output += line if line == "": code = proc.wait() fail('%s failed to start with code %d.' % (args[0], code)) output(line) if sentinel in line: break output('*** [%d] Started with pid %d\n' % (_cmd_index, proc.pid)) _stop_or_shell(_stop_after, _shell_after, env, _cmd_index) _cmd_index += 1 # Save the daemon in a list for cleanup. Note that we won't read # any more of the daemon's output after the sentinel, which will # cause the daemon to block if it generates enough. For now we # assume all daemon processes are quiet enough to avoid this # problem. If it causes an issue, some alternatives are: # - Output to a file and poll the file for the sentinel # (undesirable because it slows down the test suite by the # polling interval times the number of daemons started) # - Create an intermediate subprocess which discards output # after the sentinel. _daemons.append(proc) # Return the process; the caller can stop it with stop_daemon. return proc def stop_daemon(proc): output('*** Terminating process %d\n' % proc.pid) os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) proc.wait() _daemons.remove(proc) class K5Realm(object): """An object representing a functional krb5 test realm.""" def __init__(self, realm='KRBTEST.COM', portbase=61000, testdir='testdir', krb5_conf=None, kdc_conf=None, create_kdb=True, krbtgt_keysalt=None, create_user=True, get_creds=True, create_host=True, start_kdc=True, start_kadmind=False, start_kpropd=False): global hostname, _default_krb5_conf, _default_kdc_conf self.realm = realm self.testdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), testdir) self.portbase = portbase self.user_princ = 'user@' + self.realm self.admin_princ = 'user/admin@' + self.realm self.host_princ = 'host/%s@%s' % (hostname, self.realm) self.nfs_princ = 'nfs/%s@%s' % (hostname, self.realm) self.krbtgt_princ = 'krbtgt/%s@%s' % (self.realm, self.realm) self.keytab = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'keytab') self.client_keytab = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'client_keytab') self.ccache = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'ccache') self.kadmin_ccache = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'kadmin_ccache') self._krb5_conf = _cfg_merge(_default_krb5_conf, krb5_conf) self._kdc_conf = _cfg_merge(_default_kdc_conf, kdc_conf) self._kdc_proc = None self._kadmind_proc = None self._kpropd_procs = [] krb5_conf_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'krb5.conf') kdc_conf_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'kdc.conf') self.env = self._make_env(krb5_conf_path, kdc_conf_path) self._create_empty_dir() self._create_conf(self._krb5_conf, krb5_conf_path) self._create_conf(self._kdc_conf, kdc_conf_path) self._create_acl() self._create_dictfile() if create_kdb: self.create_kdb() if krbtgt_keysalt and create_kdb: self.run([kadminl, 'cpw', '-randkey', '-e', krbtgt_keysalt, self.krbtgt_princ]) if create_user and create_kdb: self.addprinc(self.user_princ, password('user')) self.addprinc(self.admin_princ, password('admin')) if create_host and create_kdb: self.addprinc(self.host_princ) self.extract_keytab(self.host_princ, self.keytab) if start_kdc and create_kdb: self.start_kdc() if start_kadmind and create_kdb: self.start_kadmind() if get_creds and create_kdb and create_user and start_kdc: self.kinit(self.user_princ, password('user')) self.klist(self.user_princ) def _create_empty_dir(self): dir = self.testdir shutil.rmtree(dir, True) if (os.path.exists(dir)): fail('Cannot remove %s to create test realm.' % dir) os.mkdir(dir) def _create_conf(self, profile, filename): file = open(filename, 'w') for section, contents in profile.items(): file.write('[%s]\n' % section) self._write_cfg_section(file, contents, 1) file.close() def _write_cfg_section(self, file, contents, indent_level): indent = '\t' * indent_level for name, value in contents.items(): name = self._subst_cfg_value(name) if isinstance(value, dict): # A dictionary value yields a list subsection. file.write('%s%s = {\n' % (indent, name)) self._write_cfg_section(file, value, indent_level + 1) file.write('%s}\n' % indent) elif isinstance(value, list): # A list value yields multiple values for the same name. for item in value: item = self._subst_cfg_value(item) file.write('%s%s = %s\n' % (indent, name, item)) elif isinstance(value, str): # A string value yields a straightforward variable setting. value = self._subst_cfg_value(value) file.write('%s%s = %s\n' % (indent, name, value)) elif value is not None: raise TypeError() def _subst_cfg_value(self, value): global buildtop, srctop, hostname template = string.Template(value) return template.substitute(realm=self.realm, testdir=self.testdir, buildtop=buildtop, srctop=srctop, plugins=plugins, hostname=hostname, port0=self.portbase, port1=self.portbase + 1, port2=self.portbase + 2, port3=self.portbase + 3, port4=self.portbase + 4, port5=self.portbase + 5, port6=self.portbase + 6, port7=self.portbase + 7, port8=self.portbase + 8, port9=self.portbase + 9) def _create_acl(self): global hostname filename = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'acl') file = open(filename, 'w') file.write('%s *e\n' % self.admin_princ) file.write('kiprop/%s@%s p\n' % (hostname, self.realm)) file.close() def _create_dictfile(self): filename = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'dictfile') file = open(filename, 'w') file.write('weak_password\n') file.close() def _make_env(self, krb5_conf_path, kdc_conf_path): env = _build_env() env['KRB5_CONFIG'] = krb5_conf_path env['KRB5_KDC_PROFILE'] = kdc_conf_path or os.devnull env['KRB5CCNAME'] = self.ccache env['KRB5_KTNAME'] = self.keytab env['KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME'] = self.client_keytab env['KRB5RCACHEDIR'] = self.testdir env['KPROPD_PORT'] = str(self.kprop_port()) env['KPROP_PORT'] = str(self.kprop_port()) return env def run(self, args, env=None, **keywords): if env is None: env = self.env return _run_cmd(args, env, **keywords) def kprop_port(self): return self.portbase + 3 def server_port(self): return self.portbase + 5 def start_server(self, args, sentinel, env=None): if env is None: env = self.env return _start_daemon(args, env, sentinel) def start_in_inetd(self, args, port=None, env=None): if not port: port = self.server_port() if env is None: env = self.env inetd_args = [t_inetd, str(port)] + args return _start_daemon(inetd_args, env, 'Ready!') def create_kdb(self): global kdb5_util self.run([kdb5_util, 'create', '-W', '-s', '-P', 'master']) def start_kdc(self, args=[], env=None): global krb5kdc if env is None: env = self.env assert(self._kdc_proc is None) self._kdc_proc = _start_daemon([krb5kdc, '-n'] + args, env, 'starting...') def stop_kdc(self): assert(self._kdc_proc is not None) stop_daemon(self._kdc_proc) self._kdc_proc = None def start_kadmind(self, env=None): global krb5kdc if env is None: env = self.env assert(self._kadmind_proc is None) dump_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'dump') self._kadmind_proc = _start_daemon([kadmind, '-nofork', '-W', '-p', kdb5_util, '-K', kprop, '-F', dump_path], env, 'starting...') def stop_kadmind(self): assert(self._kadmind_proc is not None) stop_daemon(self._kadmind_proc) self._kadmind_proc = None def _kpropd_args(self): slavedump_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'incoming-slave-datatrans') kpropdacl_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'kpropd-acl') return [kpropd, '-D', '-P', str(self.kprop_port()), '-f', slavedump_path, '-p', kdb5_util, '-a', kpropdacl_path] def start_kpropd(self, env, args=[]): proc = _start_daemon(self._kpropd_args() + args, env, 'ready') self._kpropd_procs.append(proc) return proc def run_kpropd_once(self, env, args=[]): return self.run(self._kpropd_args() + ['-t'] + args, env=env) def stop(self): if self._kdc_proc: self.stop_kdc() if self._kadmind_proc: self.stop_kadmind() for p in self._kpropd_procs: stop_daemon(p) self._kpropd_procs = [] def addprinc(self, princname, password=None): if password: self.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', password, princname]) else: self.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-randkey', princname]) def extract_keytab(self, princname, keytab): self.run([kadminl, 'ktadd', '-k', keytab, '-norandkey', princname]) def kinit(self, princname, password=None, flags=[], **keywords): if password: input = password + "\n" else: input = None return self.run([kinit] + flags + [princname], input=input, **keywords) def klist(self, client_princ, service_princ=None, ccache=None, **keywords): if service_princ is None: service_princ = self.krbtgt_princ if ccache is None: ccache = self.ccache ccachestr = ccache if len(ccachestr) < 2 or ':' not in ccachestr[2:]: ccachestr = 'FILE:' + ccachestr output = self.run([klist, ccache], **keywords) if (('Ticket cache: %s\n' % ccachestr) not in output or ('Default principal: %s\n' % client_princ) not in output or service_princ not in output): fail('Unexpected klist output.') def klist_keytab(self, princ, keytab=None, **keywords): if keytab is None: keytab = self.keytab output = self.run([klist, '-k', keytab], **keywords) if (('Keytab name: FILE:%s\n' % keytab) not in output or 'KVNO Principal\n----' not in output or princ not in output): fail('Unexpected klist output.') def prep_kadmin(self, princname=None, pw=None, flags=[]): if princname is None: princname = self.admin_princ pw = password('admin') return self.kinit(princname, pw, flags=['-S', 'kadmin/admin', '-c', self.kadmin_ccache] + flags) def run_kadmin(self, args, **keywords): return self.run([kadmin, '-c', self.kadmin_ccache] + args, **keywords) def special_env(self, name, has_kdc_conf, krb5_conf=None, kdc_conf=None): krb5_conf_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'krb5.conf.%s' % name) krb5_conf = _cfg_merge(self._krb5_conf, krb5_conf) self._create_conf(krb5_conf, krb5_conf_path) if has_kdc_conf: kdc_conf_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, 'kdc.conf.%s' % name) kdc_conf = _cfg_merge(self._kdc_conf, kdc_conf) self._create_conf(kdc_conf, kdc_conf_path) else: kdc_conf_path = None return self._make_env(krb5_conf_path, kdc_conf_path) def multipass_realms(**keywords): global _current_pass, _passes, testpass caller_krb5_conf = keywords.get('krb5_conf') caller_kdc_conf = keywords.get('kdc_conf') for p in _passes: (name, krbtgt_keysalt, krb5_conf, kdc_conf) = p if testpass and name != testpass: continue output('*** Beginning pass %s\n' % name) keywords['krb5_conf'] = _cfg_merge(krb5_conf, caller_krb5_conf) keywords['kdc_conf'] = _cfg_merge(kdc_conf, caller_kdc_conf) keywords['krbtgt_keysalt'] = krbtgt_keysalt _current_pass = name realm = K5Realm(**keywords) yield realm realm.stop() _current_pass = None def cross_realms(num, xtgts=None, args=None, **keywords): # Build keyword args for each realm. realm_args = [] for i in range(num): realmnumber = i + 1 # Start with any global keyword arguments to this function. a = keywords.copy() if args and args[i]: # Merge in specific arguments for this realm. Use # _cfg_merge for config fragments. a.update(args[i]) for cf in ('krb5_conf', 'kdc_conf'): if cf in keywords and cf in args[i]: a[cf] = _cfg_merge(keywords[cf], args[i][cf]) # Set defaults for the realm name, testdir, and portbase. if not 'realm' in a: a['realm'] = 'KRBTEST%d.COM' % realmnumber if not 'testdir' in a: a['testdir'] = os.path.join('testdir', str(realmnumber)) if not 'portbase' in a: a['portbase'] = 61000 + 10 * realmnumber realm_args.append(a) # Build a [realms] config fragment containing all of the realms. realmsection = { '$realm' : None } for a in realm_args: name = a['realm'] portbase = a['portbase'] realmsection[name] = { 'kdc' : '$hostname:%d' % portbase, 'admin_server' : '$hostname:%d' % (portbase + 1), 'kpasswd_server' : '$hostname:%d' % (portbase + 2) } realmscfg = {'realms': realmsection} # Set realmsection in each realm's krb5_conf keyword argument. for a in realm_args: a['krb5_conf'] = _cfg_merge(realmscfg, a.get('krb5_conf')) if xtgts is None: # Default to cross tgts for every pair of realms. # (itertools.permutations would work here but is new in 2.6.) xtgts = [(x,y) for x in range(num) for y in range(num) if x != y] # Create the realms. realms = [] for i in range(num): r = K5Realm(**realm_args[i]) # Create specified cross TGTs in this realm's db. for j in range(num): if j == i: continue iname = r.realm jname = realm_args[j]['realm'] if (i, j) in xtgts: # This realm can authenticate to realm j. r.addprinc('krbtgt/%s' % jname, password('cr-%d-%d-' % (i, j))) if (j, i) in xtgts: # Realm j can authenticate to this realm. r.addprinc('krbtgt/%s@%s' % (iname, jname), password('cr-%d-%d-' % (j, i))) realms.append(r) return realms _default_krb5_conf = { 'libdefaults': { 'default_realm': '$realm', 'dns_lookup_kdc': 'false', 'plugin_base_dir': '$plugins'}, 'realms': {'$realm': { 'kdc': '$hostname:$port0', 'admin_server': '$hostname:$port1', 'kpasswd_server': '$hostname:$port2'}}} _default_kdc_conf = { 'realms': {'$realm': { 'database_module': 'db', 'iprop_port': '$port4', 'key_stash_file': '$testdir/stash', 'acl_file': '$testdir/acl', 'dictfile': '$testdir/dictfile', 'kadmind_port': '$port1', 'kpasswd_port': '$port2', 'kdc_listen': '$port0', 'kdc_tcp_listen': '$port0'}}, 'dbmodules': { 'db_module_dir': '$plugins/kdb', 'db': {'db_library': 'db2', 'database_name' : '$testdir/db'}}, 'logging': { 'admin_server': 'FILE:$testdir/kadmind5.log', 'kdc': 'FILE:$testdir/kdc.log', 'default': 'FILE:$testdir/others.log'}} # A pass is a tuple of: name, krbtgt_keysalt, krb5_conf, kdc_conf. _passes = [ # No special settings; exercises AES256. ('default', None, None, None), # Exercise a DES enctype and the v4 salt type. ('desv4', None, {'libdefaults': { 'default_tgs_enctypes': 'des-cbc-crc', 'default_tkt_enctypes': 'des-cbc-crc', 'permitted_enctypes': 'des-cbc-crc', 'allow_weak_crypto': 'true'}}, {'realms': {'$realm': { 'supported_enctypes': 'des-cbc-crc:v4', 'master_key_type': 'des-cbc-crc'}}}), # Exercise the DES3 enctype. ('des3', None, {'libdefaults': { 'default_tgs_enctypes': 'des3', 'default_tkt_enctypes': 'des3', 'permitted_enctypes': 'des3'}}, {'realms': {'$realm': { 'supported_enctypes': 'des3-cbc-sha1:normal', 'master_key_type': 'des3-cbc-sha1'}}}), # Exercise the arcfour enctype. ('arcfour', None, {'libdefaults': { 'default_tgs_enctypes': 'rc4', 'default_tkt_enctypes': 'rc4', 'permitted_enctypes': 'rc4'}}, {'realms': {'$realm': { 'supported_enctypes': 'arcfour-hmac:normal', 'master_key_type': 'arcfour-hmac'}}}), # Exercise the AES128 enctype. ('aes128', None, {'libdefaults': { 'default_tgs_enctypes': 'aes128-cts', 'default_tkt_enctypes': 'aes128-cts', 'permitted_enctypes': 'aes128-cts'}}, {'realms': {'$realm': { 'supported_enctypes': 'aes128-cts:normal', 'master_key_type': 'aes128-cts'}}}), # Exercise the camellia256-cts enctype. ('camellia256', None, {'libdefaults': { 'default_tgs_enctypes': 'camellia256-cts', 'default_tkt_enctypes': 'camellia256-cts', 'permitted_enctypes': 'camellia256-cts'}}, {'realms': {'$realm': { 'supported_enctypes': 'camellia256-cts:normal', 'master_key_type': 'camellia256-cts'}}}), # Exercise the aes128-sha2 enctype. ('aes128-sha2', None, {'libdefaults': { 'default_tgs_enctypes': 'aes128-sha2', 'default_tkt_enctypes': 'aes128-sha2', 'permitted_enctypes': 'aes128-sha2'}}, {'realms': {'$realm': { 'supported_enctypes': 'aes128-sha2:normal', 'master_key_type': 'aes128-sha2'}}}), # Exercise the aes256-sha2 enctype. ('aes256-sha2', None, {'libdefaults': { 'default_tgs_enctypes': 'aes256-sha2', 'default_tkt_enctypes': 'aes256-sha2', 'permitted_enctypes': 'aes256-sha2'}}, {'realms': {'$realm': { 'supported_enctypes': 'aes256-sha2:normal', 'master_key_type': 'aes256-sha2'}}}), # Test a setup with modern principal keys but an old TGT key. ('aes256.destgt', 'des-cbc-crc:normal', {'libdefaults': {'allow_weak_crypto': 'true'}}, None) ] _success = False _current_pass = None _daemons = [] _parse_args() atexit.register(_onexit) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _onsigint) _outfile = open('testlog', 'w') _cmd_index = 1 _last_cmd = None _last_cmd_output = None buildtop = _find_buildtop() srctop = _find_srctop() plugins = os.path.join(buildtop, 'plugins') runenv = _import_runenv() hostname = _get_hostname() null_input = open(os.devnull, 'r') krb5kdc = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kdc', 'krb5kdc') kadmind = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'server', 'kadmind') kadmin = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'cli', 'kadmin') kadminl = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'cli', 'kadmin.local') kdb5_ldap_util = os.path.join(buildtop, 'plugins', 'kdb', 'ldap', 'ldap_util', 'kdb5_ldap_util') kdb5_util = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'dbutil', 'kdb5_util') ktutil = os.path.join(buildtop, 'kadmin', 'ktutil', 'ktutil') kinit = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kinit', 'kinit') klist = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'klist', 'klist') kswitch = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kswitch', 'kswitch') kvno = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kvno', 'kvno') kdestroy = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kdestroy', 'kdestroy') kpasswd = os.path.join(buildtop, 'clients', 'kpasswd', 'kpasswd') t_inetd = os.path.join(buildtop, 'tests', 'dejagnu', 't_inetd') kproplog = os.path.join(buildtop, 'slave', 'kproplog') kpropd = os.path.join(buildtop, 'slave', 'kpropd') kprop = os.path.join(buildtop, 'slave', 'kprop')