\ ***************************************************************************** \ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation \ * All rights reserved. \ * This program and the accompanying materials \ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License \ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at \ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php \ * \ * Contributors: \ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation \ ****************************************************************************/ #include "terminal.fs" #include "display.fs" \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Global Data 0 VALUE frame-buffer-adr 0 VALUE screen-height 0 VALUE screen-width 0 VALUE screen-depth 0 VALUE screen-line-bytes 0 VALUE window-top 0 VALUE window-left 0 VALUE .sc : screen-#rows ( -- rows ) .sc IF screen-height char-height / ELSE true to .sc s" screen-#rows" eval false to .sc THEN ; : screen-#columns ( -- columns ) .sc IF screen-width char-width / ELSE true to .sc s" screen-#columns" eval false to .sc THEN ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Structure/Implementation Dependent Methods \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Implementation Independent Methods (Depend on Previous) \ * \ * : fb8-background inverse? ; : fb8-foreground inverse? invert ; : fb8-lines2bytes ( #lines -- #bytes ) char-height * screen-line-bytes * ; : fb8-columns2bytes ( #columns -- #bytes ) char-width * screen-depth * ; : fb8-line2addr ( line# -- addr ) char-height * window-top + screen-line-bytes * frame-buffer-adr + window-left screen-depth * + ; : fb8-erase-block ( addr len ) fb8-background rfill ; 0 VALUE .ab CREATE bitmap-buffer 400 4 * allot : active-bits ( -- new ) .ab dup 8 > IF 8 - to .ab 8 ELSE char-width to .ab ?dup 0= IF recurse THEN THEN ; : fb8-char2bitmap ( font-height font-addr -- bitmap-buffer ) bitmap-buffer >r char-height rot 0> IF r> char-width 2dup fb8-erase-block + >r 1- THEN r> -rot char-width to .ab ( fb-addr font-addr font-height ) fontbytes * bounds ?DO i c@ active-bits 0 ?DO dup 80 and IF fb8-foreground ELSE fb8-background THEN ( fb-addr fbyte colr ) 2 pick ! 1 lshift swap screen-depth + swap LOOP drop LOOP drop bitmap-buffer ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Exported Interface: \ * \ * IEEE 1275: Frame buffer support routines \ * : fb8-draw-logo ( line# addr width height -- ) ." fb8-draw-logo ( " .s ." )" cr 2drop 2drop ; : fb8-toggle-cursor ( -- ) line# fb8-line2addr column# fb8-columns2bytes + char-height 2 - screen-line-bytes * + 2 0 ?DO dup char-width screen-depth * invert-region screen-line-bytes + LOOP drop ; : fb8-draw-character ( char -- ) >r default-font over + r@ -rot between IF 2swap 3drop r> >font fb8-char2bitmap ( bitmap-buf ) line# fb8-line2addr column# fb8-columns2bytes + ( bitmap-buf fb-addr ) char-height 0 ?DO 2dup char-width screen-depth * mrmove screen-line-bytes + >r char-width screen-depth * + r> LOOP 2drop ELSE 2drop r> 3drop THEN ; : fb8-insert-lines ( n -- ) fb8-lines2bytes >r line# fb8-line2addr dup dup r@ + #lines line# - fb8-lines2bytes r@ - rmove r> fb8-erase-block ; : fb8-delete-lines ( n -- ) fb8-lines2bytes >r line# fb8-line2addr dup dup r@ + swap #lines fb8-lines2bytes r@ - dup >r rmove r> + r> fb8-erase-block ; : fb8-insert-characters ( n -- ) line# fb8-line2addr column# fb8-columns2bytes + >r #columns column# - 2dup >= IF nip dup 0> IF fb8-columns2bytes r> ELSE r> 2drop EXIT THEN ELSE fb8-columns2bytes swap fb8-columns2bytes tuck - over r@ tuck + rot char-height 0 ?DO 3dup rmove -rot screen-line-bytes tuck + -rot + swap rot LOOP 3drop r> THEN char-height 0 ?DO dup 2 pick fb8-erase-block screen-line-bytes + LOOP 2drop ; : fb8-delete-characters ( n -- ) line# fb8-line2addr column# fb8-columns2bytes + >r #columns column# - 2dup >= IF nip dup 0> IF fb8-columns2bytes r> ELSE r> 2drop EXIT THEN ELSE fb8-columns2bytes swap fb8-columns2bytes tuck - over r@ + 2dup + r> swap >r rot char-height 0 ?DO 3dup rmove -rot screen-line-bytes tuck + -rot + swap rot LOOP 3drop r> over - THEN char-height 0 ?DO dup 2 pick fb8-erase-block screen-line-bytes + LOOP 2drop ; : fb8-reset-screen ( -- ) ( Left as no-op by design ) ; : fb8-erase-screen ( -- ) frame-buffer-adr screen-height screen-line-bytes * fb8-erase-block ; : fb8-invert-screen ( -- ) frame-buffer-adr screen-height screen-line-bytes * invert-region ; : fb8-blink-screen ( -- ) fb8-invert-screen fb8-invert-screen ; : fb8-install ( width height #columns #lines -- ) 1 to screen-depth 2swap to screen-height to screen-width screen-width to screen-line-bytes screen-#rows min to #lines screen-#columns min to #columns screen-height char-height #lines * - 2/ to window-top screen-width char-width #columns * - 2/ to window-left ['] fb8-toggle-cursor to toggle-cursor ['] fb8-draw-character to draw-character ['] fb8-insert-lines to insert-lines ['] fb8-delete-lines to delete-lines ['] fb8-insert-characters to insert-characters ['] fb8-delete-characters to delete-characters ['] fb8-erase-screen to erase-screen ['] fb8-blink-screen to blink-screen ['] fb8-invert-screen to invert-screen ['] fb8-reset-screen to reset-screen ['] fb8-draw-logo to draw-logo ; : fb-install ( width height #columns #lines depth -- ) >r fb8-install r> to screen-depth screen-width screen-depth * to screen-line-bytes ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\ Debug Stuff \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ : fb8-dump-bitmap cr char-height 0 ?do char-width 0 ?do dup c@ if ." @" else ." ." then 1+ loop cr loop drop ; : fb8-dump-char >font -b swap fb8-char2bitmap fb8-dump-bitmap ;