path: root/src/tests
diff options
authorHaoQi Li <haoqili@mit.edu>2009-08-31 22:42:08 +0000
committerHaoQi Li <haoqili@mit.edu>2009-08-31 22:42:08 +0000
commitcdf27b40c7b60d855da22adbc8a630b21ef01257 (patch)
treeae01214d8d7bd3e8eea97ddd8a73a1b9e69a99b9 /src/tests
parent417681fe7335ba911fa912f0fd977f963099e869 (diff)
ldap master key migration stuff
git-svn-id: svn://anonsvn.mit.edu/krb5/trunk@22691 dc483132-0cff-0310-8789-dd5450dbe970
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tests')
2 files changed, 974 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/README_for_mkmldap b/src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/README_for_mkmldap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ab3cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/README_for_mkmldap
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+###################### WARNING: DOES NOT WORK YET ############################
+A translation of Will Fiveash's "mit_db2_mkey_migrate_testB" ksh code into Python with ldap backend. With minor fixes and changes. Written by HaoQi Li.
+Options Name Default Setting
+ -h Help
+ -v Verbose: True
+ -p Testing pw: test123
+ -s Sandbox loc: src/tests/kdc_realm2/sandbox
+ -c Krb5kdc: src/kdc/krb5kdc
+ -d Kadmind: src/kadmin/server/kadmind
+ -b Kdb5_util: src/kadmin/dbutil/kdb5_util
+ -a Kdb5_ldap_util: src/plugins/kdb/ldap/ldap_util/kdb5_ldap_util
+ -l Kadmin.local: src/kadmin/cli/kadmin.local
+ -n Kadmin: src/kadmin/cli/kadmin
+ -t Client paths: src/clients
+* src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/input_conf/kdc_template_ldap.conf
+* src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/input_conf/krb5_template_ldap.conf
+* src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/input_conf/kadm5_template_ldap.acl
+* src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/input_conf/debconfile
+* sandbox that contains customized outfile with all commands and their outputs, kdc.conf, krb5.conf, kadm6.acl, and others.
+* Statistics on screen of number of commands passed and failed (if not interrupted by fatal failures).
+- MUST RUN from trunk/src.
+* python tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/ldap7.py
+ Using all Default Settings.
+* python tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/ldap7.py -s /tmp/mySandbox
+ Sandbox now can be found in /tmp/mySandbox.
+and http://k5wiki.kerberos.org/wiki/User_talk:Haoqili
+* "haoqili" is a name that can be changed.
+* "kdb5_util stash" is equivalent to "-s" in "kdb5_ldap_util create -s"
+* 2019 and 2029 are future dates that should best be written not as fixed. Such as now+10years.
+* failure in kpasswd all, ERROR:"password history principal key version mismatch while trying to change password." This is caused by "-history 3" in testpolicy4
+* The beginning of a series of failures starts from: the "kdb5_util list_mkeys" fails after "kdb5_util add_mkey -e aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 [with password=abcde]"
+kdb5_util: Unable to decrypt latest master key with the provided master key
+while getting master key list
+kdb5_util: Warning: proceeding without master key list
+kdb5_util: master keylist not initialized
+can't decrypt the latest master key
+Convo with Tom:
+T: so you didn't activate the new mkey?
+H: correct i just added it
+T: the message looks familiar. does list_mkeys work before you do that add_mkey?
+H: yes it does
+T: Will might have mentioned some problems with the LDAP backend and the master key migration stuff.
+T: how up-to-date is your source tree? Will says he remembers fixing this.
+H: i'm at revision 22523
+T: hm, i think that should be recent enough.
+T: do you have any enctype settings in your config files?
+H: in krb5.conf
+default_realm = EXAMPLE.ORG
+default_tkt_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 aes128-cts
+default_tgs_enctypes = des3-hmac-sha1 aes128-cts
+T: anything for supported_enctypes or master_key_type?
+H: no
diff --git a/src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/mkmldap.py b/src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/mkmldap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae2b83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/mkmldap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+###################### WARNING: DOES NOT WORK YET ############################
+import os, sys, shutil, socket, time, string
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from time import strftime
+class LDAPbackendSetup:
+ def __init__(self, verbose_in, pw_in, kdcPath_in, kdmdPath_in, kdbPath_in, ldapPath_in, kdmlPath_in, kdmPath_in, cltPath_in, sandir_in, confdir_in):
+ self.npass = 0
+ self.nfail = 0
+ self.verbose = verbose_in
+ self.pw = pw_in
+ self.krb5kdc = kdcPath_in #1 krb5kdc
+ self.kadmind = kdmdPath_in #2 kadmind
+ self.kdb5_util = kdbPath_in #3a kdb5_util
+ self.kdb5_ldap_util = ldapPath_in #3b kdb5_ldap_util
+ self.kadminlocal = kdmlPath_in #4 kadmin.local
+ self.kadmin = kdmPath_in #5 kadmin
+ self.clients = cltPath_in+"/" #6 clients
+ self.sandir = sandir_in
+ self.confdir = confdir_in
+ ########## SET UP Write Output File #####
+ print "outfile path"
+ print self.sandir
+ print self.sandir+"/outfile"
+ self.outfile = open(self.sandir+"/outfile", 'w')
+ #''print os.environ'
+ def _writeLine(self, astr, prt=False):
+ self.outfile.write(astr.strip()+"\n")
+ if prt:
+ print astr.strip()
+ def _writeHeader(self, astr, prt=True):
+ self.outfile.write("\n========== "+astr.strip()+" ==========\n")
+ if prt:
+ print "========== "+astr.strip()+" =========="
+ def _sysexit(self, fatal=False, finished=False):
+ self._writeLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++", True)
+ if fatal:
+ self._writeLine("++++ Test did NOT finish +++++", True)
+ self._writeLine("++++ FATAL FAILURE! Stopped ++", True)
+ self._writeLine("++++ See sandbox/outfile +++++", True)
+ self._writeLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++", True)
+ sys.exit()
+ elif not finished:
+ self._writeLine("++++ Test did NOT finish +++++", True)
+ self._writeLine("++++ FAIL Detected! keep going", True)
+ self._writeLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++", True)
+ else: #finished
+ self._writeLine("++++ MKM Test Finished +++++++", True)
+ self._writeLine("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++", True)
+ self._writeLine("++++ Commands Passed: %s +++++" % self.npass, True)
+ self._writeLine("++++ Commands Failed: %s +++++" % self.nfail, True)
+ sys.exit()
+ def _printig(self):
+ self._writeLine("~.~.~Error should be ignored~.~.~.~")
+ def _printerr(self, errm, stderr):
+ self._writeLine("#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#@#")
+ self._writeLine("-XX-FAILED: "+errm+". See stderr below:")
+ [self._writeLine(line) for line in stderr.readlines() ]
+ def _printout(self, cmd, pstdout):
+ if self.verbose:
+ self._writeLine("#######################################")
+ #self._writeLine("---------------------------------------")
+ self._writeLine("-command: "+cmd)
+ self._writeLine("-----out: ")
+ [self._writeLine(line) for line in pstdout.readlines()]
+ def _eval(self, succeed, pwait, errm, pstderr, fatal=False, msg2="", finished=False):
+ if int(pwait) != 0: # is bad
+ self._printerr(errm, pstderr)
+ if succeed==True: ## want good
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._sysexit(fatal, finished)
+ else: ## want bad
+ self.npass += 1
+ self._printig()
+ else: # is good
+ if not succeed: ## want bad
+ if msg2 != "":
+ self._writeLine(msg2, True)
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._sysexit(fatal, finished)
+ else: ## want good
+ self.npass += 1
+ def _metafunc(self, command, errmsg, moreinfo="", isLocal=False, succeed=True, fatal=False):
+ l = command
+ if isLocal:
+ pl = Popen(l.split(None,2), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ else:
+ pl = Popen(l.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ self._printout(l+moreinfo, pl.stdout)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl.wait(), errmsg, pl.stderr, fatal)
+ ###########################################
+ # Start the KDC daemons
+ def _startkdc(self):
+ self._writeLine("\nstarting kdc daemons ...")
+ l0 = self.krb5kdc
+ errm = "error at starting krb5kdc"
+ self._metafunc(l0, errm)
+ # below has been changed
+ #starting kadmind
+ l0b = self.kadmind + ' -W -nofork' #the W is for during off strong random numbers
+ errm = "error at starting kadmind, maybe it's already started"
+ pl0b = Popen(l0b.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ self._writeLine( "kadmind -nofork")
+ started = False
+ while time.clock() < 3:
+ l = pl0b.stderr.readline()
+ if l.find("starting") > -1:
+ self._writeLine( l.strip())
+ self.npass += 1
+ started = True
+ break
+ else:
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._printerr("kadmind not starting, check to see if there are any previous kadmind running with cmd: 'ps -ef | grep kadmind' and then do 'sudo kill -9 [# on the left]'", pl0b.stderr)
+ self._sysexit(fatal=True)
+ if not started:
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._sysexit()
+ self._writeLine("end starting kdc daemons")
+ # Kill the KDC daemons in case they are running
+ def _killkdc(self, suc=True):
+ l1 = 'pkill -9 -x krb5kdc'
+ errm = "no krb5kdc killed"
+ self._metafunc(l1, errm, succeed=suc)
+ l2 = 'pkill -9 -x kadmind'
+ errm = "no kadmind killed"
+ self._metafunc(l2, errm, succeed=suc)
+ # Destroys current database
+ def _destroykdc(self, suc=True):
+ l3 = self.kdb5_util+' destroy -f' #forced
+ errm = "no kdb database destroyed"
+ self._metafunc(l3, errm, succeed=suc)
+ ''' Destroys current database
+ I don't use this because 1. I don't know the specific kdc's to destroy, 2. the debconf setting up of slapd has destroyed old databases already
+ def _destroykdc_ldap(self, suc=True):
+ l3 = self.kdb5_ldap_util+' destroy -f' #forced
+ errm = "no kdb database destroyed"
+ self._metafunc(l3, errm, succeed=suc)
+ '''
+ # Create a new database with a new master key
+ def _createdb(self, pw):
+ l4 = self.kdb5_util+' -P '+pw+' create -s -W' #added W for svn version 22435 to avoid reading strong random numbers
+ errm = "error when creating new database, _createdb()"
+ self._metafunc(l4, errm, fatal=True)
+ # Addprinc
+ def _locAddprinc(self, passw, usern):
+ l5 = self.kadminlocal+' -q addprinc -pw '+passw+' '+usern
+ errm = "error when adding princ, _locAddprinc"
+ self._metafunc(l5, errm, isLocal=True)
+ # List princs
+ def _locListprincs(self):
+ l6 = self.kadminlocal+' -q listprincs'
+ errm = "error when listing princs, _locListprincs"
+ self._metafunc(l6, errm, isLocal=True)
+ # Get princs
+ def _locGetprinc(self, usern, extra=False, succeed=True):
+ l7 = self.kadminlocal+' -q getprinc '+usern
+ errm="error when getting princ, _locGetprinc"
+ pl7 = Popen(l7.split(None,2), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ if not extra:
+ self._printout(l7, pl7.stdout)
+ else:
+ if self.verbose:
+ self._writeLine("-command: "+l7)
+ self._writeLine("-----out: ")
+ for line in pl7.stdout.readlines():
+ if line.startswith("Princ") or line.startswith("MKey"):
+ self._writeLine(line)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl7.wait(), errm, pl7.stderr)
+ # Get princs and finds something in the output
+ def _locGetprincFind(self, usern, findstr, succeed=True):
+ l7b = self.kadminlocal+' -q getprinc ' +usern
+ errm="error when getting princs, _locGetprinc, (regular output of getprincs is not printed here), will NOT continue to find string="+findstr
+ pl7b = Popen(l7b.split(None, 2), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ if self.verbose:
+ self._writeLine("-command: "+l7b)
+ if int(pl7b.wait()) != 0: # is bad
+ self._printerr(errm, pl7b.stderr)
+ if succeed: ## want good
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._sysexit()
+ else: ## want bad
+ self.npass += 1
+ self._printig()
+ else: # is good
+ if self.verbose:
+ self._writeLine( "-----out: ")
+ boofound = False
+ for outl in pl7b.stdout.readlines():
+ self._writeLine(outl)
+ if string.find(outl, findstr) > -1:
+ boofound = True
+ if boofound:
+ self._writeLine("----FOUND: "+findstr)
+ else:
+ self._writeLine("----NOT FOUND: "+findstr)
+ if not succeed: ## want bad
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._sysexit()
+ else: ## want good
+ self.npass += 1
+ # Add policy
+ def _locAddpol(self, maxtime, minlength, minclasses, history, policyname):
+ rest = ""
+ if maxtime != None:
+ rest += '-maxlife '+maxtime+' '
+ if minlength != None:
+ rest += '-minlength '+minlength+' '
+ if minclasses != None:
+ rest += '-minclasses '+minclasses+' '
+ if history != None:
+ rest += '-history '+history+' '
+ l8 = self.kadminlocal+' -q add_policy '+rest+policyname
+ errm = "error when adding policy, _locAddpol"
+ self._metafunc(l8, errm, isLocal=True)
+ # Get pol
+ def _locGetpol(self, poln):
+ l8b = self.kadminlocal+' -q getpol '+poln
+ errm="error when getting pol, _locGetpol"
+ self._metafunc(l8b, errm, isLocal=True)
+ # Modify Principal
+ def _locModprinc(self, rest):
+ l9 = self.kadminlocal+' -q modprinc '+rest
+ errm = "error when modifing principal, _locModprinc"
+ self._metafunc(l9, errm, isLocal=True)
+ # List mkeys
+ def _listmkeys(self):
+ l10 = self.kdb5_util+' list_mkeys'
+ errm = "error when listing mkeys, _listmkeys"
+ self._metafunc(l10, errm)
+ # Use mkeys
+ def _usemkey(self, kvno, time, succeed=True):
+ l11 = self.kdb5_util+' use_mkey '+kvno+' '+time
+ pl11 = Popen(l11.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ self._printout(l11, pl11.stdout)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl11.wait(), "error when using mkeys, _usemkey", pl11.stderr, msg2="-XX-ERROR: "+l11+" should have failed.")
+ # Change password (cpw)
+ def _locCpw(self, passw, usern):
+ l12 = self.kadminlocal+' -q cpw -pw '+passw+' '+usern
+ errm = "error when changing password, _locCpw"
+ self._metafunc(l12, errm, moreinfo="\n--------: newpw='"+passw+"'", isLocal=True)
+ # Purge mkeys
+ def _purgemkeys(self):
+ l13 = self.kdb5_util+' purge_mkeys -f -v' #-f is forced, -v is verbose
+ errm = "error when purging mkeys, _purgemkeys"
+ self._metafunc(l13, errm)
+ # Add mkey
+ def _addmkey(self, passw, extra="", succeed=True):
+ l14 = self.kdb5_util+' add_mkey '+extra
+ pl14 = Popen(l14.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ pl14.stdin.write(passw+'\n') #enter 1st time
+ pl14.stdin.write(passw+'\n') #re-enter
+ self._printout(l14+' [with password='+passw+']', pl14.stdout)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl14.wait(), "error when adding mkey, _addmkey", pl14.stderr)
+ self._writeLine( "----end of adding mkey")
+ # kinit user
+ def _kinit(self, passw_in, usern, succeed=True):
+ l15 = self.clients+'kinit/kinit '+usern
+ pl15 = Popen(l15.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ pl15.stdin.write(passw_in+'\n')
+ pl15.stdin.close()
+ self._printout(l15, pl15.stdout)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl15.wait(), "error when kinit user, _kinit", pl15.stderr)
+ self._writeLine( "----end of kiniting user")
+ # change password on client's side
+ def _kpasswd(self, oldpw, newpw, usern, succeed=True):
+ l16 = self.clients+'kpasswd/kpasswd '+usern
+ pl16 = Popen(l16.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ pl16.stdin.write(oldpw+'\n')
+ pl16.stdin.write(newpw+'\n')
+ pl16.stdin.write(newpw+'\n')
+ self._printout(l16+"\n--------: oldpw='"+oldpw+"' -> newpw='"+newpw+"'", pl16.stdout)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl16.wait(), "error when changing password on client's side, _kpasswd", pl16.stderr)
+ self._writeLine("----end of changing kpasswd")
+ # klist on client's side
+ def _klist(self):
+ l17 = self.clients+'klist/klist'
+ errm = "error when klist, _klist"
+ self._metafunc(l17, errm)
+ # Update principal encryption
+ def _updatePrincEnc(self):
+ l18 = self.kdb5_util+' update_princ_encryption -f -v'
+ errm = "error when updating principal encryption, _updatePrincEnc"
+ self._metafunc(l18, errm)
+ # kdestroy
+ def _kdestroy(self):
+ l19 = self.clients+'kdestroy/kdestroy'
+ errm = "error when kdestroy, _kdestroy"
+ self._metafunc(l19, errm)
+ # stash
+ def _stash(self):
+ l20 = self.kdb5_util+' stash'
+ errm="error at stash, _stash"
+ self._metafunc(l20, errm)
+ # any shell command
+ def _shell(self, command, succeed=True):
+ l21 = command
+ errm="error at executing this command in _shell(): "+l21
+ pl21 = Popen(l21, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ self._printout(l21, pl21.stdout)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl21.wait(), errm, pl21.stderr)
+ #'self._printerr(errm, pl21.stderr) Pointed out that kadmin had problems!'
+ def _shelltest(self, command, succeed=True):
+ l21 = command
+ errm="error at executing this command in _shell(): "+l21
+ pl21 = Popen(l21, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ first = pl21.communicate('a\na')[0]
+ print "first:"
+ print first
+ print "end first"
+ #self._printout(l21, pl21.stdout) self._printout(l21, first)
+ self._eval(succeed, pl21.wait(), errm, pl21.stderr)
+ #self._printerr(errm, pl21.stderr) #Pointed out that kadmin had problems!'
+ # get_princ_records()
+ def _get_princ_records(self, succeed=True):
+ l22 = self.kadminlocal+" -q listprincs 2>/dev/null|grep -v '^Authenticating as'|fgrep '@'|sort"
+ errm="error at listprincs in _get_princ_records() with this command: "+l22
+ pl22 = Popen(l22, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ if int(pl22.wait()) != 0: # is bad
+ self.printerr(errm, pl22.stderr)
+ if succeed: ## want good
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._sysexit()
+ else: ## want badd
+ self.npass += 1
+ self._printig()
+ else: # is good
+ if not succeed: ## want bad
+ self.nfail += 1
+ self._sysexit()
+ else: ## want good
+ self.npass += 1
+ self._writeLine( "\nget_princ_records() executing all listprincs command: "+l22+"\n------its results:")
+ for princ in pl22.stdout.readlines():
+ self._locGetprinc(princ.strip(), extra=True)
+ self._writeLine("END executing command: "+l22+"\n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~")
+ def run(self):
+ #############RUN###################
+ passw=self.pw
+ # Set up database
+ self._writeHeader("SET UP: database")
+ self._killkdc("Either") #74 =1,2
+ #self._destroykdc("Either") #77 =3
+ #self._destroykdc_ldap("Either") #77 =3
+ self._shell('sudo cat '+self.confdir+'/debconfile')
+ self._shell('sudo debconf-set-selections '+self.confdir+'/debconfile')
+ self._shell('sudo dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive slapd')
+ self._shell('sudo ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -w a -f /tmp/ldif_output/cn\=config/cn\=schema/cn\=\{6\}kerberos.ldif -H ldapi:///')
+ self._shell('kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org -w a -H ldapi:/// create -P a -s') #self._createdb(passw) #81 =4
+ self._shelltest('kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org -w a -H ldapi:/// stashsrvpw cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org')
+ #self._shell('krb5kdc') ## MUST KILL krb5kdc before first!
+ self._writeHeader("+++++ START +++++")
+ #line 83-86 involves ktadd kadm5.keytab, which are out dated
+ # add, get, and list princs
+ self._writeHeader("SET UP: add/get/list princs")
+ self._locAddprinc(passw, 'kdc/admin') #87 =5
+ self._locListprincs() #89 =6
+ self._locGetprinc('K/M') #90 =7
+ self._locAddprinc('test123', 'haoqili') #91 =8
+ self._locGetprinc('haoqili') #92 =9
+ self._locAddprinc(passw, 'haoqili/admin') #93 =10
+ self._locAddprinc('foobar', 'test') #94 =11
+ self._locGetprinc('test') #95 =12
+ self._locListprincs() # I added =13
+ myfqdn = socket.getfqdn()
+ #self._shell(self.parentpath+"kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey host/"+myfqdn+"'") #96
+ self._shell(self.kadminlocal+" -q 'addprinc -randkey host/"+myfqdn+"'") #96 =14
+ # create policies
+ self._writeHeader("SET UP: create policies")
+ #print "\n~~~~~~~~~ create policies ~~~~~~~~~~~"
+ self._locAddpol('8days', None, None, None, 'testpolicy')#100 =15
+ self._locAddpol('20days', '8', '3', None, 'testpolicy2')#101
+ self._locAddpol('90days', '2', '2', None, 'testpolicy3')#102
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ #!!!!!!!!!Changed to avoid problem in 'kpasswd all'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ #self._locAddpol('90days', '2', '2', '3', 'testpolicy4')#103
+ self._locAddpol('90days', '2', '2', None, 'testpolicy4')#103
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._locModprinc('-policy testpolicy haoqili')#105
+ self._locAddprinc(passw, 'foo')#106
+ self._locModprinc('-policy testpolicy3 foo')#107 =21
+ # create all princ with all fields
+ self._writeHeader("SET UP: create all princ with all fields")
+ #print "\n~~~~~~~~~ create all princ with all fields ~~~~~"
+ self._locAddprinc(passw, 'all') #110 =22
+ self._locModprinc('-expire "2029-12-30 7pm" all') #112
+ self._locModprinc('-pwexpire 12/30/2029 all') #114
+ #self._locModprinc('-expire "now+10years" all') #112
+ #self._locModprinc('-pwexpire now+10years all') #114
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #115
+ self._locModprinc('-maxlife 100days all') #116
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #117
+ self._locModprinc('-maxrenewlife 100days all') #118
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #119
+ self._locModprinc('+allow_postdated +allow_forwardable all') #120 =30
+ self._locModprinc('+allow_proxiable +allow_dup_skey all') #121
+ self._locModprinc('+requires_preauth +allow_svr +needchange all') #122
+ self._locModprinc('-policy testpolicy4 all') #123 ###########
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #124 =34
+ # Testing stuff
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: initial mkey list") #126
+ self._writeLine("===== Listing mkeys at start of test") #I add
+ self._listmkeys() #127 =35
+ self._writeLine( "Testing krb5kdc list_mkeys Done ==============================================") #128
+ self._writeLine("---------------\n xxxxxxxxxx \/\/\/ ERRORS (multiple) EXPECTED below xxxxxxxxxx")
+ self._writeLine("\nERRORS (multiple) EXPECTED below")
+ self._writeLine("Testing bogus use_mkey (setting only mkey to future date, using non-existent kvno, so should return error) =======") #129, 130
+ self._writeLine( "-> must have a mkey currently active (setting mkey to 2 days from now), should fail and return error") #132
+ self._usemkey('1', 'now+2days', False) #133-138 =36
+ self._writeLine("-> must have a mkey currently active (setting mkey to 2019 the future), should fail and return error") #140
+ self._usemkey('1', '5/30/2019', False) #141 =37
+ self._writeLine("-> bogus kvno and setting mkey to 2 days from now, should fail and return error") #147
+ self._usemkey('2', 'now+2days', False) #148 =38
+ self._writeLine("-> bogus kvno, should fail and return error") #I add
+ self._usemkey('2', 'now-2days', False) #I add =39
+ self._writeLine( "^^^ABOVE^^ SHOULD HAVE *ALL* FAILED\n-----------------")
+ self._writeLine( "Listing mkeys at end of test") #I add
+ self._listmkeys() #155 =40
+ self._writeLine("Testing bogus use_mkey (setting only mkey to future date) Done ===========================") #156
+ self._writeLine("\nmake sure cpw [change password] works") #158
+ # this changes the password of 'test' from 'foobar' in "add, get, and list princs" above
+ self._locCpw('test1', 'test') #159 =41
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: bogus purge_mkeys (should be no keys purged, no error returned")
+ #print "\nTesting bogus purge_mkeys (should be no keys purged, no error returned) ===========================" #161
+ self._purgemkeys() #162 =42
+ self._writeLine("Testing bogus purge_mkeys (no error) Done ===========================") #163
+ self._writeHeader( "add kvno 2") #164
+ self._addmkey('abcde', '-s') #165-167 =43
+ self._writeLine(".\nlist mkeys")
+ self._listmkeys() #169 =44
+ #start daemons
+ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@############@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@############
+ self._startkdc() #172 =45 46
+ self._writeLine("make sure kdc is up, by kinit test") #176
+ self._kinit('test1', 'test') #177 =47
+ self._writeLine("---------------\n\/\/\/ ERROR EXPECTED below. Test passwd policy.:") #180
+ self._kinit(passw, 'all', succeed=False) #181 =48
+ self._writeLine("^^ABOVE^^ SHOULD HAVE FAILED\n-----------------")
+ #change passwd on client's side
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._kpasswd(passw, 'Test123.', 'all')#184-188 =49 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._kinit('Test123.', 'all') #189 =50
+ self._klist() #190 =51
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: password history for principal 'all', new passwords must not be a previous password") #191
+ self._kpasswd('Test123.', 'Foobar2!', 'all') #192-195 =52
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ '''
+ self._writeLine("--------------\n\/\/\/ ERROR EXPECTED below") #197
+ self._kpasswd('Foobar2!', passw, 'all', succeed=False) #199-202 =53
+ self._writeLine("^^^ABOVE^^ SHOULD HAVE FAILED\n----------")
+ '''
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ # this shouldn't change the mkvno for any princs (should be 1) #206
+ #self._updatePrincEnc() #207
+ # princs should still be protected by mkvno 1 #208
+ self._writeLine("@@@@@@@@ Wait for other people to fix bug in code 6507 update_princ_encryption to use mkey instead of latest mkey @@@@@@@@@@@@@\n")
+ self._locGetprincFind('test', 'MKey: vno 1') #209 =54
+ self._purgemkeys() #210 =55
+ self._listmkeys() #211 =56
+ self._usemkey('2', 'now-1day') #213 =57
+ self._listmkeys() #214 =58
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ '''
+ self._writeLine("-----------\n\/\/\/ ERROR EXPECTED below") #216
+ self._kpasswd('Foobar2!', passw, 'all', succeed=False) #217-221 =59
+ self._writeLine("^^^ABOVE^^ SHOULD HAVE FAILED\n--------")
+ '''
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._kpasswd('Foobar2!', 'Barfoo3.', 'all') #224-228 =60
+ self._kinit('Barfoo3.', 'all') #229
+ self._klist() #230 =62
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ '''
+ self._writeLine("-------------\n\/\/\/ ERROR EXPECTED below") #231
+ self._kpasswd('Barfoo3.', 'Foobar2!', 'all',succeed=False) #233-235 =63
+ self._writeLine("^^^ABOVE^^ SHOULD HAVE FAILED\n---------")
+ '''
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._writeLine("\nTest's key should be protected by mkvno 2" ) #239
+ self._locCpw('foo', 'test') #240 =64
+ self._locGetprincFind('test', 'MKey: vno 2') #241 =65
+ self._kdestroy() #242 =66
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: krb5kdc refetch of mkey")#243
+ self._kinit('foo', 'test') #244 =67
+ self._klist() #245 =68
+ self._writeLine("END. Testing krb5kdc refetch of mkey list Done ==============================================\n") #246
+ self._updatePrincEnc() #247 =69
+ self._get_princ_records() #248 =70 -83
+ self._kdestroy() #249 =84
+ self._kinit('foo', 'test') #250 =85
+ self._purgemkeys() #252 =86
+ #self._stash() #254 =87 #!!! Not necessary in ldap, done by 'create -s'
+ self._shell(self.clients+'klist/klist' +" -ekt "+self.sandir+"/krb5kdc/.k5.EXAMPLE.ORG") #255=88
+ self._locGetprinc('K/M') #256 =89
+ self._purgemkeys() #257 =90
+ self._locGetprinc('K/M') #258
+ self._listmkeys() #259 =92
+ self._kdestroy() #260
+ self._kinit('foo', 'test') #261
+ self._klist() #262 =95
+ self._writeLine("\n Adding in Master Key Number 3")
+ self._listmkeys() #265 =96
+ self._addmkey('abcde') #266-268
+ self._listmkeys() #270 =98
+ self._locCpw('foo', 'all') #271
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #272 =100
+ self._usemkey('3', 'now') #273
+ self._listmkeys() #274 =102
+ self._locCpw('99acefghI0!', 'all') #275
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #276 =104
+ self._kdestroy() #277
+ self._kinit('foo', 'test') #279 =106
+ self._klist() #280
+ self._shell(self.kadmin+" -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'listprincs'") #281 =108
+ self._shell(self.kadmin+" -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'getprinc test'") #282 =109
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: add_mkey with aes128 enctype") #283
+ self._addmkey('abcde', '-e aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96') #284-287 =110
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Start to have problems !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._listmkeys() #288 =111
+ '''$ kdb5_util list_mkeys
+kdb5_util: Unable to decrypt latest master key with the provided master key
+ while getting master key list
+kdb5_util: Warning: proceeding without master key list
+kdb5_util: master keylist not initialized'''#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._writeLine( "END. Testing add_mkey with aes128 enctype done ==============================================")#289
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: krb5kdc refetch of mkey list")
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\/ errors \/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._usemkey('4', 'now') #290 =112
+ self._listmkeys() #291 =113
+ #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/\ errors /\ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ self._shell(self.kadmin+" -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'cpw -pw abcde test'") #292 =114
+ self._shell(self.kadmin +" -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'getprinc test'") #293
+ self._kdestroy() #294 =116
+ self._writeLine("\nTesting krb5kdc refetch of mkey list =================================================") #295
+ self._kinit('abcde', 'test') #296 =117
+ self._klist() #297 =118
+ self._writeLine("Testing krb5kdc refetch of mkey list Done :) =================================================\n") #298
+ self._killkdc() #300 =119, 120
+ self._startkdc() #301 =121 122
+ # The lines below are commented out because krb5kdc could not be restarted. For their error messages, see the outfile
+ '''
+ kdc.log:
+ Aug 31 12:21:23 reach-my-dream krb5kdc[24273](info): AS_REQ (2 etypes {16 17}) ISSUE: authtime 1251746483, etypes {rep=16 tkt=18 ses=16}, test@EXAMPLE.ORG for krbtgt/EXAMPLE.ORG@EXAMPLE.ORG
+krb5kdc: Unable to decrypt latest master key with the provided master key
+ - while fetching master keys list for realm EXAMPLE.ORG
+ '''
+ '''
+ self._shell("kadmin -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'cpw -pw foo test'") #304 =123
+ self._shell("kadmin -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'getprinc test'") #305 =124
+ self._kdestroy() #307 =125
+ self._writeLine("\nTesting krb5kdc refetch of mkey list =================================================") #308
+ self._kinit('foo', 'test') #309 =126
+ self._klist() #310 =127
+ self._writeLine("Testing krb5kdc refetch of mkey list Done =================================================\n") #311
+ self._updatePrincEnc() #313 =128
+ self._locGetprinc('K/M') #314
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #315 =130
+ self._locGetprinc('haoqili') #316
+ self._kdestroy() #317 =132
+ self._kinit('foo', 'test') #318
+ self._stash() #319 =134
+ self._shell(self.clients+'klist/klist' +" -ekt "+self.sandir+"/krb5kdc/.k5.EXAMPLE.ORG") #320
+ self._locGetprinc('K/M') #321 =136
+ self._purgemkeys() #322
+ self._locGetprinc('K/M') #323 =138
+ self._locGetprinc('all') #324
+ self._shell("kadmin -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'getprinc test'") #325 =140
+ self._listmkeys() #326
+ self._kdestroy() #327 =142
+ self._kinit('foo', 'test') #328
+ self._klist() #329 =144
+ self._get_princ_records() #330 =145-158
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: add_meky with DES-crc enctype")
+ #print "\nTesting add_mkey with DES-crc enctype ==============================================" #331
+ self._addmkey('abcde', '-e des-cbc-crc') #332-335 =159
+ self._listmkeys() #336 =160
+ self._writeLine( "END. Testing add_mkey with DES-crc enctype Done ==============================================") #337
+ self._addmkey('abcde') #338-341 =161
+ self._listmkeys() #342 =162
+ self._writeLine( "current time: "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) #343
+ self._usemkey('5', 'now-1day') #344 =163
+ self._writeLine("current time: "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )#345
+ self._listmkeys() #346 =164
+ self._usemkey('5', 'now') #347 =165
+ self._writeLine("current time: "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )#348
+ self._listmkeys() #349 =166
+ self._usemkey('5', 'now+3days') #350 =167
+ self._writeLine("current time: "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )#351
+ self._listmkeys() #352 =168
+ self._writeLine("current time: "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )#353
+ self._usemkey('5', 'now+5sec') #354 =169
+ self._listmkeys() #355 =170
+ time.sleep(5) #356
+ self._listmkeys() #357 =171
+ self._writeLine("current time: "+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") )#358
+ self._usemkey('4', 'now+5sec') #359 =172
+ self._listmkeys() #360 =173
+ time.sleep(5) #361
+ self._listmkeys() #362 =174
+ self._usemkey('5', 'now+3days') #363 =175
+ self._writeLine("------------\n\/\/\/ ERROR EXPECTED below" )#364
+ self._writeLine("should fail, because there must be one mkey currently active") #365
+ self._usemkey('4', 'now+2days', False) #366 =176
+ self._writeLine("^^^ABOVE^^ SHOULD HAVE FAILED\n---------------")
+ self._listmkeys() #373 =177
+ self._usemkey('4', '1/30/2009') #375 =178
+ self._writeHeader("TEST: purge_mkeys (removing mkey 5)")
+ #print "\nTesting purge_mkeys (removing mkey 5) ==============================================" #378
+ self._purgemkeys() #379 =179
+ #self._stash() #380 =180
+ self._shell(self.clients+'klist/klist' +" -ekt "+self.sandir+"/krb5kdc/.k5.EXAMPLE.ORG") #381=181
+ self._listmkeys() #382 =182
+ self._shell("kadmin -p haoqili/admin -w "+passw+" -q 'getprinc K/M'") #383 =183
+ self._writeLine("Testing purge_mkeys Done ==============================================") #384
+ self._writeHeader("MASTER KEY MIGRATION TEST DONE. please consult 'outfile' in your sandbox for more info. The sandbox is at: %s" % self.sandir)
+ # I added
+ self._sysexit(finished=True)
+ '''
+class Launcher:
+ #def __init__(self, path, sandP):
+ #def __init__(self):
+ def __init__(self, sandP):
+ self._buildDir = os.environ["PWD"]
+ self._confDir = '%s/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/input_conf' % self._buildDir
+ #setting up sandbox
+ if sandP != "":
+ self._sandP = sandP
+ else: #default
+ self._sandP = '%s/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/sandbox' %self._buildDir
+ print self._sandP
+ print "sandP"
+ self._vars = {'sandir': self._sandP,
+ 'localFQDN': socket.getfqdn()}
+ def _prepSandbox(self, sandir):
+ if os.path.exists(sandir):
+ shutil.rmtree(sandir)
+ print "------about to make sandbox, with the path of:"
+ print sandir
+ os.makedirs(sandir, 0777)
+ os.mkdir(sandir+'/krb5kdc', 0777)
+ print "------sandbox made"
+ def _createFileFromTemplate(self, outpath, template, vars):
+ fin = open(template, 'r')
+ result = fin.read() % vars
+ fin.close()
+ fout = open(outpath, 'w')
+ fout.write(result)
+ fout.close()
+ ####### Launcher RUN ################
+ def runLauncher(self):
+ # create sandbox file directory (and sandbox/krb5kdc) if it does not exit
+ self._prepSandbox(self._sandP)
+ # Export the 3 env lines
+ src_path=os.environ["PWD"]
+ os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = '%s/lib' % src_path
+ str1 = '%s/krb5.conf' % self._sandP
+ os.environ["KRB5_CONFIG"] = str1
+ str2 = '%s/kdc.conf' % self._sandP
+ os.environ["KRB5_KDC_PROFILE"] = str2
+ str3 = '%s/kadm5.acl' % self._sandP
+ # Create adequate to the environment config files
+ self._createFileFromTemplate(str1, '%s/%s' % (self._confDir, 'krb5_template_ldap.conf'), self._vars)
+ self._createFileFromTemplate(str2, '%s/%s' % (self._confDir, 'kdc_template_ldap.conf'), self._vars)
+ self._createFileFromTemplate(str3, '%s/%s' % (self._confDir, 'kadm5_template_ldap.acl'), self._vars)
+ return (self._confDir, self._sandP)
+def makeBool(aStr):
+ if aStr == "True" or aStr == "T":
+ return True
+ if aStr == "False" or aStr == "F":
+ return False
+ else:
+ print "did NOT execute due to invalid True False argument. Please enter either 'True', 'T', 'False', or 'F'"
+ sys.exit()
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def processInputs(parser):
+#def processInputs():
+ # get inputs
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ verbose = makeBool(options.opVerbose)
+ pw = options.opPassword
+ kdcPath = options.opKdcPath #1
+ kdmdPath = options.opKdmdPath #2
+ kdbPath = options.opKdbPath #3a
+ ldapPath = options.opLdapPath #3b
+ kdmlPath = options.opKdmlPath #4
+ kdmPath = options.opKdmPath #5
+ cltPath = options.opCltPath #6
+ sandPath = options.opSandbox
+ ########### Launch ###############
+ print "\n############ Start Launcher #############"
+ myLaunch = Launcher(sandPath)
+ (confDir, sandPath) = myLaunch.runLauncher()
+ print ":D"
+ print sandPath
+ test = LDAPbackendSetup(verbose, pw, kdcPath, kdmdPath, kdbPath, ldapPath, kdmlPath, kdmPath, cltPath, sandPath, confDir)
+ print "########## Finished Launcher ############\n"
+ return test
+# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+def makeParser():
+ usage = "\n\t%prog [-v][-p][-c][-d][-b][-l][-t][-s]"
+ description = "Description:\n\tTests for the master key migration commands."
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", type="string", dest="opVerbose",
+default="True", help="'True' or 'False'. Switch on for details of command lines and outputs. Default is 'True'")
+ parser.add_option("-p", "--password", type="string", dest="opPassword", default="test123", help="master password for many of the passwords in the test. Default is 'test123'")
+ ## Default Paths
+ dSrcPath = src_path=os.environ["PWD"]
+ dKdcPath = '%s/kdc/krb5kdc' % dSrcPath #1
+ dKdmdPath = '%s/kadmin/server/kadmind' % dSrcPath #2
+ dKdbPath = '%s/kadmin/dbutil/kdb5_util' % dSrcPath #3a
+ dLdapPath = '%s/plugins/kdb/ldap/ldap_util/kdb5_ldap_util' % dSrcPath #3b
+ dKdmlPath = '%s/kadmin/cli/kadmin.local' % dSrcPath #4
+ dKdmPath = '%s/kadmin/cli/kadmin' % dSrcPath #5
+ dCltPath = '%s/clients' % dSrcPath #6
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--krb5kdcpath",
+type="string", dest="opKdcPath",
+default=dKdcPath, help="set krb5kdc path, default="+dKdcPath) #1
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--kadmindpath",
+type="string", dest="opKdmdPath",
+default=dKdmdPath, help="set kadmind path, default="+dKdmdPath) #2
+ parser.add_option("-b", "--kdb5_utilpath",
+type="string", dest="opKdbPath",
+default=dKdbPath, help="set kdb5_util path, default="+dKdbPath) #3a
+ parser.add_option("-a", "--kdb5_ldap_utilpath",
+type="string", dest="opLdapPath",
+default=dKdbPath, help="set kdb5_ldap_util path, default="+dLdapPath) #3b
+ parser.add_option("-l", "--kadminlocalpath",
+type="string", dest="opKdmlPath",
+default=dKdmlPath, help="set kadmin.local path, default="+dKdmlPath) #4
+ parser.add_option("-n", "--kadminpath",
+type="string", dest="opKdmPath",
+default=dKdmPath, help="set kadmin path, default="+dKdmPath) #5
+ parser.add_option("-t", "--clientspath",
+type="string", dest="opCltPath",
+default=dCltPath, help="set clients path, default="+dCltPath) #6
+ # set up / initializing stuff for the sandbox
+ parser.add_option("-s", "--sandbox",
+type="string", dest="opSandbox",
+help="path for the sandbox. Default is 'src/tests/mk_migr/ldap_backend/sandbox'")
+ return parser
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #processInputs()
+ parser = makeParser()
+ test = processInputs(parser)
+ result = test.run()