\ ***************************************************************************** \ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation \ * All rights reserved. \ * This program and the accompanying materials \ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License \ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at \ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php \ * \ * Contributors: \ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation \ ****************************************************************************/ #include "pci-class-code-names.fs" \ read the various bar type sizes : pci-bar-size@ ( bar-addr -- bar-size ) -1 over rtas-config-l! rtas-config-l@ ; : pci-bar-size-mem@ ( bar-addr -- mem-size ) pci-bar-size@ -10 and invert 1+ FFFFFFFF and ; : pci-bar-size-io@ ( bar-addr -- io-size ) pci-bar-size@ -4 and invert 1+ FFFFFFFF and ; \ fetch raw bar size but keep original BAR value : pci-bar-size ( bar-addr -- bar-size-raw ) dup rtas-config-l@ swap \ fetch original Value ( bval baddr ) -1 over rtas-config-l! \ make BAR show size ( bval baddr ) dup rtas-config-l@ \ and fetch the size ( bval baddr bsize ) -rot rtas-config-l! \ restore Value ; \ calc 32 bit MEM BAR size : pci-bar-size-mem32 ( bar-addr -- bar-size ) pci-bar-size \ fetch raw size -10 and invert 1+ \ calc size FFFFFFFF and \ keep lower 32 bits ; \ calc 32 bit ROM BAR size : pci-bar-size-rom ( bar-addr -- bar-size ) pci-bar-size \ fetch raw size FFFFF800 and invert 1+ \ calc size FFFFFFFF and \ keep lower 32 bits ; \ calc 64 bit MEM BAR size : pci-bar-size-mem64 ( bar-addr -- bar-size ) dup pci-bar-size \ fetch raw size lower 32 bits swap 4 + pci-bar-size \ fetch raw size upper 32 bits 20 lshift + \ and put them together -10 and invert 1+ \ calc size ; \ calc IO BAR size : pci-bar-size-io ( bar-addr -- bar-size ) pci-bar-size \ fetch raw size -4 and invert 1+ \ calc size FFFFFFFF and \ keep lower 32 bits ; \ decode the Bar Type \ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \ | 3 2 1 0 | \ | +----------------------------+-+--+-+ | \ | MEM-BAR : | Base Address |P|TT|0| P - prefechtable ; TT - 00 : 32 Bit | \ | +----------------------------+-+--+-+ 10 : 64 Bit | \ | +-------------------------------+-+-+ | \ | IO-BAR : | Base Address |0|1| | \ | +-------------------------------+-+-+ | \ | That is: 0 - no encoded BarType | \ | 1 - IO - Bar | \ | 2 - Memory 32 Bit | \ | 3 - Memory 32 Bit prefetchable | \ | 4 - Memory 64 Bit | \ | 5 - Memory 64 Bit prefetchable | \ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ : pci-bar-code@ ( bar-addr -- 0|1..4|5 ) rtas-config-l@ dup \ fetch the BaseAddressRegister 1 and IF \ IO BAR ? 2 and IF 0 ELSE 1 THEN \ only '01' is valid ELSE \ Memory BAR ? F and CASE 0 OF 2 ENDOF \ Memory 32 Bit Non-Prefetchable 8 OF 3 ENDOF \ Memory 32 Bit Prefetchable 4 OF 4 ENDOF \ Memory 64 Bit Non-Prefetchable C OF 5 ENDOF \ Memory 64 Bit Prefechtable dup OF 0 ENDOF \ Not a valid BarType ENDCASE THEN ; \ *************************************************************************************** \ Assigning the new Value to the BARs \ *************************************************************************************** \ align the current mem and set var to next mem \ align with a size of 0 returns 0 !!! : assign-var ( size var -- al-mem ) 2dup @ \ ( size var size cur-mem ) read current free mem swap #aligned \ ( size var al-mem ) align the mem to the size dup 2swap -rot + \ ( al-mem var new-mem ) add size to aligned mem swap ! \ ( al-mem ) set variable to new mem ; \ set bar to current free mem ( in variable ) and set variable to next free mem : assign-bar-value32 ( bar size var -- 4 ) over IF \ IF size > 0 assign-var \ | ( bar al-mem ) set variable to next mem swap rtas-config-l! \ | ( -- ) set the bar to al-mem ELSE \ ELSE 2drop drop \ | clear stack THEN \ FI 4 \ size of the base-address-register ; \ set bar to current free mem ( in variable ) and set variable to next free mem : assign-bar-value64 ( bar size var -- 8 ) over IF \ IF size > 0 assign-var \ | ( bar al-mem ) set variable to next mem swap \ | ( al-mem addr ) calc config-addr of this bar 2dup rtas-config-l! \ | ( al-mem addr ) set the Lower part of the bar to al-mem 4 + swap 20 rshift \ | ( al-mem>>32 addr ) prepare the upper part of the al-mem swap rtas-config-l! \ | ( -- ) and set the upper part of the bar ELSE \ ELSE 2drop drop \ | clear stack THEN \ FI 8 \ size of the base-address-register ; \ Setup a prefetchable 64bit BAR and return its size : assign-mem64-bar ( bar-addr -- 8 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem64 \ fetch size pci-next-mem \ var to change assign-bar-value64 \ and set it all ; \ Setup a prefetchable 32bit BAR and return its size : assign-mem32-bar ( bar-addr -- 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem32 \ fetch size pci-next-mem \ var to change assign-bar-value32 \ and set it all ; \ Setup a non-prefetchable 64bit BAR and return its size : assign-mmio64-bar ( bar-addr -- 8 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem64 \ fetch size pci-next-mmio \ var to change assign-bar-value64 \ and set it all ; \ Setup a non-prefetchable 32bit BAR and return its size : assign-mmio32-bar ( bar-addr -- 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem32 \ fetch size pci-next-mmio \ var to change assign-bar-value32 \ and set it all ; \ Setup an IO-Bar and return the size of the base-address-register : assign-io-bar ( bar-addr -- 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-io \ fetch size pci-next-io \ var to change assign-bar-value32 \ and set it all ; \ Setup an Expansion ROM bar : assign-rom-bar ( bar-addr -- ) dup pci-bar-size-rom \ fetch size dup IF \ IF size > 0 over >r \ | save bar addr for enable pci-next-mmio \ | var to change assign-bar-value32 \ | and set it drop \ | forget the BAR length r@ rtas-config-l@ \ | fetch BAR 1 or r> rtas-config-l! \ | and enable the ROM ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | clear stack THEN ; \ Setup the BAR due to its type and return the size of the register (4 or 8 Bytes ) used as increment for the BAR-Loop : assign-bar ( bar-addr -- reg-size ) dup pci-bar-code@ \ calc BAR type dup IF \ IF >0 CASE \ | CASE Setup the right type 1 OF assign-io-bar ENDOF \ | - set up an IO-Bar 2 OF assign-mmio32-bar ENDOF \ | - set up an 32bit MMIO-Bar 3 OF assign-mem32-bar ENDOF \ | - set up an 32bit MEM-Bar (prefetchable) 4 OF assign-mmio64-bar ENDOF \ | - set up an 64bit MMIO-Bar 5 OF assign-mem64-bar ENDOF \ | - set up an 64bit MEM-Bar (prefetchable) ENDCASE \ | ESAC ELSE \ ELSE ABORT \ | Throw an exception THEN \ FI ; \ Setup all the bars of a pci device : assign-all-device-bars ( configaddr -- ) 28 10 DO \ BARs start at 10 and end at 27 dup i + \ calc config-addr of the BAR assign-bar \ and set it up +LOOP \ add 4 or 8 to the index and loop 30 + assign-rom-bar \ set up the ROM if available ; \ Setup all the bars of a pci device : assign-all-bridge-bars ( configaddr -- ) 18 10 DO \ BARs start at 10 and end at 17 dup i + \ calc config-addr of the BAR assign-bar \ and set it up +LOOP \ add 4 or 8 to the index and loop 38 + assign-rom-bar \ set up the ROM if available ; \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \ | Numerical Representaton of a PCI address (PCI Bus Binding | \ | | \ | 31 24 16 11 8 0 | \ | +--------+--------+-----+---+--------+ | \ | phys.hi: |npt000ss| bus | dev |fnc| reg | n - 0 relocatable | \ | +--------+--------+-----+---+--------+ p - 1 prefetchable | \ | t - 1 aliased or <1MB or <64KB | \ | ss - 00 Configuration Space | \ | 01 I/O Space | \ | 10 Memory Space 32bits | \ | 11 Memory Space 64bits | \ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ \ *************************************************************************************** \ Generating the assigned-addresses property \ *************************************************************************************** \ generate assigned-addresses property for 64Bit MEM-BAR and return BAR-reg-size : gen-mem64-bar-prop ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 8 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem64 \ fetch BAR Size ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) dup IF \ IF Size > 0 >r dup rtas-config-l@ \ | save size and fetch lower 32 bits ( paddr plen baddr val.lo R: size) over 4 + rtas-config-l@ \ | fetch upper 32 bits ( paddr plen baddr val.lo val.hi R: size) 20 lshift + -10 and >r \ | calc 64 bit value and save it ( paddr plen baddr R: size val ) 83000000 or encode-int+ \ | Encode config addr ( paddr plen R: size val ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode assigned addr ( paddr plen R: size ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode size ( paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 8 \ sizeof(BAR) = 8 Bytes ; \ generate assigned-addresses property for prefetchable 64Bit MEM-BAR and return BAR-reg-size : gen-pmem64-bar-prop ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 8 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem64 \ fetch BAR Size ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) dup IF \ IF Size > 0 >r dup rtas-config-l@ \ | save size and fetch lower 32 bits ( paddr plen baddr val.lo R: size) over 4 + rtas-config-l@ \ | fetch upper 32 bits ( paddr plen baddr val.lo val.hi R: size) 20 lshift + -10 and >r \ | calc 64 bit value and save it ( paddr plen baddr R: size val ) C3000000 or encode-int+ \ | Encode config addr ( paddr plen R: size val ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode assigned addr ( paddr plen R: size ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode size ( paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 8 \ sizeof(BAR) = 8 Bytes ; \ generate assigned-addresses property for 32Bit MEM-BAR and return BAR-reg-size : gen-mem32-bar-prop ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem32 \ fetch BAR Size ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) dup IF \ IF Size > 0 >r dup rtas-config-l@ \ | save size and fetch value ( paddr plen baddr val R: size) -10 and >r \ | calc 32 bit value and save it ( paddr plen baddr R: size val ) 82000000 or encode-int+ \ | Encode config addr ( paddr plen R: size val ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode assigned addr ( paddr plen R: size ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode size ( paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 4 \ sizeof(BAR) = 4 Bytes ; \ generate assigned-addresses property for prefetchable 32Bit MEM-BAR and return BAR-reg-size : gen-pmem32-bar-prop ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem32 \ fetch BAR Size ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) dup IF \ IF Size > 0 >r dup rtas-config-l@ \ | save size and fetch value ( paddr plen baddr val R: size) -10 and >r \ | calc 32 bit value and save it ( paddr plen baddr R: size val ) C2000000 or encode-int+ \ | Encode config addr ( paddr plen R: size val ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode assigned addr ( paddr plen R: size ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode size ( paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 4 \ sizeof(BAR) = 4 Bytes ; \ generate assigned-addresses property for IO-BAR and return BAR-reg-size : gen-io-bar-prop ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-io \ fetch BAR Size ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) dup IF \ IF Size > 0 >r dup rtas-config-l@ \ | save size and fetch value ( paddr plen baddr val R: size) -4 and >r \ | calc 32 bit value and save it ( paddr plen baddr R: size val ) 81000000 or encode-int+ \ | Encode config addr ( paddr plen R: size val ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode assigned addr ( paddr plen R: size ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode size ( paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 4 \ sizeof(BAR) = 4 Bytes ; \ generate assigned-addresses property for ROM-BAR : gen-rom-bar-prop ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len ) dup pci-bar-size-rom \ fetch BAR Size ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) dup IF \ IF Size > 0 >r dup rtas-config-l@ \ | save size and fetch value ( paddr plen baddr val R: size) FFFFF800 and >r \ | calc 32 bit value and save it ( paddr plen baddr R: size val ) 82000000 or encode-int+ \ | Encode config addr ( paddr plen R: size val ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode assigned addr ( paddr plen R: size ) r> encode-64+ \ | Encode size ( paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI ; \ add another BAR to the assigned addresses property and return the size of the encoded register : pci-add-assigned-address ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len bsize ) dup pci-bar-code@ \ calc BAR type ( paddr plen baddr btype) CASE \ CASE for the BAR types ( paddr plen baddr ) 0 OF drop 4 ENDOF \ - not a valid type so do nothing 1 OF gen-io-bar-prop ENDOF \ - IO-BAR 2 OF gen-mem32-bar-prop ENDOF \ - MEM32 3 OF gen-pmem32-bar-prop ENDOF \ - MEM32 prefetchable 4 OF gen-mem64-bar-prop ENDOF \ - MEM64 5 OF gen-pmem64-bar-prop ENDOF \ - MEM64 prefetchable ENDCASE \ ESAC ( paddr plen bsize ) ; \ generate the assigned address property for a PCI device : pci-device-assigned-addresses-prop ( addr -- ) encode-start \ provide mem for property ( addr paddr plen ) 2 pick 30 + gen-rom-bar-prop \ assign the rom bar 28 10 DO \ we have 6 possible BARs 2 pick i + \ calc BAR address ( addr paddr plen bar-addr ) pci-add-assigned-address \ and generate the props for the BAR +LOOP \ increase Index by returned len s" assigned-addresses" property drop \ and write it into the device tree ; \ generate the assigned address property for a PCI bridge : pci-bridge-assigned-addresses-prop ( addr -- ) encode-start \ provide mem for property 2 pick 38 + gen-rom-bar-prop \ assign the rom bar 18 10 DO \ we have 2 possible BARs 2 pick i + \ ( addr paddr plen current-addr ) pci-add-assigned-address \ and generate the props for the BAR +LOOP \ increase Index by returned len s" assigned-addresses" property drop \ and write it into the device tree ; \ check if the range is valid and if so encode it into \ child.hi child.mid child.lo parent.hi parent.mid parent.lo size.hi size.lo \ This is needed to translate the childrens addresses \ We implement only 1:1 mapping for all PCI bridges : pci-bridge-gen-range ( paddr plen base limit type -- paddr plen ) >r over - \ calc size ( paddr plen base size R:type ) dup 0< IF \ IF Size < 0 ( paddr plen base size R:type ) 2drop r> drop \ | forget values ( paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE 1+ swap 2swap \ | adjust stack ( size base paddr plen R:type ) r@ encode-int+ \ | Child type ( size base paddr plen R:type ) 2 pick encode-64+ \ | Child address ( size base paddr plen R:type ) r> encode-int+ \ | Parent type ( size base paddr plen ) rot encode-64+ \ | Parent address ( size paddr plen ) rot encode-64+ \ | Encode size ( paddr plen ) THEN \ FI ; \ generate an mmio space to the ranges property : pci-bridge-gen-mmio-range ( addr prop-addr prop-len -- addr prop-addr prop-len ) 2 pick 20 + rtas-config-l@ \ fetch Value ( addr paddr plen val ) dup 0000FFF0 and 10 lshift \ calc base-address ( addr paddr plen val base ) swap 000FFFFF or \ calc limit-address ( addr paddr plen base limit ) 02000000 pci-bridge-gen-range \ and generate it ( addr paddr plen ) ; \ generate an mem space to the ranges property : pci-bridge-gen-mem-range ( addr prop-addr prop-len -- addr prop-addr prop-len ) 2 pick 24 + rtas-config-l@ \ fetch Value ( addr paddr plen val ) dup 000FFFFF or \ calc limit Bits 31:0 ( addr paddr plen val limit.31:0 ) swap 0000FFF0 and 10 lshift \ calc base Bits 31:0 ( addr paddr plen limit.31:0 base.31:0 ) 4 pick 28 + rtas-config-l@ \ fetch upper Basebits ( addr paddr plen limit.31:0 base.31:0 base.63:32 ) 20 lshift or swap \ and calc Base ( addr paddr plen base.63:0 limit.31:0 ) 4 pick 2C + rtas-config-l@ \ fetch upper Limitbits ( addr paddr plen base.63:0 limit.31:0 limit.63:32 ) 20 lshift or \ and calc Limit ( addr paddr plen base.63:0 limit.63:0 ) 42000000 pci-bridge-gen-range \ and generate it ( addr paddr plen ) ; \ generate an io space to the ranges property : pci-bridge-gen-io-range ( addr prop-addr prop-len -- addr prop-addr prop-len ) 2 pick 1C + rtas-config-l@ \ fetch Value ( addr paddr plen val ) dup 0000F000 and 00000FFF or \ calc Limit Bits 15:0 ( addr paddr plen val limit.15:0 ) swap 000000F0 and 8 lshift \ calc Base Bits 15:0 ( addr paddr plen limit.15:0 base.15:0 ) 4 pick 30 + rtas-config-l@ \ fetch upper Bits ( addr paddr plen limit.15:0 base.15:0 val ) dup FFFF and 10 lshift rot or \ calc Base ( addr paddr plen limit.15:0 val base.31:0 ) -rot FFFF0000 and or \ calc Limit ( addr paddr plen base.31:0 limit.31:0 ) 01000000 pci-bridge-gen-range \ and generate it ( addr paddr plen ) ; \ generate the ranges property for a PCI bridge : pci-bridge-range-props ( addr -- ) encode-start \ provide mem for property pci-bridge-gen-mmio-range \ generate the non prefetchable Memory Entry pci-bridge-gen-mem-range \ generate the prefetchable Memory Entry pci-bridge-gen-io-range \ generate the IO Entry dup IF \ IF any space present (propsize>0) s" ranges" property \ | write it into the device tree ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | forget the properties THEN \ FI drop \ forget the address ; \ create the interrupt map for this bridge : pci-bridge-interrupt-map ( -- ) encode-start \ create the property ( paddr plen ) get-node child \ find the first child ( paddr plen handle ) BEGIN dup WHILE \ Loop as long as the handle is non-zero ( paddr plen handle ) dup >r >space \ Get the my-space ( paddr plen addr R: handle ) pci-gen-irq-entry \ and Encode the interrupt settings ( paddr plen R: handle) r> peer \ Get neighbour ( paddr plen handle ) REPEAT \ process next childe node ( paddr plen handle ) drop \ forget the null ( paddr plen ) s" interrupt-map" property \ and set it ( -- ) 1 encode-int s" #interrupt-cells" property \ encode the cell# f800 encode-int 0 encode-int+ 0 encode-int+ \ encode the bit mask for config addr (Dev only) 7 encode-int+ s" interrupt-map-mask" property \ encode IRQ#=7 and generate property ; \ *************************************************************************************** \ Generating the reg property \ *************************************************************************************** \ reg = config-addr 0 0 0 0 [BAR-config-addr 0 0 size.high size.low] \ encode the reg prop for a nonprefetchable 32bit MEM-BAR : encode-mem32-bar ( prop-addr prop-len BAR-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem32 \ calc BAR-size ( not changing the BAR ) dup IF \ IF BAR-size > 0 ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) >r 02000000 or encode-int+ \ | save size and encode BAR addr 0 encode-64+ \ | make mid and lo zero r> encode-64+ \ | encode size ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 4 \ BAR-Len = 4 (32Bit) ; \ encode the reg prop for a prefetchable 32bit MEM-BAR : encode-pmem32-bar ( prop-addr prop-len BAR-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem32 \ calc BAR-size ( not changing the BAR ) dup IF \ IF BAR-size > 0 ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) >r 42000000 or encode-int+ \ | save size and encode BAR addr 0 encode-64+ \ | make mid and lo zero r> encode-64+ \ | encode size ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 4 \ BAR-Len = 4 (32Bit) ; \ encode the reg prop for a nonprefetchable 64bit MEM-BAR : encode-mem64-bar ( prop-addr prop-len BAR-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 8 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem64 \ calc BAR-size ( not changing the BAR ) dup IF \ IF BAR-size > 0 ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) >r 03000000 or encode-int+ \ | save size and encode BAR addr 0 encode-64+ \ | make mid and lo zero r> encode-64+ \ | encode size ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 8 \ BAR-Len = 8 (64Bit) ; \ encode the reg prop for a prefetchable 64bit MEM-BAR : encode-pmem64-bar ( prop-addr prop-len BAR-addr -- prop-addr prop-len 8 ) dup pci-bar-size-mem64 \ calc BAR-size ( not changing the BAR ) dup IF \ IF BAR-size > 0 ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) >r 43000000 or encode-int+ \ | save size and encode BAR addr 0 encode-64+ \ | make mid and lo zero r> encode-64+ \ | encode size ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 8 \ BAR-Len = 8 (64Bit) ; \ encode the reg prop for a ROM-BAR : encode-rom-bar ( prop-addr prop-len configaddr -- prop-addr prop-len ) dup pci-bar-size-rom \ fetch raw BAR-size dup IF \ IF BAR is used >r 02000000 or encode-int+ \ | save size and encode BAR addr 0 encode-64+ \ | make mid and lo zero r> encode-64+ \ | calc and encode the size ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI ; \ encode the reg prop for an IO-BAR : encode-io-bar ( prop-addr prop-len BAR-addr BAR-value -- prop-addr prop-len 4 ) dup pci-bar-size-io \ calc BAR-size ( not changing the BAR ) dup IF \ IF BAR-size > 0 ( paddr plen baddr bsize ) >r 01000000 or encode-int+ \ | save size and encode BAR addr 0 encode-64+ \ | make mid and lo zero r> encode-64+ \ | encode size ELSE \ ELSE 2drop \ | don't do anything THEN \ FI 4 \ BAR-Len = 4 (32Bit) ; \ write the representation of this BAR into the reg property : encode-bar ( prop-addr prop-len bar-addr -- prop-addr prop-len bar-len ) dup pci-bar-code@ \ calc BAR type CASE \ CASE for the BAR types ( paddr plen baddr val ) 0 OF drop 4 ENDOF \ - not a valid type so do nothing 1 OF encode-io-bar ENDOF \ - IO-BAR 2 OF encode-mem32-bar ENDOF \ - MEM32 3 OF encode-pmem32-bar ENDOF \ - MEM32 prefetchable 4 OF encode-mem64-bar ENDOF \ - MEM64 5 OF encode-pmem64-bar ENDOF \ - MEM64 prefetchable ENDCASE \ ESAC ( paddr plen blen ) ; \ Setup reg property \ first encode the configuration space address : pci-reg-props ( configaddr -- ) dup encode-int \ configuration space ( caddr paddr plen ) 0 encode-64+ \ make the rest 0 0 encode-64+ \ encode the size as 0 2 pick pci-htype@ \ fetch Header Type ( caddr paddr plen type ) 1 and IF \ IF Bridge ( caddr paddr plen ) 18 10 DO \ | loop over all BARs 2 pick i + \ | calc bar-addr ( caddr paddr plen baddr ) encode-bar \ | encode this BAR ( caddr paddr plen blen ) +LOOP \ | increase LoopIndex by the BARlen 2 pick 38 + \ | calc ROM-BAR for a bridge ( caddr paddr plen baddr ) encode-rom-bar \ | encode the ROM-BAR ( caddr paddr plen ) ELSE \ ELSE ordinary device ( caddr paddr plen ) 28 10 DO \ | loop over all BARs 2 pick i + \ | calc bar-addr ( caddr paddr plen baddr ) encode-bar \ | encode this BAR ( caddr paddr plen blen ) +LOOP \ | increase LoopIndex by the BARlen 2 pick 30 + \ | calc ROM-BAR for a device ( caddr paddr plen baddr ) encode-rom-bar \ | encode the ROM-BAR ( caddr paddr plen ) THEN \ FI ( caddr paddr plen ) s" reg" property \ and store it into the property drop ; \ *************************************************************************************** \ Generating common properties \ *************************************************************************************** \ set up common properties for devices and bridges : pci-common-props ( addr -- ) dup pci-class-name 2dup device-name device-type dup pci-vendor@ encode-int s" vendor-id" property dup pci-device@ encode-int s" device-id" property dup pci-revision@ encode-int s" revision-id" property dup pci-class@ encode-int s" class-code" property 3 encode-int s" #address-cells" property 2 encode-int s" #size-cells" property dup pci-config-ext? IF 1 encode-int s" ibm,pci-config-space-type" property THEN dup pci-status@ dup 9 rshift 3 and encode-int s" devsel-speed" property dup 7 rshift 1 and IF 0 0 s" fast-back-to-back" property THEN dup 6 rshift 1 and IF 0 0 s" 66mhz-capable" property THEN 5 rshift 1 and IF 0 0 s" udf-supported" property THEN dup pci-cache@ ?dup IF encode-int s" cache-line-size" property THEN pci-interrupt@ ?dup IF encode-int s" interrupts" property THEN ; \ set up device only properties : pci-device-props ( addr -- ) \ FIXME no s" compatible" prop \ FIXME no s" alternate-reg" prop \ FIXME no s" fcode-rom-offset" prop \ FIXME no s" power-consumption" prop dup pci-common-props dup pci-min-grant@ encode-int s" min-grant" property dup pci-max-lat@ encode-int s" max-latency" property dup pci-sub-device@ ?dup IF encode-int s" subsystem-id" property THEN dup pci-sub-vendor@ ?dup IF encode-int s" subsystem-vendor-id" property THEN dup pci-device-assigned-addresses-prop pci-reg-props pci-hotplug-enabled IF \ QEMU uses static assignments for my-drc-index: \ 40000000h + $bus << 8 + $slot << 3 dup dup pci-addr2bus 8 lshift swap pci-addr2dev 3 lshift or 40000000 + encode-int s" ibm,my-drc-index" property \ QEMU uses "Slot $bus*32$slotno" for loc-code dup dup pci-addr2bus 20 * swap pci-addr2dev + a base ! s" Slot " rot $cathex hex encode-string s" ibm,loc-code" property THEN ; \ set up bridge only properties : pci-bridge-props ( addr -- ) \ FIXME no s" slot-names" prop \ FIXME no s" bus-master-capable" prop \ FIXME no s" clock-frequency" prop dup pci-bus@ encode-int s" primary-bus" property encode-int s" secondary-bus" property encode-int s" subordinate-bus" property dup pci-bus@ drop encode-int rot encode-int+ s" bus-range" property pci-device-slots encode-int s" slot-names" property dup pci-bridge-range-props dup pci-bridge-assigned-addresses-prop \ Only create interrupt-map when it doesn't already exist \ (it can be provided by qemu) s" interrupt-map" get-node get-property IF pci-bridge-interrupt-map ELSE 2drop THEN pci-reg-props ; \ used to set up all unknown Bridges. \ If a Bridge has no special handling for setup \ the device file (pci-bridge_VENDOR_DEVICE.fs) can call \ this word to setup busses and scan beyond. : pci-bridge-generic-setup ( addr -- ) pci-device-slots >r \ save the slot array on return stack dup pci-common-props \ set the common properties before scanning the bus s" pci" device-type \ the type is allways "pci" dup pci-bridge-probe \ find all device connected to it dup assign-all-bridge-bars \ set up all memory access BARs dup pci-set-irq-line \ set the interrupt pin dup pci-set-capabilities \ set up the capabilities pci-bridge-props \ and generate all properties r> TO pci-device-slots \ and reset the slot array ; \ used for an gerneric device set up \ if a device has no special handling for setup \ the device file (pci-device_VENDOR_DEVICE.fs) can call \ this word to setup the device : pci-device-generic-setup ( config-addr -- ) dup assign-all-device-bars \ calc all BARs dup pci-set-irq-line \ set the interrupt pin dup pci-set-capabilities \ set up the capabilities dup pci-device-props \ and generate all properties drop \ forget the config-addr ;