\ ***************************************************************************** \ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation \ * All rights reserved. \ * This program and the accompanying materials \ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License \ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at \ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php \ * \ * Contributors: \ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation \ ****************************************************************************/ s" fat-files" device-name INSTANCE VARIABLE bytes/sector INSTANCE VARIABLE sectors/cluster INSTANCE VARIABLE #reserved-sectors INSTANCE VARIABLE #fats INSTANCE VARIABLE #root-entries INSTANCE VARIABLE total-#sectors INSTANCE VARIABLE media-descriptor INSTANCE VARIABLE sectors/fat INSTANCE VARIABLE sectors/track INSTANCE VARIABLE #heads INSTANCE VARIABLE #hidden-sectors INSTANCE VARIABLE fat-type INSTANCE VARIABLE bytes/cluster INSTANCE VARIABLE fat-offset INSTANCE VARIABLE root-offset INSTANCE VARIABLE cluster-offset INSTANCE VARIABLE #clusters : seek s" seek" $call-parent ; : read s" read" $call-parent ; INSTANCE VARIABLE data INSTANCE VARIABLE #data : free-data data @ ?dup IF #data @ free-mem 0 data ! THEN ; : read-data ( offset size -- ) free-data dup #data ! alloc-mem data ! xlsplit seek -2 and ABORT" fat-files read-data: seek failed" data @ #data @ read #data @ <> ABORT" fat-files read-data: read failed" ; CREATE fat-buf 8 allot : read-fat ( cluster# -- data ) fat-buf 8 erase 1 #split fat-type @ * 2/ 2/ fat-offset @ + xlsplit seek -2 and ABORT" fat-files read-fat: seek failed" fat-buf 8 read 8 <> ABORT" fat-files read-fat: read failed" fat-buf 8c@ bxjoin fat-type @ dup >r 2* #split drop r> #split rot IF swap THEN drop ; INSTANCE VARIABLE next-cluster : read-cluster ( cluster# -- ) dup bytes/cluster @ * cluster-offset @ + bytes/cluster @ read-data read-fat dup #clusters @ >= IF drop 0 THEN next-cluster ! ; : read-dir ( cluster# -- ) ?dup 0= IF root-offset @ #root-entries @ 20 * read-data 0 next-cluster ! ELSE read-cluster THEN ; : .time ( x -- ) base @ >r decimal b #split 2 0.r [char] : emit 5 #split 2 0.r [char] : emit 2* 2 0.r r> base ! ; : .date ( x -- ) base @ >r decimal 9 #split 7bc + 4 0.r [char] - emit 5 #split 2 0.r [char] - emit 2 0.r r> base ! ; : .attr ( attr -- ) 6 0 DO dup 1 and IF s" RHSLDA" drop i + c@ ELSE bl THEN emit u2/ LOOP drop ; : .dir-entry ( adr -- ) dup 0b + c@ 8 and IF drop EXIT THEN \ volume label, not a file dup c@ e5 = IF drop EXIT THEN \ deleted file cr dup 1a + 2c@ bwjoin [char] # emit 4 0.r space \ starting cluster dup 18 + 2c@ bwjoin .date space dup 16 + 2c@ bwjoin .time space dup 1c + 4c@ bljoin base @ decimal swap a .r base ! space \ size in bytes dup 0b + c@ .attr space dup 8 BEGIN 2dup 1- + c@ 20 = over and WHILE 1- REPEAT type dup 8 + 3 BEGIN 2dup 1- + c@ 20 = over and WHILE 1- REPEAT dup IF [char] . emit type ELSE 2drop THEN drop ; : .dir-entries ( adr n -- ) 0 ?DO dup i 20 * + dup c@ 0= IF drop LEAVE THEN .dir-entry LOOP drop ; : .dir ( cluster# -- ) read-dir BEGIN data @ #data @ 20 / .dir-entries next-cluster @ WHILE next-cluster @ read-cluster REPEAT ; : str-upper ( str len adr -- ) \ Copy string to adr, uppercase -rot bounds ?DO i c@ upc over c! char+ LOOP drop ; CREATE dos-name b allot : make-dos-name ( str len -- ) dos-name b bl fill 2dup [char] . findchar IF 3dup 1+ /string 3 min dos-name 8 + str-upper nip THEN 8 min dos-name str-upper ; : (find-file) ( -- cluster file-len is-dir? true | false ) data @ BEGIN dup data @ #data @ + < WHILE dup dos-name b comp WHILE 20 + REPEAT dup 1a + 2c@ bwjoin swap dup 1c + 4c@ bljoin swap 0b + c@ 10 and 0<> true ELSE drop false THEN ; : find-file ( dir-cluster name len -- cluster file-len is-dir? true | false ) make-dos-name read-dir BEGIN (find-file) 0= WHILE next-cluster @ WHILE next-cluster @ read-cluster REPEAT false ELSE true THEN ; : find-path ( dir-cluster name len -- cluster file-len true | false ) dup 0= IF 3drop false ." empty name " EXIT THEN over c@ [char] \ = IF 1 /string ." slash " RECURSE EXIT THEN [char] \ split 2>r find-file 0= IF 2r> 2drop false ." not found " EXIT THEN r@ 0<> <> IF 2drop 2r> 2drop false ." no dir<->file match " EXIT THEN r@ 0<> IF drop 2r> ." more... " RECURSE EXIT THEN 2r> 2drop true ." got it " ; : do-super ( -- ) 0 200 read-data data @ 0b + 2c@ bwjoin bytes/sector ! data @ 0d + c@ sectors/cluster ! bytes/sector @ sectors/cluster @ * bytes/cluster ! data @ 0e + 2c@ bwjoin #reserved-sectors ! data @ 10 + c@ #fats ! data @ 11 + 2c@ bwjoin #root-entries ! data @ 13 + 2c@ bwjoin total-#sectors ! data @ 15 + c@ media-descriptor ! data @ 16 + 2c@ bwjoin sectors/fat ! data @ 18 + 2c@ bwjoin sectors/track ! data @ 1a + 2c@ bwjoin #heads ! data @ 1c + 2c@ bwjoin #hidden-sectors ! \ For FAT16 and FAT32: total-#sectors @ 0= IF data @ 20 + 4c@ bljoin total-#sectors ! THEN \ For FAT32: sectors/fat @ 0= IF data @ 24 + 4c@ bljoin sectors/fat ! THEN \ XXX add other FAT32 stuff (offsets 28, 2c, 30) \ Compute the number of data clusters, decide what FAT type we are. total-#sectors @ #reserved-sectors @ - sectors/fat @ #fats @ * - #root-entries @ 20 * bytes/sector @ // - sectors/cluster @ / dup #clusters ! dup ff5 < IF drop c ELSE fff5 < IF 10 ELSE 20 THEN THEN fat-type ! cr ." FAT" base @ decimal fat-type @ . base ! \ Starting offset of first fat. #reserved-sectors @ bytes/sector @ * fat-offset ! \ Starting offset of root dir. #fats @ sectors/fat @ * bytes/sector @ * fat-offset @ + root-offset ! \ Starting offset of "cluster 0". #root-entries @ 20 * bytes/sector @ tuck // * root-offset @ + bytes/cluster @ 2* - cluster-offset ! ; INSTANCE VARIABLE file-cluster INSTANCE VARIABLE file-len INSTANCE VARIABLE current-pos INSTANCE VARIABLE pos-in-data : seek ( lo hi -- status ) lxjoin dup current-pos ! file-cluster @ read-cluster \ Read and skip blocks until we are where we want to be. BEGIN dup #data @ >= WHILE #data @ - next-cluster @ dup 0= IF 2drop true EXIT THEN read-cluster REPEAT pos-in-data ! false ; : read ( adr len -- actual ) file-len @ current-pos @ - min \ can't go past end of file #data @ pos-in-data @ - min >r \ length for this transfer data @ pos-in-data @ + swap r@ move \ move the data r@ pos-in-data +! r@ current-pos +! pos-in-data @ #data @ = IF next-cluster @ ?dup IF read-cluster 0 pos-in-data ! THEN THEN r> ; : read ( adr len -- actual ) dup >r BEGIN dup WHILE 2dup read dup 0= ABORT" fat-files: read failed" /string ( tuck - >r + r> ) REPEAT 2drop r> ; : load ( adr -- len ) file-len @ read dup file-len @ <> ABORT" fat-files: failed loading file" ; : close free-data ; : open do-super 0 my-args find-path 0= IF close false EXIT THEN file-len ! file-cluster ! 0 0 seek 0= ;