#!/usr/bin/python from k5test import * for realm in multipass_realms(create_host=False): # Check that kinit fails appropriately with the wrong password. output = realm.run([kinit, realm.user_princ], input='wrong\n', expected_code=1) if 'Password incorrect while getting initial credentials' not in output: fail('Expected error message not seen in kinit output') # Check that we can kinit as a different principal. realm.kinit(realm.admin_princ, password('admin')) realm.klist(realm.admin_princ) # Test FAST kinit. fastpw = password('fast') realm.run([kadminl, 'ank', '-pw', fastpw, '+requires_preauth', 'user/fast']) realm.kinit('user/fast', fastpw) realm.kinit('user/fast', fastpw, flags=['-T', realm.ccache]) realm.klist('user/fast@%s' % realm.realm) # Test kinit against kdb keytab realm.run([kinit, "-k", "-t", "KDB:", realm.user_princ]) # Test that we can get initial creds with an empty password via the # API. We have to disable the "empty" pwqual module to create a # principal with an empty password. (Regression test for #7642.) conf={'plugins': {'pwqual': {'disable': 'empty'}}} realm = K5Realm(create_user=False, create_host=False, krb5_conf=conf) realm.run([kadminl, 'addprinc', '-pw', '', 'user']) realm.run(['./icred', 'user', '']) realm.stop() realm = K5Realm(create_host=False) # Regression test for #8454 (responder callback isn't used when # preauth is not required). realm.run(['./responder', '-r', 'password=%s' % password('user'), realm.user_princ]) # Test that WRONG_REALM responses aren't treated as referrals unless # they contain a crealm field pointing to a different realm. # (Regression test for #8060.) out = realm.run([kinit, '-C', 'notfoundprinc'], expected_code=1) if 'not found in Kerberos database' not in out: fail('Expected error message not seen in kinit -C output') # Spot-check KRB5_TRACE output tracefile = os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'trace') realm.run(['env', 'KRB5_TRACE=' + tracefile, kinit, realm.user_princ], input=(password('user') + "\n")) f = open(tracefile, 'r') trace = f.read() f.close() expected = ('Sending initial UDP request', 'Received answer', 'Selected etype info', 'AS key obtained', 'Decrypted AS reply', 'FAST negotiation: available', 'Storing user@KRBTEST.COM') for e in expected: if e not in trace: fail('Expected output not in kinit trace log') success('FAST kinit, trace logging')