This branch demonstrates a possible krb5 plugin infrastructure. ----- Design ----- The design decisions made in this infrastructure are: 1. Configuration for plugin module discovery and filtering Built-in modules are automatically discoverable after being registered by the consumer. Dynamic modules must be explicitly configured in order to be discoverable. The discoverable set of modules can be filtered by either enabling a specific set of modules by name, or disabling modules by name. The profile schema used in this branch is: [plugins] interfacename = { # May take multiple values; only named plugins will be enabled. enable_only = name # May take multiple values; named plugins will be disabled. disable = name # Establishes a mapping from a module name to a dynamic object. module = modname:pathname } The expectation is that the profile library will gain include-file support so that mappings for dynamic objects can be specified in profile fragments which are owned by the OS packages which implement the module. Filtering rules are expected to be specified in the main krb5.conf by the system administrator. 2. Consumer-facing API Each pluggable interface has a corresponding consumer-facing API. The API consists of: * An interface-specific handle type, encapsulating the type of a plugin module and possibly a resource instantiating that type (e.g a keytab identifier). * An interface-specific loader function, which creates a handle or a list of handles. Lists of handles would be used by one-to-many pluggable interfaces where the consumer wants to consult all available modules. 3. Producer-facing dynamic module ABI A dynamic object can implement one or more plugin modules. To implement a plugin module, a dynamic object exports a symbol named __initvt. Module initvt functions accept as arguments a krb5_context, a major version, a minor version, and a pointer to a caller-allocated vtable (passed as an abstract type). Major versions correspond to complete revisions of the vtable, while minor versions indicate extensions of a vtable type. Based on the major version, the initvt function casts the vtable pointer to the correct interface-specific type, and then fills in fields of that vtable, stopping as indicated by the minor version. 4. Framework The following functions are used by interface-specific loader functions: * k5_plugin_load: Given a numeric interface ID and a module name, return the initvt function for the named module. * k5_plugin_load_all: Given a numeric interface ID, return the initvt functions of all modules for that interface. The following function is used by pluggable interface consumers: * k5_plugin_register: Registers a built-in plugin module under a specified interface ID and plugin name. ----- Branch walkthrough ----- The domain-independent framework code lives in: * include/k5-int.h -- framework declarations and context fields * lib/krb5/krb/plugin.c -- the framework implementation * lib/krb5/krb/init_ctx.c -- krb5_free_context addition The framework is demonstrated with a password quality pluggable interface used by libkadm5srv. The code for this interface lives in: * lib/kadm5/server_internal.h -- declarations for consumer API * lib/kadm5/srv/pwqual.c -- consumer API implementation * lib/kadm5/srv/pwqual_dict.c -- built-in module using dictionary * lib/kadm5/srv/pwqual_policy.c -- built-in module using policy * lib/kadm5/srv/server_misc.c -- consumer logic * lib/kadm5/srv/server_dict.c -- removed (logic moved to pwqual_dict.c) * lib/kadm5/srv/svr_principal.c -- some call sites adjusted * lib/kadm5/srv/server_init.c -- some call sites adjusted There is also a sample dynamic plugin implementation in the directory pwqual_combo (at the top level, not under src). This code simulates a third-party plugin and so uses its own (not very good) build system. The module rejects passwords which are combinations of two words from the dictionary file. ----- Trying out the code ----- These steps demonstrate the functioning of the code. 1. Build the branch normally and install it somewhere. 2. cd into the pwqual_combo directory and build it with "make -I/path/to/install/include". The Makefile probably only works on Linux-based operating systems. 3. Go back to the main build directory and run "make testrealm" to create a functioning environment. 4. Add the following configuration to testdir/krb5.master.conf to make pwqual_combo discoverable: [plugins] pwqual = { module = combo:/path/to/ } 5. Create a file /tmp/dict containing the lines "books" and "sharks". In the realm definition for KRBTEST.COM in krb5.master.conf, add the setting "dict_file = /tmp/dict". 6. Run kadmin.local and create a policy with "addpol -minlength 4 testpolicy". Associated it with the principal user with "modprinc -policy testpolicy user". 7. Inside kadmin.local, try some password change with "cpw user". You should be able to see that all three password quality modules are functioning: you won't be able to set passwords shorter than four characters long (the policy module), or the passwords "books" or "sharks" (the dict module), or passwords named "sharksbooks" or "bookssharks" (the combo module). 8. Quit out of kadmin.local and edit testdir/krb5.master.conf again. Play with the filtering rules by adding, alongside the "module" directive, one or more assignments for enable_only and/or disable. For instance, if you disable the policy module, you should find that (upon restarting kadmin.local) you can set passwords shorter than four characters again. ----- What's wrong with this branch ----- The krb5 code on this branch is mostly complete, but as a demonstration branch it is not perfect. Problems include: * In some cases (marked by XXX comments), overly vague error codes are returned where new error codes should have been created. This is because the krb5 trunk's krb5 error table is currently full, and rectifying that problem is out of scope for the branch. * Opening and closing password quality plugins should perhaps be hidden by the password quality consumer API--that is, the open method should be invoked by the loader, and the close method by k5_pwqual_free_handles. Currently the responsibility for invoking these methods rests with the consumer code in server_misc.c. * At Tom's suggestion, new internal functions with external linkage are using the prefix "k5_" instead of "krb5int_". This practice should be validated by the dev community (and perhaps made uniform in the code base, although that would result in a lot of churn) or abandoned. * The decisions about what is a typedef and what is a simple structure type are kind of haphazard, erring on the side of using typedefs. * The Hesiod support in server_misc.c was ripped out. * The framework does not allow built-in modules to be registered for a pluggable interface after the first load operation for that interface. This constraint is probably fine, but if it needs to be revisited, the framework's data model will need to be made a little more complicated to allow it. * Filtering should probably be applied to module mappings before dynamic modules are opened, since dlopen() is not always a cheap operation. This is an implementation detail of the domain-independent plugin framework.