#!/usr/bin/python from k5test import * plugin = os.path.join(buildtop, "plugins", "pwqual", "test", "pwqual_test.so") dictfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'testdir', 'dict') pconf = {'plugins': {'pwqual': {'module': 'combo:' + plugin}}} dconf = {'realms': {'$realm': {'dict_file': dictfile}}} realm = K5Realm(krb5_conf=pconf, kdc_conf=dconf, create_user=False, create_host=False) # Write a short dictionary file. f = open(dictfile, 'w') f.write('birds\nbees\napples\noranges\n') f.close() realm.run([kadminl, 'addpol', 'pol']) # The built-in "empty" module rejects empty passwords even without a policy. out = realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', '', 'p1'], expected_code=1) if 'Empty passwords are not allowed' not in out: fail('Expected error not seen for empty password') # The built-in "dict" module rejects dictionary words, but only with a policy. realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', 'birds', 'p2']) out = realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', 'birds', '-policy', 'pol', 'p3'], expected_code=1) if 'Password is in the password dictionary' not in out: fail('Expected error not seen from dictionary password') # The built-in "princ" module rejects principal components, only with a policy. realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', 'p4', 'p4']) out = realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', 'p5', '-policy', 'pol', 'p5'], expected_code=1) if 'Password may not match principal name' not in out: fail('Expected error not seen from principal component') # The dynamic "combo" module rejects pairs of dictionary words. out = realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', 'birdsoranges', 'p6'], expected_code=1) if 'Password may not be a pair of dictionary words' not in out: fail('Expected error not seen from combo module') # These plugin ordering tests aren't specifically related to the # password quality interface, but are convenient to put here. def test_order(realm, testname, conf, expected): conf = {'plugins': {'pwqual': conf}} env = realm.special_env(testname, False, krb5_conf=conf) out = realm.run(['./plugorder'], env=env) if out.split() != expected: fail('order test: ' + testname) realm.stop() realm = K5Realm(create_kdb=False) # Check the test harness with no special configuration. test_order(realm, 'noconf', {}, ['blt1', 'blt2', 'blt3']) # Test the basic order: dynamic modules, then built-in modules, each # in registration order. conf = {'module': ['dyn3:' + plugin, 'dyn1:' + plugin, 'dyn2:' + plugin]} test_order(realm, 'basic', conf, ['dyn3', 'dyn1', 'dyn2', 'blt1', 'blt2', 'blt3']) # Disabling modules should not affect the order of other modules. conf['disable'] = ['dyn1', 'blt3'] test_order(realm, 'disable', conf, ['dyn3', 'dyn2', 'blt1', 'blt2']) # enable_only should reorder the modules, but can't resurrect disabled # modules or create ones from thin air. conf['enable_only'] = ['dyn2', 'blt3', 'blt2', 'dyn1', 'dyn3', 'xxx'] test_order(realm, 'enable_only', conf, ['dyn2', 'blt2', 'dyn3']) # Duplicate modules should be pruned by preferring earlier entries. conf = {'module': ['dyn3:' + plugin, 'dyn1:' + plugin, 'dyn3:' + plugin]} test_order(realm, 'duplicate', conf, ['dyn3', 'dyn1', 'blt1', 'blt2', 'blt3']) success('Password quality interface tests')