# Copyright (C) 2011 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. # All rights reserved. # Export of this software from the United States of America may # require a specific license from the United States Government. # It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating # export to obtain such a license before exporting. # # WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and # distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and # without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright # notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and # this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that # the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining # to distribution of the software without specific, written prior # permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label # your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a # fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. # M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of # this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express # or implied warranty. #!/usr/bin/python from k5test import * realm = K5Realm(create_host=False) keyctl = which('keyctl') out = realm.run([klist, '-c', 'KEYRING:process:abcd'], expected_code=1) test_keyring = (keyctl is not None and 'Unknown credential cache type' not in out) # Test kdestroy and klist of a non-existent ccache. realm.run([kdestroy]) output = realm.run([klist], expected_code=1) if 'No credentials cache found' not in output: fail('Expected error message not seen in klist output') realm.addprinc('alice', password('alice')) realm.addprinc('bob', password('bob')) realm.addprinc('carol', password('carol')) def collection_test(realm, ccname): realm.env['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccname realm.kinit('alice', password('alice')) output = realm.run([klist]) if 'Default principal: alice@' not in output: fail('Initial kinit failed to get credentials for alice.') realm.run([kdestroy]) output = realm.run([klist], expected_code=1) if 'No credentials cache found' not in output: fail('Initial kdestroy failed to destroy primary cache.') output = realm.run([klist, '-l'], expected_code=1) if not output.endswith('---\n') or output.count('\n') != 2: fail('Initial kdestroy failed to empty cache collection.') realm.kinit('alice', password('alice')) realm.kinit('carol', password('carol')) output = realm.run([klist, '-l']) if '---\ncarol@' not in output or '\nalice@' not in output: fail('klist -l did not show expected output after two kinits.') realm.kinit('alice', password('alice')) output = realm.run([klist, '-l']) if '---\nalice@' not in output or output.count('\n') != 4: fail('klist -l did not show expected output after re-kinit for alice.') realm.kinit('bob', password('bob')) output = realm.run([klist, '-A']) if 'bob@' not in output.splitlines()[1] or 'alice@' not in output or \ 'carol' not in output or output.count('Default principal:') != 3: fail('klist -A did not show expected output after kinit for bob.') realm.run([kswitch, '-p', 'carol']) output = realm.run([klist, '-l']) if '---\ncarol@' not in output or output.count('\n') != 5: fail('klist -l did not show expected output after kswitch to carol.') realm.run([kdestroy]) output = realm.run([klist, '-l']) if 'carol@' in output or 'bob@' not in output or output.count('\n') != 4: fail('kdestroy failed to remove only primary ccache.') realm.run([kdestroy, '-A']) output = realm.run([klist, '-l'], expected_code=1) if not output.endswith('---\n') or output.count('\n') != 2: fail('kdestroy -a failed to empty cache collection.') collection_test(realm, 'DIR:' + os.path.join(realm.testdir, 'cc')) if test_keyring: # Use realm.testdir as the collection name to avoid conflicts with # other build trees. cname = realm.testdir realm.run([keyctl, 'purge', 'keyring', '_krb_' + cname]) collection_test(realm, 'KEYRING:session:' + cname) realm.run([keyctl, 'purge', 'keyring', '_krb_' + cname]) # Test legacy keyring cache linkage. realm.env['KRB5CCNAME'] = 'KEYRING:' + cname realm.run([kdestroy, '-A']) realm.kinit(realm.user_princ, password('user')) out = realm.run([klist, '-l']) if 'KEYRING:legacy:' + cname + ':' + cname not in out: fail('Wrong initial primary name in keyring legacy collection') # Make sure this cache is linked to the session keyring. id = realm.run([keyctl, 'search', '@s', 'keyring', cname]) out = realm.run([keyctl, 'list', id.strip()]) if 'user: __krb5_princ__' not in out: fail('Legacy cache not linked into session keyring') # Remove the collection keyring. When the collection is # reinitialized, the legacy cache should reappear inside it # automatically as the primary cache. out = realm.run([keyctl, 'purge', 'keyring', '_krb_' + cname]) if 'purged 1 keys' not in out: fail('Could not purge collection keyring') out = realm.run([klist]) if realm.user_princ not in out: fail('Cannot see legacy cache after purging collection') coll_id = realm.run([keyctl, 'search', '@s', 'keyring', '_krb_' + cname]) out = realm.run([keyctl, 'list', coll_id.strip()]) if (id.strip() + ':') not in out: fail('Legacy cache did not reappear in collection after klist') # Destroy the cache and check that it is unlinked from the session keyring. realm.run([kdestroy]) realm.run([keyctl, 'search', '@s', 'keyring', cname], expected_code=1) # Clean up the collection key. realm.run([keyctl, 'purge', 'keyring', '_krb_' + cname]) # Test parameter expansion in default_ccache_name realm.stop() conf = {'libdefaults': {'default_ccache_name': 'testdir/%{null}abc%{uid}'}} realm = K5Realm(krb5_conf=conf, create_kdb=False) del realm.env['KRB5CCNAME'] uidstr = str(os.getuid()) out = realm.run([klist], expected_code=1) if 'FILE:testdir/abc%s' % uidstr not in out: fail('Wrong ccache in klist') success('Credential cache tests')