\ ***************************************************************************** \ * Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation \ * All rights reserved. \ * This program and the accompanying materials \ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License \ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at \ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php \ * \ * Contributors: \ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation \ ****************************************************************************/ 0 VALUE fdt-debug \ Bail out if no fdt fdt-start 0 = IF -1 throw THEN struct 4 field >fdth_magic 4 field >fdth_tsize 4 field >fdth_struct_off 4 field >fdth_string_off 4 field >fdth_rsvmap_off 4 field >fdth_version 4 field >fdth_compat_vers 4 field >fdth_boot_cpu 4 field >fdth_string_size 4 field >fdth_struct_size drop h# d00dfeed constant OF_DT_HEADER h# 1 constant OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE h# 2 constant OF_DT_END_NODE h# 3 constant OF_DT_PROP h# 4 constant OF_DT_NOP h# 9 constant OF_DT_END \ Create some variables early 0 value fdt-start-addr 0 value fdt-struct 0 value fdt-strings : fdt-init ( fdt-start -- ) dup to fdt-start-addr dup dup >fdth_struct_off l@ + to fdt-struct dup dup >fdth_string_off l@ + to fdt-strings drop ; fdt-start fdt-init \ Dump fdt header for all to see and check FDT validity : fdt-check-header ( -- ) fdt-start-addr dup 0 = IF ." No flat device tree !" cr drop -1 throw EXIT THEN hex fdt-debug IF ." Flat device tree header at 0x" dup . s" :" type cr ." magic : 0x" dup >fdth_magic l@ . cr ." total size : 0x" dup >fdth_tsize l@ . cr ." offset to struct : 0x" dup >fdth_struct_off l@ . cr ." offset to strings: 0x" dup >fdth_string_off l@ . cr ." offset to rsvmap : 0x" dup >fdth_rsvmap_off l@ . cr ." version : " dup >fdth_version l@ decimal . hex cr ." last compat vers : " dup >fdth_compat_vers l@ decimal . hex cr dup >fdth_version l@ 2 >= IF ." boot CPU : 0x" dup >fdth_boot_cpu l@ . cr THEN dup >fdth_version l@ 3 >= IF ." strings size : 0x" dup >fdth_string_size l@ . cr THEN dup >fdth_version l@ 17 >= IF ." struct size : 0x" dup >fdth_struct_size l@ . cr THEN THEN dup >fdth_magic l@ OF_DT_HEADER <> IF ." Flat device tree has incorrect magic value !" cr drop -1 throw EXIT THEN dup >fdth_version l@ 10 < IF ." Flat device tree has usupported version !" cr drop -1 throw EXIT THEN drop ; fdt-check-header \ Fetch next tag, skip nops and increment address : fdt-next-tag ( addr -- nextaddr tag ) 0 ( dummy tag on stack for loop ) BEGIN drop ( drop previous tag ) dup l@ ( read new tag ) swap 4 + swap ( increment addr ) dup OF_DT_NOP <> UNTIL ( loop until not nop ) ; \ Parse unit name and advance addr : fdt-fetch-unit ( addr -- addr $name ) dup from-cstring \ get string size 2dup + 1 + 3 + fffffffc and -rot ; \ Update unit with information from the reg property... \ ... this is required for the PCI nodes for example. : fdt-reg-unit ( prop-addr prop-len -- ) decode-phys ( prop-addr' prop-len' phys.lo ... phys.hi ) set-unit ( prop-addr' prop-len' ) 2drop ; \ Lookup a string by index : fdt-fetch-string ( index -- str-addr str-len ) fdt-strings + dup from-cstring ; : fdt-create-dec s" decode-unit" $CREATE , DOES> @ hex64-decode-unit ; : fdt-create-enc s" encode-unit" $CREATE , DOES> @ hex64-encode-unit ; \ Check whether array contains an zero-terminated ASCII string: : fdt-prop-is-string? ( addr len -- string? ) dup 1 < IF 2drop FALSE EXIT THEN \ Check for valid length 1- 2dup + c@ 0<> IF 2drop FALSE EXIT THEN \ Check zero-termination test-string ; \ Encode fdt property to OF property : fdt-encode-prop ( addr len -- ) 2dup fdt-prop-is-string? IF 1- encode-string ELSE encode-bytes THEN ; \ Method to unflatten a node : fdt-unflatten-node ( start -- end ) \ this can and will recurse recursive \ Get & check first tag of node ( addr -- addr) fdt-next-tag dup OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE <> IF s" Weird tag 0x" type . " at start of node" type cr -1 throw THEN drop new-device \ Parse name, split unit address fdt-fetch-unit dup 0 = IF drop drop " /" THEN 40 left-parse-string \ Set name device-name \ Set preliminary unit address - might get overwritten by reg property dup IF " #address-cells" get-parent get-package-property IF 2drop ELSE decode-int nip nip hex-decode-unit set-unit THEN ELSE 2drop THEN \ Iterate sub tags BEGIN fdt-next-tag dup OF_DT_END_NODE <> WHILE dup OF_DT_PROP = IF \ Found property drop dup ( drop tag, dup addr : a1 a1 ) dup l@ dup rot 4 + ( fetch size, stack is : a1 s s a2) dup l@ swap 4 + ( fetch nameid, stack is : a1 s s i a3 ) rot ( we now have: a1 s i a3 s ) fdt-encode-prop rot ( a1 s pa ps i) fdt-fetch-string ( a1 s pa ps na ns ) 2dup s" reg" str= IF 2swap 2dup fdt-reg-unit 2swap THEN property + 8 + 3 + fffffffc and ELSE dup OF_DT_BEGIN_NODE = IF drop ( drop tag ) 4 - fdt-unflatten-node ELSE drop -1 throw THEN THEN REPEAT drop \ drop tag \ Create encode/decode unit " #address-cells" get-node get-package-property IF ELSE decode-int dup fdt-create-dec fdt-create-enc 2drop THEN finish-device ; \ Start unflattening : fdt-unflatten-tree fdt-debug IF ." Unflattening device tree..." cr THEN fdt-struct fdt-unflatten-node drop fdt-debug IF ." Done !" cr THEN ; fdt-unflatten-tree \ Find memory size : fdt-parse-memory \ XXX FIXME Handle more than one memory node, and deal \ with RMA vs. full access " /memory@0" find-device " reg" get-node get-package-property IF throw -1 THEN \ XXX FIXME Assume one entry only in "reg" property for now decode-phys 2drop decode-phys my-#address-cells 1 > IF 20 << or THEN fdt-debug IF dup ." Memory size: " . cr THEN \ claim.fs already released the memory between 0 and MIN-RAM-SIZE, \ so we've got only to release the remaining memory now: MIN-RAM-SIZE swap MIN-RAM-SIZE - release 2drop device-end ; fdt-parse-memory \ Claim fdt memory and reserve map : fdt-claim-reserve fdt-start-addr dup dup >fdth_tsize l@ 0 claim drop dup >fdth_rsvmap_off l@ + BEGIN dup dup x@ swap 8 + x@ dup 0 <> WHILE fdt-debug IF 2dup swap ." Reserve map entry: " . ." : " . cr THEN 0 claim drop 10 + REPEAT drop drop drop ; fdt-claim-reserve \ The following functions are use to replace the FDT phandle and \ linux,phandle properties with our own OF1275 phandles... \ This is used to check whether we successfully replaced a phandle value 0 VALUE (fdt-phandle-replaced) \ Replace phandle value in "interrupt-map" property : fdt-replace-interrupt-map ( old new prop-addr prop-len -- old new ) BEGIN dup ( old new prop-addr prop-len prop-len ) WHILE \ This is a little bit ugly ... we're accessing the property at \ hard-coded offsets instead of analyzing it completely... swap dup 10 + ( old new prop-len prop-addr prop-addr+10 ) dup l@ 5 pick = IF \ it matches the old phandle value! 3 pick swap l! TRUE TO (fdt-phandle-replaced) ELSE drop THEN ( old new prop-len prop-addr ) 1c + swap 1c - ( old new new-prop-addr new-prop-len ) REPEAT 2drop ; \ Replace one FDT phandle "old" with a OF1275 phandle "new" in the \ whole tree: : fdt-replace-all-phandles ( old new node -- ) \ ." Replacing in " dup node>path type cr >r s" interrupt-map" r@ get-property 0= IF ( old new prop-addr prop-len R: node ) fdt-replace-interrupt-map THEN s" interrupt-parent" r@ get-property 0= IF ( old new prop-addr prop-len R: node ) decode-int -rot 2drop ( old new val R: node ) 2 pick = IF ( old new R: node ) dup encode-int s" interrupt-parent" r@ set-property TRUE TO (fdt-phandle-replaced) THEN THEN \ ... add more properties that have to be fixed here ... r> \ Now recurse over all child nodes: ( old new node ) child BEGIN dup WHILE 3dup RECURSE PEER REPEAT 3drop ; \ Check whether a node has "phandle" or "linux,phandle" properties \ and replace them: : fdt-fix-node-phandle ( node -- ) >r FALSE TO (fdt-phandle-replaced) s" phandle" r@ get-property 0= IF decode-int ( p-addr2 p-len2 val ) \ ." found phandle: " dup . cr r@ s" /" find-node ( p-addr2 p-len2 val node root ) fdt-replace-all-phandles ( p-addr2 p-len2 ) 2drop (fdt-phandle-replaced) IF r@ set-node s" phandle" delete-property s" linux,phandle" delete-property ELSE diagnostic-mode? IF cr ." Warning: Did not replace phandle in " r@ node>path type cr THEN THEN THEN r> drop ; \ Recursively walk through all nodes to fix their phandles: : fdt-fix-phandles ( node -- ) \ ." fixing phandles of " dup node>path type cr dup fdt-fix-node-phandle child BEGIN dup WHILE dup RECURSE PEER REPEAT drop device-end ; s" /" find-node fdt-fix-phandles