\ ***************************************************************************** \ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation \ * All rights reserved. \ * This program and the accompanying materials \ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License \ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at \ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php \ * \ * Contributors: \ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation \ ****************************************************************************/ \ The master file. Everything else is included into here. hex ' ll-cr to cr \ as early as possible we want to know if it is js20, js21 or bimini \ u3 = js20; u4 = js21/bimini \ the difference if bimini or js21 will be done later depending if \ obsidian or citrine is found \ f8000000 is probably the place of the u3/u4 version f8000000 rl@ CONSTANT uni-n-version uni-n-version 4 rshift dup 3 = CONSTANT u3? 4 = CONSTANT u4? \ if (f4000682 >> 4) == 1... it is a bimini... f4000682 rb@ 4 rshift 1 = CONSTANT bimini? \ to decide whether vga initialisation using bios emulation should be attempted, \ we need to know whether a vga-device was found during pci-scan. \ If it is found, this value will be set to the device's phandle 0 value vga-device-node? \ planar-id reads back GPIO 29 30 31 and returns it as one value \ if planar-id >= 5 it should be GA2 else it is GA1 (JS20 only) defer planar-id ( -- planar-id ) : (planar-id) ( -- planar-id) \ default implementation of planar-id just returns 8 \ the highest possible planar id for JS20 is 7 8 ; ' (planar-id) to planar-id #include "header.fs" \ I/O accesses. #include "io.fs" \ XXX: Enable first UART on JS20, scripts forget to do this. Sigh. 3 7 siocfg! 1 30 siocfg! #include "serial.fs" cr #include "base.fs" \ Little-endian accesses. Also known as `wrong-endian'. #include \ do not free-mem if address is not within the heap \ workaround for NVIDIA card : free-mem ( addr len -- ) over heap-start heap-end within IF free-mem ELSE 2drop THEN ; : #join ( lo hi #bits -- x ) lshift or ; : #split ( x #bits -- lo hi ) 2dup rshift dup >r swap lshift xor r> ; : blink ; : reset-dual-emit ; : console-clean-fifo ; : bootmsg-nvupdate ; : asm-cout 2drop drop ; #include "logging.fs" : log-string 2drop ; #include "bootmsg.fs" 000 cp \ disable the nvram logging until we know if we are \ running from ram/takeover/js20 or in normal mode on js21 : (nvramlog-write-byte) drop ; ' (nvramlog-write-byte) to nvramlog-write-byte #include "exception.fs" : mm-log-warning 2drop ; : write-mm-log ( data length type -- status ) 3drop 0 ; 080 cp #include "rtc.fs" 100 cp \ Input line editing. #include "accept.fs" 120 cp #include "dump.fs" cistack ciregs >r1 ! \ kernel wants a stack :-) #include "romfs.fs" 140 cp #include "flash.fs" \ 1 temp; 0 perm; let's default to temp 1 VALUE flashside? \ claim the memory used by copy of the flash flash-header IF romfs-base dup flash-image-size 0 claim drop THEN s" bootinfo" romfs-lookup drop c + l@ CONSTANT start-addr start-addr flash-addr <> CONSTANT takeover? takeover? u3? or 0= IF \ we want nvram logging to work ['] .nvramlog-write-byte to nvramlog-write-byte THEN 160 cp u4? IF f8002100 rl@ 0= ELSE false THEN ?INCLUDE u4-mem.fs u3? IF planar-id 5 >= IF 40000 to nvram-size ELSE \ change nvram-size to 8000 for GA1 blades 8000 to nvram-size THEN THEN takeover? IF \ potentially coming from phype u4? IF \ takeover on JS21 is using some nvram area \ which might be available \ on JS20 the nvram is too small and \ we just overwrite the nvram sec-nvram-base to nvram-base THEN sec-nvram-size to nvram-size \ in takeover mode the nvram is probably not mapped \ to the exact location where the nvram starts \ doing a small check to see if we have a partition \ starting with 70; this test is far from perfect but \ takeover is not the most common mode of running slof nvram-base rb@ 70 <> IF 0 nvram-base rb! THEN THEN 200 cp #include \ Get the secondary CPUs into our own spinloop. f8000050 rl@ CONSTANT master-cpu \ cr .( The master cpu is #) master-cpu . VARIABLE cpu-mask : get-slave ( n -- online? ) 0 3ff8 ! 18 lshift 30000000 or 48003f02 over l! icbi 10000 0 DO LOOP 3ff8 @ ; : mark-online ( n -- ) 1 swap lshift cpu-mask @ or cpu-mask ! ; : get-slaves 40 0 DO i get-slave IF i mark-online THEN LOOP ; : cpu-report ( -- ) cpu-mask @ 40 0 DO dup 1 and IF ." #" i . THEN 1 rshift LOOP drop ; 220 cp master-cpu mark-online get-slaves DEFER disable-watchdog ( -- ) DEFER find-boot-sector ( -- ) 240 cp \ Timebase frequency, in Hz. \ -1 VALUE tb-frequency d# 14318378 VALUE tb-frequency \ default value - needed for "ms" to work -1 VALUE cpu-frequency #include "helper.fs" 260 cp #include 280 cp \ rtas-config is not used 0 CONSTANT rtas-config #include "rtas.fs" 290 cp s" update_flash.fs" included 2a0 cp cpu-mask @ rtas-fetch-cpus drop : of-start-cpu rtas-start-cpu ; ' power-off to halt ' rtas-system-reboot to reboot : other-firmware rtas-get-flashside 0= IF 1 ELSE 0 THEN rtas-set-flashside reboot ; : disable-boot-watchdog rtas-stop-bootwatchdog drop ; ' disable-boot-watchdog to disable-watchdog true value bmc? false value debug-boot? \ for JS21/Bimini try to detect BMC... if kcs (io @ca8) status is not ff... u4? IF ca8 4 + io-c@ ff = IF false to bmc? true to debug-boot? THEN THEN VARIABLE memnode \ Hook to help loading our secondary boot loader. DEFER disk-read ( lba cnt addr -- ) 0 VALUE disk-off create vpd-cb 24 allot create vpd-bootlist 4 allot 2c0 cp #include "ipmi-vpd.fs" 2e0 cp #include 300 cp #include 320 cp #include #include 360 cp #include "tree.fs" : .system-information ( -- ) s" " type cr s" SYSTEM INFORMATION" type cr s" Processor = " type s" cpu" get-chosen IF drop l@ >r pvr@ s" pvr>name" r> $call-method type s" @ " type cpu-frequency d# 1000000 / decimal . hex s" MHz" type THEN cr s" I/O Bridge = " type u3? IF s" U3" ELSE s" U4" THEN type f8000000 rl@ 4 rshift s" (" type 1 0.r s" ." type f8000000 rl@ f and 1 0.r s" )" type cr s" SMP Size = " type cpu-mask @ cnt-bits 1 0.r s" (" type cpu-report 8 emit s" )" type cr s" Boot-Date = " type .date cr s" Memory = " type s" memory" get-chosen IF drop l@ s" mem-report" rot $call-method THEN cr s" Board Type = " type u3? IF s" JS20(GA" type planar-id 5 >= IF s" 2)" ELSE s" 1)" THEN type ELSE bimini? IF s" Bimini" ELSE s" JS21" THEN type THEN s" (" type .vpd-machine-type [char] / emit .vpd-machine-serial [char] / emit .vpd-hw-revision 8 emit s" )" type cr s" MFG Date = " type .vpd-manufacturer-date cr s" Part No. = " type .vpd-part-number cr s" FRU No. = " type .vpd-fru-number cr s" FRU Serial = " type .vpd-cardprefix-serial .vpd-card-serial cr s" UUID = " type .vpd-uuid cr s" Flashside = " type rtas-get-flashside 0= IF ." 0 (permanent)" ELSE ." 1 (temporary)" THEN cr s" Version = " type takeover? IF romfs-base 38 + a type ELSE slof-build-id here swap rmove here slof-build-id nip type cr s" Build Date = " type bdate2human type THEN cr cr ; 800 cp #include "nvram.fs" takeover? not u4? and IF \ if were are not in takeover mode the nvram should look \ something like this: \ type size name \ ======================== \ 51 20000 ibm,CPU0log \ 51 5000 ibm,CPU1log \ 70 1000 common \ 7f da000 \ the partition with the type 51 should have been added \ by LLFW... if it does not exist then something went \ wrong and we just destroy the whole thing 51 get-nvram-partition IF 0 0 nvram-c! ELSE 2drop THEN THEN 880 cp \ dmesg/dmesg2 not available if running in takeover/ram mode or on js20 : dmesg ( -- ) u3? takeover? or 0= IF dmesg THEN ; : dmesg2 ( -- ) u3? takeover? or 0= IF dmesg2 THEN ; #include "envvar.fs" check-for-nvramrc 8a0 cp \ The client interface. #include "client.fs" \ ELF binary file format. #include "elf.fs" #include 8a8 cp \ check whether a VGA device was found during pci scan, if it was \ try to initialize it and create the needed device-nodes 0 value biosemu-vmem 100000 value biosemu-vmem-size 0 value screen-info : init-vga-devices ( -- ) vga-device-node? 0= use-biosemu? 0= OR IF EXIT THEN s" VGA Device found: " type vga-device-node? node>path type s" initializing..." type cr \ claim virtual memory for biosemu of 1MB biosemu-vmem-size 4 claim to biosemu-vmem \ claim memory for screen-info struct (140 bytes) d# 140 4 claim to screen-info \ remember current-node (it might be node 0 so we cannot use get-node) current-node @ \ change into vga device node vga-device-node? set-node \ run biosemu to initialize the vga card \ s" Time before biosemu:" type .date cr vga-device-node? node>path ( pathstr len ) s" biosemu " biosemu-vmem $cathex ( pathstr len paramstr len ) 20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len ) biosemu-vmem-size $cathex \ add VMEM Size ( pathstr len paramstr len ) 20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len ) 2swap $cat ( paramstr+path len ) biosemu-debug 0<> IF 20 char-cat biosemu-debug $cathex \ add biosemu-debug as param ( paramstr+path+biosemu-debug len ) THEN .(client-exec) IF ." biosemu client exec failed!" cr set-node \ restore old current-node EXIT THEN \ s" Time after biosemu:" type .date cr s" VGA initialization: detecting displays..." type cr \ try to get info for two monitors 2 0 DO \ setup screen-info struct as input to get_vbe_info s" DDC" 0 char-cat screen-info swap move \ null-terminated "DDC" as signature d# 140 screen-info 4 + w! \ reserved size in bytes (see claim above) i screen-info 6 + c! \ monitor number \ 320 screen-info 7 + w! \ max. screen width (800) 500 screen-info 7 + w! \ max. screen width (1280) \ following line would be the right thing to do, however environment seems not setup yet... \ screen-#columns char-width * 500 min 280 max screen-info 7 + w! \ max. screen width, calculated from environment variable screen-#columns, but max. 1280, min. 640... 8 screen-info 9 + c! \ requested color depth (8bpp) \ d# 16 screen-info 9 + c! \ requested color depth (16bpp) \ execute get_vbe_info from load-base \ s" Time before client exec:" type .date cr \ since node>path overwrites strings created with s" \ we need to call it before assembling the parameter string vga-device-node? node>path ( pathstr len ) s" get_vbe_info " biosemu-vmem $cathex ( pathstr len paramstr len ) 20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len ) biosemu-vmem-size $cathex \ add VMEM Size ( pathstr len paramstr len ) 20 char-cat \ add a space ( pathstr len paramstr len ) 2swap $cat ( paramstr+path len ) 20 char-cat screen-info $cathex .(client-exec) 0= \ s" Time after client exec:" type .date cr screen-info c@ 0<> AND IF s" display " type i . s" found..." type \ screen found \ create device entry get-node node>name \ get current nodes name (e.g. "vga") ( str len ) i \ put display-num on the stack ( str len displaynum ) new-device \ create new device s" vga-display.fs" included finish-device s" created." type cr THEN LOOP \ return to where we were before changing to vga device node set-node \ release the claimed memory screen-info d# 140 release biosemu-vmem biosemu-vmem-size release s" VGA initialization done." type cr ; init-vga-devices : enable-framebuffer-output ( -- ) \ enable output on framebuffer s" screen" find-alias ?dup IF \ we need to open/close the screen device once \ before "ticking" display-emit to emit open-dev close-node s" display-emit" $find IF to emit ELSE 2drop THEN THEN ; enable-framebuffer-output 8b0 cp \ do not let the usb scan overwrite the atapi cdrom alias \ pci-cdrom-num TO cdrom-alias-num usb-scan : create-aliases ( -- ) s" net" s" net1" find-alias ?dup IF set-alias ELSE 2drop THEN s" disk" s" disk0" find-alias ?dup IF set-alias ELSE 2drop THEN s" cdrom" s" cdrom0" find-alias ?dup IF set-alias ELSE 2drop THEN ; create-aliases 8ff cp .system-information : directserial u3? IF s" /ht/isa/serial@3f8" io ELSE s" direct-serial?" evaluate IF s" /ht/isa/serial@2f8" io ELSE s" /ht/isa/serial@3f8" io THEN THEN ; directserial \ on bimini we want to automatically enable screen and keyboard, if they are detected... bimini? IF key? IF cr ." input available on current console input device, not switching input / output." cr ELSE \ this enables the framebuffer as primary output device s" screen" find-alias IF drop s" screen" output \ at this point serial output is theoretically disabled ." screen detected and set as default output device" cr THEN \ enable USB keyboard s" keyboard" find-alias IF drop s" keyboard" input \ at this point serial input is disabled ." keyboard detected and set as default input device" cr cr cr s" Press 's' to enter Open Firmware." type cr 500 ms THEN THEN THEN : .flashside cr ." The currently active flashside is: " rtas-get-flashside 0= IF ." 0 (permanent)" ELSE ." 1 (temporary)" THEN ; bmc? IF disable-watchdog THEN : flashsave ( "{filename}" -- rc ) (parse-line) dup 0> IF s" netsave " \ command get-flash-base $cathex \ Flash base addr s" 400000 " $cat \ Flash size (4MB) 2swap $cat \ add parameters from (parse-line) evaluate ELSE cr ." Usage: flashsave [bootp|dhcp,]filename[,siaddr][,ciaddr][,giaddr][,bootp-retries][,tftp-retries][,use_ci]" cr 2drop THEN ; #include \ for the blades we read the bootlist from the VPD bimini? takeover? or 0= IF ['] vpd-boot-import to read-bootlist THEN \ for the bimini, we try to boot from disk, if it exists, \ only if "boot-device" is not set in the nvram : bimini-bootlist \ check nvram s" boot-device" evaluate swap drop ( boot-device-strlen ) 0= IF \ no boot-device set in NVRAM, check if disk is available and set it... \ clear boot-device list 0 0 set-boot-device s" disk" find-alias ?dup IF \ alias found, use it as default add-boot-device THEN THEN ; bimini? IF ['] bimini-bootlist to read-bootlist THEN #include #include cr .( Welcome to Open Firmware) cr #include "copyright-oss.fs" cr \ this CATCH is to ensure the code below always executes: boot may ABORT! ' start-it CATCH drop : boot boot \ When we return from boot print the banner again. .banner ; #include nvram-history? [IF] ." loading shell history .. " history-load ." done" cr [THEN]