Configuring Kerberos with OpenLDAP back-end =========================================== 1. Set up SSL on the OpenLDAP server and client to ensure secure communication when the KDC service and LDAP server are on different machines. ``ldapi://`` can be used if the LDAP server and KDC service are running on the same machine. A. Setting up SSL on the OpenLDAP server: i) Get a CA certificate using OpenSSL tools ii) Configure OpenLDAP server for using SSL/TLS For the latter, you need to specify the location of CA certificate location in *slapd.conf* file. Refer to the following link for more information: B. Setting up SSL on OpenLDAP client: i) For the KDC and Admin Server, you need to do the client-side configuration in ldap.conf. For example:: TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/cacert.pem 2. Include the Kerberos schema file (kerberos.schema) in the configuration file (slapd.conf) on the LDAP Server, by providing the location where it is stored:: include /etc/openldap/schema/kerberos.schema 3. Choose DNs for the :ref:`krb5kdc(8)` and :ref:`kadmind(8)` servers to bind to the LDAP server, and create them if necessary. These DNs will be specified with the **ldap_kdc_dn** and **ldap_kadmind_dn** directives in :ref:`kdc.conf(5)`; their passwords can be stashed with "``kdb5_ldap_util stashsrvpw``" and the resulting file specified with the **ldap_service_password_file** directive. 4. Choose a DN for the global Kerberos container entry (but do not create the entry at this time). This DN will be specified with the **ldap_kerberos_container_dn** directive in :ref:`kdc.conf(5)`. Realm container entries will be created underneath this DN. Principal entries may exist either underneath the realm container (the default) or in separate trees referenced from the realm container. 5. Configure the LDAP server ACLs to enable the KDC and kadmin server DNs to read and write the Kerberos data. If **disable_last_success** and **disable_lockout** are both set to true in the :ref:`dbmodules` subsection for the realm, then the KDC DN only requires read access to the Kerberos data. Sample access control information:: access to dn.base="" by * read access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read access to attrs=userPassword,userPKCS12 by self write by * auth access to attrs=shadowLastChange by self write by * read # Providing access to realm container access to dn.subtree= "cn=EXAMPLE.COM,cn=krbcontainer,dc=example,dc=com" by dn.exact="cn=kdc-service,dc=example,dc=com" write by dn.exact="cn=adm-service,dc=example,dc=com" write by * none # Providing access to principals, if not underneath realm container access to dn.subtree= "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" by dn.exact="cn=kdc-service,dc=example,dc=com" write by dn.exact="cn=adm-service,dc=example,dc=com" write by * none access to * by * read If the locations of the container and principals or the DNs of the service objects for a realm are changed then this information should be updated. 6. Start the LDAP server as follows:: slapd -h "ldapi:/// ldaps:///" 7. Modify the :ref:`kdc.conf(5)` file to include LDAP specific items listed below:: realms database_module dbmodules db_library db_module_dir ldap_kdc_dn ldap_kadmind_dn ldap_service_password_file ldap_servers ldap_conns_per_server 8. Create the realm using :ref:`kdb5_ldap_util(8)` (see :ref:`ldap_create_realm`):: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com create -subtrees ou=users,dc=example,dc=com -r EXAMPLE.COM -s Use the **-subtrees** option if the principals are to exist in a separate subtree from the realm container. Before executing the command, make sure that the subtree mentioned above ``(ou=users,dc=example,dc=com)`` exists. If the principals will exist underneath the realm container, omit the **-subtrees** option and do not worry about creating the principal subtree. For more information, refer to the section :ref:`ops_on_ldap`. The realm object is created under the **ldap_kerberos_container_dn** specified in the configuration file. This operation will also create the Kerberos container, if not present already. This will be used to store information related to all realms. 9. Stash the password of the service object used by the KDC and Administration service to bind to the LDAP server using the :ref:`kdb5_ldap_util(8)` **stashsrvpw** command (see :ref:`stash_ldap`). The object DN should be the same as **ldap_kdc_dn** and **ldap_kadmind_dn** values specified in the :ref:`kdc.conf(5)` file:: kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com stashsrvpw -f /etc/kerberos/service.keyfile cn=krbadmin,dc=example,dc=com 10. Add ``krbPrincipalName`` to the indexes in slapd.conf to speed up the access. With the LDAP back end it is possible to provide aliases for principal entries. Currently we provide no mechanism provided for creating aliases, so it must be done by direct manipulation of the LDAP entries. An entry with aliases contains multiple values of the *krbPrincipalName* attribute. Since LDAP attribute values are not ordered, it is necessary to specify which principal name is canonical, by using the *krbCanonicalName* attribute. Therefore, to create aliases for an entry, first set the *krbCanonicalName* attribute of the entry to the canonical principal name (which should be identical to the pre-existing *krbPrincipalName* value), and then add additional *krbPrincipalName* attributes for the aliases. Principal aliases are only returned by the KDC when the client requests canonicalization. Canonicalization is normally requested for service principals; for client principals, an explicit flag is often required (e.g., ``kinit -C``) and canonicalization is only performed for initial ticket requests. .. seealso:: :ref:`ldap_be_ubuntu`