import os import re from k5test import * # On macOS with System Integrity Protection enabled, this script hangs # in the wait_for_prop() call after starting the first kpropd process, # most likely due to signal restrictions preventing the listening # child from informing the parent that a full resync was processed. if which('csrutil'): out = subprocess.check_output(['csrutil', 'status'], universal_newlines=True) if 'status: enabled' in out: skip_rest('iprop tests', 'System Integrity Protection is enabled') # Read lines from kpropd output until we are synchronized. Error if # full_expected is true and we didn't see a full propagation or vice # versa. def wait_for_prop(kpropd, full_expected, expected_old, expected_new): output('*** Waiting for sync from kpropd\n') full_seen = sleep_seen = False old_sno = new_sno = -1 while True: line = kpropd.stdout.readline() if line == '': fail('kpropd process exited unexpectedly') output('kpropd: ' + line) m = re.match(r'Calling iprop_get_updates_1 \(sno=(\d+) ', line) if m: if not full_seen: old_sno = int( # Also record this as the new sno, in case we get back # UPDATE_NIL. new_sno = int( m = re.match(r'Got incremental updates \(sno=(\d+) ', line) if m: new_sno = int( if 'KDC is synchronized' in line or 'Incremental updates:' in line: break # After a full resync request, these lines could appear in # either order. if 'Waiting for' in line: sleep_seen = True if 'load process for full propagation completed' in line: full_seen = True # Detect some failure conditions. if 'Still waiting for full resync' in line: fail('kadmind gave consecutive full resyncs') if 'Rejected connection' in line: fail('kpropd rejected kprop connection') if 'get updates failed' in line: fail('iprop_get_updates failed') if 'permission denied' in line: fail('kadmind denied update') if ('error from primary' in line or 'error returned from primary' in line): fail('kadmind reported error') if 'invalid return' in line: fail('kadmind returned invalid result') if full_expected and not full_seen: fail('Expected full dump but saw only incremental') if full_seen and not full_expected: fail('Expected incremental prop but saw full dump') if old_sno != expected_old: fail('Expected old serial %d from kpropd sync' % expected_old) if new_sno != expected_new: fail('Expected new serial %d from kpropd sync' % expected_new) # Wait until kpropd is sleeping before continuing, to avoid races. # (This is imperfect since there's there is a short window between # the fprintf and the sleep; kpropd will need design changes to # fix that.) while True: line = kpropd.stdout.readline() output('kpropd: ' + line) if 'Waiting for' in line: break output('*** Sync complete\n') # Verify the output of kproplog against the expected number of # entries, first and last serial number, and a list of principal names # for the update entrires. def check_ulog(num, first, last, entries, env=None): out =[kproplog], env=env) if 'Number of entries : ' + str(num) + '\n' not in out: fail('Expected %d entries' % num) if last: firststr = first and str(first) or 'None' if 'First serial # : ' + firststr + '\n' not in out: fail('Expected first serial number %d' % first) laststr = last and str(last) or 'None' if 'Last serial # : ' + laststr + '\n' not in out: fail('Expected last serial number %d' % last) assert(len(entries) == num) ser = first - 1 entindex = 0 for line in out.splitlines(): m = re.match(r'\tUpdate serial # : (\d+)$', line) if m: ser = ser + 1 if != str(ser): fail('Expected serial number %d in update entry' % ser) m = re.match(r'\tUpdate principal : (.*)$', line) if m: eprinc = entries[ser - first] if eprinc == None: fail('Expected dummy update entry %d' % ser) elif != eprinc: fail('Expected princ %s in update entry %d' % (eprinc, ser)) if line == '\tDummy entry': eprinc = entries[ser - first] if eprinc != None: fail('Expected princ %s in update entry %d' % (eprinc, ser)) # replica1 will receive updates from primary, and replica2 will # receive updates from replica1. Because of the awkward way iprop and # kprop port configuration currently works, we need separate config # files for the replica and primary sides of replica1, but they use # the same DB and ulog file. conf = {'realms': {'$realm': {'iprop_enable': 'true', 'iprop_logfile': '$testdir/db.ulog'}}} conf_rep1 = {'realms': {'$realm': {'iprop_replica_poll': '600', 'iprop_logfile': '$testdir/ulog.replica1'}}, 'dbmodules': {'db': {'database_name': '$testdir/db.replica1'}}} conf_rep1m = {'realms': {'$realm': {'iprop_logfile': '$testdir/ulog.replica1', 'iprop_port': '$port8'}}, 'dbmodules': {'db': {'database_name': '$testdir/db.replica1'}}} conf_rep2 = {'realms': {'$realm': {'iprop_replica_poll': '600', 'iprop_logfile': '$testdir/ulog.replica2', 'iprop_port': '$port8'}}, 'dbmodules': {'db': {'database_name': '$testdir/db.replica2'}}} conf_foo = {'libdefaults': {'default_realm': 'FOO'}, 'domain_realm': {hostname: 'FOO'}} conf_rep3 = {'realms': {'$realm': {'iprop_replica_poll': '600', 'iprop_logfile': '$testdir/ulog.replica3', 'iprop_port': '$port8'}, 'FOO': {'iprop_logfile': '$testdir/ulog.replica3'}}, 'dbmodules': {'db': {'database_name': '$testdir/db.replica3'}}} krb5_conf_rep4 = {'domain_realm': {hostname: 'FOO'}} conf_rep4 = {'realms': {'$realm': {'iprop_replica_poll': '600', 'iprop_logfile': '$testdir/ulog.replica4', 'iprop_port': '$port8'}}, 'dbmodules': {'db': {'database_name': '$testdir/db.replica4'}}} for realm in multidb_realms(kdc_conf=conf, create_user=False, start_kadmind=True): replica1 = realm.special_env('replica1', True, kdc_conf=conf_rep1) replica1m = realm.special_env('replica1m', True, krb5_conf=conf_foo, kdc_conf=conf_rep1m) replica2 = realm.special_env('replica2', True, kdc_conf=conf_rep2) # A default_realm and domain_realm that do not match the KDC's # realm. The FOO realm iprop_logfile setting is needed to run # kproplog during a replica3 test, since kproplog has no realm # option. replica3 = realm.special_env('replica3', True, krb5_conf=conf_foo, kdc_conf=conf_rep3) # A default realm and a domain realm map that differ. replica4 = realm.special_env('replica4', True, krb5_conf=krb5_conf_rep4, kdc_conf=conf_rep4) # Define some principal names. pr3 is long enough to cause internal # reallocs, but not long enough to grow the basic ulog entry size. pr1 = 'wakawaka@' + realm.realm pr2 = 'w@' + realm.realm c = 'chocolate-flavored-school-bus' cs = c + '/' pr3 = (cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + cs + c + '@' + realm.realm) # Create the kpropd ACL file. acl_file = os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'kpropd-acl') acl = open(acl_file, 'w') acl.write(realm.host_princ + '\n') acl.close() ulog = os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'db.ulog') if not os.path.exists(ulog): fail('update log not created: ' + ulog) # Create the principal used to authenticate kpropd to kadmind. kiprop_princ = 'kiprop/' + hostname realm.addprinc(kiprop_princ) realm.extract_keytab(kiprop_princ, realm.keytab) # Create the initial replica databases. dumpfile = os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'dump')[kdb5_util, 'dump', dumpfile])[kdb5_util, 'load', dumpfile], replica1)[kdb5_util, 'load', dumpfile], replica2)[kdb5_util, '-r', realm.realm, 'load', dumpfile], replica3)[kdb5_util, 'load', dumpfile], replica4) # Reinitialize the primary ulog so we know exactly what to expect # in it.[kproplog, '-R']) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None]) # Make some changes to the primary DB. realm.addprinc(pr1) realm.addprinc(pr3) realm.addprinc(pr2)[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-allow_tix', pr2])[kadminl, 'modprinc', '+allow_tix', pr2]) check_ulog(6, 1, 6, [None, pr1, pr3, pr2, pr2, pr2]) # Start kpropd for replica1 and get a full dump from primary. mark('propagate M->1 full') kpropd1 = realm.start_kpropd(replica1, ['-d']) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, True, 1, 6) out =[kadminl, 'listprincs'], env=replica1) if pr1 not in out or pr2 not in out or pr3 not in out: fail('replica1 does not have all principals from primary') check_ulog(1, 6, 6, [None], replica1) # Make a change and check that it propagates incrementally. mark('propagate M->1 incremental')[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-allow_tix', pr2]) check_ulog(7, 1, 7, [None, pr1, pr3, pr2, pr2, pr2, pr2]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, False, 6, 7) check_ulog(2, 6, 7, [None, pr2], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr2], env=replica1, expected_msg='Attributes: DISALLOW_ALL_TIX') # Start kadmind -proponly for replica1. (Use the replica1m # environment which defines iprop_port to $port8.) replica1_out_dump_path = os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'dump.replica1.out') replica2_in_dump_path = os.path.join(realm.testdir, '') replica2_kprop_port = str(realm.portbase + 9) kadmind_proponly = realm.start_server([kadmind, '-r', realm.realm, '-nofork', '-proponly', '-p', kdb5_util, '-K', kprop, '-k', replica2_kprop_port, '-F', replica1_out_dump_path], 'starting...', replica1m) # Test similar default_realm and domain_realm map settings with -r realm. mark('propagate 1->3 full') replica3_in_dump_path = os.path.join(realm.testdir, '') kpropd3 = realm.start_server([kpropd, '-d', '-D', '-r', realm.realm, '-P', replica2_kprop_port, '-f', replica3_in_dump_path, '-p', kdb5_util, '-a', acl_file, '-A', hostname], 'ready', replica3) wait_for_prop(kpropd3, True, 1, 7) out =[kadminl, '-r', realm.realm, 'listprincs'], env=replica3) if pr1 not in out or pr2 not in out or pr3 not in out: fail('replica3 does not have all principals from replica1') check_ulog(1, 7, 7, [None], env=replica3) # Test an incremental propagation for the kpropd -r case. mark('propagate M->1->3 incremental')[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-maxlife', '20 minutes', pr1]) check_ulog(8, 1, 8, [None, pr1, pr3, pr2, pr2, pr2, pr2, pr1]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, False, 7, 8) check_ulog(3, 6, 8, [None, pr2, pr1], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica1, expected_msg='Maximum ticket life: 0 days 00:20:00') kpropd3.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd3, False, 7, 8) check_ulog(2, 7, 8, [None, pr1], replica3)[kadminl, '-r', realm.realm, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica3, expected_msg='Maximum ticket life: 0 days 00:20:00') stop_daemon(kpropd3) # Test dissimilar default_realm and domain_realm map settings (no # -r realm). mark('propagate 1->4 full') replica4_in_dump_path = os.path.join(realm.testdir, '') kpropd4 = realm.start_server([kpropd, '-d', '-D', '-P', replica2_kprop_port, '-f', replica4_in_dump_path, '-p', kdb5_util, '-a', acl_file, '-A', hostname], 'ready', replica4) wait_for_prop(kpropd4, True, 1, 8) out =[kadminl, 'listprincs'], env=replica4) if pr1 not in out or pr2 not in out or pr3 not in out: fail('replica4 does not have all principals from replica1') stop_daemon(kpropd4) # Start kpropd for replica2. The -A option isn't needed since # we're talking to the same host as primary (we specify it anyway # to exercise the code), but replica2 defines iprop_port to $port8 # so it will talk to replica1. Get a full dump from replica1. mark('propagate 1->2 full') kpropd2 = realm.start_server([kpropd, '-d', '-D', '-P', replica2_kprop_port, '-f', replica2_in_dump_path, '-p', kdb5_util, '-a', acl_file, '-A', hostname], 'ready', replica2) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, True, 1, 8) check_ulog(2, 7, 8, [None, pr1], replica2) out =[kadminl, 'listprincs'], env=replica1) if pr1 not in out or pr2 not in out or pr3 not in out: fail('replica2 does not have all principals from replica1') # Make another change and check that it propagates incrementally # to both replicas. mark('propagate M->1->2 incremental')[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-maxrenewlife', '22 hours', pr1]) check_ulog(9, 1, 9, [None, pr1, pr3, pr2, pr2, pr2, pr2, pr1, pr1]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, False, 8, 9) check_ulog(4, 6, 9, [None, pr2, pr1, pr1], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica1, expected_msg='Maximum renewable life: 0 days 22:00:00\n') kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, False, 8, 9) check_ulog(3, 7, 9, [None, pr1, pr1], replica2)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica2, expected_msg='Maximum renewable life: 0 days 22:00:00\n') # Reset the ulog on replica1 to force a full resync from primary. # The resync will use the old dump file and then propagate # changes. replica2 should still be in sync with replica1 after # the resync, so make sure it doesn't take a full resync. mark('propagate M->1->2 full')[kproplog, '-R'], replica1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica1) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, True, 1, 9) check_ulog(4, 6, 9, [None, pr2, pr1, pr1], replica1) kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, False, 9, 9) check_ulog(3, 7, 9, [None, pr1, pr1], replica2) # Make another change and check that it propagates incrementally to # both replicas. mark('propagate M->1->2 incremental (after reset)')[kadminl, 'modprinc', '+allow_tix', pr2]) check_ulog(10, 1, 10, [None, pr1, pr3, pr2, pr2, pr2, pr2, pr1, pr1, pr2]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, False, 9, 10) check_ulog(5, 6, 10, [None, pr2, pr1, pr1, pr2], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr2], env=replica1, expected_msg='Attributes:\n') kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, False, 9, 10) check_ulog(4, 7, 10, [None, pr1, pr1, pr2], replica2)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr2], env=replica2, expected_msg='Attributes:\n') # Create a policy and check that it propagates via full resync. mark('propagate M->1->2 full (new policy)')[kadminl, 'addpol', '-minclasses', '2', 'testpol']) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, True, 10, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica1)[kadminl, 'getpol', 'testpol'], env=replica1, expected_msg='Minimum number of password character classes: 2') kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, True, 10, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica2)[kadminl, 'getpol', 'testpol'], env=replica2, expected_msg='Minimum number of password character classes: 2') # Modify the policy and test that it also propagates via full resync. mark('propagate M->1->2 full (policy change)')[kadminl, 'modpol', '-minlength', '17', 'testpol']) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, True, 1, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica1)[kadminl, 'getpol', 'testpol'], env=replica1, expected_msg='Minimum password length: 17') kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, True, 1, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica2)[kadminl, 'getpol', 'testpol'], env=replica2, expected_msg='Minimum password length: 17') # Delete the policy and test that it propagates via full resync. mark('propgate M->1->2 full (policy delete)')[kadminl, 'delpol', 'testpol']) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, True, 1, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica1)[kadminl, 'getpol', 'testpol'], env=replica1, expected_code=1, expected_msg='Policy does not exist') kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, True, 1, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica2)[kadminl, 'getpol', 'testpol'], env=replica2, expected_code=1, expected_msg='Policy does not exist') # Modify a principal on the primary and test that it propagates # incrementally. mark('propagate M->1->2 incremental (after policy changes)')[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-maxlife', '10 minutes', pr1]) check_ulog(2, 1, 2, [None, pr1]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, False, 1, 2) check_ulog(2, 1, 2, [None, pr1], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica1, expected_msg='Maximum ticket life: 0 days 00:10:00') kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, False, 1, 2) check_ulog(2, 1, 2, [None, pr1], replica2)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica2, expected_msg='Maximum ticket life: 0 days 00:10:00') # Delete a principal and test that it propagates incrementally. mark('propagate M->1->2 incremental (princ delete)')[kadminl, 'delprinc', pr3]) check_ulog(3, 1, 3, [None, pr1, pr3]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, False, 2, 3) check_ulog(3, 1, 3, [None, pr1, pr3], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr3], env=replica1, expected_code=1, expected_msg='Principal does not exist') kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, False, 2, 3) check_ulog(3, 1, 3, [None, pr1, pr3], replica2)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr3], env=replica2, expected_code=1, expected_msg='Principal does not exist') # Rename a principal and test that it propagates incrementally. mark('propagate M->1->2 incremental (princ rename)') renpr = "quacked@" + realm.realm[kadminl, 'renprinc', pr1, renpr]) check_ulog(6, 1, 6, [None, pr1, pr3, renpr, pr1, renpr]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, False, 3, 6) check_ulog(6, 1, 6, [None, pr1, pr3, renpr, pr1, renpr], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica1, expected_code=1, expected_msg='Principal does not exist')[kadminl, 'getprinc', renpr], env=replica1) kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, False, 3, 6) check_ulog(6, 1, 6, [None, pr1, pr3, renpr, pr1, renpr], replica2)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica2, expected_code=1, expected_msg='Principal does not exist')[kadminl, 'getprinc', renpr], env=replica2) pr1 = renpr # Reset the ulog on the primary to force a full resync. mark('propagate M->1->2 full (ulog reset)')[kproplog, '-R']) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None]) kpropd1.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd1, True, 6, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica1) kpropd2.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR1) wait_for_prop(kpropd2, True, 6, 1) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica2) # Stop the kprop daemons so we can test kpropd -t. realm.stop_kpropd(kpropd1) stop_daemon(kpropd2) stop_daemon(kadmind_proponly) mark('kpropd -t') # Test the case where no updates are needed. out = realm.run_kpropd_once(replica1, ['-d']) if 'KDC is synchronized' not in out: fail('Expected synchronized from kpropd -t') check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica1) # Make a change on the primary and fetch it incrementally.[kadminl, 'modprinc', '-maxlife', '5 minutes', pr1]) check_ulog(2, 1, 2, [None, pr1]) out = realm.run_kpropd_once(replica1, ['-d']) if 'Got incremental updates (sno=2 ' not in out: fail('Expected full dump and synchronized from kpropd -t') check_ulog(2, 1, 2, [None, pr1], replica1)[kadminl, 'getprinc', pr1], env=replica1, expected_msg='Maximum ticket life: 0 days 00:05:00') # Propagate a policy change via full resync.[kadminl, 'addpol', '-minclasses', '3', 'testpol']) check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None]) out = realm.run_kpropd_once(replica1, ['-d']) if ('Full propagation transfer finished' not in out or 'KDC is synchronized' not in out): fail('Expected full dump and synchronized from kpropd -t') check_ulog(1, 1, 1, [None], replica1)[kadminl, 'getpol', 'testpol'], env=replica1, expected_msg='Minimum number of password character classes: 3') success('iprop tests')