from k5test import * offline = (len(args) > 0 and args[0] != "no") conf = {'libdefaults': {'dns_canonicalize_hostname': 'true'}, 'domain_realm': {'': 'R1', '': 'R2', '': 'R3'}} no_rdns_conf = {'libdefaults': {'rdns': 'false'}} no_canon_conf = {'libdefaults': {'dns_canonicalize_hostname': 'false', 'qualify_shortname': ''}} fallback_canon_conf = {'libdefaults': {'rdns': 'false', 'dns_canonicalize_hostname': 'fallback'}} realm = K5Realm(realm='R1', create_host=False, krb5_conf=conf) no_rdns = realm.special_env('no_rdns', False, krb5_conf=no_rdns_conf) no_canon = realm.special_env('no_canon', False, krb5_conf=no_canon_conf) fallback_canon = realm.special_env('fallback_canon', False, krb5_conf=fallback_canon_conf) def testbase(host, nametype, princhost, princrealm, env=None): # Run the sn2princ harness with a specified host and name type and # the fixed service string 'svc', and compare the result to the # expected hostname and realm part. out =['./s2p', host, 'SVC', nametype], env=env).rstrip() expected = 'SVC/%s@%s' % (princhost, princrealm) if out != expected: fail('Expected %s, got %s' % (expected, out)) def test(host, princhost, princrealm): # Test with the host-based name type with canonicalization enabled. testbase(host, 'srv-hst', princhost, princrealm) def testnc(host, princhost, princrealm): # Test with the host-based name type with canonicalization disabled. testbase(host, 'srv-hst', princhost, princrealm, env=no_canon) def testnr(host, princhost, princrealm): # Test with the host-based name type with reverse lookup disabled. testbase(host, 'srv-hst', princhost, princrealm, env=no_rdns) def testu(host, princhost, princrealm): # Test with the unknown name type. testbase(host, 'unknown', princhost, princrealm) def testfc(host, princhost, princrealm): # Test with the host-based name type with canonicalization fallback. testbase(host, 'srv-hst', princhost, princrealm, env=fallback_canon) # With the unknown principal type, we do not canonicalize or downcase, # but we do remove a trailing period and look up the realm. mark('unknown type') testu('', '', 'R1') testu('Example.COM', 'Example.COM', 'R2') testu('abcde', 'abcde', '') # A ':port' or ':instance' trailer should be ignored for realm lookup. # If there is more than one colon in the name, we assume it's an IPv6 # address and don't treat it as having a trailer. mark('port trailer') testu('', '', 'R2') testu('Example.COM:xyZ', 'Example.COM:xyZ', 'R2') testu('', '', '') # With dns_canonicalize_hostname=false, we downcase and remove # trailing dots but do not canonicalize the hostname. # Single-component names are qualified with the configured suffix # (defaulting to the first OS search domain, but Python cannot easily # retrieve that value so we don't test it). Trailers do not get # downcased. mark('dns_canonicalize_host=false') testnc('', '', 'R1') testnc('Example.COM', '', 'R2') testnc('abcde', '', 'R2') testnc('', '', 'R2') testnc('Example.COM:xyZ', '', 'R2') testnc('', '', '') if offline: skip_rest('sn2princ tests', 'offline mode requested') # For the online tests, we rely on forward # and reverse resolving to these names. oname = '' fname = '' # Test fallback canonicalization krb5_sname_to_principal() results. mark('dns_canonicalize_host=fallback') testfc(oname, oname, '') # Verify forward resolution before testing for it. try: ai = socket.getaddrinfo(oname, None, 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_CANONNAME) except socket.gaierror: skip_rest('sn2princ tests', 'cannot forward resolve %s' % oname) (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) = ai[0] if canonname.lower() != fname: skip_rest('sn2princ tests', '%s forward resolves to %s, not %s' % (oname, canonname, fname)) # Test fallback canonicalization in krb5_get_credentials(). oprinc = 'host/' + oname fprinc = 'host/' + fname shutil.copy(realm.ccache, realm.ccache + '.save') # Test that we only try fprinc once if we enter it as input. out, trace =['./gcred', 'srv-hst', fprinc + '@'], env=fallback_canon, expected_code=1, return_trace=True) msg = 'Requesting tickets for %s@R1, referrals on' % fprinc if trace.count(msg) != 1: fail('Expected one try for %s' % fprinc) # Create fprinc, and verify that we get it as the canonicalized # fallback for oprinc. realm.addprinc(fprinc) msgs = ('Getting credentials user@R1 -> %s@ using' % oprinc, 'Requesting tickets for %s@R1' % oprinc, 'Requesting tickets for %s@R1' % fprinc, 'Received creds for desired service %s@R1' % fprinc)['./gcred', 'srv-hst', oprinc + '@'], env=fallback_canon, expected_msg=fprinc, expected_trace=msgs) realm.addprinc(oprinc) # oprinc now exists, but we still get the fprinc ticket from the cache.['./gcred', 'srv-hst', oprinc + '@'], env=fallback_canon, expected_msg=fprinc) # Without the cached result, we should get oprinc in preference to fprinc. os.rename(realm.ccache + '.save', realm.ccache)['./gcred', 'srv-hst', oprinc], env=fallback_canon, expected_msg=oprinc) # Test fallback canonicalization for krb5_rd_req().[kadminl, 'ktadd', fprinc]) msgs = ('Decrypted AP-REQ with server principal %s@R1' % fprinc, 'AP-REQ ticket: user@R1 -> %s@R1' % fprinc)['./rdreq', fprinc, oprinc + '@'], env=fallback_canon, expected_trace=msgs) # Test fallback canonicalization for getting initial creds with a keytab. msgs = ('Getting initial credentials for %s@' % oprinc, 'Found entries for %s@R1 in keytab' % fprinc, 'Retrieving %s@R1 from ' % fprinc)['./icred', '-k', realm.keytab, '-S', 'host', oname], env=fallback_canon, expected_trace=msgs) # Test forward-only canonicalization (rdns=false). mark('rdns=false') testnr(oname, fname, 'R1') testnr(oname + ':123', fname + ':123', 'R1') testnr(oname + ':xyZ', fname + ':xyZ', 'R1') # Verify reverse resolution before testing for it. try: names = socket.getnameinfo(sockaddr, socket.NI_NAMEREQD) except socket.gaierror: skip_rest('reverse sn2princ tests', 'cannot reverse resolve %s' % oname) rname = names[0].lower() if rname == fname: skip_rest('reverse sn2princ tests', '%s reverse resolves to %s ' 'which should be different from %s' % (oname, rname, fname)) # Test default canonicalization (forward and reverse lookup). mark('default') test(oname, rname, 'R3') test(oname + ':123', rname + ':123', 'R3') test(oname + ':xyZ', rname + ':xyZ', 'R3') success('krb5_sname_to_principal tests')