## @file # CI configuration for MdeModulePkg # # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation # Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# (C) Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent ## { "PrEval": { "DscPath": "MdeModulePkg.dsc", }, ## options defined .pytool/Plugin/LicenseCheck "LicenseCheck": { "IgnoreFiles": [] }, "EccCheck": { ## Exception sample looks like below: ## "ExceptionList": [ ## "", "" ## ] "ExceptionList": [ "8005", "UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE.UID", "8005", "UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE.HID", "8001", "UefiSortLibUnitTestMain", "8001", "MediaSanitizeUnitTestMain", ], ## Both file path and directory path are accepted. "IgnoreFiles": [ "Library/LzmaCustomDecompressLib", "Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib", "Universal/RegularExpressionDxe" ] }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/CompilerPlugin "CompilerPlugin": { "DscPath": "MdeModulePkg.dsc" }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin "HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin": { "DscPath": "Test/MdeModulePkgHostTest.dsc" }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/CharEncodingCheck "CharEncodingCheck": { "IgnoreFiles": [ "MdeModulePkg/Universal/RegularExpressionDxe/oniguruma/test/testc.c", "MdeModulePkg/Universal/RegularExpressionDxe/oniguruma/windows/testc.c" ] }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/DependencyCheck "DependencyCheck": { "AcceptableDependencies": [ "MdePkg/MdePkg.dec", "MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec", "StandaloneMmPkg/StandaloneMmPkg.dec" ], # For host based unit tests "AcceptableDependencies-HOST_APPLICATION":[ "UnitTestFrameworkPkg/UnitTestFrameworkPkg.dec" ], # For UEFI shell based apps "AcceptableDependencies-UEFI_APPLICATION":[], "IgnoreInf": [] }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/DscCompleteCheck "DscCompleteCheck": { "IgnoreInf": [], "DscPath": "MdeModulePkg.dsc" }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck "HostUnitTestDscCompleteCheck": { "IgnoreInf": [""], "DscPath": "Test/MdeModulePkgHostTest.dsc" }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/GuidCheck "GuidCheck": { "IgnoreGuidName": [], "IgnoreGuidValue": ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"], "IgnoreFoldersAndFiles": [], "IgnoreDuplicates": [ "gEfiPeiMmAccessPpiGuid=gPeiSmmAccessPpiGuid", "gPeiSmmControlPpiGuid=gEfiPeiMmControlPpiGuid", "gEfiPeiMmCommunicationPpiGuid=gEfiPeiSmmCommunicationPpiGuid", "gUiAppFileGuid=UiApp", ] }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/LibraryClassCheck "LibraryClassCheck": { "IgnoreHeaderFile": [] }, ## options defined ci/Plugin/SpellCheck "SpellCheck": { "AuditOnly": True, # Fails test but run in AuditOnly mode to collect log "IgnoreStandardPaths": [ # Standard Plugin defined paths that should be ignore "*.c", "*.asm", "*.h", "*.nasm", "*.s", "*.asl", "*.inf" ], "IgnoreFiles": [ # use gitignore syntax to ignore errors in matching files "Library/LzmaCustomDecompressLib/Sdk/DOC/*" ], "ExtendWords": [ # words to extend to the dictionary for this package "LIGHTGRAY", "DARKGRAY", "LIGHTBLUE", "LIGHTGREEN", "LIGHTCYAN", "LIGHTRED", "LIGHTMAGENTA", "FVMAIN", "VARCHECKPCD", "Getxx", "lzturbo", "musthave", "canthave" ], "AdditionalIncludePaths": [] # Additional paths to spell check relative to package root (wildcards supported) } }