/* crypto/crypto.c */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) * All rights reserved. * * This package is an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. * * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution * as the author of the parts of the library used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * "This product includes cryptographic software written by * Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)" * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library * being used are not cryptographic related :-). * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ /* If you are happy to use the assmbler version of bn/bn_mulw.c, define * BN_ASM */ #ifndef BN_ASM #undef BN_ASM #define X86_ASM #endif #ifndef DES_ASM #undef DES_ASM #endif #ifndef BF_ASM #undef BF_ASM #endif /* The following defines are only to break the compiles into chunks. * If you wish to not compile some sections, use the 'NO_XXX' macros */ #ifndef CRYPTO_SUBSET /* Define all subset symbols. */ #define CRYPTO_LIB_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_ASN1_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_BN_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_BUFFER_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_BIO_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_CONF_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_DES_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_DH_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_DSA_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_ERROR_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_EVP_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_IDEA_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_LHASH_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_MD_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_MDC2_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_METH_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_OBJECTS_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_PEM_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_RAND_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_RC_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_BLOWFISH_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_CAST_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_RSA_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_SHA_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_HMAC_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_SHA1_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_STACK_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_TXT_DB_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_X509_SUBSET #define CRYPTO_PKCS7_SUBSET #endif #include #include #include #define USE_SOCKETS #include "../e_os.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "bio.h" #include "stack.h" #include "lhash.h" #include "err.h" #include "bn.h" #include "evp.h" #include "rand.h" #include "conf.h" #include "txt_db.h" #include "x509.h" #include "pkcs7.h" #include "pem.h" #include "asn1.h" #include "objects.h" #ifdef CRYPTO_LIB_SUBSET #include "cryptlib.c" #include "mem.c" #include "cversion.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_ASN1_SUBSET #include "asn1/a_meth.c" #include "asn1/a_bitstr.c" #include "asn1/a_d2i_fp.c" #include "asn1/a_dup.c" #include "asn1/a_hdr.c" #include "asn1/a_i2d_fp.c" #include "asn1/a_int.c" #include "asn1/a_bool.c" #include "asn1/a_bytes.c" #include "asn1/a_object.c" #include "asn1/a_octet.c" #include "asn1/a_print.c" #include "asn1/a_set.c" #include "asn1/a_sign.c" #include "asn1/a_type.c" #include "asn1/a_utctm.c" #include "asn1/a_verify.c" #include "asn1/a_digest.c" #include "asn1/asn1_err.c" #include "asn1/asn1_lib.c" #include "asn1/asn1_par.c" #ifndef NO_DH #include "asn1/d2i_dhp.c" #include "asn1/i2d_dhp.c" #endif #ifndef NO_DSA #include "asn1/d2i_dsap.c" #include "asn1/i2d_dsap.c" #include "asn1/d2i_s_pr.c" #include "asn1/i2d_s_pr.c" #include "asn1/d2i_s_pu.c" #include "asn1/i2d_s_pu.c" #endif #ifndef NO_RSA #include "asn1/d2i_r_pr.c" #include "asn1/i2d_r_pr.c" #include "asn1/d2i_r_pu.c" #include "asn1/i2d_r_pu.c" #include "asn1/n_pkey.c" #endif #include "asn1/d2i_pr.c" #include "asn1/d2i_pu.c" #include "asn1/i2d_pr.c" #include "asn1/i2d_pu.c" #include "asn1/f_int.c" #include "asn1/f_string.c" #include "asn1/p7_dgst.c" #include "asn1/p7_enc.c" #include "asn1/p7_enc_c.c" #include "asn1/p7_evp.c" #include "asn1/p7_i_s.c" #include "asn1/p7_lib.c" #include "asn1/p7_recip.c" #include "asn1/p7_s_e.c" #include "asn1/p7_signd.c" #include "asn1/p7_signi.c" #include "asn1/t_pkey.c" #include "asn1/t_req.c" #include "asn1/t_x509.c" #include "asn1/x_algor.c" #include "asn1/x_attrib.c" #include "asn1/x_exten.c" #include "asn1/x_cinf.c" #include "asn1/x_crl.c" #include "asn1/x_info.c" #include "asn1/x_name.c" #include "asn1/x_pkey.c" #include "asn1/x_pubkey.c" #include "asn1/x_req.c" #include "asn1/x_sig.c" #include "asn1/x_spki.c" #include "asn1/x_val.c" #include "asn1/x_x509.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_BN_SUBSET #include "bn/bn_add.c" #include "bn/bn_div.c" #include "bn/bn_exp.c" #include "bn/bn_mont.c" #include "bn/bn_recp.c" #include "bn/bn_gcd.c" #include "bn/bn_lib.c" #include "bn/bn_mod.c" #include "bn/bn_mul.c" #ifndef BN_ASM #include "bn/bn_mulw.c" #endif #include "bn/bn_prime.c" #include "bn/bn_rand.c" #include "bn/bn_shift.c" #include "bn/bn_sqr.c" #include "bn/bn_sub.c" #include "bn/bn_word.c" #include "bn/bn_print.c" #include "bn/bn_err.c" #include "bn/bn_blind.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_BIO_SUBSET #include "bio/bf_buff.c" #include "bio/bf_null.c" #include "bio/bf_nbio.c" #include "bio/bio_cb.c" #include "bio/bio_lib.c" #include "bio/bss_fd.c" #include "bio/bss_file.c" #include "bio/bss_mem.c" #include "bio/bss_null.c" #ifdef VMS #include "bio/bss_rtcp.c" #endif #include "bio/bss_sock.c" #include "bio/bss_conn.c" #include "bio/bss_acpt.c" #include "bio/b_sock.c" #include "bio/b_print.c" #include "bio/b_dump.c" #include "bio/bio_err.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_BUFFER_SUBSET #include "buffer/buf_err.c" #include "buffer/buffer.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_CONF_SUBSET #include "conf/conf.c" #include "conf/conf_err.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_DES_SUBSET #include "des/read_pwd.c" #ifndef NO_DES #ifndef DES_ASM #include "des/fcrypt_b.c" #include "des/des_enc.c" #endif #include "des/cbc_cksm.c" #include "des/xcbc_enc.c" #include "des/cbc_enc.c" #include "des/cfb64ede.c" #include "des/cfb64enc.c" #include "des/cfb_enc.c" #include "des/ecb3_enc.c" #include "des/ecb_enc.c" #include "des/enc_read.c" #include "des/enc_writ.c" #include "des/fcrypt.c" #include "des/ofb64ede.c" #include "des/ofb64enc.c" #include "des/ofb_enc.c" #include "des/pcbc_enc.c" #include "des/qud_cksm.c" #include "des/rand_key.c" #include "des/read2pwd.c" #include "des/rpc_enc.c" #include "des/set_key.c" #include "des/str2key.c" #include "des/supp.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_DH_SUBSET #ifndef NO_DH #include "dh/dh_check.c" #include "dh/dh_err.c" #include "dh/dh_gen.c" #include "dh/dh_key.c" #include "dh/dh_lib.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_DSA_SUBSET #ifndef NO_DSA #include "dsa/dsa_gen.c" #include "dsa/dsa_key.c" #include "dsa/dsa_lib.c" #include "dsa/dsa_sign.c" #include "dsa/dsa_vrf.c" #include "dsa/dsa_err.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_ERROR_SUBSET #include "err/err.c" #include "err/err_all.c" #include "err/err_prn.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_EVP_SUBSET #include "evp/bio_md.c" #include "evp/bio_b64.c" #include "evp/bio_enc.c" #include "evp/c_all.c" #include "evp/digest.c" #ifndef NO_DES #include "evp/e_cbc_3d.c" #include "evp/e_cfb_3d.c" #include "evp/e_ecb_3d.c" #include "evp/e_ofb_3d.c" #include "evp/e_cbc_d.c" #include "evp/e_cfb_d.c" #include "evp/e_xcbc_d.c" #include "evp/e_ecb_d.c" #include "evp/e_ofb_d.c" #endif #ifndef NO_IDEA #include "evp/e_cbc_i.c" #include "evp/e_cfb_i.c" #include "evp/e_ecb_i.c" #include "evp/e_ofb_i.c" #endif #ifndef NO_RC2 #include "evp/e_cbc_r2.c" #include "evp/e_cfb_r2.c" #include "evp/e_ecb_r2.c" #include "evp/e_ofb_r2.c" #endif #ifndef NO_BLOWFISH #include "evp/e_cbc_bf.c" #include "evp/e_cfb_bf.c" #include "evp/e_ecb_bf.c" #include "evp/e_ofb_bf.c" #endif #ifndef NO_CAST #include "evp/e_cbc_c.c" #include "evp/e_cfb_c.c" #include "evp/e_ecb_c.c" #include "evp/e_ofb_c.c" #endif #ifndef NO_RC4 #include "evp/e_rc4.c" #endif #include "evp/names.c" #include "evp/e_null.c" #include "evp/encode.c" #include "evp/evp_enc.c" #include "evp/evp_err.c" #include "evp/evp_key.c" #include "evp/m_null.c" #include "evp/p_lib.c" #ifndef NO_RSA #include "evp/p_open.c" #include "evp/p_seal.c" #endif #include "evp/p_sign.c" #include "evp/p_verify.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_IDEA_SUBSET #ifndef NO_IDEA #include "idea/i_cbc.c" #include "idea/i_cfb64.c" #include "idea/i_ecb.c" #include "idea/i_ofb64.c" #include "idea/i_skey.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_BLOWFISH_SUBSET #ifndef NO_BLOWFISH #include "bf/bf_cfb64.c" #include "bf/bf_ecb.c" #ifndef BF_ASM #include "bf/bf_enc.c" #endif #include "bf/bf_ofb64.c" #include "bf/bf_skey.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_CAST_SUBSET #ifndef NO_CAST #include "cast/c_cfb64.c" #include "cast/c_ecb.c" #ifndef CAST_ASM #include "cast/c_enc.c" #endif #include "cast/c_ofb64.c" #include "cast/c_skey.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_LHASH_SUBSET #include "lhash/lh_stats.c" #include "lhash/lhash.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_MD_SUBSET #ifndef NO_MD2 #include "md2/md2_dgst.c" #include "md2/md2_one.c" #include "evp/m_md2.c" #endif #ifndef NO_MD5 #include "md5/md5_dgst.c" #include "md5/md5_one.c" #include "evp/m_md5.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_MDC2_SUBSET #ifndef NO_MDC2 #include "mdc2/mdc2dgst.c" #include "mdc2/mdc2_one.c" #include "evp/m_mdc2.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_OBJECTS_SUBSET #include "objects/obj_dat.c" #include "objects/obj_err.c" #include "objects/obj_lib.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_PEM_SUBSET #include "pem/pem_err.c" #include "pem/pem_info.c" #include "pem/pem_lib.c" #include "pem/pem_all.c" #ifndef NO_RSA #include "pem/pem_seal.c" #include "pem/pem_sign.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_RAND_SUBSET #include "rand/md_rand.c" #include "rand/randfile.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_RC_SUBSET #ifndef NO_RC2 #include "rc2/rc2_cbc.c" #include "rc2/rc2_ecb.c" #include "rc2/rc2_skey.c" #include "rc2/rc2cfb64.c" #include "rc2/rc2ofb64.c" #endif #ifndef NO_RC4 #include "rc4/rc4_skey.c" #ifndef RC4_ASM #include "rc4/rc4_enc.c" #endif #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_HMAC_SUBSET #include "hmac/hmac.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_RSA_SUBSET #ifndef NO_RSA #include "rsa/rsa_eay.c" #include "rsa/rsa_err.c" #include "rsa/rsa_gen.c" #include "rsa/rsa_lib.c" #include "rsa/rsa_sign.c" #include "rsa/rsa_saos.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_SHA1_SUBSET #ifndef NO_SHA1 #include "sha/sha1_one.c" #include "sha/sha1dgst.c" #include "evp/m_dss1.c" #include "evp/m_sha1.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_SHA_SUBSET #ifndef NO_SHA #include "evp/m_dss.c" #include "sha/sha_dgst.c" #include "sha/sha_one.c" #include "evp/m_sha.c" #endif #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_STACK_SUBSET #include "stack/stack.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_TXT_DB_SUBSET #include "txt_db/txt_db.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_X509_SUBSET #include "x509/x509_cmp.c" #include "x509/x509_d2.c" #include "x509/x509_def.c" #include "x509/x509_err.c" #include "x509/x509_ext.c" #include "x509/x509_lu.c" #include "x509/x509_obj.c" #include "x509/x509_r2x.c" #include "x509/x509_req.c" #include "x509/x509_set.c" #include "x509/x509_v3.c" #include "x509/x509_vfy.c" #include "x509/x509name.c" #include "x509/x509pack.c" #include "x509/x509rset.c" #include "x509/x509type.c" #include "x509/x_all.c" #include "x509/x509_txt.c" #include "x509/by_dir.c" #include "x509/by_file.c" #include "x509/v3_net.c" #include "x509/v3_x509.c" #endif #ifdef CRYPTO_PKCS7_SUBSET /* I have an explicit removal of 7 lines */ #include "pkcs7/pk7_lib.c" #include "pkcs7/pkcs7err.c" #include "pkcs7/pk7_doit.c" #endif /* CRYPTO_PKCS7_SUBSET */