Yarrow - Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator ============================================== This is an implementation of the cryptographic pseudo-random number generator Yarrow. You are encouraged to use, modify, and incorporate this code. Please see the accompanying LICENSE file for more details. Yarrow can be used with OpenSSL 0.9.5a (http://www.openssl.org) and other cryptographic libraries. The Yarrow design is described in "Yarrow-160: Notes on the Design and Analysis of the Yarrow Cryptographic Pseudorandom Number Generator" by John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier and Niels Ferguson of Counterpane Systems, available from http://www.counterpane.com/yarrow.html The Yarrow function calls are described in the yarrow(3) manpage. Installation ============ By default, Yarrow is built with OpenSSL. If the OpenSSL headers are not installed in the standard directory /usr/local/ssl/include, set the path in the Makefile. If it is possible that an application using Yarrow will fork(), Yarrow must be compiled with -DYARROW_DETECT_FORK (then the child process will have to seed Yarrow again), or the Yarrow_CTX must be allocated in shared memory. If compiled with -DYARROW_SAVE_STATE, Yarrow will use a seed file specified in the Yarrow_Init call. When the settings in the Makefile are correct, run "make". Yarrow with OpenSSL: ------------------- The macros YARROW_CIPHER_3DES (default), YARROW_CIPHER_BLOWFISH and YARROW_CIPHER_IDEA for ciphers and YARROW_HASH_SHA1 (default) and YARROW_HASH_MD5 for hash functions are available to select algorithms from OpenSSL. CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() is required in multithreaded applications. Yarrow with other cryptographic libraries: ----------------------------------------- The Yarrow implementation uses a symmetric cipher, a cryptographic hash function and a mutex. By default, Yarrow calls OpenSSL. For use with other cryptographic libraries, the following types and macros should be defined: Symmetric cipher - ycipher.h: typedef struct { ... } CIPHER_CTX; #define CIPHER_BLOCK_SIZE ... #define CIPHER_KEY_SIZE ... void CIPHER_Init(CIPHER_CTX *ctx, void *key); void CIPHER_Encrypt_Block(CIPHER_CTX *ctx, void *in, void *out); Hash function - yhash.h: typedef struct { ... } HASH_CTX; #define HASH_DIGEST_SIZE ... #define HASH_STATE_SIZE ... void HASH_Init(HASH_CTX *ctx); void HASH_Update(HASH_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long size); void HASH_Final(HASH_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *md); Mutex - ylock.h: int LOCK(void); int UNLOCK(void); Learn More: ---------- It is Zero-Knowledge's hope that third party developers of yarrow will collaborate to derive test vectors for yarrow. In an effort to further this discussion, we have created a mailing list for developers and interested parties. To subscribe, send an email to "yarrow-request@zeroknowledge.com" with "subscribe" in the body of the message. For more information, or if you have questions or comments regarding open source at Zero-Knowledge Systems, please visit http://opensource.zeroknowledge.com